Deuteronomy 23:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 Whan thou makest a vowe vnto ye LORDE yi God, to shalt not be slacke to perfourme it: for the LORDE thy God shal requyre it of the, and it shal be synne vnto the.

Genesis 28:20

20 And Iacob made a vowe, and sayde: Yf God wyll be with me, and kepe me in this iourney yt I go & geue me bred to eate, and clothinge to put on,

Genesis 35:1-3

1 And God sayde vnto Iacob: Get the vp, and go vnto Bethel, & dwell there, and make there an altare vnto the God, that appared vnto the, whan thou fleddest from thy brother Esau. 2 Then sayde Iacob vnto his housholde and to all yt were with him: Put awaye from you ye straunge goddes, that are amonge you, and clense youre selues, and chaunge youre clothes, 3 and let vs get vp, and go vnto Bethel, that I maye there make an altare vnto the God, which herde me in the tyme of my trouble, and hath bene with me in the waye that I haue gone.

Leviticus 27:2-34

2 Speake to ye children of Israel, & saye vnto them: Yf eny man make a speciall vowe vnto ye LORDE, so yt he pryse a soule, then shal this be the valuacion: 3 A ma of twentye yeare olde vnto the thre score yeare, shalt thou set at fiftie syluer Sycles, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary: 4 but a woman at thirtie Sycles. 5 Yf it be fyue yeare olde vnto twentye yeare, thou shalt set it at twentye Sycles, whan it is a man childe: but a woman at ten Sycles. 6 Yf it be a moneth olde vnto fiue yeare, thou shalt set it at fyue Sycles of syluer, whan it is a machilde: but a woman at thre Syluer Sycles. 7 Yf he be thre score yeare olde and aboue, the shalt thou set him at fiftene Sicles wha it is a ma a woma at te Sicles. 8 Yf he be to poore so to be set, the let him present himself to ye prest, & ye prest shal value him. Neuertheles he shal value him, acordinge as ye hade of him that vowed, is able to get. 9 But yf it be a beest yt maye be offred vnto ye LORDE, all yt is offred vnto ye LORDE of soch, is holy: 10 it shal not be altered ner chaunged, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good. Yf eny man chaunge it, one beest for another, then shal they both be holy vnto ye LORDE. 11 But yf ye beest be vncleane which maye not be offred vnto ye LORDE, the shal it be set, before ye prest, 12 and ye prest shal value it, whether it be good or bad, & it shal stonde at the prestes valuynge. 13 But yf eny man wil bye it out, he shal geue the fifth parte more, to that it was set at. 14 Whan eny ma sanctifieth his house vnto the LORDE for ye Sanctuary, the prest shall value it, whether it be good or bad. And as the prest valueth it, so shal it stonde. 15 But yf he yt sanctified it, wyl redeme it, he shal geue ye fifth parte of syluer therto, aboue that it was set at: So shal it be his. 16 Yf eny man halowe a pece of lode of his heretage vnto the LORDE, it shalbe set acordinge to yt it beareth. Yf it beare an Homer of barlye, it shalbe valued at fiftye Sycles of syluer. 17 But yf he halowe his londe immediatly from the yeare of Iubilye forth, then shal it be set acordinge to ye value therof. 18 Yf he haue halowed it after the yeare of Iubilye, then shal the prest reke it, acordinge to ye yeares yt remayne vnto ye yeare of Iubilye, & therafter shal he set it the lower. 19 But yf he yt sanctified the londe, wil redeme it agayne, then shal he geue the fifth parte of syluer therto, aboue that it was set at: 20 So shal it be his. Yf he wil not lowse it out, but selleth it vnto another, then shal he redeme it nomore: 21 but the same londe whan it goeth out fre in ye yeare of Iubilye, shal be holy vnto the LORDE, as a dedicated felde, and shalbe the prestes inheritaunce. 22 Yf eny man halowe vnto the LORDE a felde, which he hath bought, and is not his inheritaunce, 23 then shal ye prest reken it, what it is worth vnto the yeare of Iubilye, & the same daye shall he geue the pryce that it is set at, vnto the LORDE for the Sanctuary. 24 But in ye yeare of Iubilye it shal returne vnto him that bought it, yt it maye be his inheritaunce in the londe. 25 All maner of prysinge shalbe made acordinge to the Sycle of the Sactuary. One Sycle maketh xx. Geras. 26 The first borne amonge ye catell (which belongeth vnto the LORDE) shall no man Sanctifie vnto the LORDE, whether it be oxe or shepe, for it is the LORDES all ready. 27 But yf there be eny vncleane thinge vpon the beest, the shal it be lowsed out therafter as it is worth, and the fifth parte shalbe geuen more therto. Yf he wil not redeme it, the let it be solde, as it is worth. 28 There shall no dedicated thinge be solde ner bought out, yt eny man dedicateth vnto ye LORDE, of all yt is his good, whether it be me, catell or lode. For euery dedicated thige, is most holy vnto ye LORDE. 29 There shal no dedicated thige of ma be bought out, but shal dye the death. 30 All the tythes in the londe, both of the sede of the londe, & of ye frutes of the trees, are the LORDES, & shal be holy vnto the LORDE. 31 But yf eny man wil redeme his tithes, he shall geue the fifth parte more therto. 32 And all the tithes of oxen & shepe, & that goeth vnder the rod, the same is an holy tythe vnto the LORDE. 33 It shall not be axed whether it be good or bad, nether shall it be chaunged. But yf eny man chaunge it, then both it & that it was chaunged withall, shal be holy, & not redemed. 34 These are the comaundementes, which ye LORDE gaue Moses in charge vnto childre of Israel vpon mount Sinai.

