Acts 5:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Mightest thou not haue kepte it, whan thou haddest it? And whan it was solde, the money was also in thy power: Why hast thou then conceaued this thinge in thine hert? Thou hast not lyed vnto me, but vnto God.

Exodus 16:8

8 Moses sayde morouer: At euen shall the LORDE geue you flesh to eate, and in the mornynge bred ynough: because ye LORDE hath herde youre grudginges, that ye haue grudged agaynst him. For what are we? Youre murmuringe is not agaynst vs, but against the LORDE.

Exodus 35:21-22

21 & euery one brought the gift of his hert: & all that they wolde of fre will, the same brought they for an Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE for ye worke of the Tabernacle of witnesse, & for all the seruyce therof, & for the holy vestimetes. 22 Both men & wemen that were of a wyllynge hert, brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels, and all maner Iewels of golde: Euery man also brought golde for Waue offerynges vnto the LORDE.

Exodus 35:29

29 Thus the children of Israel brought fre wyllynge offerynges, both man and weme, for all maner of worke, that the LORDE had commaunded by Moses, to be made.

Numbers 16:11

11 Thou and all thy copany conspyre agaynst the LORDE. What is Aaron, that ye shulde murmur against him?

Joshua 7:25-26

25 And Iosua sayde: For so moch as thou hast troubled vs, the LORDE trouble the this daye. And all Israel stoned him, and burned him with fyre with all that he had. 26 And whan they had stoned him, they made ouer him a greate heape of stones, which remayneth vnto this daye. (So the LORDE turned from the rigorousnes of his wrath.) Therfore is the same place called ye valley of Achor vnto this daye.

1 Samuel 8:7

7 The LORDE saide vnto Samuel: Herken vnto the voice of the people in all yt they haue sayde vnto the. For they haue not refused the, but me, yt I shulde not be kinge ouer them.

2 Kings 5:25-27

25 And whan they were gone their waye, he stode before his lorde. And Eliseus sayde vnto him: Whence commest thou Gehasi? He sayde: Thy seruaunt wente nether hither ner thither. 26 But he sayde vnto him: Wente not my hert wt the, whan the man turned backe from his charet to mete the? Now thou hast take the syluer & the rayment, olyue trees, vynyardes, shepe, oxen, seruauntes & maydens. 27 But the leprosy of Naaman shal cleue vnto the & to thy sede for euer. Then wete he forth from him leporous as snowe.

1 Chronicles 29:3

3 Besydes this, for the good wyl yt I haue to the house of God,

1 Chronicles 29:5

5 yt the same which ought to be of golde, maye be of golde: & that it which ought to be of syluer, maye be of syluer: and for all maner of worke by the hande of the craftesmen. And who is now fre wyllinge, to fyll his hande this daye vnto the LORDE?

1 Chronicles 29:9

9 And ye people were glad that they were fre wyllinge: for they gaue it wt a good wyll (euen with all their hert) vnto the LORDE. And Dauid also ye kynge reioysed greatly,

1 Chronicles 29:17

17 I knowe my God, that thou tryest the hert, and that vnfaynednes is acceptable vnto the: therfore haue I geue all this with an vnfayned hert, eue with a good wyll, and now haue I had ioye to se thy people (which here are present) offre with a fre wyll vnto the.

Job 15:35

35 He conceaueth trauayle, he beareth myschefe, & his body bryngeth forth disceate.

Psalms 7:14

14 Beholde, he trauayleth with myschefe, he hath coceaued vnhappynesse, and brought forth a lye.

Psalms 139:4

4 Thou hast fashioned me behinde & before, & layed thine hode vpon me.

Isaiah 59:4

4 No man regardeth righteousnes, & no ma iudgeth truly Euery man hopeth in vayne thinges, and ymagineth disceate, coceaueth weerynesse, & bringeth forth euell.

Ezekiel 38:10

10 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: At the same tyme shal many thinges come in to thy mynde, so that thou shalt ymagyn myschefe,

Luke 10:16

16 He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despyseth you, despyseth me: but who so despyseth me, despyseth him yt sent me.

Acts 5:3

3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod?

Acts 5:9

9 Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempte the sprete of the LORDE? Beholde, the fete of the which haue buried thy hussbande, are at the dore, & shal carye the out.

Acts 8:21-22

21 Thou shalt haue nether parte ner felashipe in this worde, for yi hert is not righte before God. 22 Repente therfore of this yi wickednesse, and praye vnto God, yf happly the thought of thy hert maye be forgeue ye.

1 Corinthians 8:8

8 Neuertheles meate furthureth not vs vnto God. Yf we eate, we shal not therfore be the better: yf we eate not, we shal not therfore be the lesse.

1 Corinthians 9:5-17

5 Haue we not power also to leade aboute a sister to wife, as well as other Apostles, and as the brethren of the LORDE, and Cephas? 6 Or haue onely I and Barnabas not power this to do? 7 Who goeth a warfare at eny tyme vpon his awne wages? Who planteth a vynyarde, and eateth not of the frute therof? Who fedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke? 8 Saye I these thinges after the maner of men? Sayeth not the lawe the same also? 9 For it is wrytten in the lawe off Moses: Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for the oxen? 10 Or sayeth he it not alltogether for oure sakes? For no doute it is wrytte for oure sakes. For he that eareth, shulde eare vpon hope: and he yt throssheth, shulde trosshe vpon hope, yt he mighte be partaker of his hope. 11 Yf we haue sowne vnto you spiritual thinges, is it a greate thige yf we reape yor bodely thiges? 12 But yf other be partakers of this power on you, wherfore are not we rather? Neuertheles we haue not vsed this power, but suffre all thinges, lest we shulde hynder the Gospell off Christ. 13 Knowe ye not that they which laboure in the temple, haue their lyuynge of ye temple: and they that wayte at the altare, enioye the altare? 14 Euen thus also hath ye LORDE ordeyned, that they which preach the Gospell, shulde lyue of ye Gospell. 15 But I haue vsed none of these thinges. Nether wryte I therof, that it shulde be done so vnto me: for I had rather dye, the that eny man shulde brynge my reioysinge to naughte. 16 For in that I preach the Gospell, I neade not boost my selfe, for I must nedes do it. And wo vnto me, yff I preach not the Gospell. 17 Yf I do it with a good wyll, I shall haue my rewarde: but yff I do it agaynst my wyll, yet is the office commytted vnto me.

1 Thessalonians 4:8

8 He therfore that despyseth, despyseth not man, but God, which hath geuen his holy sprete in to you.

Philemon 1:14

14 Neuertheles without thy mynde wolde I do nothinge, that ye good which thou doest, shulde not be of compulsion, but wyllingly. 15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

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