Micah 5:2 Cross References - Bishops

2 And thou Bethlehem Ephrata art little among the thousandes of Iuda, out of thee shal he come foorth vnto me which shalbe the gouernour in Israel, whose out going hath ben from the beginning, and from euerlasting

Genesis 35:19

19 And thus died Rachel, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, whiche is Bethlehem

Genesis 48:7

7 And when I came from Mesopotamia, Rachel dyed vpon my hande in the land of Chanaan, by the way, when there was but a fieldes breadth to come vnto Ephratha: and I buried her there in the waye to Ephratha, the same is Beth-lehem

Genesis 49:10

10 The scepter shal not depart from Iuda, and a law geuer from betweene his feete, vntyll Silo come: And vnto hym shall the gatheryng of the people be

Exodus 18:21

21 Moreouer, thou shalt seeke out among all the people, men of actiuitie [and] such as feare God, true men hating couetousnes, and place [of these] ouer the [people] rulers of thousandes, rulers of hundrethes, rulers of fiftithes, and rulers of tennes

Exodus 18:25

25 And Moyses chose actiue men out of all Israel, and made them as heades ouer the people, namely rulers of thousandes, rulers of hundrethes, rulers of fiftithes, and rulers of tennes

Deuteronomy 1:15

15 And so out of your tribes I toke the chiefe men of wysdome, and that were expert, and made them rulers ouer you, captaynes ouer thousandes, & captaines ouer hundredes, captaines ouer fiftie, and captaines ouer ten, and officers among your tribes

Ruth 4:11

11 And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, sayde, We are witnesses: The Lord make the woma that is come into thyne house, lyke Rahel and Lea, whiche twayne dyd buylde the house of Israel: & that thou mayest do worthyly in Ephrata, and be famous in Bethlehem

1 Samuel 8:12

12 And will make him of the captaines ouer thousandes and ouer fifties, and will set them to eare his grounde, and to gather in his haruest, & to make instrumentes of warre, and thinges that serue for his charets

1 Samuel 10:19

19 And ye haue this day cast away your God, who onely deliuereth you out of al your aduersities and tribulations. And ye haue sayd vnto him: No, but make a king ouer vs. Nowe therfore stande ye before the Lorde by your tribes, & your thousandes

1 Samuel 17:12

12 Dauid was the sonne of an Ephrathite of Bethlehem Iuda, named Isai, which had eyght sonnes, & this man was taken for an olde man in the dayes of Saul

1 Samuel 17:18

18 And cary these ten freshe cheeses vnto the captayne, and loke howe thy brethren fare, and set out their pledge

1 Samuel 23:23

23 See therfore, and know al the lurking places where he hydeth him selfe, and come ye againe to me with ye certaintie, and I wil go with you: And yf he be in the lande, I will searche him out throughout al the thousandes of Iuda

1 Chronicles 2:50-51

50 These were the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Hur the eldest sonne of Ephrata: Sabal the father of Kiriath Iarim 51 Salma the father of Bethlehem, and Hareph the father of Beth Gader

1 Chronicles 2:54

54 The sonnes of Salma: Bethlehem, and Netophathi, the glory of the house of Ioab, and halfe the countrey of the Manahethites, the Zaraites

1 Chronicles 4:4

4 Penuel was the father of Gedor, and Eser the father of Husa: And these are the sonnes of Hur the eldest sonne of Ephratha the father of Bethlehem

1 Chronicles 5:2

2 For Iuda preuayled aboue his brethren, & of his tribe came the chiefe, and the birthright was geuen to Ioseph.

Psalms 90:2

2 Before the moutaynes were brought foorth, or euer the earth & the worlde were made: thou art God both from euerlastyng, and also vntyll euerlastyng

Psalms 102:25-27

25 (102:22) Thou hast before tyme layde the foundation of the earth: and the heauens are the worke of thy handes 26 (102:23) They shall perishe, but thou wylt remayne styll: they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment, and as a vesture thou wylt chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged 27 (102:24a) But thou art, and thy yeres can not fayle

