Acts 26:22 Cross References - Coverdale

22 But thorow the helpe of God lent vnto me, I stonde vnto this daye, and testifye both vnto small and greate, and saye no other thinge, the that ye prophetes haue sayde (that it shulde come to passe) and Moses,

1 Samuel 7:12

12 Then toke Samuel a stone, & set it vp betwene Mispa & Sen, & called it ye Help stone, & sayde: Hither to hath the LORDE helped vs.

Ezra 8:31

31 So we brake vp, from the water of Aheua on the twolueth daye of the first moneth, to go vnto Ierusalem: and the hande of oure God was vpon us, and delyuered us fro the hande of the enemies and preuy waytinges by the waye.

Psalms 18:47

47 The LORDE lyueth: ad blessed be my helper, praysed be the God of my health.

Psalms 66:12

12 we wete thorow fyre and water, butt thou hast brought vs out, and refreshed vs.

Psalms 118:10-13

10 All Heithen compased me rounde aboute, but in the name of the LORDE wil I destroye the. 11 They kepte me in on euery syde, but in the name of the LORDE, I wil destroye them. 12 They came aboute me like bees, & were as hote as the fyre in the thornes, but in the name of the LORDE I wil destroye them. 13 They thrust at me, that I might fall, but the LORDE was my helpe.

Psalms 124:1-3

1 If the LORDE had not bene of oure syde (now maye Israel saye) Yf the LORDE had not bene of oure syde, whe me rose vp agaynst vs: 2 They had swalowed vs vp quycke, when they were so wrothfully displeased at vs. 3 Yee the waters had drowned vs, the streame had gone ouer oure soule.

Psalms 124:8

8 Oure helpe stodeth in the name of the LORDE, which hath made heauen and earth.

Matthew 17:4-5

4 Then answered Peter, and sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, here is good beynge for us. Yf thou wilt, let us make here thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 Whyle he yet spake, beholde, a bright cloude ouershadowed them: and lo, there came a voyce out of the cloude, saienge: This is my deare sonne, in whom I delyte, heare him.

Luke 16:29-31

29 Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them. 30 But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them fro the deed, they wolde do pennaunce. 31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.

Luke 24:27

27 And he beganne at Moses and at all the prophetes, and expounded vnto them all the scriptures, that were spoken of him.

Luke 24:44

44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes, which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you. For it must all be fulfilled that was wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses, in the prophetes, & in the Psalmes.

Luke 24:46

46 and sayde vnto them: Thus is it wrytte, and thus it behoued Christ to suffre, & the thirde daye to ryse agayne fro the deed,

John 1:17

17 For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ.

John 1:45

45 Philippe founde Nathanael, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde him, of who Moses in the lawe, and ye prophetes haue wrytten, euen Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth.

John 3:14-15

14 And like as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wyldernes, euen so must the sonne of man be lift vp, 15 that who so euer beleueth in him, shulde not perish, but haue euerlastinge life.

John 5:39

39 Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me,

John 5:46

46 Yf ye beleued Moses, ye shulde beleue me also: For he hath wrytte of me.

Acts 3:21-24

21 which must receaue heauen vntyll the tyme that all thinges, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophetes sence ye worlde beganne, be restored agayne. 22 For Moses sayde vnto ye fathers: A prophet shal the LORDE youre God rayse vp vnto you, euen from amoge youre brethren, like vnto me: him shal ye heare, in all that he shal saye vnto you. 23 And it shal come to passe, what soule soeuer shal not heare the same prophet, shal be destroyed from amonge the people. 24 And all the prophetes from Samuel and thence forth as many as haue spoken, haue likewyse tolde of these dayes.

Acts 10:43

43 Of him beare all the prophetes wytnesse, that thorow his name all they yt beleue in him, shal receaue remyssion of synnes.

Acts 14:19-20

19 But there came thither certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconiu, and persuaded the people, and stoned Paul, and drue him out of the cite, supposinge he had bene deed. 20 Howbeyt as ye disciples stode rounde aboute him, he rose vp, & came in to the cite. And on the nexte daye he departed with Barnabas vnto Derba,

Acts 16:25-26

25 But at mydnight prayed Paul and Sylas, and praysed God. And the presoners herde them. 26 Sodenly was there a greate earth quake, so that the foundacions of the preson were shaken. And immediatly were all the dores open, & all their bondes lowsed

Acts 18:9-10

9 The LORDE spake vnto Paul by a vision in ye nighte: Be not afrayed, but speake, and holde not thy peace, 10 for I am with the: and no man shal inuade the that shal hurte the, for I haue moch people in this cite.

