Acts 16:37 Cross References - Coverdale

37 But Paul sayde vnto them: They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned (where as we are yet Romaynes) and haue cast vs in preson, and shulde they now thrust vs out preuely? Not so, but let them come them selues, and brynge vs out.

Psalms 58:1-2

1 Yf youre myndes be vpon rightuousnesse in dede, then iudge the thinge that is right, o ye sonnes of men. 2 But ye ymagin myschefe in youre hertes, and youre hondes deale with wickednesse.

Psalms 82:1-2

1 God stondeth in the congregacion of the goddes, & is a iudge amonge the iudges. 2 How longe wil ye geue wroge iudgment, & accepte the personnes of the vngodly?

Psalms 94:20

20 Wilt thou haue eny thinge to do with the stole of wickednesse, which ymagineth myschefe in the lawe?

Proverbs 28:1

1 The vngodly flyeth no man chasynge him, but the rightuous stondeth stiff as a lyon.

Daniel 3:25-26

25 He answered and sayde: lo, for all that, yet do I se foure men goinge lowse in the myddest off the fyre, and nothinge corrupte: and the fourth is like an angel to loke vpon. 26 Vpon this wete Nabuchodonosor vnto the mouth of the hote burnynge ouen: he speake also, & sayde: O Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago, ye seruauntes of the hye God: go forth, and come hither. And so Sydrac, Misac, and Abdenago wente out of the fyre.

Daniel 6:18-19

18 So the kynge wente in to his palace, and kepte him sober all night, so that there was no table spred before him, nether coude he take eny slepe. 19 But be tymes in the mornynge at the breake off the daye, the kynge arose, and wente in all haist vnto the denne off the Lyons.

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you forth as shepe amoge wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues.

Acts 16:20-24

20 & broughte the vnto the officers, and sayde: These men trouble oure cyte, & are Iewes, 21 and preach an ordynaunce, which is not laufull for vs to receaue, ner to obserue, seynge we are Romaynes. 22 And the people rane on them, and the officers rente their clothes, and comaunded them to be beaten with roddes. 23 And whan they had beaten them sore, they cast the in preson, and commaunded the iayler, to kepe them diligetly. 24 Which whan he had receaued soch commaundement, he cast the in to the ynner preson, and put their fete in the stockes.

Acts 22:25-29

25 And whan he bounde him with thonges, Paul sayde vnto the vndercaptayne that stode by: Is it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romayne, and vncondemned? 26 Whan the vndercaptayne herde that, he wete to the vpper captayne, and tolde him, and sayde? What wilt thou do? This man is a Romayne. 27 Then came ye vpper captayne, and sayde vnto him: Tell me, art thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yee. 28 And the vpper captayne answered: With a greate summe optayned I this fredome.But Paul sayde: As for me, I am a Romayne borne. 29 The straight waye departed from him, they that shulde haue examyned him. And ye chefe captayne was afrayed, whan he knewe that he was a Romayne, and because he had bounde him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.