1 Corinthians 10:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 There hath yet no teptacion ouertaken you, but soch as foloweth the nature of man. Neuertheles God is faithfull, which shal not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strength, but shal in the myddes of ye temptacion make a waye to come out, that ye maye beare it.

Genesis 19:20-21

20 Beholde, here is a cite by, that I maye flye vnto, and it is a litle one: let me saue myself there in. Is it not a litle one, that my soule maye lyue? 21 Then sayde he vnto him: Beholde, I haue loked vpon the in this poynte also, that I will not ouerthrowe the cite, wherof thou hast spoken.

Exodus 3:17

17 and haue sayde: I wil brynge you out of the trouble of Egipte, in to ye lande of ye Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuites & Iebusites: in to a lode yt floweth with mylke and hony.

Deuteronomy 7:9

9 Thou shalt vnderstonde now therfore, that the LORDE thy God is a mightie and true God, which kepeth couenaunt and mercy vnto them that loue him, and kepe his comaundementes, euen thorow out a thousande generacions:

Psalms 36:5

5 Thy mercy (O LORDE) reacheth vnto the heauen, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes.

Psalms 89:33

33 I wil vyset their offences with the rodde, and their synnes with scourges.

Psalms 124:7

7 ye snare is broke, and we are delyuered.

Psalms 125:3

3 That the rodd of the vngodly come not into the lott of the rightuous, lest the rightuous put their honde vnto wickednesse.

Isaiah 11:5

5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes.

Isaiah 25:1

1 O Lorde, thou art my God, I wil prayse the, and magnifie yi name: For thou bringest marvelous thinges to passe, acordinge to thine olde councels, truly and stedfastly.

Isaiah 49:7

7 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE the aveger and holy one of Israel, because of the abhorringe and despisinge amonge the Gentiles, concernynge the seruaunt of all them yt beare rule: Kynges and prynces shal se, and arise and worshipe, because of the LORDE that he is faithfull: and because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Jeremiah 12:5

5 Seinge thou art weery in runnynge with the fote men, how wilt thou then runne wt horses? In a peaceable sure londe thou mayest be safe, but how wilt thou do in the furious pryde of Iordane?

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I knowe, what I haue deuysed for you, saieth the LORDE. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, & not trouble (which I geue you all redie) & that ye might haue hope agayne.

Lamentations 3:23

23 His faithfulnes is greate, and renueth it self as the mornynge.

Daniel 3:17

17 oure God whom we serue, is able to kepe vs from the hote burnynge ouen (O kynge) and can right wel delyuer vs out off thy hondes.

Hosea 2:20

20 In faith also will I mary the vnto my self, & thou shalt knowe the LORDE.

Matthew 24:21-24

21 For then shal there be greate trouble, soch as was not from the begynnynge of the worlde vnto this tyme, ner shalbe. 22 Yee and excepte those daies shulde be shortened, there shulde no flesh be saued: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened. 23 Then yf eny man shal saye vnto you: lo, here is Christ, or there, beleue it not. 24 For there shal aryse false Christes and false prophetes, and shal do greate tokes and wonders: In so moch, that (yf it were possible) the very chosen shulde be brought in to erroure.

Luke 11:4

4 And forgeue vs oure synnes, for we also forgeue all them that are detters vnto vs. And lede vs not in to temptacion, but delyuer vs from euell.

Luke 16:26

26 And beside all this, there is a greate space set betwene vs and you: so yt they which wolde go downe from hence vnto you, cannot: nether maye they passe ouer from thence vnto vs.

Luke 22:31-32

31 But the LORDE sayde: Simon Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred after you, that he might siffte you euen as wheate: 32 but I haue prayed for ye, that thy faith fayle not. And whan thou art couerted, strength thy brethren:

Luke 22:46

46 and sayde vnto them: What, slepe ye? ryse vp and praye, that ye fall not into tentacion.

John 10:28-30

28 And I geue the euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and noma shal plucke the out of my hande. 29 My father which gaue the me, is greater the all: & noman is able to plucke them out of my fathers hande. 30 I and the father are one.

Acts 27:44

44 and the other, some on bordes, some on broken peces of the shippe. And so it came to passe, that all the soules came safe vnto londe.

Romans 8:28-39

28 But sure we are, that all thinges serue for the best vnto them that loue of God, which are called of purpose. 29 For those whom he knewe before, hath he ordeyned also before, yt they shulde be like fashioned vnto ye shappe of his sonne, yt he mighte be the first begotte amoge many brethre. 30 As for those whom he hath ordeyned before, them hath he called also: and whom he hath called, the hath he also made righteous: and whom he hath made righteous, them hath he glorified also. 31 What shal we saye then vnto these thinges? Yff God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs. 32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but hath geuen him for vs all: how shal he not with him geue vs all thinges also? 33 Who wyl laye enythinge to ye charge of Gods chosen? Here is God that maketh righteous, 34 who wil then condemne? Here is Christ that is deed, yee rather which is raysed vp agayne, which is also on ye righte hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs. 35 Who will separate vs from the loue of God? Trouble? or anguysh? or persecucio? or honger? or nakednesse? or parell? or swerde? 36 As it is wrytten: For thy sake are we kylled all the daye longe, we are counted as shepe appoynted to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome farre, for his sake that loued vs. 38 For sure I am, that nether death ner life, nether angell, ner rule, nether power, nether thinges present, nether thinges to come, 39 nether heyth, ner loweth, nether eny other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure LORDE.

