Zephaniah 1:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 The worde of the Lord which came vnto Sophoni the sonne of Chusi, the sonne of Gedaliah, the sonne of Amariah, the sonne of Hezekiah in the time of Iosia the sonne of Amon king of Iuda

2 Kings 22:1-20

1 Iosia was eight yeres olde when he began to raigne, & he raigned thirtie & one yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Iedida the daughter of Adaia of Bozcath 2 He dyd that which is right in the sight of the Lorde, & walked in all the wayes of Dauid his father, and bowed neither to the right hande or to the left 3 And it came to passe, that in the eyghtteenth yere of the raigne of king Iosia, the king sent Saphan the sonne of Azalia the sonne of Mesulam the scribe to the house of the Lord, saying 4 Go vp to Helkia the hye priest, that he may summe the siluer whiche is brought into the house of the Lorde, which the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people 5 And let them deliuer it into the hande of them that do the worke, and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord: and let them geue it to them that worke in the house of the Lorde, to repaire the decayed places of the temple 6 Euen vnto carpenters and masons, and workers vpon the walles, and for to bye tymber and free stone, to repaire the temple 7 Howbeit, let no reckenyng be made with them of the money that is deliuered into their hande, for their vse is to deale faithfully 8 And Helkia the hie priest said vnto Saphan the scribe: I haue founde the booke of the lawe in the house of the Lorde. And Helkia gaue the booke to Saphan, and he read in it 9 And Saphan the scribe came to the king, and brought him worde againe, and sayde: Thy seruauntes haue gathered the money that was founde in the temple, and haue deliuered it vnto them that do the worke, and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lorde 10 And Saphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Helkia the priest hath deliuered me a booke: And Saphan read in it before the king 11 And it fortuned, that when the king had hearde the wordes of the booke of the lawe, he rent his clothes 12 And the king commaunded Helkia the priest, and Ahikan the sonne of Saphan, and Achbor the sonne of Michaia, and Saphan the scribe, and Asahia a seruaunt of the kinges, saying 13 Go ye and enquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for al Iuda, concerning the wordes of this booke that is founde: For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kyndled against vs, because our fathers haue not hearkened vnto the wordes of this booke, to do according vnto al that which is written therin for vs 14 So Helkia the hye priest and Ahikam, Achbor, and Saphan, and Asahia, went vnto Hulda the prophetisse the wyfe of Sallum the sonne of Thikua the sonne of Harhas keper of the wardrope: (which prophetisse dwelt in Hierusalem in the house of the doctrine:) & they communed with her 15 And she aunswered them: thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me 16 Thus sayth the Lorde: Behold, I wil bring euyll vpon this place, and on the inhabiters therof, euen all the wordes of the booke whiche the king of Iuda hath read 17 Because they haue forsaken me, and haue burnt incense vnto other gods, to anger me with all the workes of their handes: My wrath also shalbe kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched 18 But to the king of Iuda whiche sent you to aske counsell of the Lord, so shall ye say: Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, as touching the wordes whiche ye haue hearde 19 Because thyne heart dyd melt, and because thou hast humbled thy selfe before me the Lorde, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabiters of the same, howe that they should be destroyed and accursed: and hast rent thy clothes and wept before me, of that also haue I hearde sayth the Lorde 20 Beholde therefore I wyll receaue thee vnto thy fathers, and thou shalt be put into thy graue in peace, and thyne eyes shall not see all the euill which I wyll bryng vpon this place. And they brought the king worde againe

