Deuteronomy 3:28 Cross References - Coverdale

28 And geue Iosua his charge, and corage him, and bolde him, for he shal go ouer Iordane before the people, and shal deuyde vnto them the londe, that thou shalt se.

Numbers 27:18-23

18 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the Iosua the sonne of Nun, which is a man in whom is the sprete, and put thine handes vpon him, 19 & set him before Eleasar the prest, and before the whole congregacion, and geue him a charge in their sighte, 20 & beutyfye him with thy bewty, that the whole congregacion of the children of Israel maye be obediet vnto him. 21 And he shal stonde before Eleasar the prest, which shall axe councell for him after the maner of the lighte, before the LORDE. At the mouth of him shall both he and all the children of Israel with him, and the whole congregacion go in and out. 22 Moses dyd as the LORDE comaunded him, & toke Iosua, and set him before Eleasar the prest, and before all the congregacion, 23 and layed his handes vpon him, and gaue him a charge, as the LORDE sayde vnto Moses.

Deuteronomy 1:38

38 But Iosua ye sonne of Nun, which stondeth before the, he shal go in thither: Corage him, for he shal deuyde the enheritaunce out vnto Israel.

Deuteronomy 31:3

3 The LORDE thy God himselfe shall go before the ouer Iordane: and HE himselfe shal destroye these nacions before the, that thou mayest conquere them: and Iosua he shall go ouer before the. as the LORDE hath sayde.

Deuteronomy 31:7

7 And Moses called Iosua, and sayde vnto him before all Israel: Be stronge and bolde, for thou shalt brynge this people in to the londe, which the LORDE hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them, and thou shalt parte it amonge them by lott.

Deuteronomy 31:23

23 And the LORDE gaue Iosua the sonne of Nun a charge, and sayde: Be stronge and bolde, for thou shalt brynge the children of Israel in to the londe, which I sware vnto them, and I wil be with the.

Joshua 1:2

2 My seruaunt Moses is deed, vp now, and go ouer this Iordane, thou and all this people in to the londe that I haue geuen the children of Israel.

Joshua 3:7-17

7 And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: This daye wyl I begynne to make the greate in the sighte of all Israel, that they maie knowe, how that like as I was with Moses, so am I with the also. 8 And commaunde thou the prestes that beare the Arke, and saye: Whan ye come before in the water of Iordane, stonde styll. 9 And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: Come hither, & heare the worde of the LORDE youre God. 10 He sayde morouer: By this shal ye perceaue, that the lyuynge God is amonge you, and that he shall dryue out before you ye Cananites, Hethites, Heuites, Pheresites, Girgosites, Amorites and Iebusites. 11 Beholde, the Arke of the couenaunt of him yt hath domynion ouer all londes, shall go before you in Iordane. 12 Take now therfore twolue men out of ye trybes of Israel, out of euery trybe one. 13 And whan the soles of the fete of the prestes that beare ye Arke of the LORDE the gouernoure of all londes, are set in the water of Iordane, then shal ye water of Iordane withdrawe it selfe from the water that floweth from aboue, that it maye stonde on a heape. 14 Now whan the people departed out of their tentes, to go ouer Iordane, & the prestes bare the Arke of the couenaunt before the people, 15 and came into Iordane, & dypte their fete before in the water (as for Iordane on all his banckes it was full of all maner waters of the londe) 16 then the water that came downe fro aboue, stode straight vp vpon one heape, very farre from the cite of Adom, that lyeth on the syde of Zarthan: But the water that ranne downe to the see (euen to the salt see) fell awaye, and decreased. So ye people wente thorow ouer agaynst Iericho. 17 And the prestes that bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, stode drye in ye myddes of Iordane, readye prepared: & all Israel wete thorow drye shod, vntyll ye whole people were all come ouer Iordane.

1 Chronicles 22:6

6 And he called Salomon his sonne, & commaunded him to buylde the house of LORDE God of Israel,

1 Chronicles 22:11-16

11 Now my sonne, the LORDE shal be wyth the, and thou shalt prospere, that thou mayest buylde an house vnto the LORDE thy God, acordynge as he hath spoken of the. 12 The LORDE also shal geue the wy?dome & vnderstondynge, and shal commytte Israel vnto the, that thou mayest kepe the lawe of the LORDE thy God. 13 But then shal thou prospere, yf thou take hede to do after the ordynaunces and lawes which the LORDE commaunded Moses vnto Israel. Be stronge, and take a good corage vnto the, feare not, and be not faynt harted. 14 Beholde, I haue in my pouerte prouyded for the house of the LORDE, an hundreth thousande talentes of golde, and a thousande tymes a thousande talentes of syluer, and brasse and yron without nombre: for there is so moch of it. And tymbre and stone haue I prepared, thou mayest get more therof. 15 Thou hast many workmen also, mesons and carpenters in stone and tymber, and all maner of men that haue vnderstondinge in all worke 16 off golde, syluer, brasse, and yron without nombre. Yet get the vp, and be doynge, and the LORDE shal be with the.

1 Chronicles 28:9-10

9 And thou my sonne Salomo, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue him with all thy hert, and with the desyre of thy soule: for the LORDE searcheth all hertes, and vnderstondeth all thoughtes & ymaginacions Yf thou seke him, thou shalt fynde him: but yf thou forsake him, he shall refuse the for euer. 10 Take hede now, for the LORDE hath chosen the, to buylde an house to be the Sactuary: be stronge, and make it.

1 Chronicles 28:20

20 And Dauid sayde vnto Salomo his sonne: Be thou manly and stronge, and make it, feare not, and be not fayntharted, the LORDE God my God shal be with the, and shall not withdrawe his hande, ner fayle the, tyll thou haue fynished euery worke for the seruyce in the house of the LORDE.

John 1:17

17 For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ.

Acts 7:45

45 which oure fathers also receaued, and brought it with Iosue into the londe that the Heythe had in possession, whom God droue out before the face of oure fathers, vntyll the tyme of Dauid,

1 Timothy 6:13-14

13 I geue the charge before God, which quyckeneth all thinges, & before Iesu Christ, which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good witnessynge, 14 that thou kepe the commaundement, without spot, vnreproueable, vntyll the appearynge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ,

2 Timothy 2:1-3

1 Thou therfore my sonne, be stronge thorow the grace which is in Christ Iesu. 2 And what thinges thou hast herde of me by many witnesses, the same commytte thou vnto faithfull men, which are apte to teach other. 3 Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudyer off Iesu Christ.

2 Timothy 4:1-6

1 I testifye therfore before God & before the LORDE Iesu Christ, which shal come to iudge the lyuynge and the deed, at his appearynge in his kyngdome: 2 Preach thou the worde, be feruent, be it in season or out of season: Improue, rebuke, exhorte with all longe sufferynge and doctryne. 3 For the tyme wil come, whan they shal not suffre wholsome doctryne, but after their awne lustes shal they (whose eares ytche) get them an heape of teachers, 4 and shal turne their eares from the trueth, and shalbe geuen vnto fables. 5 But watch thou in all thinges, suffre aduersite, do the worke of a preacher of the Gospell, fulfyll thine office vnto the vttemost. 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departinge is at honde.

Hebrews 4:8

8 For yf Iosua had geuen them rest, the wolde he not afterwarde haue spoken, of another daye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.