1 Samuel 20 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Dauid fled fro Naioth in Ramath, and came, & spake before Ionathas: What haue I done? What trespace haue I made? What haue I synned in ye sighte of thy father, yt he seketh to kyll me? 2 He sayde vnto him: God forbyd, thou shalt not dye. Beholde, my father doth nothinge, nether greate ner small, but he sheweth it before myne eares. Wherfore shulde my father the hyde this fro me? It shal not be so. 3 The sware Dauid agayne, and sayde: Thy father knoweth well, yt I haue founde fauoure in yi sighte, therfore shal he thynke: Ionathas shal not knowe of this, lest it greue him. Verely, as truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as yi soule lyueth, there is but one steppe betwene me & death. 4 Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: I wil do for the what so euer thy hert desyreth. 5 Dauid sayde vnto him: Beholde, tomorow is the new Mone, that I shulde syt at the table with the kynge. Let me hyde my selfe therfore in the felde vnto the thirde daye at euen. 6 Yf thy father then axe after me, saye: Dauid prayed me, yt he mighte runne to Bethleem vnto his cite, for all his kynred haue there a yearly sacrifice. 7 Yf he saye then: It is good, the stondeth it well with yi seruaunt. But yf he be wroth, thou shalt perceaue that he intendeth euell. 8 Do mercy therfore vpon thy seruaunt: for with me yi seruaunt hast thou made a couenaunt in the LORDE. But yf there be eny trespace in me, then slaye me thy selfe, for why woldest thou brynge me vnto thy father? 9 Ionathas sayde: That be farre from the, that I shulde perceaue my father to intende eny euell agaynst the, and shulde not tell the. 10 Dauid sayde: Who shal brynge me worde, yf thy father geue the an harde answere? 11 Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: Come, let vs go forth into the felde. And they wente out both in to ye felde. 12 And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: LORDE God of Israel, yf I perceaue by my father tomorow or on the thirde daye, that it goeth well with Dauid, & sende not vnto the, and shewe the before thine eares, 13 then let the LORDE do this and that vnto Ionathas. But yf my father delyte in euell agaynst the, I wil shewe it before thine eares also, and let ye go, that thou mayest departe in peace. And the LORDE be with the, as he hath bene with my father. 14 Yf I do it not, then do thou no mercy of the LORDE on me, while I lyue, no not whan I dye, 15 and plucke thy mercy fro my house for euer. And whan the LORDE roteth out ye enemies of Dauid, euery one out of the londe, 16 then let Dauid rote out Ionathas also with his house, and the LORDE requyre it of the hande of Dauids enemies. 17 And Ionathas proceaded further, and sware vnto Dauid (he loued him so well: for he loued him euen es his owne soule) 18 and Ionathas sayde vnto him: Tomorow is ye new Mone, and thou shalt be axed after: for thou shalt be wanted where thou wast wonte to sit. 19 But on the thirde daye come downe soone, & go in to ye place where thou hydest the on the worckdaye, & set the downe by the stone of Asel: 20 then wyl I shute thre arowes on yt side, as though I wolde shute at a marck: 21 and beholde, I wil sende the boye, and saye vnto him, Go seke ye arowes. Yf I saye now vnto the lad: Lo, the arowes lye hitherwarde behynde ye, fetch them, then come thou, for it is peace, and there is no parell, as truly as the LORDE lyueth. 22 But yf I saye vnto the lad: beholde, the arowes lye yonderwarde before the, then go thou thy waye, for the LORDE hath let the go. 23 As for that which thou and I haue spoke together, the LORDE is betwene me and the for euer. 24 Dauid hid himself in the felde. And wha the new Mone came, the kynge sat him downe at the table to eate. 25 Whan the kynge had set him downe in his place as he was wonte by the wall, Ionathas stode vp, but Abner sat him downe besyde Saul. And Dauid was myssed in his place. 26 And Saul spake nothinge that daye, for he thoughte: There is somwhat happend vnto him, that he is not cleane. 27 On the seconde daye of the new Mone, whan Dauid was myssed in his place, Saul saide vnto Ionathas his sonne: Wherfore is not the sonne of Isai come to the table nether yesterdaye ner to daye? 28 Ionathas answered Saul: He prayed me that he mighte go vnto Bethleem, 29 and sayde: Let me go, for oure kynred hath a sacrifyce to do in the cyte, and my brother hath sent for me himselfe: yf I haue founde fauoure now in thy syghte, I wyll go, and se my brethren: therfore is he not come to the kynges table. 30 Then was the kynge wroth at Ionathas, and sayde vnto him: Thou wicked and vnthrifte, I knowe how that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai, to the shame of thy selfe and of yi shamefull mother. 31 For as longe as ye sonne of Isai lyueth vpo earth nether thou ner thy kingdome shal prospere. Sende now therfore, and cause him to be fetched vnto me, for he is a childe of death. 32 Ionathas answered his father Saul and sayde vnto him: Wherfore shal he dye? what hath he done? 33 Then shot Saul the iauelynge at him, that he might smite him. The perceaued Ionathas, that his father was vtterly determed to kyll Dauid, 34 and he rose vp from ye table in a wrothfull displeasure, and ate no bred yt same seconde daye of the new Mone: for he was vexed because of Dauid, that his father had done him soch dishonor. 35 On the morow wente Ionathas forth in to the felde, at the tyme appoynted of Dauid, and a litle boy with him, 36 and sayde vnto ye boy: Runne and seke me the arowes which I shute. Whan the boy ranne, he shot an arowe ouer him. 37 And whan the boy came to the place whither Ionathas had shot ye arowe, Ionathas cryed after him, and sayde: The arowe lyeth yonderwarde before the. 38 And he cryed after him agayne: haist the, and stonde not styll. Then the boy gathered vp Ionothas arowes, and brought them to his lorde. 39 And the boy knewe nothinge, onely Ionathas and Dauid knewe of ye matter. 40 Then Ionathas gaue his boy his wapes and sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, and cary them in to the cite. 41 And whan the boy was gone, Dauid arose from the place towarde the south, and fell vpon his face to the groude, and worshipped thre tymes, and they kissed one another, and wepte together. But Dauid most specially. 42 And Ionathas saide vnto Dauid: Go thy waye in peace: What soeuer we both haue sworne & spoke together in the name of the LORDE, the LORDE be witnesse betwene me and the, betwene my sede and yi sede for euer. And Ionathas gat him vp, and came in to the cite.

Genesis 15:18

18 The same daye made the LORDE a couenaut with Abram, and sayde: Vnto thy sede wil I geue this lode, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates:

Genesis 16:5

5 Then sayde Sarai vnto Abram: I must suffre wronge for thy sake. I layde my mayde by the: but now because she seyth, that she hath conceaued, I must be despysed in hir sight: the LORDE be iudge betwene me and the.

