Jeremiah 20:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 Ueryly I hearde the euyll reportes of many, terrour was on euery side of me: complayne vpon hym say they, and we wyll tell his tale: Yea all myne owne companions, and suche as were conuersaunt with me, lay in wayte for my halting, saying: peraduenture he wylbe deceaued, and so shall we preuayle against hym, and be auenged of hym

1 Kings 19:2

2 Then Iezabel sent a messenger vnto Elias, saying: So and so let the gods do to me, if I make not thy soule lyke one of theirs by to morowe this time

1 Kings 21:20

20 And Ahab sayde to Elias: Hast thou founde me, O thou myne enemie? He aunswered: I haue founde thee, for thou hast sold thy selfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde

1 Kings 22:8

8 And the king of Israel sayde vnto Iehosaphat: There is yet one man (Michea the sonne of Iimla) by whom we may aske counsell of the Lorde: But I hate him, for he doth not prophecie good vnto me, but euyll. And Iehosaphat sayde: Let not the king say so

1 Kings 22:27

27 And say: Thus sayeth ye king: Put this felow in the prison house, and feede him with bread of affliction, and with water of trouble, vntill I returne in peace

Nehemiah 6:6-13

6 Wherein was written: It is tolde the heathen, and Gesem hath saide it, that thou and the Iewes thinke to rebel: for the which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayst be their king, according to these wordes 7 And hast ordayned the prophetes to preache of thee at Hierusalem, and to say, He is king of Iuda. And now shall this come to the kinges eares: come now therefore, and let vs take our counsell together 8 And I sent vnto him, saying: There is no such thing done as thou sayest, for thou fainest them out of thyne owne heart 9 For they were all minded to make vs afrayde, saying, They shall withdrawe their handes from their worke, that it shall not be finished: Nowe therefore strengthen thou my hande 10 And I came vnto the house of Semaia the sonne of Delaia, the sonne of Mehetabeel, & he had shut him selfe within, and saide: Let vs come together in the house of God, euen vnto the middest of the temple, & shut the doores of the temple, for they wyll come to slay thee, yea euen in the night wyll they come to put thee to death 11 And I saide: should any such man as I flee? Who is, that being as I am, wyll go into the temple to saue his life? I wil not go in 12 And loe, I perceaued that God hath not sent him, but that he pronounced this prophecie against me: For Tobia and Sanaballat had hired him for money 13 Therfore was he hyred, that through feare I should so do, & sinne, that they might haue an euill report of me to lay to my charge

Job 19:19

19 All my most familiers abhorred me: and they whom I loued best, are turned against me

Psalms 31:13

13 For I haue hearde the villanie of the multitude, and feare was on euery side [me]: whyle they conspired together against me, [and] toke their counsell to take away my life

Psalms 41:9

9 Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me

Psalms 55:13-14

13 But it was euen thou whom I esteemed as my selfe: my guyde, and myne owne familier companion 14 We delighted greatly to conferre our secretes together: we walked deuoutly in the house of God felowe lyke

Psalms 57:4

4 My soule is among Lions, and I lye among those that are set on fire: among the children of men whose teeth are speares and arrowes, and their tongue a sharpe sword

Psalms 64:2-4

2 Hyde me from the secrete [counsayles] of the malitious: from the conspiracie of the workers of iniquitie 3 Who haue whet their tongue lyke a sword: who haue drawne their arrow, euen a bitter worde 4 That they may priuily shoote at hym which is perfect: they do sodenly shoote at hym and feare not

Proverbs 10:18

18 He that hydeth hatred with lying lippes, and he that speaketh slaunder, is a foole

Isaiah 29:21

21 Making a man to sinne in the worde, and that toke him in a snare, whiche reproued them in the open place, and they that haue turned the cause of the righteous to naught

Jeremiah 6:25

25 Let no man go foorth into the fielde, let no man come vpon the hye streete: for the sworde and feare of the enemie is on euery side

Jeremiah 18:18

18 Then sayd they, Come, let vs imagine somethyng agaynst this Ieremie: for the priestes shall not be destitute of the lawe, neither shall the wise men be destitute of counsayle, nor the prophetes destitute of the worde of God: Come, and let vs smite hym with the tongue, and let vs not marke all his wordes

Ezekiel 22:9

9 Tale tellers are there in thee to shed blood, in thee are such as eate vpon the hylles, and in thee they commit abhomination

Matthew 26:59-60

59 The chiefe priestes, and elders, and all the councell, sought false witnesse agaynst Iesus, for to put hym to death 60 But founde none: yea, when many false witnesses came, yet founde they none. At the last, came two false witnesses

