Hebrews 4:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 Let vs feare therfore, lest at any tyme, by forsakyng the promise of entryng into his reste, any of you shoulde be defrauded

Numbers 14:34

34 After the number of the dayes in whiche ye searched out the lande, euen fourtie dayes, euery day for a yere shal ye beare your vnrighteousnesse, euen fourtie yeres, and ye shall knowe my breache of promise

1 Samuel 2:30

30 Wherefore the Lorde God of Israel saith: I sayde, that thy house and the house of thy father should walke before me for euer: But nowe the Lorde saith, That be farre fro me: For them that worship me, I wyll worship, and they that despise me, shall come to shame

Proverbs 14:16

16 A wyse man feareth, and departeth from euyll: but the foole is angry, and counteth hym selfe sure

Proverbs 28:14

14 Well is hym that standeth alway in awe: as for hym that hardeneth his heart, he shall fall into mischiefe

Jeremiah 32:40

40 And I wyll set vp an euerlasting couenaunt with them [namely] that I wyll neuer ceasse to do them good, and that I wyll put my feare in their heartes, so that they shall not runne away from me

Matthew 7:21-23

21 Not euery one, that sayeth vnto me Lorde, Lorde, shall enter into the kyngdome of heauen: but he that doeth the wyll of my father, which is in heauen 22 Many wyll say to me in that day, Lorde Lorde, haue we not prophesied thorowe thy name? and thorowe thy name haue cast out deuyls? & done many great workes thorowe thy name 23 And then wyll I confesse vnto them, I neuer knewe you: Depart from me, ye that worke iniquitie

Matthew 7:26-27

26 And euery one that heareth of me these sayinges, and doeth them not, shalbe lykened vnto a foolyshe man, which buylt his house vpon the sande 27 And the rayne descended, and the fluddes came, and the wyndes blewe, and beat vpon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it

Matthew 24:48-25:3

48 But and yf that euyll seruaunt say in his heart, my Lorde wyll be long a commyng

Luke 12:45-46

45 But & yf that seruaut say in his heart, my lorde wyll deferre his commyng, and shall begyn to smyte the seruauntes and maydens, and to eate and drynke, and to be dronken 46 The Lord of that seruaunt wyll come in a day when he thynketh not, and at an houre when he is not ware, and wyll hewe hym in peeces, and geue hym his portion with the vnbeleuers

Luke 13:25-30

25 When the good man of the house is risen vp, and hath shut to the doore, and ye begyn to stande without, & to knocke at the doore, saying, Lorde, Lorde, open vnto vs: and he shall aunswere, and say vnto you, I knowe you not whence ye are 26 Then shall ye begyn to say: We haue eaten and dronken in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streates 27 And he shall say, I tell you, I knowe you not, whence ye are: depart from me all ye that worke iniquitie 28 There shalbe weepyng & gnasshyng of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Iacob, and all the prophetes, in the kyngdome of God, and ye your selues thrust out 29 And they shall come from the east and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall syt downe in the kyngdome of God 30 And beholde, there are last, which shalbe first: And there are first, which shalbe last

Romans 3:3-4

3 What then though some of them dyd not beleue? Shal their vnbeliefe make the fayth of God without effect 4 God forbyd. Yea let God be true, and euery man a lyer, as it is writte: That thou myghtest be iustified in thy sayinges, and ouercome when thou art iudged

Romans 3:23

23 For all haue synned, and are destitute of the glorie of God

Romans 11:20

20 Well: because of vnbeliefe, they were broken of, and thou stodest stedfast in fayth. Be not hye mynded, but feare

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

26 I therfore so run, not as at an vncertayne thing: So fight I, not as one that beateth the ayre 27 But I tame my body, and bryng it into subiection, lest by any meanes, that when I haue preached to other, I my selfe shoulde be a castaway

1 Corinthians 10:12

12 Wherfore, let hym that thynketh he standeth, take heede lest he fall

2 Timothy 2:13

13 If we be vnfaythful, he abideth faithfull, he can not denie hym selfe

Hebrews 2:1-3

1 Wherfore we ought to geue the more earnest heede to the thynges which we haue heard, lest at any tyme we should let them slippe 2 For yf the worde spoken by Angels, was stedfast: And euery transgression and disobedience receaued a iust recompense of rewarde 3 Howe shall we escape, yf we neglect so great saluation? which at the first began to be preached of the Lorde, and was confirmed vnto vswarde, by them that hearde it

Hebrews 3:11

11 So that I sware in my wrath, yf they shall enter into my rest

Hebrews 4:3-5

3 For we which haue beleued, do enter into his rest, as he sayde: Euen as I haue sworne in my wrath, if they shal enter into my rest. Although the workes were made perfecte from the foundation of the worlde 4 For he spake in a certayne place of the seuenth daye on this wyse: And God dyd rest the seuenth daye from all his workes 5 And in this place againe: yf they shall enter into my rest

Hebrews 4:9

9 There remayneth therfore yet a rest to the people of God

Hebrews 4:11

11 Let vs studie therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same ensample of disobedience

Hebrews 12:15

15 Takyng heede that no man fall away from the grace of God, lest any roote of bitternesse spryngyng vp, trouble you, and therby many be defyled

Hebrews 12:25

25 See that ye despise not hym that speaketh: For yf they escaped not, which refused hym that spake on earth: much more shall we [not escape] yf we turne away from hym that [speaketh] from heauen

Hebrews 13:7

7 Remember them which haue the ouersyght of you, which haue spoken vnto you the worde of God: Whose ende of conuersation ye consideryng, folowe their fayth

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.