Acts 11:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 But whan I beganne to speake, the holy goost fell vpo them, like as vpon vs at ye begynnynge.

Acts 2:2-12

2 And sodenly there came a sounde from heauen, as it had bene the comynge of a mightie wynde, and it fylled the whole house where they sat. 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen tunges, like as they had bene of fyre. And he sat vpon ech one of them, 4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce. 5 There were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes, men that feared God, out of euery nacion that is vnder heauen. 6 Now whan this voyce came to passe, the multitude came together, and were astonyed: For euery one herde, that they spake with his awne tunge. 7 They wondred all and marueyled, and sayde amonge them selues: Beholde, are not all these which speake, of Galile? 8 How heare we the euery one his awne tunge, wherin we were borne? 9 Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and we that dwell in Mesopotamia, and in Iewry and Capadocia, Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrigia and Pamphilia, Egipte, and in the partes of Lybia by Cyren, and straungers of Rome, Iewes and Proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians: we heare them speake with oure awne tunges the greate workes of God. 12 They were all amased, and wondred, and sayde one to another: What wil this be?

Acts 4:31

31 And wha they had prayed, the place moued where they were gathered together, & they were all fylled with ye holy goost, & spake the worde of God boldly.

Acts 10:34-46

34 Peter opened his mouth, & sayde: Now perceaue I of a trueth, that God hath no respecte of personnes, 35 but in all people he yt feareth him, and worketh righteousnes, is accepted vnto him. 36 Ye knowe of ye preachinge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachinge thorow Iesus Christ (which is LORDE ouer all) 37 which preachinge was published thorow out all Iewry, and begane in Galile after ye baptyme that Ihon preached, 38 how God anoynted the same Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and wt power, which wente aboute, & dyd good, and healed all those that were oppressed of the deuell, for God was with him. 39 And we are witnesses of all that he dyd in the londe of the Iewes, & at Ierusalem. Whom they slewe, and hanged on tre. 40 Him God raysed vp on the thirde daye, and caused him be openly shewed, 41 not to all the people, but to ye chosen witnesses of God euen vnto vs, which ate & dronke with him, after he was rysen vp from the deed. 42 And he commaunded vs to preach vnto the people, and to testifye, that it is he which is ordeyned of God a iudge of the lyuynge and of the deed. 43 Of him beare all the prophetes wytnesse, that thorow his name all they yt beleue in him, shal receaue remyssion of synnes. 44 Whyle Peter was yet speakynge these wordes, the holy goost fell vpo all the that herkened vnto the worde. 45 And the faithfull of the circucision which came with Peter, were astonnyed, because that the gifte of ye holy goost was shed out also vpon the Heythen. 46 For they herde that they spake with tunges, and magnified God. The answered Peter:

Acts 19:6

6 And whan Paul layed the hades on the, the holy goost came vpon them, and they spake with tunges, and prophecied.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.