Genesis 24:49

49 Yf ye be they then that shew mercy and faithfulnes vnto my master, tell me: Yf not, yet tell me, that I maye turne me to ye right hande or to the left.

Genesis 29:11

11 and kyssed Rachel, lift vp his voyce, and wepte,

Genesis 29:13

13 Wha Laban herde of Iacob his sisters sonne, he ranne to mete him, and enbraced him, and kyssed him, and brought him in to his house. And so he tolde him all this matter.

Genesis 31:36

36 And Iacob was wroth, and chode with Laban, answered & sayde vnto him: What haue I trespased or offended, yt thou art so whote vpon me?

Genesis 31:50

50 yf thou vexe my doughters, or take other wyues vnto them. There is no ma with vs, but lo, God is the wytnesse betwene me and the.

Genesis 42:7

7 And he sawe them, & knewe the, and helde him self straunge towarde them, and talked roughly with them, and saide vnto them: Whence come ye? They sayde: Out of the lande of Canaan to bye vytayle.

Genesis 42:30

30 The man that is lorde of the londe, spake roughly to vs, and toke vs for spyes of the countre.

Genesis 43:28

28 They answered: Thy seruaunt oure father is in good health, and is yet alyue. And they bowed them selues, and fell downe before him.

Genesis 44:7

7 They answered him: Wherfore saieth my lorde soch wordes? God forbyd, that thy seruauntes shulde do eny soch thinge?

Genesis 45:15

15 And he kyssed all his brethren, and wepte vpon them. And afterwarde talked his brethren wt him.

Genesis 47:29

29 Now whan the tyme came that Israel shulde dye, he called Ioseph his sonne, and sayde vnto him: Yf I haue founde grace in thy sight, then laye thine honde vnder my thye, yt thou shalt shewe mercy and faithfulnes vpon me, and not burye me in Egipte,

Leviticus 7:20-21

20 and the soule that eateth of ye flesh of ye healthofferynge which belongeth vnto the LORDE, his vnclennes be vpon him, and he shalbe roted out from amonge his people. 21 And whan a soule toucheth eny vncleane thinge, whether it be an vncleane man, catell, or eny other abhominacion that is, and eateth of the flesh of the burntofferynge, that belongeth vnto the LORDE, the same shalbe roted out from amonge his people.

Leviticus 11:24

24 and ye shal take it for vncleane. Who so euer toucheth the carcase of soch, shall be vncleane vntill ye euen:

Leviticus 11:27

27 And what so euer goeth vpon handes amonge ye beestes that go vpon foure fete, shalbe vncleane vnto you. Who so euer toucheth the carcases of the, shalbe vncleane vntyll euen.

Leviticus 11:31

31 these are vncleane vnto you amonge all that crepe. Who so euer toucheth the deed carcase of the, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 11:40

40 Who so eateth of eny soch carcase, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. Likewyse he that beareth eny soch carcase, shal wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 15:5

5 And he that toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe him self with water, and be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 15:16-17

16 Whan a mans sede departeth from him in slepe, the same shal bathe all his flesh wt water, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. 17 And all clothes, and euery skynne that is stained with soch sede, shall he wash with water, & be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 15:19-21

19 Whan a woman hath the bloude yssue of hir flesh, she shalbe put a parte vij. daies in to a sundrie place. Who so euer toucheth her, shal be vncleane vntyll the eue. 20 And all that she lyeth vpon (as longe as she is put aparte) shalbe vncleane. 21 And that she sytteth vpo, shalbe vncleane. And who so euer toucheth hir bed, shal wash his clothes, and bathe him self with water, and be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Numbers 6:26

26 The LORDE lift vp his countenaunce vpon the, and geue the peace.

Numbers 10:10

10 Like wyse whan ye are mery, and in youre feast dayes, & in youre new Monethes, ye shal blowe with the trompettes ouer youre burntsacrifices & healthofferinges, yt it maie be a remembraunce vnto you before youre God. I am the LORDE youre God.

Numbers 19:16

16 And who so euer toucheth one yt is slayne wt the swerde vpon ye felde, or eny other deed, or a deed mans bone, or a graue, ye same is vncleane seue dayes.

Numbers 28:11

11 And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh,

Deuteronomy 1:23

23 That pleased me well, and I toke twolue men from amonge you, of euery trybe one.

Deuteronomy 6:13

13 but thou shalt feare the LORDE thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue, and sweare by his name.

Deuteronomy 12:5

5 but the place which ye LORDE youre God shal chose out of all yor trybes (that he maye let his name dwell there) shal ye seke,

Deuteronomy 13:6

6 Yf thy brother, the sonne of thy mother, or thine awne sonne, or thy doughter, or the wyfe in thy bosome, or thy frende which is vnto the as thine owne soule, entyse the secretly, and saye: Let vs go and serue other goddes (whom thou knowest not, ner yet thy father)

Deuteronomy 28:66

66 so that thy life shal hage before the: Night and daye shalt thou feare, and shalt haue no trust in thy life.

Joshua 1:5

5 There shall noman be able to withstonde ye all thy life longe. And like as I was with Moses, so wil I be with the also. I will not fayle the nether forsake the.

Joshua 2:14

14 The men sayde vnto her: Yf we shewe not mercy and faithfulnesse vpon the, whan the LORDE geueth vs the londe, then let oure soule dye for you, so farre as thou betrayest not oure deuyce.

Joshua 22:22

22 The mightie God ye LORDE, the mightie God the LORDE knoweth, and Israel knoweth also, yf this be a trangressynge or trespacynge agaynst the LORDE, then let it not helpe vs this daye:

Joshua 22:29

29 God forbydde, that we shulde fall awaye from the LORDE, to turne backe from him this daye, and to buylde an altare for sacrifice, for burntofferinge and for eny presente, without ye altare of the LORDE oure God, that stondeth before his Habitacion.

Joshua 24:16

16 Then answered the people, and saide: God forbidde, that we shulde forsake the LORDE, & serue other goddes.

Judges 16:20

20 And she sayde vnto him: The Philistynes vpon the Samson. Now wha he awoke out of his slepe, he thoughte: I wil go forth as I haue done aforetyme, & ease my selfe, & knewe not yt the LORDE was departed from him.

Ruth 1:8

8 she sayde vnto both hir sonnes wyues: Go yor waye, & turne backe ether of you to hir mothers house: the LORDE shewe mercy vpon you, as ye haue done on the yt are deed & on me.

Ruth 1:17

17 Loke where thou diest, there wil dye, and euen there wil I also be buried. The LORDE do this and that vnto me, death onely shal departe vs.

1 Samuel 1:17

17 Eli answered her, and sayde: Go yi waye in peace, the God of Israel shal graunte ye thy peticion that thou hast desyred of him.

