1 Peter 1:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 And yf so be that ye call on the father, which without respecte of personnes iudgeth acordynge to euery mans worke, se yt ye passe ye tyme of youre pilgremage in feare:

Genesis 47:9

9 Iacob sayde: The tyme of my pylgremage is an hudreth and thirtie yeares: litle and euell is the tyme of my pilgremage, and attayneth not vnto the tyme of my fathers in their pylgremages.

Deuteronomy 10:17

17 For the LORDE yor God is God of all goddes, & LORDE ouer all lordes, a greate God, mightie & terryble, which regardeth no personne, & taketh no giftes

1 Chronicles 29:15

15 For we are but pilgrems & straugers before the, as were all oure fathers. Oure life vpon earth is as a shadowe, and here is no abydinge.

2 Chronicles 19:7

7 therfore let the feare of the LORDE be with you, and bewarre, and do it: for with the LORDE oure God there is no vnrighteousnes, ner respecte of personnes, ner acceptinge of giftes.

Job 34:19

19 Vngodly men are ye He hath no respecte vnto the personnes of ye lordly, & regardeth not the rich more the poore. For they be all the worke of his hondes.

Psalms 39:12

12 Sela. Heare my prayer o LORDE, and considre my callinge: shewe not thy self as though thou sawest not my teares. For I am a straunger and pilgrymme with the, as all my forefathers were.

Proverbs 14:16

16 A wyse man, feareth, and departeth from euell, but a foole goeth on presumptuously.

Proverbs 28:14

14 Well is him that stodeth allwaye in awe: as for him that hardeneth his herte, he shal fall in to mischefe.

Jeremiah 3:19

19 I haue shewed also, how I toke the vp beinge but a childe, and gaue the a pleasaunt londe for thine heretage, yee and a goodly hooste of the Heithen: and how I commaunded the, that thou shuldest call me father only, and not to shrencke fro me.

Zephaniah 3:9

9 And then wil I clense the lippes of the people, that they maye euerychone call vpon the name of the LORDE, and serue him with one shulder.

Matthew 6:9

9 After thys maner therfore shall ye praye:O oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.

Matthew 7:7-11

7 Axe, and it shalbe geuen you: Seke, and ye shall fynde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 8 For whosoeuer axeth, receaueth: and he that seketh, fyndeth: and to hym yt knocketh, it shal opened. 9 Ys there eny man amonge you, which yf his sonne axed hym bred, wolde offer him a stone? 10 Or yf he axed fysshe, wolde he proffer hym a serpent? 11 yf ye then which are euell, can geue youre chyldren good gyftes: how moche more shall youre father which is in heauen, geue good thynges to them that axe hym?

Matthew 22:16

16 and sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes officers, and sayde: Master, we knowe that thou art true, and teachest the waye of God truly, and carest for no ma: for thou regardest not the outwarde appearaunce of me.

Acts 10:34-35

34 Peter opened his mouth, & sayde: Now perceaue I of a trueth, that God hath no respecte of personnes, 35 but in all people he yt feareth him, and worketh righteousnes, is accepted vnto him.

Romans 2:10-11

10 But vnto all the that do good (shal come) prayse and honoure, and peace, vnto the Iewe first, and also to the Greke. 11 For there is no respecte of personnes before God: Who so euer haue synned without lawe,

Romans 11:20

20 Thou sayest well. They are broken of because off their vnbeleue, but thou stondest thorow beleue

2 Corinthians 1:2

2 Grace be with you, and peace fro God oure father, and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:6

6 Therfore are we allwaye of good cheare, and knowe, that as longe as we dwell here in the body, we are not at home with the LORDE:

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seynge now that we haue soch promyses (dearly beloued) let vs clense oureselues from all fylthynes of the flesh and sprete, and growe vp to full holynes in ye feare of God.

2 Corinthians 7:11

11 Beholde, where as ye haue had godly sorowe, what diligence hath it wrought in you? Yee a sufficiet answere, displeasure, feare, desyre, a feruet mynde, punyshment. For in all poyntes ye haue shewed youre selues, that ye are cleare in that matter.

Galatians 2:6

6 As for the that semed to be greate, what they were in tyme passed, it maketh no matter to me. For God loketh not on the outwarde appearaunce of men. Neuertheles they which semed greate, taught me nothinge:

Ephesians 1:17

17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe,

Ephesians 3:14

14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ,

Ephesians 6:9

9 And ye masters, do euen the same vnto the, puttynge awaye threatenynges, and knowe that euen youre master also is in heauen, nether is there eny respecte of personnes with him.

Philippians 2:12

12 Wherfore my dearly beloued, as ye haue allwayes obeyed (not onely in my presence, but now also moch more in my absence) euen so worke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblynge.

Colossians 3:25

25 But he that doth wronge, shal receaue for the wronge that he hath done, for there is no respecte of persons (with God.)

Hebrews 4:1

1 Let vs feare therfore, lest eny of vs forsakynge the promes of entrynge in to his rest, shulde seme to come behinde:

Hebrews 11:13-16

13 All these dyed acordinge to faith, and receaued not the promyses, but sawe the afarre off, and beleued them, and saluted them: and cofessed, that they were straungers & pilgrems vpo earth. 14 For they that saye soch thinges, declare, that they seke a naturall countre. 15 And doutles yf they had bene myndefull off that countre from whence they came out, they had leysure to haue returned agayne. 16 But now they desyre a better, that is to saye, a heauely. Wherfore God is not ashamed of the, eue to be called their God: for he hath prepared a cite for them.

Hebrews 12:28

28 Wherfore, seynge we receaue the vnmoueable kyngdome, we haue grace, wherby we maye serue God, & please him, with reuerence and godly feare.

1 Peter 2:11

11 Dearly beloued, I beseke you as straungers and pilgrems, absteyne fro the fleshly lustes, which fighte agaynst the soule,

1 Peter 3:15

15 but sanctifye the LORDE God in youre hertes. Be ready allwayes to geue an answere to euery ma, that axeth you a reason of the hope that is in you, and that with mekenes & feare,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.