1 Corinthians 1:9

9 For God is faithfull, by who ye are called vnto the fellishippe of his sonne Iesus Christ oure LORDE. 10 which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and yet delyuereth daylie, On whom we trust, that he wil delyuer vs here after also,

2 Corinthians 11:23-28

23 They are the mynisters of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am more: in laboures more abudaunt, in strypes aboue measure, in presonmentes more plenteously, in death oft. 24 Of the Iewes receaued I fyue tymes fortye strypes, one lesse. 25 Thryse was I beaten with roddes. I was once stoned, I suffred thryse shypwracke: nighte and daye haue I bene in the depe of the see: 26 I haue oft iourneyed: I haue bene oft in parels of waters, in parels amonge murthurers, in parels amonge the Iewes, in parels amonge the Heythen, in parels in cities, in parels in the wylderners, in parels vpon the See, in parels amonge false brethre, 27 in laboure & trauayle, in moch watchinges, in honger and thyrst, in moch fastinges in colde and nakednesse: 28 Besyde those thynges which are outwarde, namely my daylie combraunce, my daylie care for all cogregacions.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

8 for ye which I besoughte the LORDE thryse, that it mighte departe fro me. 9 And he sayde vnto me: My grace is sufficiet for the. For my strength is made perfecte thorow weaknes. Very glad therfore wil I reioyse in my weaknesses, that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me. 10 Therfore am I contente in infirmities, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucions, in anguysshes for Christes sake: for wha I am weake, the am I stroge.

Ephesians 6:12-13

12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen. 13 For this cause take ye the armoure of God, yt ye maye be able to resiste in the euell daye, and stonde perfecte in all thinges.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

24 Faithfull is he which hath called you, which wil also do it.

2 Thessalonians 3:3

3 But the LORDE is faithfull, which shal stablyshe you and kepe you from euell.

2 Timothy 2:11-13

11 This is a true sayenge: Yf we be deed wt him, we shal lyue with him also: 12 Yf we be pacient, we shal also raigne with him: Yf we denye him, he also shal denye vs: 13 Yf we beleue not, yet abydeth he faithfull, he can not denye himselfe.

2 Timothy 4:18

18 And the LORDE shal delyuer me from all euell doynge, and shal kepe me vnto his heauenly kyngdome. To whom be prayse for euer and euer, Amen.

Hebrews 6:18

18 yt by two immutable thinges (in the which it is vnpossible yt God shulde lye) we mighte haue a stronge consolacion: euen we, which are fled to holde fast the hope that is set before vs,

Hebrews 10:23

23 and let vs kepe the profession of oure hope without wauerynge (for he is faithfull that hath promysed)

Hebrews 11:11

11 By faith Sara also receaued strength to be with childe, and was delyuered of a childe whan she was past age, because she iudged him to be faithfull which had promysed.

Hebrews 11:35-38

35 the wemen receaued their deed agayne from resurreccion. But other were racked, and accepted no delyueraunce, that they mighte optayne the resurreccion that better is. 36 Other taisted of mockinges and scourginges, of bondes also and presonment: 37 were stoned, were hewen a sunder, were tempted, were slayne with the swerde, wente aboute in shepe skynnes and goates skynnes, in nede, in tribulacion, in vexacion, 38 which (men) the worlde was not worthy of: they wandred aboute in wyldernesses, vpon mountaynes, in dennes and caues of the earth.

Hebrews 12:4

4 for ye haue not yet resisted vnto bloude, stryuynge agaynst synne,

James 5:10-11

10 Take (my brethren) the prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersitie, and of longe pacience, which spake in the name of the LORDE. 11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of ye paciece of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made. For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull.

1 Peter 1:5-7

5 that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion, which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme: 6 in the which ye shal reioyse, though now for a litle season (yff nede requyre) ye are in heuynes thorow manyfolde temptacions: 7 that youre faith once tryed (beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre) might be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ:

1 Peter 4:19

19 Wherfore let them that suffer acordynge to the will off God, commytte their soules vnto him with well doynge, as to the faithfull creator.

1 Peter 5:8-9

8 Be sober and watch, for yor aduersary ye deuell, walketh aboute as a roaringe lyon, sekynge whom he maye deuoure, 9 whome resiste stedfast in the faith, and knowe, that youre brethren in the worlde haue euen the same affliccions.

2 Peter 2:9

9 The LORDE knoweth how to delyuer the godly out of tentacion, and how to reserue the vniust vnto the daye of iudgment for to be punyshed:

1 John 1:9

9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of tho thinges which thou shalt soffre. Beholde, ye deuell shal cast of you in to preson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion x. dayes. Be faithfull vnto the deeth, and I wil geue ye a crowne of life.

Revelation 3:10

10 Because thou hast kept the wordes of my pacience, therfore wil I kepe the from the houre of temptacion, which will come vpon all the worlde, to tempte them that dwell vpo the earth.

Revelation 19:11

11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.