1 Samuel 1:26

26 And she sayde: O my lorde, as truly as thy soule lyueth my lorde, I am the woman that stode here by ye, and made intercession vnto the LORDE,

1 Samuel 3:17

17 He sayde: What is ye worde yt the LORDE hath spoke vnto the? hyde it not fro me. God do this & that vnto ye, yf thou hyde oughte fro me, of all that he hath talked wt the.

1 Samuel 9:12

12 They answered them and sayde: Yee. Beholde, he is there, make haist, for he came in to the cite this daye, because the people haue a sacrifice to do to daye in the hye place.

1 Samuel 9:15

15 ( But the LORDE had opened Samuels eare the daye afore, or euer Saul came, and sayde:

1 Samuel 10:1

1 Then toke Samuel a glasse of oyle, and poured it vpo his heade, and kissed him, and sayde: Seist thou that the LORDE hath anoynted the, to be the prince ouer his enheritauce?

1 Samuel 10:7

7 Whan these tokens now come vnto the, then do what so euer commeth vnder thyne hande: for God is with the.

1 Samuel 11:6-13

6 Then came the sprete of God vpon him, whan he had herde these wordes, and his wrath was sore moued, 7 and he toke a couple of oxen, and hewed them in sunder, and sent them in to all the coastes of Israel by the messaungers, sayenge: Who so euer goeth not forth after Saul and Samuel, his oxen shalbe thus dealte withall. Then fell the feare of the LORDE vpon the people, so that they wente forth like as one man, 8 and they were tolde at Basek, and of the childre of Israel there were thre hundreth thousande men, and thirtie thousande of the children of Iuda. 9 And they spake vnto the messaungers that were come: Saye thus to the men of Iabes in Gilead: Tomorow shal ye haue helpe, whan ye Sonne is at the whotest. Whan ye messaungers came and tolde this to the men of Iabes, they were glad. 10 And the men of Iabes sayde: Tomorow wyll we come forth vnto you, that ye maye do vnto vs, what so euer it pleaseth you. 11 And on ye nexte morow Saul set the people in thre partes, and came in to the hoost aboute the mornynge watch, and smote the Ammonites tyll the daye was at the whotest. As for those yt remayned, they were so scatred, that two of them abode not together. 12 Then sayde the people vnto Samuel: Where are they that sayde: Shulde Saul raigne ouer vs? Delyuer vs here the men, that we maye put them to death. 13 But Saul sayde: There shal noman dye this daye, for to daye hath the LORDE geuen health in Israel.

1 Samuel 12:3

3 Beholde, here am I: answere ye agaynst me before the RORDE and his anoynted, yf I haue taken eny mans oxe or asse, yf I haue done eny man violence or wronge, If I haue oppressed eny ma, yf I haue receaued a gifte of eny mans hande, and kepte it secretly, I wil restore it you agayne.

1 Samuel 14:45

45 But the people sayde vnto Saul: Shulde Ionathas dye, that hath done so greate health in Israel this night? God forbyd. As truly as the LORDE lyueth, there shal not one heer of his heade fall vpon ye earth: for with God hath he wroughte at this tyme. So the people delyuered Ionathas, that he dyed not.

1 Samuel 14:47

47 But whan Saul had coquered the kyngdome ouer Israel, he foughte against all his enemyes rounde aboute, against the Moabites, agaynst the childre of Ammon, agaynst the Edomites, agaynst the kynge of Zoba, agaynst ye Philistynes: and whither so euer he turned him, he gat ye victory.

1 Samuel 16:2-5

2 But Samuel sayde: How shal I go? Saul shal perceaue it, and shal slaye me. The LORDE sayde: Take the a calfe from the droue, & saye: I am come to do sacrifice vnto ye LORDE. 3 And thou shalt call Isai to ye sacrifice, so shall I tell the what thou shalt do, that thou mayest anoynte me him, whom I shall shewe the. 4 Samuel dyd as the LORDE sayde, and came to Bethleem. Then were the Elders of the cite astonnyed, and wente forth to mete him, and sayde: Is thy commynge peaceable? 5 He sayde: Yee. I am come to do sacrifice vnto the LORDE. Sanctifye youre selues, & come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Isai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.

1 Samuel 16:5

5 He sayde: Yee. I am come to do sacrifice vnto the LORDE. Sanctifye youre selues, & come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Isai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.

1 Samuel 17:28

28 And Eliab his greater brother herde him talke with the men, and was very wroth agaynst Dauid, and sayde: Wherfore art thou come downe? and why hast thou left a fewe shepe in the wyldernesse? I knowe thy presumptuousnesse well ynough, and the wickednesse of thine hert: for thou art come downe to se the battayll.

1 Samuel 17:37

37 And Dauid sayde: The LORDE that delyuered me from ye Lyon and Beer, shall delyuer me also from this Philistyne. And Saul sayde vnto Dauid: Go thy waye, the LORDE be with the.

1 Samuel 17:55

55 Whan Saul sawe Dauid go forth agaynst the Philistyne, he saide vnto Abner his chefe captayne: Abner, whose sonne is this childe? Abner sayde: As truly as thy soule lyueth O kynge, I wote not.

1 Samuel 17:58

58 And Saul sayde vnto him: Whose sonne art thou, thou yonge man? Dauid sayde: I am a sonne of thy seruaunt Isai the Bethleemite.

1 Samuel 18:1

1 And whan he had made an ende of talkynge with Saul, the soule of Ionathas was bounde with the soule of Dauid, and Ionathas loued him as his owne soule.

1 Samuel 18:3

3 And Ionathas and Dauid made a couenaunt together, for he loued him as his owne soule.

1 Samuel 18:11

11 And Saul had a iauelynge in his hande, and cast it, and thoughte: I wyll stycke Dauid fast to the wall. Neuerthelesse Dauid turned himselfe twyse awaye from him. 12 And Saul was afrayed of Dauid: for the LORDE was with him, and was departed from Saul.

1 Samuel 19:2

2 Neuerthelesse Ionathas the sonne of Saul loued Dauid exceadingly, and tolde him, and sayde: Saul my father goeth aboute to slaye the. Kepe the therfore (I praye the) in the mornynge and abyde in secrete, and hyde the.

1 Samuel 19:5

5 he put his lyfe in his hande also, and smote the Philistyne, & the LORDE dyd a greate health vnto all Israel: this hast thou sene, and reioysed therof. Wherfore wylt thou then offende agaynst innocent bloude, that thou woldest kyll Dauid without a cause? 6 Then herkened Saul vnto the voice of Ionathas and sware: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, he shal not dye.

