2 Chronicles 32:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 After these actes and faithfulnes came Sennacharib the kynge of Assur, and wente in to Iuda, and pitched before the stroge cities, and thoughte to plucke them vnto him.

2 Kings 15:19

19 And Phul the kynge of Assiria came into the lode. And Manahem gaue vnto Phul a thousande talentes of syluer to holde with him, and to cofirme him in the kyngdome.

2 Kings 17:6

6 And in the nyenth yeare of Oseas dyd ye kynge of Assiria wynne Samaria, and caried Israel awaye in to Assiria, and set them at Halah and at Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes.

2 Kings 18:11

11 And the kynge of Assiria caried Israel awaye vnto Assiria, and set them at Halah and Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes.

2 Kings 18:13-37

13 In the fourteth yeare of kynge Ezechias dyd Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria come vp agaynst all the stronge cities of Iuda, & coquered the. 14 Then sent Ezechias the kynge of Iuda to ye kynge of Assiria vnto Lachis, sayenge: I haue offended, turne back fro me: loke what thou layest vnto me, I wil beare it. The the kynge of Assiria layed vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda, thre hundreth talentes of syluer, & thirtie talentes of golde. 15 So Ezechias gaue all ye slyuer yt was foude in ye house of the LORDE, & in the treasures of ye kynges house. 16 At ye same tyme brake Ezechias the kynge of Iuda the dores of the teple of ye LORDE, & the plates of golde which he him selfe had caused to laye ouer the, & gaue the vnto the kynge of Assiria. 17 And the kynge of Assiria sent Thartan, and the chefe chamberlayne, & the chefe butler from Lachis to kynge Ezechias with a greate power vnto Ierusalem. And they wete vp: and whan they came there, they stode styll at the condyte by the ouer pole, which lyeth in the waye vpo the fullers londe, 18 and called vnto the kynge. The came there forth vnto them Eliachim the sonne of Helchias the stewarde, and Sobna the scrybe, & Ioah the sonne of Assaph the Secretary. 19 And the chefe butler sayde vnto the: Tell kynge Ezechias: Thus sayeth ye greate kynge, eue the kynge of Assiria: What presumpcion is this yt thou trustest vnto? 20 Thinkest thou, yt thou hast yet councell and power to fighte? Where vnto trustest thou then, that thou art fallen of fro me? 21 Beholde, puttest thou thy trust in this broken staffe of rede, in Egipte? which who leaneth vpon, it shall go into his hande, & pearse it thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kynge of Egipte vnto all them that put their trust in him. 22 But yf ye wolde saye vnto me: We put oure trust in ye LORDE oure God. Is not that he, whose hye places and altares Ezechias hath take downe, and sayde vnto Iuda and Ierusale: Before this altare which is at Ierusale, shal ye worshippe? 23 Make a multitude now therfore vnto my lorde the kynge of Assiria, and I wil geue ye two thousande horses, let se yf thou be able to man them: 24 how wilt thou then endure before the smallest prynce of my lordes subiectes? And trustest thou vnto Egipte because of the charettes and horsmen? 25 But thinkest thou that I came vp hither without ye LORDE to destroye these cities? The LORDE hath commaunded me: Go vp in to that londe and destroye it. 26 Then sayde Eliachim the sonne of Helchia & Sobna and Ioah vnto the chefe butler: Speake to thy seruauntes in the Syrias language, for we vnderstonde it, and speake not vnto vs in the Iewes speche before the eares of the people that are vpon the wall. 27 Neuertheles ye chefe butler sayde vnto the: Hath my lorde then sent me vnto thy lorde, or to the, to speake these wordes? Yee euen vnto the men, which syt vpon the wall, that they maye eate their owne donge and drynke their owne stale wt you. 28 So the chefe butler stode and cried with loude voyce in the Iewes language, and spake and sayde: Heare the worde of the greate kynge the kynge of Assiria. 29 Thus sayeth the kynge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he is not able to delyuer you fro my hade: 30 & let not Ezechias make you to trust in the LORDE, sayenge: The LORDE shall delyuer vs, and this cite shal not be geuen in to the handes of ye kynge of Assiria. 31 Folowe not ye Ezechias, for thus sayeth the kynge of Assiria: Do me this blessynge, and come forth vnto me, so shal eueryman eate of his vyne and of his fygge tre, and drynke of his well, 32 tyll I come my selfe and fetch you in to a londe, which is like youre awne lode, wherin is corne, wyne, bred, vynyardes, oyle trees, oyle and hony, so shal ye lyue, and not dye. Folowe not ye Ezechias, for he disceaueth you, when he sayeth: The LORDE shal delyuer vs. 33 Haue the goddes of the Heythen delyuered eueryone his londe from the hande of the kynge of Assiria? 34 Where are the goddes of Hemath and Arphad? Where are the goddes of Sepharnaim Hena and Iua? Haue they delyuered Samaria fro my hande? 35 Where is there one god amonge the goddes of all londes, which hath delyuered his londe fro my hande? that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my hande. 36 As for the people, they helde their peace, and gaue him no answere: for the kynge had commaunded and sayde: Answere him nothinge. 37 Then came Eliachim the sonne of Helchia ye stewarde, and Sobna the scrybe, and Ioah the sonne of Assaph the Secretary vnto Ezechias with rente clothes, and tolde him the wordes of the chefe butler.

