2 Kings 19:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Yf happly the LORDE thy God wil heare all the wordes of ye chefe butler, whom his lorde the kynge of Assiria hath sent, to blasphemie ye lyuynge God, & to defye him with soch wordes as the LORDE thy God hath herde, therfore lifte thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt, which are yet lefte behynde.

Genesis 22:14

14 And Abraham called the place. The LORDE shall prouyde. Therfore it is a comon sayenge yet this daye: Vpon the mountayne shal the LORDE prouyde.

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For the LORDE shall iudge his people, and shal haue compassion on his seruauntes. For he shal considre that their power is awaie, and that it is gone with them, which were shut vp and remayned ouer.

Joshua 14:12

12 Geue me now therfore this mountayne, wherof the LORDE spake in that daye, and thou herdest it the same daye: for now the Enakims dwell theron, and it hath greate and stronge cities: yf happly the LORDE wyl be with me, that I maye dryue the out, as he hath sayde.

1 Samuel 14:6

6 And Ionathas sayde vnto his wapen bearer: Come, let vs go ouer to ye watch of these vncircumcised, peraduenture the LORDE shall worke with vs, For it is no harde matter for the LORDE to helpe by many or by fewe.

1 Samuel 17:45

45 Neuertheles Dauid sayde vnto the Philistyne: Thou commest vnto me with swerde, speare and shylde. But I come vnto the in the name of the LORDE Zebaoth the God of the hoost of Israel, whom thou hast despysed.

2 Samuel 16:12

12 peraduenture the LORDE shall consydre my aduersyte, and recompence me good for his cursynge this daye.

2 Kings 17:5-6

5 And the kynge of Assiria wente vp in to all the londe and to Samaria, and layed sege vnto it thre yeare. 6 And in the nyenth yeare of Oseas dyd ye kynge of Assiria wynne Samaria, and caried Israel awaye in to Assiria, and set them at Halah and at Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes.

2 Kings 18:13

13 In the fourteth yeare of kynge Ezechias dyd Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria come vp agaynst all the stronge cities of Iuda, & coquered the.

2 Kings 18:17-35

17 And the kynge of Assiria sent Thartan, and the chefe chamberlayne, & the chefe butler from Lachis to kynge Ezechias with a greate power vnto Ierusalem. And they wete vp: and whan they came there, they stode styll at the condyte by the ouer pole, which lyeth in the waye vpo the fullers londe, 18 and called vnto the kynge. The came there forth vnto them Eliachim the sonne of Helchias the stewarde, and Sobna the scrybe, & Ioah the sonne of Assaph the Secretary. 19 And the chefe butler sayde vnto the: Tell kynge Ezechias: Thus sayeth ye greate kynge, eue the kynge of Assiria: What presumpcion is this yt thou trustest vnto? 20 Thinkest thou, yt thou hast yet councell and power to fighte? Where vnto trustest thou then, that thou art fallen of fro me? 21 Beholde, puttest thou thy trust in this broken staffe of rede, in Egipte? which who leaneth vpon, it shall go into his hande, & pearse it thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kynge of Egipte vnto all them that put their trust in him. 22 But yf ye wolde saye vnto me: We put oure trust in ye LORDE oure God. Is not that he, whose hye places and altares Ezechias hath take downe, and sayde vnto Iuda and Ierusale: Before this altare which is at Ierusale, shal ye worshippe? 23 Make a multitude now therfore vnto my lorde the kynge of Assiria, and I wil geue ye two thousande horses, let se yf thou be able to man them: 24 how wilt thou then endure before the smallest prynce of my lordes subiectes? And trustest thou vnto Egipte because of the charettes and horsmen? 25 But thinkest thou that I came vp hither without ye LORDE to destroye these cities? The LORDE hath commaunded me: Go vp in to that londe and destroye it. 26 Then sayde Eliachim the sonne of Helchia & Sobna and Ioah vnto the chefe butler: Speake to thy seruauntes in the Syrias language, for we vnderstonde it, and speake not vnto vs in the Iewes speche before the eares of the people that are vpon the wall. 27 Neuertheles ye chefe butler sayde vnto the: Hath my lorde then sent me vnto thy lorde, or to the, to speake these wordes? Yee euen vnto the men, which syt vpon the wall, that they maye eate their owne donge and drynke their owne stale wt you. 28 So the chefe butler stode and cried with loude voyce in the Iewes language, and spake and sayde: Heare the worde of the greate kynge the kynge of Assiria. 29 Thus sayeth the kynge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he is not able to delyuer you fro my hade: 30 & let not Ezechias make you to trust in the LORDE, sayenge: The LORDE shall delyuer vs, and this cite shal not be geuen in to the handes of ye kynge of Assiria. 31 Folowe not ye Ezechias, for thus sayeth the kynge of Assiria: Do me this blessynge, and come forth vnto me, so shal eueryman eate of his vyne and of his fygge tre, and drynke of his well, 32 tyll I come my selfe and fetch you in to a londe, which is like youre awne lode, wherin is corne, wyne, bred, vynyardes, oyle trees, oyle and hony, so shal ye lyue, and not dye. Folowe not ye Ezechias, for he disceaueth you, when he sayeth: The LORDE shal delyuer vs. 33 Haue the goddes of the Heythen delyuered eueryone his londe from the hande of the kynge of Assiria? 34 Where are the goddes of Hemath and Arphad? Where are the goddes of Sepharnaim Hena and Iua? Haue they delyuered Samaria fro my hande? 35 Where is there one god amonge the goddes of all londes, which hath delyuered his londe fro my hande? that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my hande.

