Exodus 14:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 And I wyll harden his hert, yt he shal folowe after them, & I wil get me honoure vpon Pharao, and vpon all his power. And ye Egipcias shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE. And they dyd so.

Exodus 4:21-31

21 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: When thou comest agayne in to Egipte, se yt thou do all the wonders (before Pharao) which I haue put in yi hade. But I wil harde his hert, yt he shall not let the people go. 22 And thou shalt saie vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Israel is my first borne sonne, 23 & I saye vnto the: Let my sonne go, yt he maye serue me: Yf thou wilt not let him go, then wil I slaye thy firstborne sonne. 24 And as he was by the waye in the Inne, the LORDE met him, and wolde haue slayne him. 25 Then toke Zipora a stone, and circumcyded the foreskynne of hir sonne, and touched his fete, and sayde: A bloudy brydegrome art thou vnto me. 26 The let he him go. But she sayde: A bloudy brydegrome, because of the circumcision. 27 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: Go mete Moses in the wildernes. And he wete, & met him on the mount of God, and kyssed him. 28 And Moses tolde Aaron all the wordes of the LORDE, which had sent him: & all the tokens yt he had charged him with all. 29 And they wete, & gathered all the elders of the childre of Israel. 30 And Aaron tolde all ye wordes, yt the LORDE had spoke vnto Moses: & dyd the tokens before the people, 31 & the people beleued. And whan they herde yt the LORDE vysited the children of Israel, and loked vpon their trouble, they bowed them selues, and worshipped.

Exodus 7:3

3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 7:5

5 And ye Egipcians shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE, whan I shal stretch out my hande vpon Egipte, and brynge the children of of Israel out from amonge the.

Exodus 7:13-14

13 So Pharaos hert was hardened, and he herkened not vnto them, euen as the LORDE had sayde. 14 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The hert of Pharao is hardened, he refuseth to let ye people go.

Exodus 7:17

17 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Hereby shalt thou knowe, yt I am ye LORDE. Beholde, wt the staff yt I haue in my hande, wil I smyte the water which is in ye ryuer, & it shalbe turned in to bloude:

Exodus 9:16

16 Yet haue I stered ye vp for this cause, euen to shew my power vpon ye, and that my name might be declared in all londes.

Exodus 14:8

8 for the LORDE hardened ye hert of Pharao kynge of Egipte, that he folowed after the children of Israel. And the children of Israel wente out with an hye hande.

Exodus 14:17-18

17 Beholde, I wyll harden ye hert of the Egipcians, yt they shall folowe after you. Thus wyl I get me honoure vpon Pharao, & vpon all his power, vpo his charettes and horsmen: 18 and the Egipcians shal knowe, that I am ye LORDE, whan I haue gotten me honor vpon Pharao, vpon his charettes, and vpon his horsmen.

Exodus 15:10-11

10 Thou blewest with thy wynde, the see couered them, and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters. 11 LORDE, who is like vnto the amonge ye goddes? Who is so glorious in holynes, fearfull, laudable, and doinge wonders?

Exodus 15:14-16

14 Whan ye nacions herde this, they raged, sorowe came vpon the Philistynes. 15 Then were ye prynces of Edom afrayed, tremblynge came vpo ye mightie of Moab, all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted. 16 Let feare and drede fall vpon them thorow thy greate arme, that they maye be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people (O LORDE) be gone thorow, tyll yi people whom thou hast gotten, be gone thorow.

Exodus 18:11

11 Now I knowe, that the LORDE is greater the all goddes, because they dealt proudly wt them.

Nehemiah 9:10

10 and shewed tokes and wonders vpo Pharao, and on all his seruautes, and on all his people of his londe: for thou knewest yt they were presumptuous & cruell against them, & so madest thou the a name as it is this daie.

Isaiah 2:11-12

11 Which casteth downe ye high lokes of presumptuous personnes, and bryngeth lowe the pryde of ma, and he only shall be exalted in ye daye. 12 For the daye of ye LORDE of hostes shal go ouer all pryde & presumpcio, vpon all the that exalte the selues, and shal bringe them all downe?

Ezekiel 20:9

9 But I wolde not do it, for my names sake: that it shulde not be vnhalowed before the Heithen, amonge whom they dwelt, and amonge whom I shewed my self vnto them, that I wolde bringe them out of the londe of Egipte.

Ezekiel 28:22

22 and speake. Thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde o Sidon, I wil vpo the, & get me honoure in the: that it maye be knowne, how that I am ye LORDE, when I punysh her, & get me honoure in her.

Ezekiel 39:13

13 Yee all the people of the londe shal burie them. O it shal be a glorious daye, when I get me that honoure, saieth the LORDE God.

Daniel 4:30-37

30 and sayde: This is the greate cite off Babilo, which I myself (with my power & strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honoure off my magesty. 31 Whyle these wordes were yet in the kynges mouth, there fell a voyce from heaue, sayengt: O kinge Nabuchodonosor, to the be it spoke: Thy kyngdome shall departe from the, 32 thou shalt be cast out of mens company: thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes off the felde, so that thou shalt eate grasse like as an oxe, till seuen yeares be come and gone ouer the: euen vntill thou knowest, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes off men, and that he maye geue them, vnto whom it pleaseth him. 33 The very same houre was this matter fulfylled vpo Nabuchodonosor: so that he was cast out off mes copany, & ate grasse like an oxe. His body was wet with the dew of heauen, till his hayres were as greate as Aegles fethers, and his nales like byrdes clawes. 34 When this tyme was past, I Nabuchodonosor lift vp myne eyes vnto heauen, and myne vnderstondinge was restored vnto me agayne. Then gaue I thankes vnto the hyest. I magnified and praysed him that lyueth for euermore, whose power endureth allwaye, and his kyngdome from one generacion to another: 35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou? 36 At the same tyme was myne vnderstondynge geuen me agayne, and I was restored to the honoure of my kingdome, to my dignite, and to myne owne shappe agayne. My great estates and prynces sought vnto me, and I was set in my kyngdome agayne, so that I had yet greater worshipe. 37 The dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loaue, magnifie and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his workes are true, and his wayes right. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to bri bringe them downe.

Romans 9:17

17 For the scripture sayeth vnto Pharao: For this cause haue I stered the vp, euen to shewe my power on the, that my name mighte be declared in all lodes.

Romans 9:22-23

22 Therfore whan God wolde shewe wrath, and to make his power knowne, he broughte forth with greate pacience the vessels off wrath, which are ordeyned to damnacion: 23 that he mighte declare the riches off his glorye on ye vessels of mercy, which he hath prepared vnto glorye,

Romans 11:8

8 As it is wrytten: God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnesse, eyes that they shulde not se, and eares that they shulde not heare, eue vnto this daye.

Revelation 19:1-6

1 And after that, I herde the voyce of moch people in heauen, sayenge: Alleluia. Saluacion and glory and honour, and power be ascribed to the LORDE or God, 2 for true and righteous are his iudgmentes, because he hath iudged the greate whore (which did corrupt ye earth with her fornicacion) and hath auenged the bloud of his seruautes of her hond. 3 And agayne they sayde: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore. 4 And ye xxiiij: elders, & the foure beestes fell downe, and worshipped God that sat on the seate, sayenge: Amen: Alleluia. 5 And a voice came out of the seate, sayenge: prayse or LORDE God all ye that are his seruautes, & ye that feare him both small and greate. 6 And I herde the voyce of moch people, eue as ye voyce of many waters, & as ye voyce of stronge thondrynges, sayenge: Alleluia, for God omnipotent raigneth.

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