Exodus 15:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Then sange Moses and the childre of Israel this songe vnto the LORDE, and sayde: I will synge vnto ye LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, horse & charet hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Exodus 14:17-18

17 Beholde, I wyll harden ye hert of the Egipcians, yt they shall folowe after you. Thus wyl I get me honoure vpon Pharao, & vpon all his power, vpo his charettes and horsmen: 18 and the Egipcians shal knowe, that I am ye LORDE, whan I haue gotten me honor vpon Pharao, vpon his charettes, and vpon his horsmen.

Exodus 14:27

27 Then Moses stretched out his hande ouer the see, and the see came agayne before daye in his course and strength, and the Egipcians fled agaynst it. Thus the LORDE ouerthrew them in the myddest of the see,

Exodus 15:21

21 And Miriam sange before the: O let vs synge vnto the LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, man and horse hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Exodus 18:11

11 Now I knowe, that the LORDE is greater the all goddes, because they dealt proudly wt them.

Judges 5:1-31

1 Then Debbora and Barac the sonne of Abi Noam, sange at the same tyme, and sayde: 2 Now that ye are come to rest, ye quyete men in Israel, prayse ye LORDE, amonge soch of the people as be fre wyllinge. 3 Heare ye kynges, & herken to ye prynces: I wyl, I wyl synge to the LORDE, euen vnto the LORDE ye God of Israel wil I playe. 4 LORDE, whan thou wentest out from Seir, & camest in from the felde of Edom, ye earth quaked, the heauen dropped, and the cloudes dropped with water. 5 The hilles melted before the LORDE, Sinai before the LORDE the God of Israel. 6 In the tyme of Sanger the sonne of Anath: In the tyme of Iael the wayes fayled: and they that shulde haue gone in pathes, walked thorow croked wayes. 7 There was scarcenesse, there was scarcenesse of housbande men in Israel, vntyll I Debbora came vp, vntyll I came vp a mother in Israel. 8 God hath chosen a new thinge. He hath ouercome ye portes in battayll: and yet was there sene nether shylde ner speare amonge fortye thousande in Israel. 9 My hert loueth ye teachers of Israel: ye yt are frewyllinge amonge the people, prayse the LORDE. 10 Ye that ryde vpo fayre Asses, ye that syt in iudgment and geue sentence, ye that go by the waye, prayse the LORDE. 11 Wha ye archers cried betwene ye drawers of water, then was it spoke of ye righteousnes of the LORDE, of the righteousnes of his husbande men in Israel: then ruled the people of the LORDE vnder the gates. 12 Vp Debbora vp, get the vp, get the vp, & rehearse a songe. Arise Barak, & catch him yt catched the, thou sonne of Abinoam. 13 Then had the desolate the rule with the mightie of the people. The LORDE had ye dominion thorow the giauntes. 14 Out of Ephraim was their rote against Amalek, and after him Ben Iamin in thy people. Out of Machir haue teachers ruled, and out of Zabulo are there become gouernours thorow the wrytinge penne. 15 And out of Isachar there were prynces with Debbora, and Isachar was as Barak in ye valley, sent with his people on fote: As for Ruben, he stode hye in his awne consayte, and separated him selfe from vs. 16 Why abodest thou betwixte the borders, whan thou herdest the noyse of the flockes? because Ruben stode hye in his awne cosayte, and separated him selfe from vs. 17 Gilead abode beyonde Iordane, and why dwelt Dan amonge the shippes? Asser sat in the hauen of the see, and taried in his porcions. 18 But Zabulons people ioperde their life vnto death: Nephtali also in the toppe of ye felde of Merom. 19 The kynges came & foughte, then foughte ye kynges of the Cananites at Thaanah by the water of Megiddo, but spoyle of money broughte they not there from. 20 From heaue were they foughte agaynst, the starres in their courses foughte with Sissera. 21 The broke Cyson ouerwhelmed them, the broke Kedumim, yee the broke Cyson. My soule treade thou vpon the mightie. 22 Then made the horse fete a russhinge together, for the greate violence of their mightie horse men. 23 Curse the cite of Meros (sayde ye angell of the LORDE) curse the citesyns therof, because they come not to helpe ye LORDE, to helpe the LORDE to the giauntes. 24 Blessynge amonge wemen haue Iael the wife of Heber the Kenite: blessinge haue she in the tente amonge the wemen. 25 Whan he axed water, she gaue him mylke, & broughte forth butter in a lordly disshe. 26 She toke holde of the nale wt hir hande, & the smyth hammer with hir righte hande, and smote Sissera, cut of his heade & pearsed and bored thorow his temples. 27 He bowed him selfe downe at hir fete, he fell downe, and laye there. He sanke downe, and fell at hir fete: whan he had soncke downe, he laye there destroyed. 28 His mother loked out at the wyndowe, & cried piteously thorow the trallace: Why tarieth his charet out so loge, that he cometh not? Wherfore do the wheles of his charet make so longe tarienge? 29 The wysest amoge his ladies answered, & sayde vnto her: 30 Shulde they not finde & deuide the spoyle, vnto euery man a fayre mayde or two for a pray, & partye coloured garmetes of nedle worke to Sissera for a spoyle, partye coloured garmentes of nedle worke aboute the necke for a pray? 31 Thus all thine enemies must perishe O LORDE: but they that loue the, shal be euen as the Sonne rysinge vp in his mighte. And the londe had peace fortye yeares.

