Acts 1:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 but ye shal receaue the power of ye holy goost, which shal come vpon you, and ye shalbe my witnesses at Ierusalem, and in all Iewrye and Samaria, and vnto the ende of the earth.

Psalms 22:27

27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him.

Psalms 98:3

3 The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health, and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithe.

Isaiah 42:10

10 Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them.

Isaiah 49:6

6 Let it be but a smal thinge, that thou art my seruaunt, to set vp the kinreddes of Iacob, & to restore the destructio of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my health vnto the ende of the worlde.

Isaiah 52:10

10 The LORDE wil make bare his holy arme, & shewe it forth in the sight of all the Getiles, & all the endes of the earth shal se the sauynge health of oure God.

Isaiah 66:19

19 Vnto them shal I geue a toke, and sende certayne of the (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: in to Celicia, Africa and Lidia (where men can handle bowes) into Italie also and Grekelonde. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, & haue not sene my glory: shal preach my prayse amonge the Gentiles,

Jeremiah 16:19

19 O LORDE, my strength, my power, and refuge in tyme off trouble. The Gentiles shall come vnto the from the endes off the worlde, and saye: Verely oure fathers haue cleued vnto lies, their Idols are but vayne and vnprofitable.

Micah 3:8

8 As for me, I am full of strength, & of ye sprete of ye LORDE, full of iudgment & boldnesse: to shewe the house of Iacob their wickednesse, & the house of Israel their synne.

Zechariah 4:6

6 He answered, & sayde vnto me: This is the worde of the LORDE vnto Zorobabel, sayenge: Nether thorow an hoost of men, ner thorow stregth, but thorow my sprete, saieth ye LORDE of hoostes.

Matthew 24:14

14 And this gospell of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde for a wytnes vnto all people, and then shal the ende come.

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye youre waye therfore, and teach all nacions, and baptyse them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goost:

Mark 16:15

15 And he sayde vnto them: Go ye youre waye in to all the worlde, and preach the gospell vnto all creatures.

Luke 1:35

35 The angell answered, & sayde vnto her: The holy goost shal come vpon the, & the power of the Hyest shal ouershadowe the. Therfore that Holy also which shalbe borne (of the) shalbe called the sonne of God.

Luke 10:19

19 Beholde, I haue geuen you power to treade vpon serpetes and scorpions, and ouer all power of the enemye, and nothinge shall hurte you.

Luke 24:29

29 And they compelled him, and sayde: Abyde with vs, for it draweth towardes night, and the daye is farre passed. And he wente in to tary with the.

Luke 24:46-49

46 and sayde vnto them: Thus is it wrytte, and thus it behoued Christ to suffre, & the thirde daye to ryse agayne fro the deed, 47 and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amoge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusale. 48 As for all these thinges, ye are wytnesses of the. 49 And beholde, I wil sende vpon you the promes of my father: but ye shal tary in the cite of Ierusalem, tyll ye be endewed with power from aboue.

John 15:27

27 and ye shal beare wytnesse also: for ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge.

Acts 1:5

5 For Ihon baptysed with water, but ye shalbe baptysed wt ye holy goost, & that within this few dayes.

Acts 1:22

22 begynnynge from the baptyme of Ihon, vntyll ye daye that he was take vp from vs) must one be a wytnesse with vs of his resurreccion.

Acts 2:1-4

1 And whan the Whit sondaye was fulfylled, they were all with one acorde together in one place. 2 And sodenly there came a sounde from heauen, as it had bene the comynge of a mightie wynde, and it fylled the whole house where they sat. 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen tunges, like as they had bene of fyre. And he sat vpon ech one of them, 4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.

Acts 2:32

32 This Iesus hath God raysed vp, wherof we all are witnesses.

Acts 3:15

15 but ye slewe the prynce of life, whom God hath raysed from the deed, of the which we are witnesses.

Acts 4:33

33 And with greate power gaue the Apostles witnesse of the resurreccion of the LORDE Iesu, and greate grace was with them all.

Acts 5:32

32 And we are his recordes of these wordes, and the holy goost, who God hath geuen vnto the that obeye him.

Acts 6:8

8 Steuen full of faith and power, dyd wonders and greate tokens amonge the people.

Acts 8:1

1 Saul had pleasure in his death. At ye same tyme there was a greate persecucion ouer the congregacion at Ierusale. And they were all scatered abrode in the regions of Iewrye & Samaria, excepte the Apostles.

