2 Peter 2:19 Cross References - Coverdale

19 and promyse them libertye, where as they them selues are seruauntes off corrupcion. For off whom so euer a man is ouercome, vnto the same is he in bondage.

Isaiah 28:1

1 Wo be to ye crowne of pryde, to ye dronke Ephraemites, and to the faydinge floure, to the glory of his pope, yt is vpo the toppe of the pleteous valley: which me be ouerladen wt wyne.

Jeremiah 23:9

9 My herte breaketh in my body because of the false prophetes, all my bones shake: I am become like a droncken man (that by the reason of wyne can take no rest) for very feare of the LORDE, and of his holy wordes:

John 8:34

34 Iesus answered them, and sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer doth synne,

Romans 6:12-14

12 Let not synne reigne therfore in youre mortall bodye, that ye shulde obeye vnto the lustes of it. 13 ether geue ye ouer youre membres vnto synne to be wapens of vnrighteousnes, but geue ouer youre selues vnto God, as they that off deed are become lyuynge, and youre membres vnto God to be wapes off righteousnes. 14 For synne shal not haue power ouer you, in so moch as ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace.

Romans 6:16-22

16 Knowe ye not, that loke vnto who ye geue ouer youre selues as seruauntes to obeye, his seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey, whether it be of synne vnto death, or of obediece vnto righteousnes? 17 But God be thanked, that though ye haue bene the seruauntes of synne, ye are now yet obedient of herte to the ensample off the doctryne, whervnto ye are commytted. 18 For now that ye are made fre from synue, ye are become the seruauntes of righteousnes. 19 I wil speake grosly, because of the weaknes of youre flesh. Like as ye haue geuen ouer youre membres to the seruyce of vnclennesse, from one wickednesse to another: Eue so now also geue ouer youre membres to the seruyce of righteousnesse, that they maye be holy. 20 For whan ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye were lowse from righteousnes. 21 What frute had ye at that tyme in those thinges, wherof ye are now ashamed? For the ende of soch thinges is death. 22 But now that ye be fre from synne, and are become the seruauntes of God, ye haue youre frute that ye shulde be holy: but the ende is euerlastinge life.

Galatians 5:1

1 Stonde fast therfore in the libertye wherwith Christ hath made vs fre, and be not wrapped agayne in the yocke off bondage.

Galatians 5:13

13 But brethre, ye are called vnto liberty, onely let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another.

2 Timothy 2:26

26 and to turne agayne from the snare of the deuell, which are holden in preson of him at his will.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were in tymes past, vnwyse, dishobedient, in erroure, seruynge lustes and dyuerse maners of voluptuousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and envye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

1 Peter 2:16

16 as fre, and not as hauynge the libertye for a cloke of wickednes, but eue as the seruauntes of God.

2 Peter 2:20

20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde, thorow the knowlege of ye LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ) are yet tangled agayne therin and ouercome, then is the latter ende worse vnto them then the begynnynge.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.