1 Corinthians 6:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 I maye do all thinges, but all thinges are not profitable. I maye do all thinges, but I wil be broughte vnder no mas power.

Romans 7:14

14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder synne:

Romans 14:14-23

14 I knowe, & am full certified in ye LORDE Iesu, yt there is nothinge comen of itselfe: but vnto him yt iudgeth it to be comen, to him is it comen. 15 But yf yi brother be greued ouer yi meate, the walkest thou not now after charite. Destroye not wt thy meate, him, for whom Christ dyed, 16 Se therfore that youre treasure be not euell spoke of. 17 For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke, but righteousnes, & peace, and ioye in the holy goost. 18 He that in these thinges serueth Christ, pleaseth God, & is comended of me. 19 Let vs therfore folowe those thinges which make for peace, & thinges wherwith one maye edifye another. 20 Destroye not ye worke of God for eny meates sake. All thinges truly are cleane, but it is euell for yt ma, which eateth wt hurte of his coscience 21 It is moch better yt thou eate no flesh, and drynke no wyne, nor eny thinge, wherby thy brother stombleth, or falleth, or is made weake. 22 Hast thou faith, haue it with yi selfe before God Happye is he, that codemneth not him selfe in yt thinge which he aloweth. 23 But he that maketh conscience of it and yet eateth, is dampned: because he doth it not of faith. For what so euer is not of faith, that same is synne.

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 So are we sure now cocernynge the meates offred vnto Idols, that an Idoll is nothinge in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one.

1 Corinthians 8:7-13

7 But euery man hath not knowlege: for some make yet consciece ouer the Idoll, and eate it as a thinge offred vnto Idols: and so their conscience beynge weake, is defyled. 8 Neuertheles meate furthureth not vs vnto God. Yf we eate, we shal not therfore be the better: yf we eate not, we shal not therfore be the lesse. 9 But take hede that this youre liberty be not an occasion of fallynge vnto ye weake. 10 For yf eny man se the (which hast knowlege) syt at the table in the Idols house, shal not his conscience whyle it is weake, be occasioned to eate of the Idoll offeringes? 11 And so thorow thy knowlege shal the weake brother perishe, for who Christ dyed. 12 But whan ye synne so agaynst the brethren, and wounde their weake coscience, ye synne agaynst Christ. 13 Wherfore yf meate offende my brother, I wyl neuer eate flesh, lest I offende my brother.

1 Corinthians 9:12

12 But yf other be partakers of this power on you, wherfore are not we rather? Neuertheles we haue not vsed this power, but suffre all thinges, lest we shulde hynder the Gospell off Christ.

1 Corinthians 9:27

27 but I tame my body, and brynge it in to subieccion, lest whan I preach vnto other: I my selfe be a cast awaye.

1 Corinthians 10:23-33

23 I maye do all thinges, but all thinges edifye not. 24 Let noman seke his awne profit, but let euery man seke anothers welth. 25 What soeuer is solde in the fleshmarket, that eate, and axe no question for conscience sake. 26 For the earth is the LORDES, and all yt therin is. 27 Yf eny of the yt beleue not, byd you to a feast, and yf ye be disposed to go, what soeuer is set before you, that eate, axinge no question for conscience sake. 28 But yf eny man saye vnto you: This is offred vnto Idols, the eate not of it, for his sake that shewed it, and for hurtinge of conscience. (The earth is the LORDES and all that therin is.) 29 Neuertheles I speake of consciece, not thine, but of ye other. For why shulde my liberty be iudged of another mas coscience? 30 For yf I take my parte wt thankesgeuynge, why am I euell spoken of, for yt thinge wherfore I geue thankes? 31 Therfore whether ye eate or drynke, or what so euer ye do, do all to ye prayse of God. 32 Be not ye an occasion of fallinge, nether to the Iewes, ner to the Gentyles, ner to the congregacion of God, 33 eue as I also please all men in all thinges, not sekinge myne awne profit, but the profit of many, that they mighte be saued. Folowe ye me, as I do Christ.

2 Thessalonians 3:9

9 Not but that we had auctorite, but to geue oure selues for an ensample vnto you to folowe vs.

Hebrews 12:15-16

15 ad loke well, that no ma be destitute of the grace of God, lest there sprynge vp eny bytter rote, and cause disquyetnes, and therby many be defyled: 16 that there be no whoremonger, or vncleane person, as Esau, which for one meate sake solde his byrth righte.

Jude 1:12

12 These are spottes which of youre kindnes feast togedder, without feare, fedynge the selues. Cloudes they are withouten water, caried about of wyndes, and trees without frute at gadringe tyme, twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.