2 Chronicles 20:1-2

1 After this came the childre of Moab, the children of Ammon, and certayne of Amanim wt them, to fighte against Iosaphat. 2 And they came and tolde Iosaphat, and sayde: There cometh a greate multitude agaynst the from beyonde the See of Syria, & beholde, they are at Hazezon Thamar, that is Engaddi.

Isaiah 7:17-18

17 The LORDE also shal sende a tyme vpon the, vpon thy people, and vpo thy fathers house (soch as neuer came sence the tyme yt Ephraim departed from Iuda) thorow ye kynge of the Assirians. 18 For at the same tyme shal the LORDE whistle for the flyes yt are aboute the water of Egipte, and for ye Beyes in the Assirians londe.

Isaiah 8:6-8

6 for so moch as the people refuseth the stilrenninge water of Silo, and put their delite in Rezin and Romelies sonne: 7 Beholde, the LORDE shal bringe mightie and great floudes of water vpon them: namely, ye kynge of the Assirians with all his power. Which shall poure out his furyousnes vpo euery man, and renne ouer all their bankes. 8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, increasinge in power, till he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy londe wt his brode wynges, O Emanuel.

Isaiah 10:5-11

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete. 7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people, 8 for he saieth: are not my princes all kynges? 9 Is not Calno as easie to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Antiochia then Arphad? Or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus the Samaria? 10 As who say: I were able to wynne the kingdome of the Idolaters and their goddes, but not Ierusalem and Samaria. 11 Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem and their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ymages?

