Hebrews 11:7 Cross References - Bishops

7 By fayth Noe beyng warned of God of thinges not seene as yet, moued with reuerence, prepared the arke to the sauyng of his house, through the whiche [arke] he condempned the worlde, and became heire of the righteousnes which is by fayth

Genesis 6:9

9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah [was] a iust man, and perfect in his generations: And Noah walked with God

Genesis 6:13-7:1

13 And God sayd vnto Noah: the ende of all fleshe is come before me, for the earth is fylled with crueltie through them, and beholde I wyl destroy them with the earth

Genesis 7:5

5 Noah therfore did according vnto all that God commaunded him

Genesis 7:23

23 And euery substaunce was destroyed that remayned and that was in the vpper part of the grounde, both man and cattell, and worme, and the foule of the heauen, they were euen destroyed from of the earth, and Noah onlye remayned aliue, and they that were with him in the arke

Genesis 8:16

16 Go foorth of the arke, thou, and thy wife, thy sonnes, and thy sonnes wiues with thee

Genesis 19:14

14 And Lot went out, and spake vnto his sonnes in lawe which maried his daughters, saying: Stande vp, get ye out of this place, for the Lorde wyll ouerthrowe this citie. But he seemed as though he had mocked, vnto his sonnes in lawe

Exodus 9:18-21

18 Beholde, to morowe this time I wyl sende downe a mightie great hayle, euen suche a one as was not in Egypt since the foundation thereof was layde, vnto this tyme 19 Sende therfore nowe, and gather thy beastes, & all that thou hast in the fielde: For vpon all the men and the beastes whiche are founde in the fielde, and not brought home, shall the hayle fall, and they shall dye 20 And as many as feared the worde of the Lorde amongest the seruauntes of Pharao, made their seruauntes and their beastes flee into the houses 21 But he that regarded not the worde of the Lord, left his seruauntes and his beastes in the fielde

Proverbs 22:3

3 A wyse man seeth the plague, and hydeth hym selfe: but the foolishe go on still, and are punished

Proverbs 27:12

12 A wyse man seing the plague, wyll hide hym selfe: as for fooles they go on styll and suffer harme

Ezekiel 3:17-19

17 Thou sonne of man, I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt heare the worde at my mouth, and geue them warning from me 18 When I shall say vnto the wicked, Thou shalt surely dye, and thou geuest not him warning, nor speakest to admonishe the wicked of his euill way, and so to liue: then shal the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrighteousnesse, but his blood wyl I require of thyne hand 19 Neuerthelesse, if thou geue warning vnto the wicked, and he yet turne not from his vngodlynesse and from his wicked way: he shall dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast deliuered thy soule

Ezekiel 14:14

14 And though Noe, Daniel, and Iob, these three men were among them: yet shal they in their righteousnesse deliuer but their owne soules, saith the Lorde God

Ezekiel 14:20

20 And if Noe, Daniel, and Iob were therein, as truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, they shall deliuer neither sonne nor daughter, but saue their owne soules in their righteousnesse

Matthew 3:7

7 But when he sawe many of the Pharisees, and Saducees come to his baptisme, he sayde vnto them. O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the anger to come

Matthew 12:41-42

41 The men of Niniue shall ryse in the iudgement, with this nation, and condemne it, because they repented at the preachyng of Ionas: and beholde, here [is] one greater then Ionas 42 The Queene of the south shall ryse in the iudgement, with this generation, and shall condemne it: for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth, to heare the wisdome of Solomon. And beholde, in this place [is] one greater then Solomon

Matthew 24:15

15 When ye therefore, shall see the abhomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophete, stande in the holy place, (who so readeth, let hym vnderstande.

Matthew 24:25

25 Beholde, I haue tolde you before

Matthew 24:38

38 For as in the dayes [that went] before the fludde, they dyd eate, and drynke, marry, and geue in maryage, euen vntyll the day that Noe entred into the Arke

Luke 11:31-32

31 The Queene of the south shall ryse in iudgement with the men of this nation, and condempne them: for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth, to heare the wisedome of Solomon: And beholde, a greater then Solomon is here 32 The men of Niuiue shall rise in iudgement with this nation, and shall condempne them, for they repented at the preachyng of Ionas: and beholde, a greater then Ionas is here

Luke 17:26

26 And as it was in the dayes of Noe: so shall it be also in the dayes of the sonne of man

Romans 1:17

17 For by it is the ryghteousnes of God opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: the iuste shall lyue by fayth

Romans 3:22

22 The ryghteousnes of God [commeth] by the fayth of Iesus Christe, vnto all and vpon all them that beleue. There is no difference

Romans 4:11

11 And he receaued the signe of circumcision, as the seale of the ryghteousnesse of fayth, whiche he had yet beyng vncircumcised, that he shoulde be the father of al them that beleue, though they be not circumcised, that ryghteousnes myght be imputed vnto them also

Romans 4:13

13 For the promise that he shoulde be the heyre of the worlde, [was] not to Abraham or to his seede through the lawe, but through the ryghteousnes of fayth

Romans 9:30

30 What shall we say then? that the gentiles which folowed not ryghteousnes, haue obtayned righteousnesse: euen the ryghteousnesse which cometh of fayth

Romans 10:6

6 But the ryghteousnesse which is of fayth, speaketh on this wise: Say not thou in thyne heart, who shall ascende into heauen? That is, to fetch Christe downe from aboue

Galatians 5:5

5 For we through the spirite, wayte for the hope of ryghteousnes by fayth

Philippians 3:9

9 And be founde in hym, not hauyng myne owne ryghteousnesse which is of the lawe: but that which is through the fayth of Christ, the ryghteousnes which commeth of God through fayth

Hebrews 5:7

7 Which in the dayes of his fleshe, when he had offered vp prayers and supplications with strong crying and teares, vnto hym that was able to saue hym from death, and was hearde in that which he feared

Hebrews 11:1

1 Fayth is the grounde of thynges hoped for, the euidence of thynges not seene

1 Peter 3:20

20 Which sometime had ben disobedient, when once the long sufferyng of God abode in ye dayes of Noe, whyle the Arke was a preparyng, wherein fewe, that is to say eyght soules, were saued in the water

2 Peter 1:1

1 Simon Peter, a seruaunt and an Apostle of Iesus Christe, to them which haue obteined lyke precious faith with vs, thorowe the ryghteousnes of our god and sauiour Iesus Christe

2 Peter 2:5

5 Neither spared the olde worlde, but saued Noe the eyght [person] a preacher of ryghteousnesse, and brought in the flood vpon the worlde of the vngodly

2 Peter 3:6

6 By the which thinges the world that then was, perisshed, beyng then ouerrunne with water

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