2 Chronicles 34:1-33

1 Iosia was eyght yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned in Hierusalem thirtie and one yeres 2 And he dyd that whiche was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the wayes of Dauid his father, and bowed neither to the right hand nor to the left 3 In the eyght yere of his raigne, when he was yet a childe, he began to seke after the God of Dauid his father: And in the twelfth yere he began to purge Iuda & Hierusalem from the high places, groues, carued images, and images of metall 4 And they brake downe the aulters of Baalim euen in his presence: and other images that were in greater honour then they, he caused to be destroyed: And the groues, carued images, and images of metall he brake and made dust of them, and strowed it vpon the graues of them that had offered vnto them 5 And he burnt the bones of the priestes vpon the aulters of them, and clensed Iuda and Hierusalem 6 And euen so did he in the cities of Manasse, Ephraim, Simeon, vnto Nephthali, and in the wildernesse of them rounde about 7 He plucked asunder the aulters & the groues, & did beate the images & stampe them to powder, and cut downe all the idoles throughout all the lande of Israel, and returned to Hierusalem againe 8 In the eyghtenth yere of his raigne, when he had purged the lande and the temple, he sent Saphan the sonne of Azaliahu, and Maasiah the gouernour of the citie, and Ioah the sonne of Ioahaz the recorder, to repaire the house of the Lorde his God 9 And when they came to Helkiah the hie priest, they deliuered the money that was brought into the house of God, whiche the Leuites that kept the entryes had gathered of the hand of Manasse and Ephraim, and of all that yet remayned in Israel, and of all Iuda and Beniamin, and they returned to Hierusalem 10 And they put it in the handes of the workmen that had the ouersight of the house of the Lorde, & they gaue it to the labourers that wrought in the house of the Lorde, to repaire and mende the house 11 Euen to masons and carpenters gaue they it, to get hewed stone, & timber for couples and for beames of the houses which ye kinges of Iuda had destroyed 12 And the men did the worke faythfully: And the ouersears of them to courage them forward, were Iahath and Obadiahu Leuites of the children of Merari: and Secharia and Mesullam of the children of the Caathites, and other of the Leuites, whiche all could skill of instrumentes of musicke 13 And ouer the bearers of burthens, and ouer all that wrought in whatsoeuer worckmanship it were, were there scribes, officers, & porters of the Leuites 14 And when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the Lorde, Helkia the priest founde the booke of the law of the Lorde [geuen] by Moyses 15 And Helkia aunswered and sayd to Saphan the scribe: I haue found the booke of the law in the house of the Lord. And Helkia gaue the booke to Saphan 16 And Saphan caried the booke to the king, and brought the king word againe, saying: All that was committed to thy seruauntes, that do they 17 And they haue gathered together the money that was founde in the house of the Lord, and haue deliuered it into the handes of the ouersears of the worke, and to the handes of the worckmen 18 And then Saphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Helkia the priest hath geuen me a booke: and Saphan read in it before the king 19 And it fortuned, that when the king had heard the wordes of the lawe, he tare his clothes 20 And the king commaunded Helkia and Ahikam the sonne of Saphan and Abdon the sonne of Micah, and Saphan the scribe, and Asaa a seruaunt of the kinges, saying 21 Go and enquire of the Lord for me and for them that are left in Israel and Iuda, concerning the wordes of the booke that is founde: For great is the wrath of the Lord that is fallen vpon vs, because our fathers haue not kept the worde of the Lorde, to do after all that is written in this booke 22 And Helkia and they that the king had [appoynted] went to Hulda a prophetisse, the wyfe of Sallum, the sonne of Thecuath, the sonne of Hasra, keper of the wardrope (for she dwelt in Hierusalem within the seconde wall:) & so they communed with her 23 She aunswered them, Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: Tell ye the man that sent you to me 24 Euen thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I will bring euyll vpon this place, and vpon the inhabiters thereof, euen al the curses that are written in the booke whiche they haue read before the king of Iuda 25 Because they haue forsaken me, and haue offred vnto other gods, to anger me with all maner workes of their handes: therfore is my wrath set on fire against this place, and shall not be quenched 26 And as for the king of Iuda which sent you to enquire of the Lord, so shal ye say vnto him: thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, concerning the wordes whiche thou hast hearde 27 Because thyne heart did melt, and thou diddest meeke thy selfe before God when thou heardest his wordes against this place, and against the inhabiters thereof, and humbledst thy selfe before me, and tarest thy clothes, and weepedst before me: that haue I heard also, sayth the Lorde 28 Behold, I wil take thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be put in thy graue in peace, and thyne eyes shall not see all the mischiefe that I will bring vpon this place, and vpon the inhabiters of the same. And they brought the king worde againe 29 Then the king sent and gathered together all the elders of Iuda and Hierusalem 30 And the king went vp into the house of the Lorde, and all the men of Iuda, and the inhabiters of Hierusalem, and the priestes and Leuites, and all the people great and smal, and [the king] did reade in their eares all the wordes of the booke of the couenaunt that was founde in the house of the Lorde 31 And the king stoode at his standing, and made a couenaunt before the Lorde, to folowe the Lorde, and to kepe his commaundementes, his witnesse, and his statutes, with all his heart, and with al his soule, and to fulfill the wordes of the appoyntment written in the sayd booke 32 And he set in their roome all them that were founde in Hierusalem and Beniamin: and the inhabiters of Hierusalem did according to the couenaunt of the Lorde God of their fathers 33 And Iosia put away all maner of abhominations out of all landes that parteyned to the children of Israel, and brought in all that were founde in Israel, to worship and to serue the Lorde their God: And they turned not aside from after the Lorde God of their fathers, as long as he liued

Jeremiah 1:2

2 When the Lorde had first spoken with hym in the tyme of Iosiah the sonne of Amon kyng of Iuda, in the 13 yere of his raigne

Jeremiah 25:3

3 From the thirteenth yere of Iosias the sonne of Amon kyng of Iuda vnto this present day (that is euen twentie and three yeres) the worde of the Lord hath ben committed vnto me, and so I haue spoken vnto you, I haue risen vp early, I haue geuen you warning in season: but ye woulde not heare me

Ezekiel 1:3

3 The worde of the Lorde came to Ezechiel the priest the sonne of Buzi, in the lande of the Chaldeans by the riuer Chebar, where the hand of the Lord was vpon hym

Hosea 1:1

1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto Osea the sonne of Beeri, in the dayes of Ozea, Ioathan, Ahas, and Hezekias, kynges of Iuda, and in the tyme of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kyng of Israel

2 Timothy 3:16

16 All scripture is geuen by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable to doctrine, to reproue, to correction, to instruction which is in ryghteousnesse

2 Peter 1:19

19 We haue also a ryght sure worde of prophesie, wherevnto yf ye take heede, as vnto a lyght that shyneth in a darke place, ye do well, vntyll the day dawne, and the day starre arise in your heartes

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