Psalms 132:6

6 Beholde, we hearde it to be at Ephratha: we founde it in the fieldes of the forest

Proverbs 8:22-23

22 The Lorde him selfe had me in possession in the beginning of his wayes, or euer he began his workes aforetime 23 I haue ben ordayned from euerlasting, and from the beginning or euer the earth was made

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace 7 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace, and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kingdome, to order the same, and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore: This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe

Isaiah 11:1

1 And there shall come a sprig foorth of the stemne of Esai, and a young shoote shall growe out of his roote

Isaiah 53:2

2 For he dyd growe before the Lorde like as a braunche, and as a roote in a drye grounde, he hath neither beautie nor fauour: when we loke vpon hym, there shalbe no fairenesse, we shall haue no lust vnto hym

Jeremiah 13:5-6

5 So went I, and hyd it at Euphrates, as the Lorde commaunded me 6 And it happened long after this, that the Lorde spake vnto me: Up, and get thee to Euphrates, & fetche the girdle from thence, which I commaunded thee to hyde there

Jeremiah 30:21

21 A captayne also shall come of them, and a prince shall spryng out from the middest of them, hym wyll I chalenge to my selfe, and he shall come vnto me: For what is he that geueth ouer his heart to come vnto me, saith the Lorde

Ezekiel 17:22-24

22 Thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll also take of the top of this hye Cedar, and wyll set it, and cut of the top of the tender plant thereof, and wyll plant it vpon an hye hyll and a great 23 [namely] vpon the hye hyll of Israel will I plant it, that it may bryng foorth bowes, and geue fruite, and be an excellent Cedar: and vnder it shall remayne all byrdes, and euery foule shall remaine vnder the shadowe of the braunches thereof 24 And all the trees of the fielde shall knowe that I the Lorde haue brought downe the hye tree, and exalted the lowe tree, that I haue dryed vp the greene tree, and made the drye tree to florishe, [euen] I the Lorde that spake it, haue also brought it to passe

Ezekiel 34:23-24

23 I wyll set vp ouer them a shepheard, and he shall feede them, euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall feede them, & he shalbe their shepheard 24 And I the Lorde wyll be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their prince: euen I the Lorde haue spoken it

Ezekiel 37:22-25

22 Yea I wil make one people of them in the land vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and one king shalbe king to them al: they shall no more be two peoples, neither be deuided from hencefoorth into two kingdomes 23 They shall also defile them selues no more with their idoles and abhominations, and al their wicked doynges: I wil saue them out of all their dwelling places wherin they haue sinned, and will so cleanse them, that they shalbe my people, and I wilbe their God 24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their king, and they all shall haue one sheepheard only: they shall walke in my iudgementes, and my commaundementes shall they kepe, and fulfill them 25 They shall dwell in the lande that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, wheras your fathers also haue dwelt, yea [euen] in the same land shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their prince for euer

Amos 9:11

11 In that day will I rayse vp the tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe, and close vp the breaches thereof, and I will rayse vp his ruines, & I will buyld it, as in the dayes of olde

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce thou greatly O daughter Sion, be glad O daughter Hierusalem: For lo, the king commeth vnto thee, euen the righteous and sauiour, lowly & simple is he, he rydeth vpon an Asse and vpon the foale of an Asse

Matthew 2:6

6 And thou Bethlehem [in] the lande of Iuda, art not the least among the princes of Iuda. For out of thee shall there come a capitain, that shal gouerne my people Israel

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto the, saying: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen and in earth

Luke 1:31-33

31 For beholde, thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe, and beare a sonne, & shalt call his name Iesus 32 He shalbe great, & shalbe called ye sonne of the hyest: & the Lord God shall geue vnto him the seate of his father Dauid 33 And he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kyngdome there shalbe none ende

Luke 2:4-7

4 And Ioseph also went vp from Galilee, out of the citie Nazareth, into Iurie, vnto the citie of Dauid, whiche is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and image of Dauid 5 To be taxed with Marie his spoused wyfe, which was with chylde 6 And so it was, that whyle they were there, the dayes were accomplysshed, that she shoulde be deliuered 7 And she brought foorth her first begotten sonne, and wrapped him in swadlyng clothes, & layde hym in a manger, because there was no rowme for them in the Inne

