Acts 11:29 Cross References - Coverdale

29 But the disciples cocluded (euery one acordinge to his abylite) to sende an handreachinge vnto ye brethren that were in Iewry:

Ezra 2:69

69 and gaue after their abilyte vnto the treasure of the worke, one and threscore thousande guldens, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer, and an hundreth prestes garmentes.

Nehemiah 5:8

8 and sayde vnto them: We (after oure abilyte) haue boughte oure brethren the Iewes, which were solde vnto the Heythen. And wyl ye sell youre brethren, whom we haue boughte vnto vs? Then helde they their peace, & coulde fynde nothinge to answere.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

1 Sende thy vytayles ouer the waters, and so shalt thou fynde the after many yeares. 2 Geue it awaye amonge seuen or eight, for thou knowest not what misery shal come vpo earth.

Luke 12:29-33

29 Axe not ye therfore what ye shal eate, or what ye shal drynke, and clymme not vp an hye: 30 The Heithen in the worlde seke after all soch thinges. 31 But seke ye the kyngdome of God, and all these shal be mynistred vnto you. 32 Feare not thou litle flocke, for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you the kyngdome. 33 Sell that ye haue, and geue almesse. Make you bagges, which waxe not olde: euen a treasure that neuer fayleth in heauen, where no thefe commeth, and no moth corruppeth:

Acts 2:44-45

44 But all they that beleued, were together, and had all thinges commen. 45 They solde their goodes and possessions, and parted them out amonge all, acordinge as euery ma had nede.

Acts 4:34

34 Nether was there eny amonge them that lacked. For as many as were possessers of londes or houses, solde the and brought ye money of the goodes that were solde,

Acts 11:1

1 The Apostles and the brethren that were in Iewrye, herde saye, that the Heythen also had receaued the worde of God.

Acts 11:26

26 And wha he had foude hi, he brought hi to Anthioche. It chauced, that a whole yeare they were there couersaunte together in the cogregacio, & taughte moch people, so that the disciples at Antioche were first called Christen.

Romans 15:25-27

25 But now go I to Ierusalem, to mynister vnto the sayntes. 26 For they of Macedonia and Achaia haue wyllingly prepared a commen colleccion together, for the poore sayntes at Ierusalem. 27 They haue done it wyllingly, and their detters are they. For yf ye Heythen be made partakers off their spiritual thinges, their dutye is to mynister vnto the in bodely thinges.

1 Corinthians 13:5

5 seketh not hir awne, is not prouoked vnto anger, thynketh not euell,

1 Corinthians 16:1-2

1 Concernynge the gadderynge that is made for the sayntes, as I haue ordeyned in the congregacions of Galacia, euen so do ye also. 2 Vpon some Sabbath daye let euery one of you put aside by him selfe, and laye vp what so euer he thinketh mete, that the colleccion be not to gather whan I come.

2 Corinthians 8:2-4

2 For their reioysinge was most abundaunt, whan they were tryed by moch trouble: & though they were exceadinge poore, yet haue they geue exceadinge richely, and that in synglenesse. 3 For to their power (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power, they were wyllinge of their awne acorde, 4 and prayed vs with greate instauce, that we wolde receaue their benefite and fellishippe of the hadreachinge that is done for the sayntes:

2 Corinthians 8:12-14

12 For yf there be a wyllinge mynde, it is accepted acordinge to that a man hath, not acordinge to that he hath not. 13 This is not done to the intent, that other shulde haue ease, and ye cobraunce, 14 but that it be a lyke. Let youre abundaunce sucker their lacke in this tyme off derth, that their abundaunce also herafter maye supplee youre lacke,

2 Corinthians 9:1-2

1 Of the handreachinge vnto ye sayntes, it is no nede for me to wryte vnto you: 2 for I knowe youre redynesse of mynde, wherof I boast my selfe amonge them of Macedonia, and saye: Achaia was ready a yeare agoo. And youre feruentnesse hath prouoked many.

Galatians 2:10

10 onely that we shulde remebre the poore, which thinge also I was diligent to do.

Hebrews 13:5-6

5 Let youre conuersacion be without couetousnes, and be content with that ye haue allready, for he hath sayde: I wyl not fayle the nether forsake the, 6 so that we maye boldely saye: The LORDE is my helper, and I wyl not feare what man maye do vnto me.

1 Peter 4:9-11

9 Be ye herberous one to another without grudginge, 10 & mynister one to another, eueryone with the gifte yt he hath receaued, as good stewardes of the manifolde grace of God. 11 Yf eny ma speake, let hi speake it as ye wordes of God. Yf eny man haue an office, let him execute it as out of the power yt God mynistreth vnto hi, yt God maye be praysed in all thinges thorow Iesus Christ, To who be honor and domynion for euer and euer Amen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.