1 Samuel 19:9-10

9 Neuertheles ye euell sprete of the LORDE came vpon Saul, and he sat in his house, and had a iauelynge in his hande. But Dauid plaied vpon the instrument with his hade. 10 And Saul thought with the iauelinge to sticke Dauid fast to the wall. Howbeit, he wente asyde fro Saul and the iauelynge smote in the wall. And Dauid fled, and escaped that night.

1 Samuel 19:10-11

10 And Saul thought with the iauelinge to sticke Dauid fast to the wall. Howbeit, he wente asyde fro Saul and the iauelynge smote in the wall. And Dauid fled, and escaped that night.

1 Samuel 19:10

10 And Saul thought with the iauelinge to sticke Dauid fast to the wall. Howbeit, he wente asyde fro Saul and the iauelynge smote in the wall. And Dauid fled, and escaped that night. 11 Notwithstondinge Saul sent his messaungers to Dauids house, that they shulde laye wayte for him, and kyll him in the mornynge. Michol Dauids wyfe tolde him this, and sayde: Yf thou saue not thy soule this night, thou shalt dye tomorow.

1 Samuel 19:11-11

11 Notwithstondinge Saul sent his messaungers to Dauids house, that they shulde laye wayte for him, and kyll him in the mornynge. Michol Dauids wyfe tolde him this, and sayde: Yf thou saue not thy soule this night, thou shalt dye tomorow. 12 Then Michol let him downe thorow the wyndow, so that he wente his waye, fled, and escaped. 13 And Mickol toke an ymage, and layed it in the bed, and laied a goates skinne at the heade of it, and couered it with clothes. 14 Then Saul sent messaugers, to fetch Dauid. But she sayde: He is sicke. 15 Neuerthelesse Saul sent messaungers to se Dauid, & sayde: Bringe him vp to me with the bed, that he maye be slayne.

1 Samuel 19:15-15

15 Neuerthelesse Saul sent messaungers to se Dauid, & sayde: Bringe him vp to me with the bed, that he maye be slayne.

1 Samuel 19:19-24

19 And it was tolde Saul: Beholde, Dauid is at Naioth in Ramath. 20 Then Saul sente messaungers to fetch Dauid. And they sawe a company of prophetes prophecienge, and Samuel had the ouersight of them. Then came the sprete of God vpon the messaungers of Saul, so that they prophecyed also. 21 Whan this was tolde Saul, he sent other messaungers, which prophecied likewyse. Then sente he messaungers the thyrde tyme, and they in like maner prophecyed. 22 Then wente he himselfe also vnto Ramath, and whan he came to the greate well which is at Secho, he axed and sayde: Where is Samuel and Dauid? Then was it tolde him: beholde, at Naioth in Ramath. 23 And he wente thither, euen vnto Naioth in Ramath. And ye sprete of God came vpon him also, and he wete & prophecied till he came vnto Naioth in Ramath. 24 And he put of his clothes, & prophecied likewise before Samuel, & fell downe naked all that daye and all that nighte. Here of came the prouerbe: Is Saul also amonge the prophetes?

1 Samuel 20:5

5 Dauid sayde vnto him: Beholde, tomorow is the new Mone, that I shulde syt at the table with the kynge. Let me hyde my selfe therfore in the felde vnto the thirde daye at euen. 6 Yf thy father then axe after me, saye: Dauid prayed me, yt he mighte runne to Bethleem vnto his cite, for all his kynred haue there a yearly sacrifice. 7 Yf he saye then: It is good, the stondeth it well with yi seruaunt. But yf he be wroth, thou shalt perceaue that he intendeth euell. 8 Do mercy therfore vpon thy seruaunt: for with me yi seruaunt hast thou made a couenaunt in the LORDE. But yf there be eny trespace in me, then slaye me thy selfe, for why woldest thou brynge me vnto thy father? 9 Ionathas sayde: That be farre from the, that I shulde perceaue my father to intende eny euell agaynst the, and shulde not tell the.

1 Samuel 20:12

12 And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid: LORDE God of Israel, yf I perceaue by my father tomorow or on the thirde daye, that it goeth well with Dauid, & sende not vnto the, and shewe the before thine eares,

1 Samuel 20:14-15

14 Yf I do it not, then do thou no mercy of the LORDE on me, while I lyue, no not whan I dye, 15 and plucke thy mercy fro my house for euer. And whan the LORDE roteth out ye enemies of Dauid, euery one out of the londe,

1 Samuel 20:15

15 and plucke thy mercy fro my house for euer. And whan the LORDE roteth out ye enemies of Dauid, euery one out of the londe, 16 then let Dauid rote out Ionathas also with his house, and the LORDE requyre it of the hande of Dauids enemies.

1 Samuel 20:18

18 and Ionathas sayde vnto him: Tomorow is ye new Mone, and thou shalt be axed after: for thou shalt be wanted where thou wast wonte to sit. 19 But on the thirde daye come downe soone, & go in to ye place where thou hydest the on the worckdaye, & set the downe by the stone of Asel: 20 then wyl I shute thre arowes on yt side, as though I wolde shute at a marck: 21 and beholde, I wil sende the boye, and saye vnto him, Go seke ye arowes. Yf I saye now vnto the lad: Lo, the arowes lye hitherwarde behynde ye, fetch them, then come thou, for it is peace, and there is no parell, as truly as the LORDE lyueth. 22 But yf I saye vnto the lad: beholde, the arowes lye yonderwarde before the, then go thou thy waye, for the LORDE hath let the go.

1 Samuel 20:22

22 But yf I saye vnto the lad: beholde, the arowes lye yonderwarde before the, then go thou thy waye, for the LORDE hath let the go.

1 Samuel 20:22-23

22 But yf I saye vnto the lad: beholde, the arowes lye yonderwarde before the, then go thou thy waye, for the LORDE hath let the go. 23 As for that which thou and I haue spoke together, the LORDE is betwene me and the for euer.

1 Samuel 20:25

25 Whan the kynge had set him downe in his place as he was wonte by the wall, Ionathas stode vp, but Abner sat him downe besyde Saul. And Dauid was myssed in his place.

1 Samuel 20:30-34

30 Then was the kynge wroth at Ionathas, and sayde vnto him: Thou wicked and vnthrifte, I knowe how that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai, to the shame of thy selfe and of yi shamefull mother. 31 For as longe as ye sonne of Isai lyueth vpo earth nether thou ner thy kingdome shal prospere. Sende now therfore, and cause him to be fetched vnto me, for he is a childe of death. 32 Ionathas answered his father Saul and sayde vnto him: Wherfore shal he dye? what hath he done? 33 Then shot Saul the iauelynge at him, that he might smite him. The perceaued Ionathas, that his father was vtterly determed to kyll Dauid, 34 and he rose vp from ye table in a wrothfull displeasure, and ate no bred yt same seconde daye of the new Mone: for he was vexed because of Dauid, that his father had done him soch dishonor.

