Exodus 25:31 Cross References - Coverdale

31 Morouer thou shalt make a candelsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon shall be the shaft with braunches, cuppes, knoppes, and floures.

Exodus 35:14

14 The cadilsticke of light and his apparell, and his lampes, & the oyle for the lightes:

Exodus 37:17-24

17 And he made the candilsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon was the shaft wt brauches, cuppes, knoppes, & floures: 18 Sixe braunches proceaded out of ye sydes therof, vpon either syde thre brauches: 19 vpo euery brauch were thre cuppes like allmodes, wt knoppes and floures. 20 Vpon the candilsticke self were foure cuppes with knoppes and floures, 21 vnder euery two brauches a knoppe. 22 The knoppes & braunches therof proceaded out of it, and were all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 23 And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde. 24 Of an hudreth weight of golde made he it, and all the apparell therof.

Exodus 40:24-25

24 And he set in the candilsticke also, euen ouer agaynst the table, in the corner of the Habitacion vpon the south syde, 25 and put the lampes theron before ye LORDE, as the LORDE commaunded him.

1 Kings 6:18

18 on the ynsyde was the whole house of Ceder with throwne knoppes and floures, so that there was no stone sene.

1 Kings 7:24

24 and aboute the same lauer that was then cubites wyde, there wente knoppes on the edge therof rounde aboute the lauer. Two rowes were there of the knoppes molten with the lauer.

1 Kings 7:49

49 fyue candelstickes on the righte hande, and fyue candelstickes on the lefte (before the quere) of pure golde, wt floures,

2 Chronicles 13:11

11 and euery mornynge and euery euenynge kyndle they the burntofferynges vnto the LORDE, and the swete incense, and prepare the shewbred vpo the pure table, and the golden candilsticke with his lampes, to be kyndled euery euenynge: for we wayte vpo the LORDE oure God. As for you, ye haue forsaken him.

Zechariah 4:2

2 & sayde vnto me: What seist thou? And I sayde: I haue loked, and beholde: a candelsticke all of golde, with a boll vpon it & his vij. lampes therin, & vpon euery lampe vij. stalkes:

Hebrews 9:2

2 For there was made a foretabernacle, wherin was ye candilsticke, and the table, and the shewe bred: and this is called ye Holy.

Revelation 1:12

12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And whe I was turned: I sawe seue golde candestyckes,

Revelation 1:20-2:1

20 & the mistery of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right honde, and the seuen golden candelstickes. The seuen starres are the angels of the seue congregacions: And the seuen candelstyckes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacions.

Revelation 2:5

5 Remember therfore fro whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the fyrst workes. Or elles I wyl come vnto the shortly, and wil remoue thy cadelstycke out of his place, excepte thou repent.

Revelation 4:5

5 And out of ye seate proceded lightnynges, and thundrynges, & voyces, and there wer seuen lapes of fyre, burninge before the seate, which are the seuen spretes of God.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.