2 Peter 2:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 but specially them that walke after the flesh in ye lust of vnclennes, and despyse the rulers: beynge presumptuous, stubborne, and feare not to speake euell of the yt are in auctorite

Genesis 49:6

6 In to their secretes come not my soule, and my worshipe be not ioyned with their congregacion: for in their wrath they slew a man, and in their selfwyll they houghed an oxe.

Exodus 22:28

28 Thou shalt not speake euell of the Goddes, and the ruler of thy people shall thou not blaspheme.

Numbers 15:30

30 But yf a soule do ought presumptuously, whether he be one of youre selues or a straunger, he hath despysed the LORDE: ye same soule shalbe roted out from amoge his people:

Numbers 16:12-15

12 And Moses sent to call Datha & Abira ye sonnes of Eliab. But they saide: We wil not come vp. 13 Is it to litle yt thou hast brought vs out of ye lande of Egipte (yt floweth wt mylke & hony) to kyll vs in ye wildernesse: but thou must raigne ouer vs also? 14 How goodly well hast thou brought vs in to a lande, that floweth wt milke and hony, & geue vs feldes and vyniardes in possession? Wilt thou put out these mens eyes? We will not come vp. 15 Then was Moses very wroth, & saide vnto ye LORDE: Turne ye not vnto their meatofferinges. I haue not take so moch as an Asse fro the, nether haue I hurte eny of the.

Deuteronomy 17:12-13

12 And yf eny man deale presumptuously, so that he herkeneth not vnto the prest (which stondeth to do seruyce vnto the LORDE thy God) or to the Iudge, the same shal dye: and thou shalt put awaye the euell from Israel, 13 that all ye people maye heare, and feare, and be nomore presumptuous.

Deuteronomy 21:20-21

20 and saye vnto the Elders of the cite: This oure sonne is stobburne and dishobediet, and herkeneth not vnto oure voyce, and is a ryoter and a dronkarde. 21 Then shal all the men of ye same cite stone him to death: and thus shalt thou put awaye the euell fro the, that all Israel maye heare and feare.

1 Samuel 10:27

27 But the childre of Belial sayde: What shal this felowe helpe vs, and despysed him, & broughte him no presente. But he made him as though he herde it not.

2 Samuel 20:1

1 There was a famous man of Belial there, whose name was Seba ye sonne of Bichri, a ma of Iemini, which blewe the trompe, and sayde: We haue no porcion in Dauid, ner inheritaunce in ye sonne of Isai: let euery get him to his tent, O Israel.

1 Kings 12:16

16 But whan all Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not heare them, the people gaue ye kynge an answere and sayde: What porcion haue we then in Dauid or inheritaunce in the sonne of Isai? Get the to thy tentes O Israel. Loke thou now to thy house thou Dauid. So Israel wente vnto their tentes.

Psalms 2:1-5

1 Why do the Heithe grudge? why do the people ymagyn vayne thinges? 2 The kynges of the earth stode vp, and the rulers are come together, agaynst the LORDE ad agaynst his anoynted. 3 Let vs breake their bondes a sunder, and cast awaye their yocke from vs. 4 Neuerthelesse, he that dwelleth in heauen, shall laugh the to scorne: yee euen the LORDE himselff shall haue them in derision. 5 Then shal he speake vnto them in his wrath, and vexe them in his sore dispeasure.

Psalms 12:4

4 Which saye: Oure toge shulde preuayle: we are they that ought to speake, who is lorde ouer vs?

Ecclesiastes 10:6-7

6 in yt a foole sytteth in greate dignite, & the rich are sett downe beneth: 7 I se seruauntes ryde vpon horses, & prynces goinge vpon their fete as it were seruauntes.

Ecclesiastes 10:20

20 Wysh the kynge no euell in yi thought, and speake no hurte of ye ryche in thy preuy chambre: for a byrde of the ayre shal betraye thy voyce, and wt hir fethers shal she bewraye thy wordes.

Jeremiah 2:31

31 Yf ye be the people of the LORDE, then herke vnto his worde: Am I the become a wildernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a londe that hath no light? Wherfore saieth my people then: we are falle of, and we wil come no more vnto the?