Acts 20:20-27

20 how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house. 21 And haue testifyed both vnto the Iewes & to the Grekes the repentaunce towarde God, and faith towarde oure LORDE Iesus. 22 And now beholde, I go bounde in ye sprete vnto Ierusale, not knowinge what shal happen there vnto me, 23 but yt the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite, and sayeth, that bondes and troubles abyde me there. 24 But I regarde none of them, nether counte I my life dearer then my selfe, that I maye fulfyll my course with ioye, and the office yt I haue receaued of the LORDE Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God. 25 And now beholde, I knowe that ye shal se my face nomore, all ye, thorow whom I haue gone, and preached the kyngdome of God. 26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this daye, that I am pure from the bloude of all men: 27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.

Acts 21:31-33

31 But whan they wete aboute to kyll him, tydinges came to the chefe captayne of the company, that all Ierusalem was moued. 32 Which immediatly toke soudyers and captaynes vnto him, and ranne in amoge them. Whan they sawe the captayne and the soudyers, they lefte smytinge of Paul. 33 Whan the captayne came nye, he toke him, and commaunded him to be bounde with two cheynes, and axed what he was, and what he had done.

Acts 23:10-11

10 But whan the discension was greate, ye vpper captayne feared, that Paul shulde haue bene pluckte a sonder of them, and commaunded the soudyers to go downe, and to take him from them, and to brynge him in to the castell. 11 But in the nighte folowinge, the LORDE stode by him, and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul, for as thou hast testified of me at Ierusalem so must thou testifye at Rome also.

Acts 23:16-22

16 But whan Pauls sisters sonne herde of their layenge awayte, he came, and entred into the castell, and tolde Paul. 17 So Paul called vnto him one of ye vnder captaynes, and sayde: Brynge this yonge man to the vpper captayne, for he hath somewhat to saye to him. 18 He toke him, and broughte him to the vpper captayne, and sayde: Paul the presoner called me vnto him, and prayed me to brynge to the this yonge man, which hath somwhat to saye vnto the. 19 Then the hye captayne toke him by the hande, and wente asyde with him out of the waye, and axed him: What is it, that thou hast to saye vnto me? 20 He sayde: The Iewes are agreed together, to desyre the, to let Paul be broughte forth tomorow before the councell, as though they wolde yet heare him better. 21 But folowe not thou their myndes, for there laye wayte for him mo then fortye men off them, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they haue slayne Paul: and euen now are they redye, and loke for thy promes. 22 Then the vpper captayne let the yonge man departe, and charged him to tell noman, that he had shewed him this.

Acts 24:14

14 But this I confesse vnto the, that after this waye which they call heresye, so worshippe I the God of my fathers, that I beleue all that is wrytten in the lawe and in the prophetes,

Acts 26:6

6 And now stonde I, and am iudged because of the hope of the promes, that was made of God vnto oure fathers,

Acts 26:17

17 And I wil delyuer the from the people, and from the Heythen, amonge who I wil now sende the,

Acts 28:23

23 And wha they had appoynted hi a daye, there came many vnto hi in to his lodginge: vnto who he expouded ye kyngdome of God & preached vnto the of Iesu, out of ye lawe and out of the prophetes, eue fro mornynge vntyll the eue.

Romans 3:21

21 But now without addinge to of ye lawe is the righteousnes which avayleth before God, declared, hauynge witnesse of ye lawe and the prophetes:

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

8 Brethren we wolde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble, which happened vnto vs in Asia, for we were greued out off measure passynge strength, so that we euen dispared of life, 9 and had concluded in oure selues yt we must nedes dye. But this was done, because we shulde not put oure trust in oure selues, but in God, which rayseth vp the deed to life agayne: 10 which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and yet delyuereth daylie, On whom we trust, that he wil delyuer vs here after also,

2 Timothy 3:11

11 my persecucions, my affliccions, which happened vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecucions I suffred paciently, and from the all the LORDE delyuered me.

2 Timothy 4:17-18

17 Notwitstondynge the LORDE stode by me, & stregthed me, that by me the preachinge shulde be fulfylled to the vttemost, and that all the Heythe shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon. 18 And the LORDE shal delyuer me from all euell doynge, and shal kepe me vnto his heauenly kyngdome. To whom be prayse for euer and euer, Amen.

Revelation 11:18

18 And the Heythen were angry, & thy wrath is come, and the tyme of the deed that they shulde be iudged, and that thou shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruautes the prophettes and saynctes, and to the that feare thy name, small & greate: and shuldest destroye them which destroye the earth.

Revelation 15:3

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, and the songe of the lambe, saynge: Greate and maruellous are thy workes LORDE God almyghty, iust and true are thy wayes, thou kynge of sayntes.

Revelation 20:12

12 And I sawe the deed, both gret and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened, and another boke was opened, which is (the boke) of life, and the deed were iudged of tho thinges which were wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes:

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