2 Chronicles 31:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 And wha ye worde came forth, the childre of Israel gaue many fyrst frutes of come, wyne, oyle, hony, and all maner increace of the felde, and broughte in moch of all maner tithes.

Exodus 22:29

29 Thy drie and moist frutes shalt thou not kepe backe. Thy first sonne shalt thou geue vnto me.

Exodus 23:19

19 The first of the first frutes of thy felde shalt thou brynge in to the house of the LORDE thy God. And shalt not seeth a kydd, whyle it is in his mothers mylke.

Exodus 34:22

22 The feast of wekes shalt thou kepe with the firstlinges of the wheate haruest: and the feast of yngaderynge at ye yeares ende.

Exodus 34:26

26 The firstlinges of ye first frutes of thy lode shalt thou brynge in to the house of the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt not seith a kydd, whyle it is yet in his mothers mylke.

Exodus 35:5

5 Geue from amonge you Heue offerynges vnto ye LORDE, so that euery one brynge the LORDES Heue offerynge with a fre hert: golde, syluer, brasse,

Exodus 35:20-29

20 Then wente all the congregacion of the childre of Israel out fro Moses, 21 & euery one brought the gift of his hert: & all that they wolde of fre will, the same brought they for an Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE for ye worke of the Tabernacle of witnesse, & for all the seruyce therof, & for the holy vestimetes. 22 Both men & wemen that were of a wyllynge hert, brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels, and all maner Iewels of golde: Euery man also brought golde for Waue offerynges vnto the LORDE. 23 And who so euer foude by him yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, whyte sylke, goates hayre, reed skynnes of rames, and Doo skynnes, brought it. 24 And who so euer houe vp syluer & brasse, brought it for ye Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE. And who so euer founde Fyrre tre by him, brought it for all maner of worke of the Gods seruyce. 25 And soch wemen as were wyse herted, spanne with their hades, and brought their sponne worke of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke. 26 And soch wemen as had hye vnderstondinge in wysdome, spanne goates hayre. 27 As for ye prynces, they brought Onix stones, and set stones, for ye ouerbody coate, and for the brestlappe, 28 and spyces, and oyle for ye lightes, and for the anoyntinge oyle, and for swete incense. 29 Thus the children of Israel brought fre wyllynge offerynges, both man and weme, for all maner of worke, that the LORDE had commaunded by Moses, to be made.

Exodus 36:5-6

5 & sayde vnto Moses: The people bryngeth to moch, more the nede is for the worke of this seruice, which the LORDE hath comaunded to make. 6 The commaunded Moses, that it shulde be proclamed thorow out the hoost: No man brynge more to the Heue offerynge of the Sanctuary. Then were the people forbydden to brynge:

Numbers 18:12

12 All the fat of the oyle, and all ye fat of the wyne and corne of their firstlinges, that they geue vnto the LORDE, haue I geuen vnto ye.

2 Chronicles 24:10-11

10 The were all ye rulers glad, & so were all ye people, & brought it, and cast it in to the chest, tyll it was full. 11 And whan the tyme was yt the Leuites shulde brynge the Arke at ye kinges comaundement (whan they sawe yt there was moch money therin) then came the kinges scrybe, & he yt was appoynted of the chefe prest, and emptyed the chest, and caried it againe in to his place. Thus dyd they euery daye, so that they gathered moch money together.

Nehemiah 10:35-39

35 and yearly to brynge the firstlinges of or londe, & the firstlinges of oure frutes of all trees, yeare by yeare, vnto ye house of the LORDE: 36 and the firstlinges of oure sonnes, and of oure catell, as it is wrytten in the lawe: and the firstlinges of oure oxen and of oure shepe, that we shulde brynge all this to the house of oure God vnto the prestes that mynister in the house of oure God: 37 and that we shulde brynge the firstlinges of oure dowe, and of oure Heueofferinges, and the frutes of all maner trees, of wyne also and of oyle, vnto the prestes to the chestes of the house of oure God. And the tithes of or lode vnto the Leuites, yt the Leuites might haue the tithes in all the cities of oure mynistracion. 38 And the prest the sonne of Aaron shal wt the Leuites haue also of the tithes of ye Leuites, so that the Leuites shal brynge vp the tithes of their tithes vnto the house of oure God to the chest in ye treasure house. 39 For the children of Israel and the children of Leui shall brynge vp the Heueofferynges of the corne, wyne and oyle vnto the chestes, there are the vessels of the Sanctuary, & the prestes yt mynister, and the porters & syngers, yt we forsake not the house of oure God.

Nehemiah 12:44

44 At the same tyme were there men appoynted ouer the treasure chestes (wherin were ye Heueofferynges, the firstlinges and the tithes) that they shulde gather them out of ye feldes aboute the cities, to destribute the vnto the prestes and Leuites acordinge to the lawe: for Iuda was glad of the prestes, and Leuites, that they stode and wayted

Nehemiah 13:12

12 Then brought all Iuda the tithes of corne, wyne and oyle vnto the treasure.

Nehemiah 13:31

31 and to offre the wod at tymes appoynted, and the first frutes. Thynke thou vpon me (O my God) for the best.

Proverbs 3:9

9 Honoure the LORDE wt yi substaunce, & wt ye firstlinges of all thine encrease:

1 Corinthians 15:20

20 But now is Christ rysen from the deed, and is become ye first frutes of them that slepe.

2 Corinthians 8:2-5

2 For their reioysinge was most abundaunt, whan they were tryed by moch trouble: & though they were exceadinge poore, yet haue they geue exceadinge richely, and that in synglenesse. 3 For to their power (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power, they were wyllinge of their awne acorde, 4 and prayed vs with greate instauce, that we wolde receaue their benefite and fellishippe of the hadreachinge that is done for the sayntes: 5 And not as we loked for, but gaue ouer them selues first to the LODRE, and afterwarde vnto vs by ye wyl of God,

James 1:18

18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of life, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.

Revelation 14:4

4 These are they, which were not defyled with wemen, for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soeuer he goeth. These were redemed from men, beynge the fyrst frutes vnto God and to the lambe,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.