Numbers 30:1-16

1 And Moses spake vnto the rulers of the trybes of the children of Israel, and saide: This is that the LORDE hath commauded: 2 Yf eny man make a vowe vnto the LORDE, or sweare an ooth, so that he binde his soule, he shal not breake his worde, but do all that is proceaded out of his mouth. 3 Yf a damsell make a vowe vnto ye LORDE, and bynde hirself, whyle she is in hir fathers house, and vnmaried, 4 and hir vowe or bonde that she maketh ouer hir soule, commeth to hir fathers eares, & he holde his peace therto, the all hir vowes & bondes yt she hath boude hir self withall ouer hir soule, shal stode in effecte. 5 But yf hir father forbyd her ye same daye that he heareth it, the shal no vowe ner bonde that she hath bounde hir self withall ouer hir soule, be of vayle. And the LORDE shalbe mercifull vnto her, for so moch as hir father forbad her. 6 Yf she haue an hu?bande, & hath a vowe vpon her, or yf she haue letten go out of hir lippes a bode ouer hir soule, 7 & hir hu?bande heare it, & holdeth his peace ther at, the same daye that he heareth it, then hir vowe & bonde wherwith she hath boude hir self ouer hir soule, shal stonde in effecte. 8 But yf hir hu?bande forbyd her the same daye that he heareth it, the is the vowe lowse yt she hath vpo hir, & the bonde also that she hath letten go out of hir lippes ouer hir soule, and the LORDE shalbe gracious vnto her. 9 The vowe of a wyddowe, & of her yt is deuorced, all yt she byndeth hir self withall ouer hir soule, shal stonde in effecte vpo her. 10 Yf she vowe in hir hu?bades house, or binde hir self wt an ooth ouer hir soule, 11 & hir husbande heare it, & holde his peace therto, and forbyddeth it not, the shal all ye same vowe, & all yt she hath boude hir self wt all ouer hir soule, stode i effecte. 12 But yf hir hu?bade disanulle it, ye same daye yt he heareth it, the is it of no value yt is proceaded out of hir lippes, which she hath vowed or boude ouer hir soule: for hir hu?bade hath made it lowse, & the LORDE shalbe gracious vnto her. 13 And all vowes & oothes yt bynde to humble ye soule, maie hir hu?bade stablish or breake, thus: 14 Yf he holde his peace therto fro one daie to another, then stablisheth he all hir vowes & bondes, yt she hath vpon her, because he helde his peace, the same daye yt he herde the. 15 But yf he disanulle the after yt he hath herde the, then shal he take awaie hir mi?dede. 16 These are the statutes yt the LORDE comaunded Moses betwene a man & his wife, & betwene the father & his doughter, whyle she is yet a damsell in hir fathers house.

Deuteronomy 23:18

18 Thou shalt not bringe ye hyre of an whoore ner the price of a dogg in to the house of the LORDE yi God for eny maner of vowe: for they both are abhominacion vnto the LORDE thy God.

Psalms 56:12

12 Vnto the (o God) wil I paye my vowes, vnto ye wil I geue thakes & prayse.

Psalms 66:13-14

13 Therfore will I go into thy house wt bretofferinges, to paye the my vowes, 14 which I promised wt my lippes, and spake with my mouth, when I was in trouble.

Psalms 76:11

11 Loke what ye promyse vnto the LORDE youre God, se that kepe it, all ye that be roude aboute him: brynge presentes vnto him yt ought to be feared.

Psalms 116:18

18 I wil paye my vowes vnto the LORDE in the sight of all his people,

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

4 Yf thou make a vowe vnto God, be not slacke to perfourme it. As for foolish vowes, he hath no pleasure in them. 5 Yf thou promyse eny thinge, paye it: for better it is that thou make no vowe, then that thou shuldest promise, and not paye.

Jonah 1:16

16 And the men feared the LORDE exceadingly, doynge sacrifices ad makynge vowes vnto the LORDE.

Jonah 2:9

9 But I wil do the sacrifice with the voyce of thankesgeuynge, and wil paye that I haue vowed: for why? saluacion commeth of the LORDE.

Nahum 1:15

15 Beholde, vpon the mountaynes come the fete of him, that bryngeth good tydinges, & preacheth peace. O Iuda, kepe thy holy dayes, perfourme thy promyses: for Belial shal come no more in the, he is vtterly roted out.

Matthew 5:33

33 Agayne, ye haue herde, how it was sayde to the of olde tyme: Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe, but shalt performe thyne ooth to God.

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