Acts 8:5-25

5 The came Philippe in to a cite of Samaria, and preached Christ vnto them. 6 And the people gaue hede with one acorde vnto ye thinges that Philip spake, hearinge him, and seynge the tokes that he dyd. 7 For the vncleane spretes cryed loude, and departed out of many yt were possessed. And many that were sicke of the palsie and lame, were healed. 8 And there was greate ioye in the same cite. 9 But afore there was in ye same cite a certayne ma, called Simon, which vsed witche craft, and bewitched ye people of Samaria, sayenge, that he was a man which coulde do greate thinges. 10 And they all regarded him from the leest vnto ye greatest, & sayde: This is the power of God which is greate. 11 But they regarded him, because that of longe tyme he had bewitched them with his sorcery. 12 Howbeit whan they beleued Philips preachinge of ye kyngdome of God, and of the name of Iesu Christ, they were baptysed both me & weme. 13 Then Symon himself beleued also, and was baptysed, and cleued vnto Philippe. And wha he sawe the dedes and tokens that were done, he wondred. 14 Whan the Apostles which were at Ierusalem, herde, that Samaria had receaued ye worde of God, they sent vnto the Peter and Ihon. 15 Which, wha they were come, prayed for the, yt they might receaue the holy goost. 16 For as yet he was come vpon none of them but they were baptysed onely in the name of Christ Iesu. 17 Then layed they their hades on them, and they receaued the holy goost. 18 But whan Simon sawe, that by the layenge on of the Apostles hades ye holy goost was geuen, he offred the money, 19 and sayde: Geue me also this power, that, on whomsoeuer I put the hodes, he maye receaue the holy goost. 20 Howbeit Peter sayde vnto him: Perishe thou with thy money, because thou thinkest that ye gifte of God maye be optayned with money. 21 Thou shalt haue nether parte ner felashipe in this worde, for yi hert is not righte before God. 22 Repente therfore of this yi wickednesse, and praye vnto God, yf happly the thought of thy hert maye be forgeue ye. 23 For I se, yt thou art full of bytter gall, and wrapped in wt vnrighteousnesse. 24 Then answered Simon, & sayde: Praye ye vnto the LORDE for me, yt none of these thinges wherof ye haue spoken, come vpon me. 25 And they, wha they had testified and spoke the worde of the LORDE, turned agayne to Ierusalem, and preached the Gospell in many townes of the Samaritanes.

Acts 10:38-41

38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him. 39 And we are witnesses of all that he dyd in the londe of the Iewes, & at Ierusalem. Whom they slewe, and hanged on tre. 40 Him God raysed vp on the thirde daye, and caused him be openly shewed, 41 not to all the people, but to ye chosen witnesses of God euen vnto vs, which ate & dronke with him, after he was rysen vp from the deed.

Acts 13:31

31 and he appeared many dayes vnto the, that wente vp with him from Galile vnto Ierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people.

Acts 22:15

15 for thou shalt be his wytnesse vnto all men, of tho thinges which thou hast sene and herde.

Romans 10:18

18 But I saye: Haue they not herde? No doute their sounde wete out into all londes, and their wordes in to the endes of the worlde.

Romans 15:19

19 thorow the power of tokens and wonders, and thorow the power of the sprete of God, so that from Ierusale, and roude aboute vnto Illyricon, I haue fylled all with the Gospell of Christ.

Colossians 1:23

23 yf ye contynue grounded and stablished in the faith, and be not moued awaye from ye hope of the Gospell, wherof ye haue herde: which is preached amonge all creatures yt are vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a mynister.

Revelation 11:3-6

3 And I wil geue power vnto my two wytnesses, and they shal prophesy .M.ijc. and lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth. 4 These are two olyue trees, and two candelstyckes, stondinge before the God of the earth. 5 And if eny man wil hurt them, fyre shal procede out of their mouthes, and consume their enemyes. And yf eny ma wil hurt the, this wyse muste he be kylled. 6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and haue power ouer waters, to turne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth with all maner plages, as often as they will.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.