Isaiah 36:1-37:38

1 In the xiiij. yeare of kinge Ezechias, came Sennacherib kinge of the Assirians downe, to laye sege vnto all the stronge cities of Iuda 2 And the kinge of the Assirias sent Rabsaches from Lachis toward Ierusalem, agaynst kinge Ezechias, with a greuous hooste, which set him by the condite of the ouerpole, in the waye that goeth thorow ye fullers lode. 3 And so there came forth vnto him Eliachim Helchias sonne the presydent, Sobna the scribe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary. 4 And Rabsaches sayde vnto them: Tel Ezechias, that the greate kinge of Assiria sayeth thus vnto him: What presumpcion is this, that thou trustest vnto? 5 Thou thinkest (peradueture) that thou hast councel & power ynough, to mayntene this warre: or els wher to trustest thou, that thou castest thi self of fro me? 6 lo, Thou puttest thy trust in a broken staff of rede (I meane Egipte) which he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to his honde & shuteth him thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kinge of Egipte, vnto all the that trust in him. 7 But yf thou woldest saye to me: We trust in ye LORDE oure God: A goodly god, in dede: whose hie places & aulteres Ezechias toke downe, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem, to worshipe only before the aulter. 8 Abyde the, thou hast made a condicion with my lorde the kinge of the Assirias, that he shulde geue the two thousande horses: Art thou able to set me there vp? 9 Seinge now that thou canst not resist the power of the smallest prynce that my LORDE hath, how darrest thou trust in yt charettes and horse men of Egipte? 10 Morouer, thinkest thou yt I am come downe hither, to destroye this londe with out the LORDES will? The LORDE sayde vnto me: go downe in to that londe, that thou mayest destroye it. 11 Then sayde Eliachim, Sobna & Iohah vnto Rabsaches: Speake to vs thy seruauntes (we praye the) in the Sirians language, for we vnderstonde it well: And speake not to vs in the Iewes tunge, lest the folcke heare, which lieth vpon the wall. 12 Then answered Rabsaches: Thinke ye, yt the kinge sent me to speake this only vnto you? Hath he not sent me to the also, that lie vpo the wall? that they be not copelled to eate their owne donge, and drinke their owne stale with you? 13 And Rabsaches stode stiff, & cried with a loude voyce in the Iewes tuge, and sayde: Now take hede, how the greate kinge of the Assirias geueth you warnynge. 14 Thus saieth the kinge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he shal not be able to delyuer you. 15 Morouer, let not Ezechias comforte you in the LORDE, when he saieth: The LORDE with out doute shal defende vs, & shal not geue ouer this cite in to the hondes of the kinge of the Assirias, beleue him not. 16 But thus saieth the kinge of Assiria: opteyne my fauoure, enclyne to me: So maye euery ma enioye his vynyardes and fygetrees, and drinke the water of his cisterne: 17 vnto the tyme that I come myself, & bringe you in to a londe, yt is like youre owne: wher in is wheat and wyne, which is both sowen with sede, and planted with vynyardes. 18 Let not Ezechias disceaue you, when he sayeth vnto you: the LORDE shal delyuer us. Might the goddes of the Gentiles kepe euerymans londe, from the power of the kinge of the Assirians? 19 Wher is the God of hemath & Arphad? Where is the God of Sepharnaim? And who was able to defende Samaria out of my honde? 20 Or which of all the goddes of the lodes, hath deliuered their countre out of my power, so that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my honde? 21 Vnto this, Ezechias messaungers helde their tunges, and answered not one worde: for the kinge had charged them, that they shulde geue him none answere. 22 So came Eliachim Elchias sonne the presidet, Sobna the scrybe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary, vnto Ezechias with rente clothes, & tolde him the wordes of Rabsaches.