2 Kings 19:22

22 Whom hast thou despysed & blasphemed? Ouer whom hast thou lifte vp thy voyce? Eue agaynst ye holy one in Israel hast thou lifte vp thine eyes:

2 Chronicles 28:5-6

5 Therfore dyd the LORDE his God delyuer him in to the hande of the kynge of Syria, so that they smote him, and caryed awaye a greate multitude of his men presoners, and broughte them to Damascon. He was geuen also vnder the hande of the kynge of Israel, so yt he dyd a greate slaughter vpon him. 6 For Pecah the sonne of Romelia smote in Iuda an hundreth & twentye thousande in one daye (which all were valeaunt men) eue because they had forsaken ye LORDE God of their fathers.

2 Chronicles 32:20

20 But contrary wyse the kynge Ezechias and the prophet Esay the sonne of Amos prayed, and cryed vnto heaue.

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpo me in the tyme of trouble, so wil I heare the, that thou shalt thanke me.

Psalms 50:21

21 This thou doest, whyle I holde my tonge: and thinkest me to be eue soch one as thy self: but I wil reproue the, & set my self agaynst the.

Psalms 74:18

18 Thou hast set all ye borders of the earth thou hast made both Sommer & wynter.

Isaiah 1:9

9 And excepte the LORDE of hostes had left us a few alyue: we shulde haue bene as Sodoma, & like vnto Gomorra.

Isaiah 8:7-8

7 Beholde, the LORDE shal bringe mightie and great floudes of water vpon them: namely, ye kynge of the Assirians with all his power. Which shall poure out his furyousnes vpo euery man, and renne ouer all their bankes. 8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, increasinge in power, till he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy londe wt his brode wynges, O Emanuel.

Isaiah 10:6

6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete.

Jeremiah 33:3

3 Thou hast cried vnto me, and I haue herde the: I haue shewed greate and hie thinges, which were vnknowne vnto you.

Ezekiel 36:37

37 Thus saieth the LORDE God: I wil yet once be founde agayne of ye house of Israel, & do this for them: I shal increase them as a flocke of men.

Romans 9:27

27 But Esay crieth ouer Israel: Though the nombre of the children of Israel be as the sonde of the see, yet shal there but a remnaunt be saued.

James 5:16-17

16 Knowlege youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche, yf it be feruet. 17 Helias was a ma mortall euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer, that it might not rayne: & it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.