1 Samuel 20:37

37 And whan the boy came to the place whither Ionathas had shot ye arowe, Ionathas cryed after him, and sayde: The arowe lyeth yonderwarde before the. 38 And he cryed after him agayne: haist the, and stonde not styll. Then the boy gathered vp Ionothas arowes, and brought them to his lorde.

1 Samuel 20:42

42 And Ionathas saide vnto Dauid: Go thy waye in peace: What soeuer we both haue sworne & spoke together in the name of the LORDE, the LORDE be witnesse betwene me and the, betwene my sede and yi sede for euer. And Ionathas gat him vp, and came in to the cite.

1 Samuel 22:7-9

7 Then sayde Saul vnto his seruauntes that stode by him: Heare ye children of Iemini: Shal the sonne of Isai geue lodes and vynyardes vnto you all, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hudreds, 8 that ye haue all conspyred agaynst me, and there is no ma that sheweth it before myne eares, for so moch as my sonne also hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai? There is no man amonge you that letteth it for my sake, or yt openeth it vnto myne eares: for my sonne hath stered vp my seruauntes against me, that he maye laye wayte for me, as it is manifest. 9 Then answered Doeg ye Edomite which stode besyde Sauls seruauntes, and sayde: I sawe the sonne of Isai, that he came vnto Nobe, to Ahimelech ye sonne of Achitob,

1 Samuel 22:13-14

13 And Saul sayde vnto him: Wherfore haue ye cospyred agaynst me, thou & the sonne of Isai, that thou hast geuen him bred and a swerde, and axed councell at God for him, to stere him vp, that he mighte laye awayte for me, as it is manifest? 14 Ahimelech answered the kynge and saide: And who is amonge all thy seruauntes like Dauid, which is faithfull, and hath maried the kynges doughter, and goeth in thine obedience, & is honorably taken in thine house?

1 Samuel 23:18

18 And they made a couenaunt both together before the LORDE. And Dauid remayned in the wodd. As for Ionathas, he wente home agayne.

1 Samuel 23:26-28

26 Whan Saul herde that, he folowed after Dauid in the wildernesse of Mahon. And Saul with his men wente on the one syde of the hyll: Dauid wt his men on ye other syde of ye hill. But whan Dauid made haist to escape from Saul, Saul with his men compased aboute Dauid and his men, that he might take the. 27 Neuertheles there came a messauger vnto Saul, and sayde: Make haist and come, for the Philistynes are falle in to the londe. 28 The Saul turned him from chacynge of Dauid, and wente agaynst the Philstynes. Therfore is ye place called Sela Mahelkoth.

1 Samuel 24:9

9 and sayde vnto Saul: Why herkenest thou vnto the wordes of men, that saye: Dauid seketh thy mysfortune?

1 Samuel 24:11

11 Beholde, my father the typpe of thy garment in my hande, that I wolde not slaye the, whan I cut of the typpe of thy garment. Knowe and se, yt there is no euell ner trespace in my hande: nether haue I offended the, and thou folowest after my soule, to take it awaye.

1 Samuel 24:17

17 and saide vnto Dauid: Thou art more righteous then I: for thou hast recompesed me good, but I haue rewarded the euell.

1 Samuel 24:21

21 sweare now therfore vnto me by the LORDE, yt thou shalt not rote out my sede after me, nether destroie my name out of my fathers house.

1 Samuel 25:10

10 But Nabal answered Dauids seruauntes, & sayde: What is he yt Dauid? & who is the sonne of Isai? There are many seruauntes now yt runne awaye from their masters.

1 Samuel 25:14

14 Neuertheles Abigail Nabals wife tolde one of hir yonge men, and sayde: Beholde, Dauid sent messaungers out of the wyldernes to blesse oure lorde, Notwithstondinge he was fearce vpo them,

1 Samuel 25:17

17 Take hede now therfore, and loke well what thou doest, for there is surely a mysfortune at hande agaynst oure lorde, & agaynst all his house. And he is a man of Belial, to whom no man darre saye eny thinge.

1 Samuel 25:22

22 God do this and yet more vnto the enemies of Dauid, yf vntyll tomorow in the mornynge I leaue this man (of all that he hath) so moch as one that maketh water agaynst ye wall. 23 Now whan Abigail sawe Dauid, she lighte downe from the asse in all the haist, and fell vpo hir face before Dauid, and worshiped him to the grounde,

1 Samuel 25:26

26 But now my lorde, as truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, the LORDE hath kepte the backe, yt thou shuldest not come agaynst bloude, and he hath delyuered thine hande. Thine enemyes be now as Nabal, and so be they that wolde my lorde euell.

1 Samuel 26:16

16 It is not well that thou hast done. As truly as the LORDE lyueth ye are the children of death, because ye haue not kepte youre lorde the LORDES anoynted. Beholde now, where is ye kynges speare, and the cuppe of water that was at his heade.

1 Samuel 27:1

1 Dauid thoughte in his hert: One of these dayes shal I fall in to the handes of Saul: It is better that I get me my waye in to ye londe of ye Philistynes, that Saul maye leaue of from sekynge me in all the coastes of Israel, so shall I escape his handes.

1 Samuel 31:2

2 And the Philistynes preassed vpon Saul and his sonnes, and slewe Ionathas, & Abinadab and Malchisua the sonnes of Saul.

2 Samuel 1:26

26 I am sory for the my brother Ionathas: thou hast bene very louely vnto me: Thy loue hath bene more speciall vnto me, then the loue of wemen.

2 Samuel 3:35

35 Now whan all the people came in to eate with Dauid, whyle it was yet hye daye, Dauid sware, and sayde: God do this and that vnto me, yf I taist ether bred or oughte els afore the Sone go downe.

2 Samuel 4:7-8

7 For wha they came into ye house, he laye vpo his bed in his chamber, & they stickte him to death, & smote of his heade, and toke his heade, and departed by the waye of the playne felde all that nighte, 8 and broughte the heade of Isboseth to Dauid vnto Hebron, and sayde vnto the kynge: Beholde, there is the heade of Isboseth the sonne of Saul thine enemye, which layed wayte for thy soule. This daye hath the LORDE auenged my lorde the kynge of Saul and his sede.

2 Samuel 7:15

15 But my mercy shal not be withdrawen fro him, as I haue withdrawe it fro Saul, who I haue take awaye before the.

2 Samuel 9:1-7

1 And Dauid sayde: Remayneth there yet eny man of Sauls house, that I maye do mercy vpon him for Ionathas sake? 2 There was a seruaunt of Sauls house, named Siba, whom they called vnto Dauid, & the kynge sayde vnto him: Art thou Siba? He sayde: Yee thy seruaunt. 3 The kynge sayde: Is there yet eny man of Sauls house, yt I maye do the mercy of God vpon him? Siba sayde vnto the kynge: There is yet a sonne of Ionathas, lame on his fete.

