Acts 7:19 Cross References - Coverdale

19 The same dealte suttely wt oure kynred, and intreated oure fathers euell and made them to cast out the yonge children, that they shulde not remayne alyue.

Exodus 1:9-22

9 and sayde vnto his people: Beholde, the people of the children of Israel are many, & mightier then we: 10 Vp, let vs deale wysely with them, yt there be not so many of them. For yf there shulde ryse vp eny warre agaynst vs, they might ioyne them selues also vnto oure enemies, and ouercome vs, & so get them out of the lande. 11 And he set worke masters ouer them, to kepe them vnder with burthens. (For they buylded the cities Phiton and Raemses, for treasuries vnto Pharao.) 12 But the more they vexed them, the more they multiplied and grew.Therfore had they indignacio at the children of Israel, 13 and the Egipcians compelled the children of Israel without mercy to do seruyce, 14 and made their lyues bytter vnto them with greuous laboure in claye and brycke, and with allmaner of bondage in ye felde, and with allmaner of laboure, which they layed vpon them without mercy. 15 And the kynge of Egipte sayde vnto the mydwyues of the Hebrueswemen. (Of the which one was called Siphra, and the other Pua:) 16 Whan ye helpe the wemen of the Hebrues, and se vpon the stole, that it is a sonne, then slaye him: but yf it be a doughter, let her lyue. 17 Neuertheles the mydwyues feared God, & dyd not as the kinge of Egipte commaunded them, but let the children lyue. 18 Then the kynge of Egipte called the mydwyues, and sayde vnto them: Wherfore do ye this, that ye let the children lyue? 19 The mydwyues answered Pharao: The wemen of the Hebrues are not as the wemen of Egipte, for they are sturdy wemen: or euer the mydwyues come at them, they are delyuered. 20 Therfore God dealt well with the mydwyues. And the people multiplied, and became exceadinge mightie. 21 And for so moch as the mydwyues feared God, he made them houses. 22 Then Pharao commauded all his people and sayde: All the sonnes that are borne, cast in to the water, but let all the doughters lyue.

Psalms 83:4-5

4 Come (saye they) let vs rote them out from amonge the people, that the name of Israel maye be put out of remebraunce. 5 For they haue cast their heades together with one consent, & are cofederate agaynst the.

Psalms 105:25

25 Whose hert turned, so that they hated his people, and dealt vntruly with his seruauntes.

Psalms 129:1-3

1 Many a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp (maye Israel now saie). 2 Yee many a tyme haue they fought agaist me fro my youth vp, but they haue not ouercome me. 3 The plowers plowed vpo my backe, & made loge forowes.

Revelation 12:4-5

4 and his tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stode before the woma, which was ready to be delyuered: for to devoure her childe as sone as it were borne. 5 And she brought forth a man childe, which shulde rule all nacions with a rod of yron. And her sonne was taken vp vnto God, and to his seate.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.