1 Corinthians 5:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 And ye are puft vp, and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this dede, mighte be put fro amoge you.

Numbers 25:6

6 And beholde, one of the childre of Israel wete in against his brethre, & ioyned him self to a Madianitish woma, in ye sighte of Moses & of the whole cogregacion of ye childre of Israel, which weped before the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse.

2 Kings 22:19

19 and hast humbled thyselfe before the LORDE, to heare what I haue spoken agaynst this place and the inhabiters therof (how that they shall become a very desolacion and curse) & hast rente thy clothes, and wepte before me, I haue herde it, sayeth the LORDE:

Ezra 9:2-6

2 For they haue taken the doughters of the same, & their sonnes, and haue myxte the holy sede with ye nacions in the londes: and the hande of the rulers and lordes of councell hath bene principall in this trespace. 3 Whan I herde this, I rente my clothes and my rayment, and plucte out the heer of my heade and of my beerd, and sat mournynge. 4 And there resorted vnto me all soch as feared the worde of the LORDE God of Israel because of the greate transgression. And I sat mournynge vntyll the euenynge sacrifyce. 5 And aboute the euenynge sacrifice I rose vp fro my heuynes, and rente my clothes and my raiment, and fell vpon my knees, and spred out my handes vnto the LORDE my God, 6 and sayde: My God, I am ashamed, and darre not lifte vp mine eies vnto the my God: for oure wickednesses are growne ouer oure heade, & oure trespaces are waxen greate vnto ye heaue.

Ezra 10:1-6

1 And whan E?dras prayed after this maner and knowleged, wepte, and laie before the house of God, there resorted vnto him out of Israel a very greate congregacion of men and wemen, and children: for the people wepte very sore. 2 And Sachania the sonne of Iehiel one of the children of Elam, answered, and sayde vnto E?dras: We haue trespaced agaynst the LORDE oure God, in that we haue taken straunge wyues of all the people of the londe. Now there is hope yet in Israel cocerninge this, 3 therfore let vs make a couenaut now with oure God, that we shal put awaye all the wyues (and soch as are borne of them) acordynge to the councell of ye LORDE, and of them that feare the commaundement of oure God, yt we maye do acordynge to the lawe. 4 Get the vp therfore, for the matter belongeth vnto the. We wyll be with the, be of good comforte, and do it. 5 Then rose E?dras, and toke an ooth of the rulers, prestes and Leuites, and of all Israel, that they shulde do acordynge to this worde: and they swore. 6 And E?dras stode vp before the house of God, and wente in to the chamber of Iohanan the sonne of Eliasab. And whan he came thither, he ate no bred, and dranke no water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had bene in captiuyte.

Psalms 119:136

136 Myne eyes gusshe out with water, because men kepe not thy lawe.

Jeremiah 13:17

17 But yf ye wil not heare me, that geue you secrete warnynge, I will mourne fro my whole herte for youre stubburnesse. Piteously will I wepe, and the teares shall gushe out of myne eyes. For the LORDES flocke shal be caried awaye captiue.

Ezekiel 9:4

4 and the LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye thorow the cite of Ierusalem, and set this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo the foreheades of them, that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominacions, that be done therin.

Ezekiel 9:6

6 Kyll, & destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, children, and wyues. But as for those, that haue this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they begane at the elders, which were in the Temple,

1 Corinthians 4:6-8

6 These thinges brethren haue I described in myne awne preson & in Apollos for youre sakes, that ye mighte lerne by vs, that noman counte hygher of him self, then aboue is wrytten, that one be not puft vp agaynst another for eny mans cause. 7 For who preferreth the? What hast thou that thou hast not receaued? Yf thou hast receaued it, why makest thou the thy boost, as though thou haddest not receaued it? 8 Now ye are full, now ye are made riche, ye raigne without vs, and wolde God ye dyd raigne, that we might raigne with you.

1 Corinthians 4:18

18 Some are puft vp, as though I wolde come nomore at you.

1 Corinthians 5:5-7

5 to delyuer him vnto Sathan for the destruccion of the flesh, that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the LORDE Iesus. 6 Youre reioysinge is not good. Knowe ye not that a litle leuen sowereth the whole lompe of dowe. 7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs.

1 Corinthians 5:13

13 As for them that are without, God shal iudge them. Put awaye fro you him that is euell.

2 Corinthians 7:7-11

7 Not onely by his commynge, but also by the cosolacion wherwith he was coforted of you, whan he tolde vs yor desyre, youre wepynge, yor feruet mynde for me, so yt I now reioyse ye more. 8 For where as I made you sory by the letter, it repenteth me not, though I dyd repete. For I se, that the same epistle made you sory (though it were but for a ceason). 9 But now I reioyce, not that ye were sory, but that ye were sory to repentaunce. For ye sorowed godly, so that in nothinge ye were hurte by vs. 10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacion, not to be repented of: but worldly sorowe causeth death. 11 Beholde, where as ye haue had godly sorowe, what diligence hath it wrought in you? Yee a sufficiet answere, displeasure, feare, desyre, a feruet mynde, punyshment. For in all poyntes ye haue shewed youre selues, that ye are cleare in that matter.

2 Corinthians 12:21

21 lest whan I come agayne, God bringe me lowe amoge you & lest I be constrayned to bewayle many of the yt haue synned before, & haue not repented ouer ye vnclennesse and whordome, and wantonnes, which they haue comytted.

Revelation 2:20-22

20 Not withstondinge I haue a feawe thinges agaynst the, that thou sufferest that woman Iesabell (which called her selfe a prophetisse) to teache and to deceaue my seruauntes, to make them committ fornicacion, and to eate meates offered vp vnto ydoles. 21 And I gaue her space to repet of her fornicacion, and she repented not. 22 Beholde, I wil cast her into a bed, and them that commit fornicacion with her, in to gret aduersite, excepte they turne from their dedes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.