2 Samuel 22:1-51

1 And Dauid spake the wordes of this songe before the LORDE, what tyme as the LORDE had delyuered him fro the hande of all his enemies, and from the hande of Saul, 2 and he sayde. The LORDE is my stony rock, & my castell, and my delyuerer. 3 God is my strength, in him wyl I put my trust: my shylde & the horne of my saluacion, my defence & my refuge, my Sauioure, thou shalt helpe me from violent wronge. 4 I wil call vpon the LORDE with prayse, so shal I be delyuered fro myne enemies. 5 For the sorowes of death copased me, and the brokes of Belial made me afrayed. 6 The paynes of hell came aboute me, and the snares of death had ouertaken me. 7 Wha I was in trouble, I called vpo the LORDE, yee euen my God called I vpon, & so he herde my voyce fro his holy temple, & my coplaynte (came) into his eares. 8 The earth trembled and quaked, the foundacions of the heauen shoke and moued, because he was wroth. 9 Smoke wente vp from his nose, and consumynge fyre out of his mouth, coles were kyndled therof. 10 He bowed the heauens and came downe, and it was darke vnder his fete. 11 He sat vpon Cherub and dyd flye, and appeared vpon the fethers of the wynde. 12 He made darknes his pauylion rounde aboute him, thicke water in the cloudes of ye ayre. 13 At the brightnesse of him were the fyre coles kyndled. 14 The LORDE thondered from heaue, and the Hyest put forth his voyce. 15 He shot his arowes, and scatered them: he lightened, and discomfited them. 16 The pourynges out of the See were sene, and the foundacions of the earth were discouered at the chydinge of the LORDE, & at the breth of the sprete of his wrath. 17 He sent downe from aboue, and receaued me, and drue me out of many waters. 18 He delyuered me fro my stronge enemye, from them that hated me, for they were to mightie for me. 19 They ouertoke me in the tyme of my trouble, but the LORDE was my succoure. 20 He broughte me forth in to liberty: he delyuered me, because he had a fauoure vnto me. 21 The LORDE shal rewarde me after my righteousnes, and acordinge to the clennes of my handes shal he recompence me. 22 For I haue kepte ye waye of the LORDE, & haue not bene vngodly agaynst my God. 23 For I haue an eye vnto all his lawes, and haue not put his ordinaunces fro me. 24 Therfore wil I be perfecte vnto him, and wyl eshue myne awne wickednes. 25 So shal ye LORDE rewarde me after my righteousnes, acordinge to the clenes of my handes in his eye sighte. 26 With the holy shalt thou be holy, and wt the perfecte thou shalt be perfecte. 27 With the cleane thou shalt be cleane, and with the frowarde thou shalt be frowarde. 28 For thou shalt saue the poore oppressed people, and shalt set thine eyes agaynst the proude to brynge them downe. 29 For thou O LORDE art my lanterne. The LORDE shal lighte my darknesse. 30 For in ye I shal discofite an hoost of men, & in my God I shal leape ouer the wall. 31 The waye of God is perfecte: ye wordes of the LORDE are tryed in the fyre: he is a shylde for all the that put their trust in him. 32 For where is there a God, excepte ye LORDE? Or who hath eny strength without oure God? 33 God hath stregthed me with power, and made playne a perfecte waye for me. 34 He hath made my fete like hartes fete, & hath set me vp an hye. 35 He teacheth my handes to fighte, and bendeth the stele bowe with myne armes. 36 And thou hast geuen me the shylde of yi health, and with yi louynge correccion shalt thou multiplye me. 37 Thou hast enlarged my goinge vnder me, and myne ankles haue not slyded. 38 I wyl folowe vpon myne enemies, and destroye the: and wyl not turne backe agayne, tyll I haue broughte them to naught. 39 I wil cosume them and thrust them thorow, that they come not vp: they shal fall vnder my fete. 40 Thou hast girded me with strength to ye battayll, and hast subdued them vnder me yt rose vp agaynst me. 41 Thou hast made myne enemies to turne their backes vpo me, that I might destroye them that hate me. 42 They shal crye, but there shalbe no Sauioure: yee euen vnto the LORDE, but he answereth them not. 43 I wil beate them as small as the dust of the earth: euen as ye claye of the stretes wil I make them thynne, and sprede them out abrode. 44 But me shalt thou delyuer from the stryuynges of the people, and shalt kepe me to be ye heade of the Heythen: A people whom I haue not knowne, shal serue me. 45 The straunge children haue denyed me: at the hearynge of the eare shal they herke vnto me. 46 The straunge children are waxen olde, & are shut vp in their presons. 47 The LORDE lyueth, and blessed be my God, and magnified be the strength of my health. 48 God seyth that I be auenged, and subdueth the people vnto me. 49 He bryngeth me out fro myne enemies: & from them yt ryse vp agaynst me, shalt thou exalte me, and from ye cruell man shalt thou delyuer me. 50 For this cause wyl I geue thankes vnto the amonge the Heythen, and synge prayses vnto thy name. 51 Which doth greate health for his kynge, & sheweth mercy vnto Dauid his anoynted, and to his sede for euermore.