Luke 19:14

14 But his citesyns hated him, and sent a message after him, and sayde: We wil not haue this man to raigne ouer vs.

Acts 23:5

5 And Paul sayde: Brethre, I wyst not that he was the hye prest. For it is wrytte: The ruler of thy people shalt thou not curse.

Romans 1:24-27

24 Wherfore God likewyse gaue them vp vnto their hertes lustes in to vnclennes, to defyle their awne bodies in them selues, 25 which turned the trueth of God vnto a lye, & worshipped and serued the creature more then the maker, which is blessed for euer. Amen. 26 Therfore God gaue the vp vnto shamefull lustes. For their wemen chaunged the naturall vse in to the vnnaturall: 27 likewyse ye me also lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one on another, and man with man wrought fylthines, and receaued in them selues the rewarde of their erroure, as it was acordinge.

Romans 8:1

1 Then is there now no damnacion vnto the that are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh, but after ye sprete.

Romans 8:4-5

4 & by synne daned synne in ye flesh: that the righteousnes requyred of the lawe, mighte be fulfylled in vs, which walke not after the flesh, but after the sprete. 5 For they that are fleshly, are fleshly mynded: but they that are goostly, are goostly mynded.

Romans 8:12-13

12 Therfore brethre we are now detters, not to the flesh, 13 to lyue after the flesh: for yf ye lyue after ye fleshe, ye must dye: but yf ye mortyfye the dedes of the body thorow the sprete, ye shal lyue.

Romans 13:1-5

1 Let euery soule submytte himselfe to the auctorite off the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. 2 The powers that be, are ordeyned of God: so that who so euer resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resiste, shal receaue to them selues danacion. 3 For rulers are not to be feared for good workes, but for euell. Yf thou wilt be without feare off the power, do well then, and thou shalt haue prayse of the same: 4 for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell. 5 Wherfore ye must nedes obeye, not onely for punyshmet, but also because of conscience.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde,

2 Corinthians 10:3

3 for though we walke in the flesh, yet fighte we not after a fleshly maner.

Ephesians 4:19

19 which beynge past repentaunce, haue geue them selues ouer vnto wantonnes, to worke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredynesse.

Ephesians 5:5

5 For be sure, that no whore monger, or vncleane person, or couetous person (which is a worshipper off ymages) hath inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God.

Colossians 3:5

5 Mortifye therfore youre mebres which are vpon earth, whordome, vnclennes, vnnaturall lust, euell concupiscece, and couetousnes, which is a worshippynge of Idols:

1 Thessalonians 4:7

7 For God hath not called vs to vnclennesse, but vnto holynes.

Titus 1:7

7 For a Bisshoppe must be blamelesse, as the stewarde of God: not wylfull, not angrye, not geuen vnto moch wyne, no fyghter, not gredye of filthye lucre:

Hebrews 13:4

4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes, & let ye chamber be vndefyled. For whorekepers and aduouterers God wil iudge.

1 Peter 2:13-14

13 Submytte youre selues vnto all maner ordinaunce of men for the LORDES sake: whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto ye chefe heade, 14 or vnto rulers, as vnto them that are sent of him, for the punyshment of euell doers, but for the prayse of the that do well.

2 Peter 3:3

3 This first vnderstonde, that in the last dayes there shal come mockers, which wyll walke after their awne lustes,

Jude 1:4

4 For there are certayne craftely crept in, of which it was wrytten afore tyme vnto soche iudgement. They are vngodly, and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantanes, and denye God the onely LORDE, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

Jude 1:6-8

6 The angels also which kept not their first estate: but lefte their awne habitacion, he hath reserued in euerlastinge chaynes vnder darcknes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye: 7 euen as Sodom and Gomor, and the cities aboute them (which in lyke maner defiled them selues with fornicacion and folowed straunge flesshe) are set forth for an ensample, and suffre the vengeaunce of eternall fyre. 8 Lykewyse these dremers defyle the flesshe despyse rulers, and speake euell of them that are in auctoritie.

Jude 1:10

10 But these speake euell off those thinges which they knowe not: and what thinges they knowe naturally, as beastes which are without reason, in tho thinges they corrupte them selues.

Jude 1:16

16 These are murmurers, complaners, walkynge after their awne lustes, whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They haue me in greate reuerence because of avauntage.

Jude 1:18

18 how that they tolde you yt their shulde be begylers in the last tyme, which shulde walke after their awne vngodly lustes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.