2 Corinthians 3:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 But their myndes are blynded. For vnto this daye remayneth the same coueringe vntake awaye in the olde Testament, whan they rede it, which in Christ is put awaye.

Psalms 69:23

23 Let their table be made a snare to take them selues withall, an occasion to fall & a rewarde vnto them.

Isaiah 6:10

10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed.

Isaiah 25:7

7 Vpon the hill shal he take awaye the syde vale yt hageth before ye face of al people, and the coueringe wherwith all Gentiles are couered.

Isaiah 26:10-12

10 But the vngodly (though he haue recaued grace) yet lerneth he not rightuousnesse, but in that place where he is punished, he offendeth, & feareth not the glory of the LORDE. 11 LORDE, they wil not se thine hie honde, but they shal se it, and be confounded: whe thou shalt deuoure them with the wrath of the people, and with the fyre of thine enemies. 12 But vnto vs (LORDE) prouyde for peace: for thou workest in vs all or workes.

Isaiah 42:18-20

18 Heare, o ye deaf men, and sharpen youre sightes to se (o ye blinde.) 19 But who is blynder, the my seruaunt? Or so deaf, as my messaungers, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blynde as my people, & they yt haue the rule of them? 20 They are like, as yf thou vnderstodest moch, and keptest nothinge: or yf one herde well, but were not obedient.

Isaiah 44:18

18 Yet men nether considre ner vnderstonde, because their eyes are stopped, that they can not se: and their hertes, that they cannot perceaue.

Isaiah 56:10

10 For his watchmen are all blinde, they haue alltogether no vnderstondinge, they are all domme dogges, not beinge able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lie snortinge:

Isaiah 59:10

10 We grope like ye blynde vpon ye wall, we grope euen as one yt hath none eyes. We stomble at ye noone daye, as though it were toward night: in ye fallinge places, like men yt are half deed.

Jeremiah 5:21

21 Heare this (thou folish and vndiscrete people.) Ye haue eyes, but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.

Ezekiel 12:2

2 Thou sonne of ma, thou dwellest in the myddest of a frauwerde housholde: which haue eyes to se, & yet se not: eares haue they to heare, and yet heare they not, for they are an obstinate housholde.

Matthew 6:23

23 But and yf thyne eye be wycked, all thy body shalbe full of darckenes: Wherfore yf the light that is in the, be darckenes, how greate then shall that darckenes be?

Matthew 13:11

11 He answered and sayde vnto the: Vnto you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kingdome of heauen, but vnto them it is not geuen.

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therfore speake I vnto the by parables, for with seynge eyes they se not, & with hearinge eares they heare not, for they vnderstonde it not. 14 And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue. 15 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are thick of hearige, & their eyes haue they closed, lest they shulde once se wt ye eyes, & heare wt the eares, & vnderstode wt the hert, & turne, that I might heale them.

Matthew 16:17

17 And Iesus answered, & saide vnto hi: Blessed art thou Symo ye sonne of Ionas, for flesh & bloude hath not opened yt vnto the, but my father yt is in heaue.

Luke 18:31-34

31 He toke vnto him the twolue, and sayde vnto them: Beholde, we go vp to Ierusale, and it shal all be fulfilled, that is wrytten by the prophetes of the sonne of man. 32 For he shal be delyuered vnto ye Heythen, and shalbe mocked, and despytefully intreated, and spitted vpon: 33 and whan they haue scourged him, they shal put him to death, and vpon the thirde daye shal he aryse agayne. 34 And they vnderstode nothinge of these thinges. And this sayenge was hyd from them, and they perceaued not the thinges that were spoken.

Luke 24:25-27

25 And he sayde vnto the: O ye fooles and slowe of hert to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoke? 26 Ought not Christ to haue suffred these thinges, and to entre in to his glory? 27 And he beganne at Moses and at all the prophetes, and expounded vnto them all the scriptures, that were spoken of him.

Luke 24:44-46

44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes, which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you. For it must all be fulfilled that was wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses, in the prophetes, & in the Psalmes. 45 The opened he their vnderstondinge, that they might vnderstonde the scriptures, 46 and sayde vnto them: Thus is it wrytte, and thus it behoued Christ to suffre, & the thirde daye to ryse agayne fro the deed,

John 8:12

12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, and sayde: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shal not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life.

John 9:39-41

39 And Iesus sayde: I am come to iudgmet in to this worlde, that they which se not, might se: and that they which se, might be made blynde. 40 And some of the Pharises yt were with him, herde this, and sayde vnto him: Are we then blynde also? 41 Iesus sayde vnto the: Yf ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now that ye saye, we se, therfore youre sonne remayneth.

John 12:40

40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them.

John 12:46

46 I am come a light in to the worlde, that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shulde not byde in darknesse.

Acts 13:15

15 But after the lecture of the lawe and of the prophetes, the rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them, sayenge: Good brethren, yf ye haue eny sermon to exorte the people, saye on.

Acts 16:14

14 And a deuoute woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, out of the cite of Thiatira, herkened to, whose hert the LORDE opened that she gaue hede vnto the thinges that Paul spake.

Acts 26:18

18 to ope their eyes, that they maye turne from the darknesse vnto the lighte, and from the power of ye deuell vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenesse of synnes, and the enheritaunce with them that are sanctified by faith in me.

Acts 28:26-27

26 & sayde: Go vnto this people, and saye: With eares ye shal heare, & not vnderstode: & with eyes shal ye se, & not perceaue. 27 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & they heare hardly wt their eares: & their eyes haue they closed, yt they shulde not once se wt their eyes, & heare wt their eares, & vnderstode i their hertes, and be couerted, yt I mighte heale the.

Romans 11:7-10

7 What the? Israel hath not optayned yt which he soughte, but the eleccion hath optayned it. As for ye other, they are blynded. 8 As it is wrytten: God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnesse, eyes that they shulde not se, and eares that they shulde not heare, eue vnto this daye. 9 And Dauid sayeth: Let their table be made a snare to take the withall, & an occasion to fall, & a rewarde vnto the. 10 Let their eyes be blynded that they se not, and euer bowe downe their backes.

Romans 11:25

25 I wolde not that this secrete shulde be hyd from you brethre (lest ye shulde be wyse in youre awne cosaytes) that partly blyndnesse is happened vnto Israel, so longe tyll the fulnesse of the Heythen be come in,

2 Corinthians 3:6

6 which hath made vs able, to be mynisters of the new Testament: not of the letter, but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth, but the sprete geueth life.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4

3 Yf oure Gospell be yet hyd, it is hyd in them that are lost: 4 amonge whom the God of this worlde hath blynded ye myndes of them which beleue not, that ye lighte of the Gospell of the glory of Christ ( which is the ymage of God) shulde not shyne vnto them.

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For God that comaunded the light to shyne out of darcknesse, hath geuen a cleare shyne in oure hertes, yt by vs ye light of ye knowlege of the glory of God mighte come forth, in the face of Iesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:17-20

17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe, 18 and lighten the eyes of youre vnderstondinge, that ye maye knowe what is the hope of youre callynge, and what the riches of his glorious enheritaunce is vpon the sayntes, 19 & what is the exceadinge greatnesse of his power towarde vs, which beleue acordinge to ye workynge of his mightie power, 20 which he wroughte in Christ, whan he raysed him vp fro the deed, and set him on his righte hade i heauely thinges,

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