2 Samuel 9:3-7

3 The kynge sayde: Is there yet eny man of Sauls house, yt I maye do the mercy of God vpon him? Siba sayde vnto the kynge: There is yet a sonne of Ionathas, lame on his fete. 4 The kynge sayde vnto him: Where is he? Siba sayde vnto ye kynge: Beholde, he is at Ladober in ye house of Machir ye sonne of Ammuel. 5 The sent kynge Dauid thither, & caused for to fetch him from Lodaber out of ye house of Machir the sonne of Ammuel. 6 Now whan Mephiboseth the sonne of Ionathas the sonne of Saul came vnto Dauid, he fell vpon his face, & worshiped him. Dauid sayde: Mephiboseth. He sayde: Here am I thy seruaunt.

2 Samuel 9:6

6 Now whan Mephiboseth the sonne of Ionathas the sonne of Saul came vnto Dauid, he fell vpon his face, & worshiped him. Dauid sayde: Mephiboseth. He sayde: Here am I thy seruaunt. 7 Dauid sayde vnto him: Feare not, for I wyll do mercy vpon the for thy father Ionathas sake, and wil restore vnto the all the londe of thy father Saul: but thou shalt eate bred daylie at my table.

2 Samuel 14:32

32 Absalo sayde vnto Ioab: Beholde, I sent for the, and caused to saye vnto the: Come hither, that I maye sende the to the kynge, and to saye: Wherfore came I from Gesur? It were better for me that I were there yet. Let me therfore se the kynges face. But yf there be eny trespace in me, then put me to death.

2 Samuel 15:21

21 Ithai answered, and sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as my lorde the kynge lyueth, loke in what place my lorde the kynge shalbe, (whether it chaunce to life or death) there shal thy seruaunt be also.

2 Samuel 17:4

4 Absalom thought that good, and so dyd all the Elders in Israel.

2 Samuel 19:13

13 And saye vnto Amasa: Art not thou my bone and my flesh? God do this & that vnto me, yf thou shalt not be the chefe captayne before me in Ioabs steade, as longe as thou lyuest.

2 Samuel 19:28

28 For all my fathers house was nothinge, but people of death before my lorde ye kynge. And yet hast thou set thy seruaunt amonge them that eate at yi table. What other righteousnes haue I, that I shulde crye eny more vnto the kynge?

2 Samuel 19:39

39 And whan all ye people was gone ouer Iordane and the kynge likewyse, the kynge kyssed Barsillai and blessed him, and he turned vnto his place.

2 Samuel 20:5

5 And Amasa wete to call Iuda together. And he was slacke to come at ye tyme which he had appoynted him.

2 Samuel 21:7

7 Howbeit the kynge spared Mephiboseth ye sonne of Ionathas ye sonne of Saul, because of the ooth of the LORDE yt was betwene them: namely, betwene Dauid & Ionathas the sonne of Saul. 8 But the two sonnes of Rispa ye doughter of Aia, whom she had borne vnto Saul, Armoni & Mephiboseth, And the fyue sonnes of Michol the doughter of Saul, whom she bare vnto Adriel the sonne of Barsillai the Mahalothite,

1 Kings 12:13

13 And the kynge gaue the people an harde rough answere, and forsoke the coucell that the Elders had geuen him,

1 Kings 19:2

2 The sent Iesabel a messaunger vnto Elias, sayenge: The goddes do this & that vnto me, yf I tomorow aboute this tyme, make not thy soule as one of these.

1 Kings 20:10

10 The sent Benadab vnto him sayege: The goddes do this and yt vnto me, yf the dust of Samaria shalbe ynough, for euery one of my people to brynge me an handfull therof.

2 Kings 2:2

2 And Elias sayde to Eliseus: Tary thou here I praye the, for the LORDE hath sent me vnto Bethel. But Eliseus sayde: As truly as the LORDE liueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not forsake the. And whan they came downe vnto Bethel,

2 Kings 2:4

4 And Elias sayde vnto him: Eliseus, tary thou here I praye the, for the LORDE hath sent me vnto Iericho. Neuerthelesse he sayde: as truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyl not forsake the And whan they came vnto Iericho,

2 Kings 2:6

6 And Elias sayde vnto him: I praie the tary here, for ye LORDE hath sent me vnto Iordane. But he sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wil not forsake the. And they wente both together.

2 Kings 4:23

23 He sayde: Why wilt thou go vnto him? To daye is it nether new moone ner Sabbath. She sayde: Well.

1 Chronicles 12:17

17 But Dauid wente forth vnto them, and answered and sayde vnto them: Yf ye come to me in peace, and to helpe me, my hert shal be with you. But yf ye come vpo disceate, and to be mine aduersaries (where as there is yet no vnrighte in me) the God of oure fathers loke vpon it, and rebuke it.

1 Chronicles 22:11

11 Now my sonne, the LORDE shal be wyth the, and thou shalt prospere, that thou mayest buylde an house vnto the LORDE thy God, acordynge as he hath spoken of the.

1 Chronicles 22:16

16 off golde, syluer, brasse, and yron without nombre. Yet get the vp, and be doynge, and the LORDE shal be with the.

Esther 7:7

7 And the kynge arose fro the bancket & fro ye wyne in his displeasure, and wente in to the palace garden. And Aman stode vp, and besoughte quene Hester for his life: for he sawe yt there was a mischauce prepared for him of the kynge allready.

Job 5:2

2 As for the foolish man displeasure kylleth him, and anger slayeth ye ignoraunt.

Job 31:4

4 Doth not he se my wayes, & tell all my goinges?

Psalms 7:3-5

3 O LORDE my God, yff I haue done eny soch thinge: yf there be eny vnrightuousnes in my hades: 4 Yff I haue rewarded euell vnto the yt dealt frendly wt me or hurte the yt wt out eny cause are myne enemies: 5 Then let myne enemie persecute my soule, & take me: yee let hi treade my life downe in the earth, & laye myne honor in the dust.

Psalms 17:3

3 Thou hast proued & visited myne herte in the night season: thou hast tried me in the fyre, & hast founde no wickednes in me: for I vtterly purposed, that my mouth shulde not offende.

Psalms 18:20-24

20 The LORDE shall rewarde me after my rightuous dealynge, & acordinge to the clenesse of my hodes shal he recopense me. 21 For I haue kepte the wayes of the LORDE, & haue not behaued myself wickedly agaynst my God. 22 I haue an eye vnto all his lawes, & cast not out his commaundemetes fro me. 23 Vncorrupte will I be before hi, & wil eschue myne owne wickednes. 24 Therfore shal ye LORDE rewarde me after my rightuous dealinge, & acordinge vnto ye clenesse of my hodes in his eye sight.