Luke 23:2

2 And they began to accuse hym, saying: We founde this felow peruerting the people, and forbyddyng to paye tribute to Ceasar, saying that he is Christe, a kyng

Luke 23:38

38 And a superscription was written ouer him, with letters of greke, and latin, and hebrue, This is the king of the Iewes

John 1:1-3

1 In the begynnyng was the worde, & the worde was with God: and that worde was God 2 The same was in the begynnyng with God 3 All thynges were made by it: and without it, was made nothyng that was made

John 7:42

42 Sayth not the scripture, that Christe shall come of the seede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Bethlehem, where Dauid was

John 19:14-22

14 It was the preparyng of ye Passouer, and about the sixt houre: And he sayth vnto the Iewes, beholde your kyng 15 They cryed, away with hym, away with hym, crucifie hym. Pilate sayth vnto them: Shall I crucifie your king? The hye priestes aunswered: We haue no king but Caesar 16 Then deliuered he hym vnto them, to be crucified. And they toke Iesus, & ledde hym away 17 And he bare his crosse, & wet forth into a place, which is called ye place of dead mens skulles, but in Hebrue Golgotha 18 Where they crucified hym, and two other with him, on eyther syde one, and Iesus in the myddes 19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the crosse. The wrytyng was: Iesus of Nazareth, kyng of the Iewes 20 This title read many of the Iewes: For the place where Iesus was crucified, was nye to ye citie. And it was written in Hebrue, and Greke, and Latine 21 Then sayde the hye priestes of the Iewes to Pilate, Write not kyng of the Iewes: but, that he sayde, I am kyng of the Iewes 22 Pilate aunswered: What I haue written, that haue I written

1 Corinthians 1:27-28

27 But God hath chosen the foolyshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wise: And God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde, to confounde thynges which are myghtie 28 And vnnoble thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despysed, hath God chosen, [yea] and thinges which are not, to bryng to naught thynges that are

Colossians 1:17

17 And he is before all thynges, and in hym all thynges consist

Hebrews 7:14

14 For it is euident that our Lord sprong out of Iuda, of which tribe spake Moyses nothyng concernyng priesthood

Hebrews 13:8

8 Iesus Christe yesterday and to day, and the same for euer

1 John 1:1

1 That whiche was fro the beginning, whiche we haue heard, which we haue seene with our eyes, whiche we haue loked vpo, & our handes haue handeled of, the worde of lyfe

Revelation 1:11-18

11 Saying: I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: That thou seest, write in a booke, and sende it vnto the seuen Churches which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, and vnto Smyrna, and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thyatira, and vnto Sardis, and vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicea 12 And I turned backe to see the voyce that spake to me: And whe I was turned, I sawe seuen golden candlestickes 13 And in ye middes of the candlestickes, one lyke vnto the sonne of man, clothed with a garment downe to the feete, and girde about the pappes with a golden girdle 14 His head, and his heeres were whyte as whyte wooll, and as snowe, and his eyes were as a flambe of fyre 15 And his feete lyke vnto fine brasse, as though they brent in a furnace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters 16 And he had in his ryght hande, seuen starres: And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sworde: And his face shone, euen as the sunne in his strength 17 And when I sawe hym, I fell at his feete euen as dead: And he layde his ryght hande vpon me, saying vnto me, feare not, I am the first and the last 18 And am alyue, and was dead: And beholde, I am alyue for euermore, Amen, and haue the keyes of hell and of death

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the Angel of the Churche of Smyrna, write: These thynges sayth he that is first and the last, which was dead, and is alyue

Revelation 19:16

16 And hath on his vesture and on his thygh a name written, King of kinges, and Lorde of lordes

Revelation 21:6

6 And he sayde vnto me, it is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the ende: I wyll geue to hym that is a thirst of the well of the water of lyfe freely

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.