1 Kings 10:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And whan kynge Salomons fame of the name of the LORDE came to the eares of the Quene of riche Arabia, she came to proue him with darke sentences.

Genesis 10:7

7 The children of Chus are these: Seba, Heuila Sabtha, Reyma and Sabthecha. The children of Reyma are these: Sheba and Deda.

Genesis 10:28

28 Obal, Abimael, Seba,

Genesis 25:3

3 Iaksan begat Seba and Dedan. The children of Dedan were Assurim, Latusim, and Leumim.

Judges 14:12-14

12 Samson sayde vnto them: I wil expresse a darke sentence vnto you, yf ye expounde me the same with in these seuen dayes of the feast, I wyll geue you thirtye shertes, and thirtie chaunge of raymente. 13 But yf ye can not expounde it, then shall ye geue me thirtie shertes, & thirtie chaunge of rayment. And they sayde vnto him: Shewe forth thy ryddle, let vs heare it. 14 He sayde vnto them: Meate wente out from the deuourer, and swetenesse from the mightie. And in thre dayes they coulde not expounde the ryddle.

1 Kings 4:31

31 And he was wyser then all men, yee wyser then Ethan the Esrahite, Heman, Chalcal, and Darda, the sonnes of Mahol: and had a greate name amonge all the Heythe on euery syde.

1 Kings 4:34

34 And there came of all nacions to heare ye wy?dome of Salomon, and there came of all the kynges of ye earth, which had herde of his wy?dome.

2 Chronicles 9:1-12

1 And whan the quene of rich Arabia herde the fame of Salomon, she came with a very greate tryne to Ierusalem (with Camels that bare spyces and golde, and precious stones) to proue Salomon with darke sentences. And whan she came vnto Salomon, she spake vnto him all that she had deuysed in hir mynde. 2 And the kynge tolde her all hir matters, & Salomon had nothinge in secrete, but he tolde it her. 3 And whan the Quene of riche Arabia sawe the wy?dome of Salomon, and ye house that he had buylded, 4 the meates of his table, the dwellinges of his seruauntes, ye offices of his mynisters and their garmentes, & his butlers and their apparell, and his parler where he wente vp in to the house of the LORDE, she coulde no longer refrayne. 5 And she sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behaueoure and of thy wy?dome: 6 howbeit I wolde not beleue their wordes, tyll I came my selfe, & sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe of thy greate wy?dome hath not bene tolde me: there is more in ye then the fame that I haue herde. 7 Happye are thy men, and happie are these thy seruauntes, yt allwaye stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome. 8 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch pleasure vnto the, that he hath set the vpon his seate to be kynge vnto the LORDE thy God. Because thy God loueth Israel, to set them vp for euer, therfore hath he ordeyned ye to be kynge ouer them, that thou shuldest mayntayne iustice and equyte. 9 And she gaue ye kynge an hundreth and twentye talentes of golde, & very moch spyce & precious stones. There were no mo soch spyces as these that the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomo. 10 And Hirams seruauntes and the seruauntes of Salomon, which broughte golde from Ophir, broughte costly tymber also & precious stones. 11 And of the same costly tymber dyd Salomon cause to make stares in the house of the LORDE, and the kynges house, and harpes and psalteries for the Musicians. There was no soch tymber sene before in the londe of Iuda. 12 But kynge Salomon gaue the Quene of riche Arabia all that she desyred and axed, & moch more then she had broughte vnto the kynge. And she returned, and departed into hir londe with hir seruauntes.

Job 6:19

19 Considre the pathes off Theman, & the wayes off Saba, wherin they haue put their trust.

Job 28:28

28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the LORDE, is wy?dome: & to forsake euell, is vnderstondinge.

Psalms 49:4

4 I wil encline myne eare to the parable, & shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe.

Psalms 72:10

10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes.

Psalms 72:15

15 He shal lyue, & vnto him shalbe geue of ye golde of Arabia: Prayer shal be made euer vnto him, & daylie shal he be praysed.

Proverbs 1:5-6

5 By hearinge, the wyse ma shal come by more wysdome: and by experience, 6 he shal be more apte to vnderstonde a parable, and the interpretacion therof: the wordes of the wyse, and the darcke speaches of the same.

Proverbs 2:3-6

3 For yf thou criest after wy?dome, & callest for knowlege: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure: 5 The shalt thou vnderstonde ye feare of the LORDE, and fynde ye knowlege of God. 6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Isaiah 60:6

6 The multitude of Camels shal couer ye, the Dromedaries of Madia and Epha. All they of Saba shal come, bringinge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the LORDE.

Jeremiah 6:20

20 Wherfore bringe ye me incense from Saba, & swete smellinge Calamus from farre countrees? Youre burnt offeringes displease me, and I reioyse not in youre sacrifices.

Ezekiel 27:22-23

22 The marchauntes off Seba and Rema haue occupied also with the, in all costly spices, in all precious stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy marckettes. 23 Haran, Chene and Eden, the marchauntes off Saba, Assiria and Chelmad, were all doers with ye

Ezekiel 38:13

13 Then shal Saba and Dedan and the marchauntes of Tharsis wt all their Worthies, saye vnto the: Art thou come to robbe? Hast thou gathered thy people together, because thou wilt spoyle? to take syluer and golde: to cary awaye catell and good: and to haue a greate pray?

Matthew 12:42

42 The quene of the south shal aryse in the last iudgmet with this generacion, and shal condene it: for she came from the vttemost partes of the earth, to heare ye wyssdome of Salomon: And lo, here is one greater then Salomon.

Matthew 13:11

11 He answered and sayde vnto the: Vnto you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kingdome of heauen, but vnto them it is not geuen.

Matthew 13:35

35 yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoke by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Mark 4:34

34 & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately.

Luke 11:31

31 The quene of the south shal aryse at the iudgmet with the men of this generacion, and shall condempne them: for she came from the ende of the worlde, to heare the wyssdome of Salomon. And beholde, here is one more then Salomon.

John 17:3

3 But this is the life euerlastinge, that they knowe the (that thou onely art the true God) and whom thou hast sent, Iesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:20-21

20 Where are the wyse? Where are ye scrybes? where are ye disputers of this worlde? 21 Hath not God made the wyssdome of this worlde foolishnesse? For in so moch as the worlde by the wyssdome therof knewe not God in his wyssdome, it pleased God thorow foolish preachinge to saue them yt beleue.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.