Psalms 40:6

6 I wolde declare them, and speake of the: but they are so many, that they can not be tolde.

Psalms 50:16-21

16 But vnto the vngodly sayeth God: Why doest thou preach my lawes, and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth? 17 Where as thou hatest to be refourmed, and castest my wordes behynde the? 18 Yf thou seist a thefe, thou runnest with him, and art partaker with the aduouterers. 19 Thou lettest yi mouth speake wickednesse, & thy tonge paynteth disceate. 20 Thou syttest and speakest agaynst thy brother, yee and slaundrest thine owne mothers sonne. 21 This thou doest, whyle I holde my tonge: and thinkest me to be eue soch one as thy self: but I wil reproue the, & set my self agaynst the.

Psalms 55:6-9

6 Lo, then wolde I get me awaye farre of, and remayne in the wildernesse. 7 Sela. I wolde make haist to escape, from the stormy wynde and tempest. 8 Destroie their tonges (o LORDE) and deuyde them, for I se vnrightuousnes & strife in ye cite. 9 This goeth daye and night aboute the walles, myschefe and vyce are in the myddest of it.

Psalms 55:12

12 But it is thou my companyon, my gyde and myne owne familier frede.

Psalms 79:11

11 O let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloude that is shed, be openly shewed vpon the Heithe in oure sight.

Psalms 81:3

3 Blowe vp the tropettes in the new Moone, vpon or solepne feast daye.

Psalms 116:3

3 The snares of death copased me rounde aboute, the paynes of hell gat holde vpon me,

Psalms 116:11

11 I sayde in my haist: All men are lyers.

Psalms 124:6-8

6 Oure soule is escaped, euen as a byrde out of the snare of ye fouler: 7 ye snare is broke, and we are delyuered. 8 Oure helpe stodeth in the name of the LORDE, which hath made heauen and earth.

Psalms 139:1-4

1 O Lorde, thou searchest me out, and knowest me. Thou knowest my downe syttinge & my vprisynge, thou vnderstodest my thoughtes a farre of. 2 Thou art aboute my path & aboute my bedd, & spyest out all my wayes. 3 For lo, there is not a worde i my toge, but thou (o LORDE) knowest it alltogether. 4 Thou hast fashioned me behinde & before, & layed thine hode vpon me.

Proverbs 3:3

3 Let mercy & faithfulnes neuer go from ye: bynde the about yi necke, & wryte them in the tables of thine herte.

Proverbs 4:17

17 For they eate the bred of wickednesse, and drike the wyne of robbery.

Proverbs 6:4-5

4 let not thyne eyes slepe, ner thine eye lyddes slomber. 5 Saue thy self as a doo fro ye honde, & as a byrde fro the hode of the fouler.

Proverbs 14:29

29 Pacience is a token of wi?dome, but wrath and haistie displeasure is a token of foolishnesse.

Proverbs 15:2

2 A wyse tonge commendeth knowlege, a foolish mouth blabbeth out nothinge but foolishnesse.

Proverbs 15:17

17 Better is a meace of potage with loue, then a fat oxe wt euell will.

Proverbs 17:1

1 Better is a drye morsell wt quyetnesse, the a full house and many fatt catell wt stryfe.

Proverbs 18:23

23 The poore maketh supplicacion and prayeth mekely, but the riche geueth a rough answere. 24 A frende that delyteth in loue, doth a man more fredshipe, and sticketh faster vnto him then a brother.

Proverbs 19:12

12 The kynges disfauor is like ye roaringe of a Lyo, but his fredshpe is like the dewe vpo ye grasse.

Proverbs 19:19

19 For greate wrath bryngeth harme, therfore let him go, and so mayest thou teach him more nurtoure.

Proverbs 20:5

5 Wyse councell in the herte of man is like a water in the depe of the earth, but he that hath vnderstondinge, bryngeth it forth.

Proverbs 21:3

3 To do rightuousnesse and iudgmet is more acceptable to the LORDE the sacrifice.

Proverbs 21:24

24 He yt is proude & presumptuous, is called a scornefull ma, which in wrath darre worke maliciously.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhominacion, for they offre the thinge yt is gotten wt wickednes.

Proverbs 22:3

3 A wyse man seyth the plage and hydeth himself, but the foolish go on still and are punyshed.

Proverbs 22:24

24 Make no fredshipe with an angrie wylfull man, and kepe no company wt ye furious:

Proverbs 24:11-12

11 Delyuer the yt go vnto death, & are led awaie to be slaine, & be not necliget therin. 12 Yf thou wilt saye: I knewe not of it. Thynkest thou yt he which made ye hertes, doth not cosidre it? & yt he which regardeth yi soule, seith it not? Shal not he recopence euery man acordinge to his workes?

Proverbs 25:2-3

2 It is the honor of God to kepe a thinge secrete, but ye kinges honor is to search out a thinge. 3 The heauen is hie, ye earth is depe, and ye kinges hert is vnsearcheable.

Proverbs 25:28

28 He that can not rule himself, is like a cite, which is broken downe, and hath no walles.

Proverbs 27:3

3 The stone is heuy, and the sonde weightie: but a fooles wrath is heuyer then they both.

Proverbs 31:8-9

8 Be thou an aduocate & stonde in iudgment thyself, to speake for all soch as be dome & sucourles. 9 With yi mouth defende ye thinge yt is laufull and right, and ye cause of ye poore and helplesse.

Ecclesiastes 7:9

9 Be not haistely angrie in yi mynde, for wrath resteth in the bosome of a foole.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

20 for there is not one iust vpo earth, yt doth good, & sinneth not.

Ecclesiastes 9:3

3 Amonge all thinges yt come to passe vnder the Sonne, this is a misery, that it happeneth vnto all alyke. This is the cause also that the hertes of men are full of wickednesse, & madd foolishnesse is in their hertes as longe as they lyue, vntill they dye.

Isaiah 1:11-15

11 Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me? I am discontent for the brentoffringes of wethers, and with ye fatnesse offedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloude of bullockes, lambes and gootes. 12 When ye apeare before me, who requyreth you to treade within my porches? 13 Offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. I abhorre youre incense. I maye not awaye with youre newmoones, youre Sabbathes and solempne dayes. Youre fastinges are also in vayne. 14 I hate youre new holy dayes and fastinges, euen fro my very harte. They make me weery, I can not abyde them. 15 Though ye holde out yor hondes, yet turne I myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet heare I nothinge at all, for youre hondes are full of bloude.

Isaiah 11:1-2

1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote. 2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God:

Isaiah 50:5

5 The LORDE God hath opened myne eare, therfore ca I not saye naye, ner wt drawe myself,

Jeremiah 4:2

2 And shalt sweare: The LORDE lyueth: in treuth, in equite and rightuousnesse: and all people shall be fortunable and ioyfull in him.