Isaiah 37:1-38

1 When Ezechias herde that, he rente his clothes, & put on a sack cloth, & went in to the temple of the LORDE. 2 But he sent Eliachim the Presidet, Sobna the scrybe wt the eldest prestes cloothed in sack, vnto the Prophet Esay the sonne of Amos, 3 & they sayde vnto him: Thus saieth Ezechias: this is the daye of trouble, of plage & of wrath: like as when a childe cometh to the byrth, but the woman hath no power to bringe it forth. 4 The LORDE thy God (no doute) hath well considered the wordes of Rabsaches, whom his lorde ye kinge of the Assirians hath sent, to defie & blaspheme the lyuynge God: with soch wordes, as the LORDE yi God hath herde rightwell. And therfore lift vp yi prayer for the remnaunt, that yet are left. 5 So the seruauntes of kinge Ezechias came to Esay. 6 And Esay gaue them this answere: Saie thus vnto youre lorde: thus saieth the LORDE: Be not afrayde of the wordes that thou hast herde, wherwith the kinge of Assirias seruauntes haue blasphemed me. 7 Beholde, I will cause a wynde go ouer him, as soone as he heareth it, he shal go agayne in to his countre, there will I distroye him with the swerde. 8 Now when Rabsaches returned, he founde ye kinge of Assiria layenge sege to Lobna, for he had vnderstonde, that he was departed from Lachis. 9 For there came a rumoure, yt Taracha kinge of Ethiopia was come forth to warre agaynst him. And when the kinge of Assiria herde yt, he sent other messaungers to kinge Ezechias, with this commaundement. 10 Saye thus to Ezechias kinge of Iuda: Let not thy God disceaue the, in whom thou hopest, & sayest: Ierusale shal not be geue in to the hondes of the kinge of Assiria. 11 For thou knowest well, how the kinges of Assiria haue handled all the londes, that they haue subuerted, & hapest thou to escape? 12 Were the people of the Getiles (whom my progenitours coquered) deliuered at eny tyme thorow their goddes? As namely, Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, & the childre of Eden, which dwell at Thalassar. 13 Where is the kinge of Hemath, & the kinge of Arphad, & the kinge of the citie Sepharnaim, Ena and Aua? 14 Now when Ezechias had receaued ye lettre of the messaungers, & red it, he went vp in to the house of the LORDE, & opened the lettre before ye LORDE. 15 And Ezechias prayed before the LORDE on this maner: 16 O LORDE of hoostes, thou God of Israel, which dwellest vpo Cherubin. Thou art the God, that only is God of all the kingdomes of the worlde, for thou only hast created haue & earth. 17 Encline thine eare LORDE & cosidre, open thine eyes (o LORDE,) & se, and pondre all the wordes of Senacherib, which hath sent his embassage to blaspheme the, the lyuynge God. 18 It is true (o LORDE) that the kinges of Assiria haue coquered all kingdomes & londes, 19 & cast their goddes in the fyre. Notwithstodinge those were no goddes but the workes of mens hondes, of wodd or stone, therfore haue they destroyed them. 20 Delyuer vs then (o LORDE oure God) from the hondes of Sennacherib, yt all kingdomes of the earth maye knowe, that thou only art ye LORDE. 21 Then Esay the sonne of Amos sent vnto Ezechias, sayenge: Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel: Where as thou hast made thy prayer vnto me, as touchinge Sennacherib, 22 this is the answere, that the LORDE hath geuen concernynge him: Despised art thou, & mocked (o doughter of Sion) he hath shaken his heade at the, o doughter of Ierusalem. 23 But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied or blaspemed? And agaynst who hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, & exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel. 24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the LORDE, and thus holdest thou of thyself: I couer the hie mountaynes, & sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wil I cut downe the hie Cedre trees & the fayrest Fyrre trees. I will vp in to the heyth of it & in to the chefest of his timbre woddes. 25 Yf there be no water, I wil graue & drynke. And as for waters of defence, I shal drie them vp with the fete of myne hooste. 26 Yee (saiest thou) hast thou not herde, what I haue taken in honde, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wil I do now also: waist, destroye, & bringe the stronge cities vnto heapes of stones. 27 For their inhabitours shalbe like lame men, brought in feare & confounded. They shalbe like the grasse & grene herbes in the felde, like the hay vpo house toppes, that wythereth, afore it be growne vp. 28 I knowe thy wayes, thy goinge forth & thy comynge home, yee & thy madnesse agaynst me. 29 Therfore thy furiousnesse agaynst me, & thy pryde is come before me. I wil put a rynge in yi nose, & a bridle byt in the chawes of the, & turne the aboute, eue the same waye thou camest. 30 I wil geue the also this token (o Ezechias) this yeare shalt thou eate that is kepte in stoare, & the next yeare soch as groweth of himself, and in the thirde yeare ye shal sowe and reape, yee ye shal plante vynyardes, and enioye the frutes therof. 31 And soch of the house of Iuda as are escaped, shal come together, and the remnaunt shal take rote beneth, & bringe forth frute aboue. 32 For the escaped shal go out of Ierusale, & the remnaunte from the mount Sion. And this shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe. 33 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE, cocernynge the kinge of the Assirians: He shall not come in to the citie, and shal shute no arowe in to it, there shall no shilde hurte it, nether shal they graue aboute it. 34 The same waye that he came, shal he returne, and not come at this citie, saieth the LORDE. 35 And I wil kepe and saue the citie (saieth he) for myne owne, & for my seruaunte Dauids sake. 36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies. 37 So Sennacherib the kinge of the Assirians brake vp, and dwelt at Niniue. 38 Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the Teple of Nesrah his god, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slewe him with the swearde, and fled in to the londe of Ararat. And Esarhadon his sonne reigned after him.

Hosea 11:5

5 yt they shulde not go agayne in to Egipte: And now is Assur their kinge: For they wolde not turne vnto me.

Micah 2:13

13 Who so breaketh the gappe, he shall go before. They shall breake vp the porte, and go in and out at it. Their kynge shall go before them, and the LORDE shalbe vpon the heade of them.

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