Psalms 106:12

12 Then beleued they in his worde, and songe prayse vnto him.

Psalms 107:8

8 O that me wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the wonders that he doth for the childre of me.

Psalms 107:15

15 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the woders that he doth for the childre of men.

Psalms 107:21-22

21 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the wonders that he doth for the children of men. 22 That they wolde offre vnto him the sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, and tell out his workes with gladnes.

Isaiah 12:1-6

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O LORDE, I thanke the, for thou wast displeased at me, but thou hast refrayned thy wrath, and hast mercy vpon me. 2 Beholde, God is my health, in whom I trust, and am not afrayde. For the LORDE God is my strength, and my prayse, he also shalbe my refuge. 3 Therfore with ioye shal ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure, 4 and then shal ye saye: Let vs geue thankes vnto the lorde, and call vpon his name, and declare his councels amonge the people, and kepe them in remembraunce, for his name is excellet. 5 O synge praises vnto the LORDE, for he doth greate thinges, as it is knowne in all the worlde. 6 Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 51:10-11

10 Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proude lucifer, and hewen the dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dried vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered might go thorow? 11 That the redemed of the LORDE, which turned agayne, might come with ioye vnto Sio, there to endure for euer? That myrth and gladnesse might be with them: that sorowe & wo might fle from the?

Colossians 2:15

15 And hath spoyled rule and power, and hath made a shewe of them openly, and triumphed ouer them in his awne persone.

Revelation 15:3

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, and the songe of the lambe, saynge: Greate and maruellous are thy workes LORDE God almyghty, iust and true are thy wayes, thou kynge of sayntes.

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