Jeremiah 5:2

2 For though they can saye: the LORDE lyueth, yet do they sweare to disceaue:

Jeremiah 12:16

16 And yf they (namely that trouble my people) wil lerne ye wayes of them, to sweare by my name: The LORDE lyueth (like as they lerned my people to sweare by Baal) the shal they be rekened amoge my people.

Jeremiah 17:9

9 Amonge all thinges lyuynge, man hath the most disceatfull and vnsercheable hert. Who shall then knowe it?

Jeremiah 38:16

16 So the kynge swore an ooth secretly vnto Ieremy, sayenge: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, that made vs these soules, I will not slaye the, ner geue the in to the hodes of them, that seke after thy life.

Amos 8:14

14 yee euen they that sweare in the offence off Samaria, and saye: as truly as thy God lyueth at Dan, and as truly as ye God lyueth at Bersaba. These shal fall, and neuer ryse vp agayne.

Zechariah 7:6

6 When ye ate also and dronke, dyd ye not eate and drinke for youre owne selues?

Matthew 5:22

22 But I saye vnto you: whosoeuer is angrie with his brother, is in daunger of the iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother: Racha, is in daunger of ye cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth: thou foole, is in daunger of hell fyre.

Matthew 13:55

55 Is not this the carpeters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethre Iames & Ioses, and Symon and Iude?

Matthew 24:16-18

16 the let the which be in Iewry, flye vnto ye moutaynes: 17 and let him which is on the house toppe, not come downe to fet eny thinge out of his house: 18 and let him which is in ye felde, not turne back to fetch his clothes.

Matthew 27:23

23 The debyte saide: What euell hath he done the? Neuertheles they cried yet more and sayde, let him be crucified.

Matthew 28:20

20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.

Mark 3:5

5 And he loked rounde aboute vpon them with wrath, and was sory for the harde hertes of the, and sayde vnto the man: Stretch out thine hande. And he stretched it out. And his hande was made whole like as ye other.

Mark 13:14-16

14 Whan ye shal se the abhominacio of desolacion (wherof it is spoke by Daniel the prophet) stonde where it ought not (who so readeth it, let him marck it well) then let the which be in Iewry, flye vnto the mountaynes: 15 and let him that is on the house toppe not descede in to the house, ner come therin, to fetch eny thinge out of the house. 16 And let him that is in the felde, not turne backe to fetch his clothes.

Luke 7:50

50 But he sayde vnto the woman: Thy faith hath saued the, Go thy waye in peace.

Luke 17:31-32

31 In that daye, who so is vpo the rofe, and his stuffe in ye house, let him not come downe to fetch it: Likewyse he that is in the felde, let him not turne backe, for it that is behynde him. 32 Remebre Lottes wife.

Luke 20:16

16 He shal come, and destroye those hussbandmen, and let out his vynyarde vnto other. Whan they herde that, they sayde: God forbyd.

Luke 23:22

22 Yet sayde he vnto them, the thirde tyme: What euell the hath he done? I fynde no cause of death in hi, therfore wil I chasten him, and let him go.

John 7:42

42 Sayeth not the scripture, that Christ shal come of the sede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Bethleem, where Dauid was?

John 7:51

51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done?

John 8:59

59 Then toke they vp stones, to cast at him. But Iesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple.

John 15:15

15 Hence forth call I you not seruauntes, for a seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doeth. But I haue sayde that ye are frendes: For all that I haue herde of my father, haue I shewed vnto you.

John 17:8

8 For ye wordes which thou gauest me, haue I geue vnto them, and they haue receaued them, & knowne of a trueth, that I am come forth from the, and haue beleued, that thou hast sent me.

John 18:28

28 Then led they Iesus from Caiphas in to the comon hall. And it was early in the mornynge. And they them selues wete not in to the como hall, lest they shulde be defyled, but yt they might eate ye Pascall lambe.

Acts 16:36

36 And the keper of the preson tolde this sayenge vnto Paul: The officers haue sent hither, that ye shulde be lowse. Now therfore get you hece, and go in peace.

Acts 17:14

14 Howbeit the brethren sent Paul awaye then immediatly, to go vnto the see. As for Sylas and Timotheus, they abode there styll.

Acts 20:37

37 But there was moch wepynge amonge them all, and they fell aboute Pauls necke, and kyssed him,

Acts 25:11

11 Yf I haue hurte eny man, or committed eny thinge worthy off death, I refuse not to dye. But yf there are no soch thinges as they accuse me off, then maye no man delyuer me vnto them. I appeale vnto the Emperoure.

1 Corinthians 15:30-31

30 And why stonde we in ioperdy euery houre? 31 By oure reioysinge which I haue in Christ Iesu or LORDE, I dye daylie.

2 Corinthians 1:9-10

9 and had concluded in oure selues yt we must nedes dye. But this was done, because we shulde not put oure trust in oure selues, but in God, which rayseth vp the deed to life agayne: 10 which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and yet delyuereth daylie, On whom we trust, that he wil delyuer vs here after also,

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes & godly purenesse, not in fleshlye wyssdome, but in the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde, but most of all with you.

Ephesians 4:26

26 Be angrie, but synne not. Let not ye Sonne go downe vpo youre wrath:

Ephesians 4:31

31 Let all bytternes, and fearsnes, and wrath, and roaringe, & cursed speakynge be farre fro you with all maliciousnes.

Ephesians 5:1-2

1 Be ye the folowers therfore of God as deare children, 2 and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God.

Ephesians 6:4

4 And ye fathers, prouoke not youre children vnto wrath, but brynge the vp in the nourtoure and informacion of the LORDE.

Philippians 4:9

9 haue those same in yor mynde, which ye haue both lerned and receaued, and herde and sene in me: those thinges do, and the God of peace shalbe with you.

Colossians 2:16

16 Let no man therfore trouble youre consciences aboute meate or drynke, or for a pece of an holy daye, as the holy daye of ye newe Mone, or of the Sabbath dayes,

Hebrews 6:16

16 As for men, they sweare by him that is greater then them selues: and the ooth is the ende of all stryfe to confirme the thinge amoge them.

James 1:19-20

19 Wherfore deare brethren, let euery man be swifte to heare, slowe to speake, and slowe to wrath. 20 For the wrath of ma worketh not that which is righteous before God.

1 Peter 2:4

4 Vnto whom ye are come, as to the lyuynge stone, which is disalowed of men, but chosen of God and precious.

2 Peter 2:9

9 The LORDE knoweth how to delyuer the godly out of tentacion, and how to reserue the vniust vnto the daye of iudgment for to be punyshed:

1 John 3:21

21 Dearly beloued, yf oure hert condemne vs not, then haue we a fre boldnes to God warde.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.