Exodus 29:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 vnleuended bred, & vnleuended cakes myxte wt oyle, and wafers of swete bred tempered wt oyle: Of wheate floure shalt thou make them all,

Exodus 12:8

8 And so shal they eate flesh ye same night, rosted at the fyre, & vnleuended bred, and shal eate it with sowre sawse.

Exodus 29:23

23 and a symnel of bred, and an oyled cake, and a wafer out of the maunde of the vnleuended bred that stondeth before ye LORDE,

Leviticus 2:4-5

4 But yf he wyll brynge a meatofferynge of that which is baken in the ouen, then let him take swete cakes of wheate, mixte with oyle, and vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle. 5 Neuertheles yf thy meatofferynge be enythinge of that which is fryed in the panne, then shal it be of fyne swete floure myxte with oyle:

Leviticus 2:15

15 And thou shalt put oyle vpon it, and laye frankecense theron, so is it a meatofferynge.

Leviticus 6:19-23

19 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 20 This shalbe the offerynge of Aaron and of his sonnes, which they shall offre vnto the LORDE in the daie of their anoyntinge. The tenth parte of an Epha of fyne floure for a meatofferynge daylie, the one half parte in the mornynge, the other half parte at euen. 21 In the panne with oyle shall thou make it, and brynge it fryed, and in peces shalt thou offer it for the swete sauoure of the LORDE. 22 And the prest which amonge his sonnes shalbe anoynted in his steade, shall do this. This is a perpetuall dewtye vnto the LORDE. It shal be burnt alltogether: 23 for all the meatofferynges of the prest shalbe consumed with the fyre, and not be eaten.

Leviticus 7:10

10 And euery meatofferynge yt is myngled with oyle, or drye, shal belonge vnto all Aaron sonnes, vnto one as well as another.

Leviticus 7:12

12 Yf they wyll offre a sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, then shal they offre vnleueded cakes megled with oyle, and swete wafers straked ouer with oyle, and fryed cakes of fyne floure mengled with oyle.

Leviticus 8:2

2 Take Aaron and his sonnes wt him, & their vestimentes, & the anoyntinge oyle, and a bullocke for a synofferynge, two rammes, and a maunde with vnleuended bred,

Leviticus 8:26

26 And out of the maunde of vnleuended bred before the LORDE, he toke an vnleueded cake, and a cake of oyled bred, and a wafer, and layed them vpo the fat, and vpon the right shulder,

Numbers 6:15

15 & a maude wt vnleuended cakes of fyne floure myngled with oyle, and swete wafers anoynted with oyle, & their meatofferinges & drynkofferynges.

Numbers 6:19

19 And the sodden shulder of the ramme shall he take, and an vnleuended cake out of the maunde, and a swete wafer, and laye them vpon the handes of the absteyner: (after that he hath shauen of his abstinence.)

1 Corinthians 5:7

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.