Deuteronomy 16:19 Cross References - Coverdale

19 Thou shalt not wrest the lawe. Thou shalt knowe no personne also, ner take giftes. For giftes blynde the eyes of ye wyse, & peruerte ye righteous causes.

Exodus 23:2

2 Thou shalt not folowe the multitude vnto euell, ner answere at the lawe that thou woldest (to folowe the multitude) turne a syde from the right.

Exodus 23:6-8

6 Thou shalt not wraist the righte of thy poore in his cause. 7 Kepe the farre from false matters. The innocent and righteous shalt thou not sley, for I iustifie not ye vngodly. 8 Thou shalt not take giftes: for giftes blinde euen them yt are sharpe of sight, & wraist the righteous causes.

Leviticus 19:15

15 Ye shall not deale wrongeously in iudgment, nether shal ye accepte the personne of the poore, ner honoure the parsonne of the greate, but thou shalt iudge thy neghboure righteously.

Deuteronomy 1:16-17

16 And I charged your iudges at ye same tyme, & sayde: Heare youre brethre, & iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother, and the straunger. 17 Ye shall knowe no personne in iudgment, but shall heare the small as well as the greate, and be afrayed of no man: for the Iudgment is Gods. But yf eny cause be to harde for you, let it be broughte vnto me, yt I maye heare it.

Deuteronomy 10:17

17 For the LORDE yor God is God of all goddes, & LORDE ouer all lordes, a greate God, mightie & terryble, which regardeth no personne, & taketh no giftes

Deuteronomy 24:17

17 Thou shalt not wrest the righte of the straunger and of the fatherlesse. And ye wedowes rayment shalt thou not take to pledge:

Deuteronomy 27:19

19 Cursed be he, that wresteth ye righte of ye straunger, of the fatherlesse, & wedowe. And all the people shal saye, Amen.

1 Samuel 8:3

3 Neuertheles his sonnes walked not in his wayes, but enclyned vnto couetousnes, & toke giftes, & wraysted the lawe.

1 Samuel 12:3

3 Beholde, here am I: answere ye agaynst me before the RORDE and his anoynted, yf I haue taken eny mans oxe or asse, yf I haue done eny man violence or wronge, If I haue oppressed eny ma, yf I haue receaued a gifte of eny mans hande, and kepte it secretly, I wil restore it you agayne.

Job 31:21-22

21 Dyd I euer lyft vp my honde to hurte the fatherlesse? Yee in the gate where I sawe my self to be in auctorite: 22 The let myne arme fall fro my shulder, & myne arme holes be broken from the ioyntes.

Proverbs 17:23

23 The vngodly taketh giftes out of the bosome, to wraist the wayes of iudgment.

Proverbs 24:23

23 These are also ye saieges of ye wyse. It is not good, to haue respecte of any personne in iudgmet.

Proverbs 24:28

28 Be no false wytnesse agaynst yi neghbor, & hurte him not wt yi lyppes.

Ecclesiastes 7:7

7 Who so doeth wronge, maketh a wyse man to go out of his witt, and destroyeth a gentle hert.

Isaiah 1:17

17 Lerne to do right, applie youre selues to equyte, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to his right, let the wydowes complaynte come before you.

Isaiah 1:23

23 Thy prynces are traytours and companyons of theues. They loue giftes altogether, and folowe rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe him not to his right, nether wil they let the wydowes causes come before them.

Isaiah 33:15

15 He that ledeth a godly life (saye I) & speaketh the treuth: He that abhorreth to do violence and disceate: he that kepeth his hode that he touch no rewarde: which stoppeth his eares, that he heare no councel agaynst the innocent: which holdeth downe his eyes, that he se no euel.

Jeremiah 5:28

28 herof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me with shamefull blasphemies. They ministre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore acordinge to equite.

Ezekiel 22:12

12 Yee giftes haue bene receaued in the, to shed bloude. Thou hast taken vsury & encreace, thou hast oppressed thy neghbours by extorcion, and forgotten me, saieth the LORDE God.

Micah 7:3

3 yet they saye they do well, when they do euell. As the prince wil, so sayeth the iudge: yt he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate ma speaketh what his herte desyreth, & ye hearers alowe him.

Habakkuk 1:4

4 for the lawe is torne in peces, and there can no right iudgment go forth. And why? the vngodly is more set by then the rightuous: this is the cause, yt wronge iudgment procedeth.

Zephaniah 3:3-5

3 Hir rulers within her are as roaringe lyons: hir iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothinge behynde them till the morow. 4 Hir prophetes are light personnes and vn faithfull men: hir prestes vnhalowe the Sanctuary, and do wronge vnder the pretence of the lawe. 5 But the iust LORDE that doth no vnright, was amonge them, euery mornynge shewinge them his lawe clearly, and ceassed not. But the vngodly will not lerne to be a?shamed.

Acts 10:34

34 Peter opened his mouth, & sayde: Now perceaue I of a trueth, that God hath no respecte of personnes,

Acts 16:37

37 But Paul sayde vnto them: They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned (where as we are yet Romaynes) and haue cast vs in preson, and shulde they now thrust vs out preuely? Not so, but let them come them selues, and brynge vs out.

Acts 23:3

3 Then sayde Paul vnto him: God shal smyte the thou paynted wall. Syttest thou and iudgest me after the lawe, and commaundest me to be smytten cotrary to ye lawe?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.