Ecclesiastes 11:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 Yf a man lyue many yeares, and be glad in them all, let him remembre the dayes of darcknesse, which shalbe many: & when they come, all thinges shalbe but vanite.

Deuteronomy 32:29

29 O that they were wyse & vnderstode this, that they wolde cosidre what shulde happe vnto them her after.

Job 10:22

22 yee into that darck clowdy londe & deadly shadowe, where as is no ordre, but terrible feare as in the darcknesse.

Job 14:10

10 But as for man, when he is deed, perished and consumed awaye, what becommeth of him?

Job 15:23

23 When he goeth forth to get his lyuinge, he thinketh planely, that the daye of darcknesse is at honde.

Job 18:18

18 he shalbe dryuen from the light into darcknesse, and be cast clene out of the worlde.

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

1 The sayde I thus in my hert: Now go to, I wil take myne ease & haue good dayes. But lo, that was vanite also: 2 in so moch that I sayde vnto laughter: thou art madd, and to myrth: what doest thou? 3 So I thought in my herte, to withdrawe my flesh from wyne, to applye my mynde vnto wy?dome, and to comprehede foolishnes vntill the tyme that (amonge all ye thinges which are vnder ye Sonne) I might se what were best for men to do, so longe as they lyue vnder heauen. 4 I made gorgious fayre workes, I buylded me houses, and planted vynyardes: 5 I made me ortchardes and gardens of pleasure, and planted trees in them of all maner frutes. 6 I made poles of water, to water ye grene and frutefull trees withall. 7 I bought seruauntes and maydes, and had a greate housholde. As for catell and shepe, I had more substaunce of them, then all they yt were before me in Ierusalem. 8 I gathered syluer & golde together, euen a treasure of kynges & londes. I prouided me syngers and wome which coude playe of instrumentes, to make men myrth and pastime. I gat me drynkynge cuppes also and glasses. 9 (Shortly) I was greater & in more worshipe, then all my predecessours in Ierusale. For wy?dome remayned with me: 10 & loke what so euer myne eyes desyred, I let them haue it: & wherin so euer my herte delyted or had eny pleasure, I with helde it not fro it. Thus my hert reioysed in all yt I dyd, and this I toke for the porcion of all my trauayle. 11 But whan I considered all the workes yt my handes had wrought, and all the labours that I had taken therin: lo, all was but vanite and vexacion of mynde, & nothinge of eny value vnder ye Sonne.

Ecclesiastes 2:15

15 Then thought I in my mynde: Yf it happen vnto the foole as it doth vnto me, what nedeth me then to laboure eny more for wy?dome? So I confessed within my harte, that this also was but vanite.

Ecclesiastes 2:17

17 Thus begane I to be weery of my life, in so moch that I coude awaye with nothinge that is done vnder the Sonne, for all was but vanite & vexacion of mynde:

Ecclesiastes 2:19

19 for who knoweth, whether he shalbe a wyse ma or a foole? And yet shal he be lorde of all my labours, which I with soch wy?dome haue taken vnder the Sonne. Is not this a vayne thinge?

Ecclesiastes 2:21-23

21 for so moch as a man shulde weery him self with wy?dome, with vnderstondinge and opportunite, and yet be fayne to leaue his labours vnto another, yt neuer swett for them. This is also a vayne thinge and a greate misery. 22 For what getteth a ma of all ye labor & trauayle of his mynde, yt he taketh vnder the Sonne, 23 but heuynesse, sorowe & disquyetnes all ye dayes of his life? In so moch that his herte can not rest in the night. Is not this also a vayne thinge?

Ecclesiastes 2:26

26 he geueth vnto ma, what it pleaseth him: whether it be wy?dome. vnderstondinge, or gladnesse. But vnto the synner he geueth weerynes and sorow, that he maye gather and heape together ye thinge, yt afterwarde shalbe geuen vnto him whom it pleaseth God. This is now a vayne thinge, yee a very disquietnesse and vexacio of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

12 So I perceaued, yt in these thinges there is nothinge better for a man, the to be mery & to do well so longe as he lyueth. 13 For all yt a man eateth & drynketh, yee what so euer a ma enioyeth of all his labor, ye same is a gift of God.

