Ecclesiastes 10:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 When an yron is blont, and ye poynt not sharpened, it must be whett againe, and that with might: Euen so doth wi?dome folowe diligence.

Genesis 41:33-39

33 Let Pharao now prouyde for a man of vnderstondinge & wysdome, whom he maye set ouer the lande of Egipte, 34 and se that he ordene officers in the londe, and take ye fifth (parte) of the lande of Egipte in the seuen plenteous yeares, 35 and gather all ye foode yt shal come of the plenteous yeares, that they maye laye vp corne vnder Pharaos power for sustenaunce in the cities, 36 and kepe it, yt there maye be foode founde prepared for the lande in the seuen deare yeares, which shall come vpon the lande of Egipte, that the lande be not destroyed of honger. 37 The sayenge pleased Pharao well and all his seruautes. 38 And Pharao sayde vnto his seruauntes? How might we fynde soch a man, in whom is the sprete of God? 39 And sayde vnto Iosep: For so moch as God hath shewed ye all this, there is none of soch vnderstondinge & wysdome as thou.

Exodus 18:19-23

19 But herken vnto my voyce, I will geue the councell, and God shall be with the. Be thou vnto the people to God warde, and brynge the causes before God, 20 and prouide them with statutes and lawes, that thou mayest shewe the the waie wherin they shulde walke, and the workes that they shulde do. 21 But loke out amonge all the people, for honest men, that feare God, soch as are true, & hate couetousnes: make these rulers ouer them, some ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fiftie, and ouer ten, 22 that they maye allwaye iudge the people. But where there is eny greate matter, that they brynge the same vnto the, and iudge the small causes them selues: so shall it be lighter for the, yf they beare the burthen with the. 23 Yf thou shalt do this, then mayest thou endure the thinge that God chargeth the withall, and all this people maie go peaceably vnto their place.

1 Kings 3:9

9 Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert, that he maye iudge thy people, & vnderstonde what is good & bad: for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people?

1 Chronicles 12:32

32 Of the children of Isachar (which were men of vnderstondynge, whan nede requyred to knowe what Israel shulde do) two hundreth captaynes, and all their brethren folowed their worde.

2 Chronicles 23:4-11

4 This is it therfore yt ye shal do: The thirde parte of you that entre on the Sabbath, shalbe amonge the prestes & Leuites, which are dorekepers at the thresholdes: 5 & one thirde parte in the kynges house, and one thirde parte at the grounde porte. But all the people shalbe in the courtes of the house of the LORDE, 6 and that no man go in to the house of the LORDE, excepte the prestes and Leuites that mynister there, they shal go in: for they are halowed. And let all ye people wayte vpon the LORDE. 7 And the Leuites shal get them rounde aboute ye kynge, euery one with his weapen in his hande. And who so els goeth in to ye house, let him dye. And they shall be wt the kynge wha he goeth out & in. 8 And the Leuites & all Iuda dyd as Ioiada ye prest had commaunded, and euery one toke his men that entred on the Sabbath, wt those yt wente of on the Sabbath: for Ioiada ye prest suffred not those two companies to parte asunder. 9 And Ioiada ye prest gaue the captaynes ouer hundreds speares & shyldes, and kynge Dauids weapens, which were in the house of God, 10 and set all the people euery one wt his weapen in his hande, from the righte corner of the house, vnto the lefte corner of the altare, and to the house warde aboute the kynge. 11 And they broughte forth the kynges sonne, & set the crowne vpon his heade, and gaue them the wytnesse, & made him kynge. And Ioiada wt his sonnes anoynted him, & sayde: God saue the kynge.

Ecclesiastes 9:15-17

15 And in the cite there was founde a poore man (but he was wyse) which wt his wy?dome delyuered the cite: yet was there no body, yt had eny respecte vnto soch a symple man. 16 Then sayde I: wy?dome is better then strength. Neuertheles, a symple mans wy?dome is despysed, & his wordes are not herde. 17 A wise mans councell that is folowed in sylence, is farre aboue the crienge of a captaine amoge fooles.

Ecclesiastes 10:15

15 The laboure of ye foolish is greuous vnto the, while they knowe not how to go in to the cite. 16 Beholde, I sende you forth as shepe amoge wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues.