Mark 6:19-28

19 Therefore Herodias layde wayte for hym, and woulde haue kylled hym: but she coulde not 20 For Herode feared Iohn, knowyng that he was a iuste man and an holye, and gaue hym reuerence: and when he hearde hym, he dyd many thynges, and hearde hym gladly 21 And whe a conuenient day was come, that Herode on his birth daye made a supper to the lordes, hye captaynes, and chiefe estates of Galilee 22 And when the daughter of the same Herodias came in, and daunced, and pleased Herode, and them that sate at boorde also, the kyng said vnto the damsell: Aske of me what thou wylt, and I wyll geue it thee 23 And he sware vnto her: Whatsoeuer thou shalt aske of me, I wyll geue it thee, euen vnto the one halfe of my kingdome 24 And she went foorth, & sayde vnto her mother: What shall I aske? She saide, Iohn Baptistes head 25 And she came in strayghtwaye, with haste, vnto the kyng, and asked, saying: I wyll, that thou geue me by and by in a charger, the head of Iohn Baptist 26 And the kyng was sory, howebeit, for his othes sake, & for their sakes whiche sate at supper also, he woulde not caste her of 27 And immediatlye the kyng sent the hangman, and commaunded his head to be brought in: And he went, and beheaded hym in the pryson 28 And brought his head in a charger, & gaue it to the damsell, and the damsell gaue it to her mother

Luke 11:53-54

53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawyers & the pharisees began to vrge hym vehemently, and to prouoke hym to speake many thynges 54 Laying wayte for hym, and sekyng to catche somethyng out of his mouth, wherby they myght accuse hym

Luke 12:52-53

52 For fro hencefoorth there shalbe fyue in one house deuided, three against two, and two against three 53 The father shalbe deuided against the sonne, and the sonne against the father: The mother agaynst the daughter, and the daughter agaynst the mother: The mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe

Luke 20:20

20 And they watched hym, & sent foorth spyes, which shoulde fayne them selues ryghteous men, to take hym in his wordes, and to delyuer hym vnto the power and aucthoritie of the deputie

Acts 5:33

33 When they hearde that, they claue asunder, and sought meanes to slea the

Acts 6:11-15

11 Then they priuilie prepared men, whiche sayde, we haue heard him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moyses, and agaynst God 12 And they moued the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came vppon hym, and caught him, and brought him to the counsell 13 And brought foorth false witnesses, which sayde: This man ceasseth not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynste this holy place and the lawe 14 For we hearde hym say, that this Iesus of Nazareth shal destroy this place, & shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moyses gaue vs 15 And all that sate in the counsell, loking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had ben the face of an angell

Acts 7:54

54 When they hearde these thynges, their heartes claue a sunder, and they gnasshed on hym with their teeth

Acts 23:12-15

12 And when it was day, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, and made a vowe, saying that they woulde neither eate nor drynke, tyl they had kylled Paul 13 And they were mo then fourtie men, which had made this conspiracie 14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: We haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothyng vntyll we haue slayne Paul 15 Nowe therfore geue ye knowledge to the vpper captayne, and to the counsell, that he bryng hym foorth vnto you to morrowe, as though ye woulde knowe somethyng more perfectly of hym: And we, or euer he come neare, are redy to kyll hym

Acts 24:1-9

1 And after fyue dayes, Ananias the hie priest descended, with the elders, and with a certayne oratour, named Tartullus, which appeared before the deputie agaynst Paul 2 And when Paul was called foorth, Tartullus began to accuse hym, saying: Seyng that we obtayned great quietnesse by the meanes of thee, and that many good thynges are done vnto this nation through thy prouidence 3 That alowe we euer, & in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankes 4 Notwithstandyng, that I be not tedious vnto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest heare vs of thy curtesie a fewe wordes 5 For we haue founde this man a pestilent felowe, and a mouer of debate vnto all the Iewes in the whole worlde, and a maynteyner of the sect of the Nazarites 6 And hath gone about to pollute the temple: Whom we toke, and woulde haue iudged accordyng to our lawe 7 But the hye captayne Lysias, came vpon vs, and with great violence toke hym away out of our handes 8 Commaundyng his accusers to come vnto thee: Of whom thou mayest, yf thou wilt enquire, knowe the certayntie of all these thynges, wherof we accuse hym 9 And the Iewes lykewyse affirmed, saying that these thynges were so

Acts 24:13

13 Neither can they proue the thynges wherof they accuse me

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