Ecclesiastes 4:8

8 There is one man, no mo but himself alone, hauynge nether childe ner brother: yet is there no ende of his carefull trauayle, his eyes can not be satisfied with riches, (yet doth he not remembre himself, & saye:) For whom do I take soch trauayle? For whose pleasure do I thus consume awaye my lyfe? This is also a vayne and miserable thinge.

Ecclesiastes 4:16

16 As for the people that haue bene before him, and that come after him, they are innumerable: yet is not their ioye the greater thorow him. This is also a vayne thinge and a vexacion of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 5:15-16

15 Like as he came naked out of his mothers wombe, so goeth he thither agayne, and carieth nothinge awaye with him of all his laboure. 16 This is a miserable plage, yt he shal go awaye euen as he came. What helpeth it him then, yt he hath labored in the wynde?

Ecclesiastes 5:18-20

18 Therfore me thinke it a better and a fayrer thinge, a man to eate and drynke, and to be refreshed of all his laboure, yt he taketh vnder the Sonne all the dayes of his life which God geueth him, for this is his porcion. 19 For vnto whom so euer God geueth riches, goodes and power, he geueth it him to enioye it, to take it for his porcion, and to be refreshed of his laboure: this is now the gifte of God. 20 For he thinketh not moch how longe he shal lyue, for so moch as God fylleth his hert with gladnesse.

Ecclesiastes 6:6

6 Yee though he lyued two thousande yeares, yet hath he no good life. Come not all to one place?

Ecclesiastes 6:11

11 A vayne thinge is it to cast out many wordes, but what hath a man els?

Ecclesiastes 7:14

14 Vse well the tyme of prosperite, and remembre the tyme of mysfortune: for God maketh the one by the other, so that a man can fynde nothinge els.

Ecclesiastes 8:12

12 But though an euell personne offende an hundreth tymes, and haue a longe life: yet am I sure, that it shal go well with the that feare God, because they haue him before their eyes.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

15 Therfore I commende gladnesse, because a man hath no better thinge vnder the Sonne, then to eate and drynke, and to be mery: for that shal he haue of his laboure all the daies of his life, which God geueth him vnder the Sonne.+

Ecclesiastes 12:1-5

1 Remembre thy maker in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersite come, and or the yeares drawe nye, when thou shalt saye: I haue no pleasure in them: 2 before the Sonne, ye light, ye Moone and the starres be darckened, and or the cloudes turne agayne after the rayne: 3 when the kepers of the house shall tremble, and when the stronge men shal bowe them selues: when the Myllers stonde still because they be so fewe, and when the sight of the wyndowes shal waxe dymme: 4 whan the dores in the stretes shal be shutt, and whan ye voyce of the Myller shall be layed downe: whan men shall ryse vp at the voyce of the byrde, and whan all ye doughters of musyck shalbe brought lowe: 5 whan men shal feare in hye places, and be afrayed in the stretes: whan the Almonde tre shalbe despysed, the greshopper borne out, and whan greate pouerte shall breake in: when man goeth to his longe home, and the mourners go aboute the stretes.

Jeremiah 13:16

16 Honoure ye LORDE youre God herein, or he take his light from you, and or euer youre fete stomble in darknesse at ye hill: lest whe ye loke for the light, he turne it in to ye shadowe and darknesse of death.

Joel 2:2

2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee & a stormy daye, like as the mornynge spredeth out vpo the hilles: Namely, a great & mightie people: soch as haue not bene sens ye begynnynge, nether shal be after them for euermore.

Matthew 22:13

13 Then sayde the kynge vnto his seruauntes: Take and bynde him hande and fote, & cast him into ye vtter darcknes: there shal be waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

John 12:35

35 Then sayde Iesus vnto them: The light is yet a litle whyle with you, walke whyle ye haue the light, that the darknesse fall not vpo you. He that walketh in the darknesse, woteth not whither he goeth.

Jude 1:18

18 how that they tolde you yt their shulde be begylers in the last tyme, which shulde walke after their awne vngodly lustes.

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