Acts 6:1-9

1 In those dayes whan the nombre of the disciples increased, there arose a grudge amoge the Grekes agaynst the Hebrues, because their wyddowes were not loked vpon in the daylie handreachinge. 2 Then the twolue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayde: It is not mete that we shulde leaue the worde of God, and to serue at the tables. 3 Wherfore brethren, loke out amonge you seue men, that are of honeste reporte, and full of the holy goost and wyssdome, whom we maye appoynte to this nedefull busynes. 4 But we wil geue oure selues vnto prayer, and to the mynistracion of the worde of God. 5 And the sayenge pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Steuen, a man full of fayth and of the holy goost, and Philippe, and Procorus, and Nicanor, and Thimon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas the Proselite of Antioche. 6 These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them. 7 And the worde of God increased, and the nombre of the disciples multiplied greatly at Ierusalem. And there were many prestes also obedient vnto the fayth. 8 Steuen full of faith and power, dyd wonders and greate tokens amonge the people. 9 Then arose there certayne of the synagoge, which is called (the synagoge) of ye Libertynes, & of the Cyrenites, and of the Alexadrines, and of the yt were of Celicia and Asia, & disputed with Steue,

Acts 15:2-21

2 Now wha there rose a discesion, and Paul and Barnabas had set them selues harde agaynst them, they ordeyned, that Paul and Barnabas and certayne other of them shulde go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and Elders, aboute this questio. 3 And they were broughte on their waye by ye cogregacion, & wente thorow Phenices and Samaria, and declared the conuersacion of the Heythen, and brought greate ioye vnto all the brethren. 4 Whan they came to Ierusale, they were receaued of ye cogregacion, & of the Apostles, and of the Elders, & they tolde how greate thinges God had done with the. 5 Then rose there vp certayne of the secte of ye Pharises (which beleued) and sayde: They must be circumcysed and comaunded, to kepe the lawe of Moses. 6 But the Apostles and Elders came together, to reason vpon this matter. 7 Now whan there was moch disputinge Peter rose vp, and sayde vnto the: Ye men and brethren, ye knowe that a good whyle agoo, God chose amonge vs, yt the Heythe by my mouth shulde heare the worde of the Gospell, and beleue. 8 And God the knower of hertes bare wytnesse ouer the, and gaue the the holy goost, like as vnto vs, 9 & put no dyfference betwixte vs & them, and purified their hertes thorow fayth. 10 Now therfore why tempte ye God, with layenge vpon ye disciples neckes the yocke, which nether or fathers ner we were able to beare? 11 But we beleue to be saued thorow the grace of the LORDE Iesu Christ, like as they also. 12 Then all ye multitude helde their peace, and gaue audience vnto Paul and Barnabas, which tolde how greate tokens and wonders God had done by the amoge the Heythen. 13 Afterwarde whan they helde their peace, Iames answered, and sayde: Ye men and brethren, herke vnto me, 14 Simo hath tolde, how God at the first vysited to receaue a people vnto his name from amonge the Heythen. 15 And vnto this agree ye wordes of the prophetes, as it is wrytte: 16 After this wyl I returne and wyl buylde agayne ye tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe, and that which is fallen in decaye therof, wyl I buylde agayne, and wyl set it vp, 17 that the residue of men maye seke after the LORDE: & also the Heythen vpo whom my name is named, sayeth the LORDE, which doth all these thinges. 18 Knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynnynge of ye worlde. 19 Wherfore my sentence is, that they which from amonge the Heythen are turned vnto God, be not disquyeted, 20 but to wryte vnto them, that they absteyne them selues from fylthynesse of Idols, from whordome, and from strangled, and bloude. 21 For Moses hath of olde tyme in euery cite them that preach him: and he is red in the synagoges euery Sabbath daye.

Romans 16:19

19 For youre obedience is published amonge all men, therfore am I glad of you.But yet I wolde haue you wyse in that which is good, & symple in euell.

1 Corinthians 14:20

20 Brethren be not children in vnderstondinge, howbeit as concerninge maliciousnes be childre, but in vnderstondinge be parfecte.

Ephesians 5:15-17

15 Take hede therfore how ye walke circumspectly, not as the vnwyse, but as ye wyse, 16 and redeme the tyme, for it is a miserable tyme. 17 Wherfore be not ye vnwyse, but vnderstonde what the wil of the LORDE is,

Colossians 4:5

5 Walke wysely towarde them that are without, and redeme ye tyme.

James 1:5

5 Yf eny of you lacke wyssdome, let him axe of God, which geueth to all men indifferentlie, and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geue him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.