2 Chronicles 2:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 Beholde, I wyl buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE my God, to sanctifie it, for to burne good incense before him, and allwaye to prepare ye shewbred, and burntofferynges in the mornynge and in the euenynge, on the Sabbathes & Newmones, and solempne feastes of ye LORDE oure God euermore for Israel.

Exodus 25:30

30 And vpon the table thou shalt all waye set shewbred before me.

Exodus 29:38-42

38 And this shalt thou do with the altare: Two lambes of one yeare olde shalt thou offer euery daye vpon it: 39 the one lambe in the mornynge, and the other at euen. 40 And to one lambe a tenth deale of wheate floure, megled with ye fourth parte of an Hin of beaten oyle, and ye fourth parte of an Hin of wine for a drynk offerynge 41 With the other lambe at euen shalt thou do like as with ye meateofferynge and drynkofferynge in the mornynge, for a swete sauoure of sacrifice vnto ye LORDE. 42 This is the daylie burntofferynge amonge youre posterities, at the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE, where I will proteste vnto you, and talke with the.

Exodus 30:7

7 And Aaron shal burne swete incense theron euery morninge, wha he dresseth the lampes.

Leviticus 23:1-17

1 And the LORDE talked with Moses, & sayde: 2 Speake vnto ye children of Israel, and saye vnto them: These are ye feastes of the LORDE, which ye shal call holy dayes. 3 Sixe dayes shalt thou worke, but the seuenth daie is the rest of the Sabbath, and shalbe called holy. Ye shal do no worke therin, for it is the Sabbath of the LORDE, where so euer ye dwell. 4 These are the feastes of the LORDE, yt are called holy, which ye shal call youre feastes: 5 Upon ye fourtene daye of ye first moneth at euen, is the LORDES Easter. 6 And vpon ye fiftene daye of the same moneth is the feast of vnleueded bred of the LORDE. Then shall ye eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes. 7 The first daie shalbe called holy amonge you, ye shal do no worke of bodage therin, 8 seue daies shal ye offre vnto ye LORDE. The seueth daie shalbe called holy likewise, wherin ye shal do no worke of bondage also. 9 And ye LORDE talked wt Moses, & sayde: 10 Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto them: Whan ye come into the lande yt I shall geue you, and reape downe youre haruest, ye shal brynge a shefe of the first frutes of youre haruest vnto the prest, 11 the shall the shefe be waued before the LORDE, that ye maye be accepted: but this shal the prest do the nexte daye after the Sabbath. 12 And ye same daie that yor shefe is waued, shal ye offre a burntofferinge vnto the LORDE, of a lambe which is without blemysh and of one yeare olde, 13 wt the meatofferynge, two tenth deales of fyne floure mengled with oyle, for an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: & the drynk offerynge also, eue the fourth parte of an Hin of wyne. 14 And ye shall eate nether bred, nor cakes, ner furmentye (of new corne) tyll the same daye that ye brynge an offerynge vnto youre God. This shalbe a lawe vnto youre posterities, where so euer ye dwell. 15 Then shal ye nombre (from the nexte daye after the Sabbath, whan ye brought ye Waueshefe) seuen whole wekes, 16 vntyll the nexte daie after ye seueth weke, namely, fiftie daies, shal ye nombre, and offre new meatofferynges vnto the LORDE. 17 And out of all youre dwellinges shal ye offre, namely, two Waue loaues of two tenth deales of fyne floure leueded, and baken for the first frutes vnto ye LORDE.

Leviticus 24:5-9

5 And thou shalt take fyne floure, and bake twolue cakes therof: two teth deales shal euery cake haue, 6 & thou shalt laye them sixe on a rowe vpo the pure table before the LORDE. 7 And vpon the same shalt thou laye pure frankencense, that it maye be bred of remembraunce for an offerynge vnto ye LORDE. 8 Euery Sabbath shal he prepare the before the LORDE allwaye, and receaue them of the children of Israel for an euerlastinge couenaunt. 9 And they shalbe Aarons & and his sonnes, which shal eate them in the holy place. For this is his most holy of the offerynges of the LORDE for a perpetuall dewtye.

Numbers 28:1-29

1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2 Comaunde ye childre of Israel, & saye vnto the: The offerynge of my bred which is my offerynge of the swete sauoure, shal ye kepe in his due season, that ye maie offre vnto me. 3 And saye vnto the: These are the offerynges that ye shal offre vnto the LORDE: Lambes of a yeare olde which are without blemysh, euerydaye two for a daylie burntofferynge: 4 the one lambe in the mornynge, the other at euen. 5 And therto a tenth deale of an Epha of fyne floure for a meatofferynge, myngled with beate oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 6 this is a daylie burntofferynge, which ye offred vpon mout Sinai, for a swete sauoure of a sacrifice unto the LORDE: 7 And the drynkofferinge of the same, ye fourth parte of an Hin to a lambe, and this shalbe poured in the Sanctuary for a gifte vnto the LORDE. 8 The other lambe shalt thou prepare at eue (like as the meatofferynge in the mornynge) & the drynkofferinge therof, for a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 9 On the Sabbath daye, two lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, & two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, & the drynk offerynge therof. 10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath, besyde the daylie burntofferynge, wt his drynkofferinge. 11 And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 12 and all waye thre tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery bullocke: two tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto the ramme: 13 and a tenth deale of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of a swete sauoure, a sacrifice unto ye LORDE. 14 And their drynkofferynges shalbe, half an Hin of wyne vnto euery bullocke, the thirde parte of an Hin to the ramme, ye fourth parte of an Hin to euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth in the yeare. 15 There shalbe offered an he goate also for a synofferynge vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge with his drynkofferynge. 16 And on the fourtene daye of the first moneth is the Easter vnto the LORDE, 17 and on the fyftene daye of the same moneth is the feast. Seue dayes shal vnleuended bred be eaten. 18 The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin, 19 and ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, one ramme, seuen labes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 20 with their meatofferynge: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oile to either bullocke, and two tenth deales to the ramme, 21 and one tenth deale to euery lambe amonge the seuen lambes. 22 And an he goate for a synofferinge, to make an attonement for you. 23 And these shal ye offre in the mornynge, besydes the burntofferynge, which is a daylie burntofferynge. 24 After this maner shal ye offre ye bred euery daye seuen dayes longe for an offeringe of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge, and drynkofferynge also. 25 And the seuenth daye shal be called an holy conuocacion with you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. 26 And the daye of the fyrst frutes (wha ye offre the meatofferynge of the moneth vnto ye LORDE in youre wekes) shal be an holy couocacion also: 27 No worke of bondage shal ye do therin. And ye shal offre a burntofferynge for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde, 28 with their meatofferynges: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle to euery bullocke, two tenth deales to the ramme, 29 and one tent deale to euery lambe of the seuen lambes.

1 Kings 8:18

18 neuertheles the LORDE sayde vnto my father Dauid: Where as thou wast mynded to buylde an house vnto my name, thou hast done well, that thou art so aduysed.

1 Kings 8:63

63 And Salomon offred deed offerynges (which he offred vnto the LORDE) two and twenty thousande oxen, and an hundreth & twenty thousande shepe. So the kynge and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 2:1

1 And Salomon thoughte to buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE, & an house for his kyngdome:

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