Genesis 1:29 Cross References - Bishops

29 And God sayde: beholde, I haue geuen you euery hearbe bearing seede, which is in the vpper face of all ye earth, and euery tree in the which is the fruite of a tree bearing seede, [that] they may be meate vnto you

Genesis 2:16

16 And the Lorde God commaunded the man, saying: eating, thou shalt eate of euery tree of the garden

Genesis 9:3

3 Euery thyng that moueth it selfe, and that liueth, shall be meate for you, euen as the greene hearbe haue I geue you all thinges

Job 36:31

31 For by these gouerneth he his people, and geueth them aboundance of meate

Psalms 24:1

Psalms 104:14-15

14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell: and hearbes for the vse of man 15 That he may bryng foorth foode out of the earth: both wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce, & also bread to strengthen mans heart

Psalms 104:27-28

27 These wayte all vpon thee: that thou mayest geue them meate in due season 28 When thou geuest it them, they gather it: and when thou openest thyne hand, they are filled with that which is good

Psalms 111:5

5 He hath geuen meate vnto them that feare him: he wyll euer be myndfull of his couenaunt

Psalms 115:16

16 The heauen, the heauen [I say] is Gods: and he hath geuen the earth vnto the children of men

Psalms 136:25

25 Who geueth foode vnto all creatures: for his mercy endureth for euer

Psalms 145:15-16

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon thee: and thou geuest them their meate in due season 16 Thou openest thyne hande: and thou satisfiest the desire of euery thing liuing

Psalms 146:7

7 God looseth those that be bounde: God geueth syght to the blynde

Psalms 147:9

9 He geueth vnto cattell their foode: [euen] vnto Rauens which call for it

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is that shall dwell on hye, whose safegarde shalbe in a bulwarke of rockes: to hym shalbe geuen meate, and his waters shall not fayle

Hosea 2:8

8 And she dyd not knowe that I gaue her corne, and wine, and oyle, and multiplied her siluer and golde, which they bestowed on Baal

Matthew 6:11

11 Geue vs this day our dayly breade

Matthew 6:25-26

25 Therfore I say vnto you, be not carefull for your lyfe, what ye shall eate, or drynke: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the lyfe more worth then meate? & the body then rayment 26 Beholde the fowles of the ayre: For they sowe not, neither do they reape, nor cary into the barnes: yet your heauenly father feedeth them. Are ye not much better then they

Acts 14:17

17 Neuerthelesse, he left not hym selfe without witnesse, in that he shewed his benefites from heauen, in geuyng vs rayne and fruitefull seasons, fillyng our heartes with foode and gladnesse

Acts 17:24-25

24 God that made the worlde, & all that are in it, seing that he is Lorde of heaue and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with handes 25 Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed of any thing, seing he him selfe geueth life and breath to all, euery where

Acts 17:28

28 For in hym we liue, and moue, & haue our beyng, as certaine of your owne poetes sayde: for we are also his offpryng

1 Timothy 6:17

17 Charge them which are riche in this world, that they be not hie minded, nor trust in vncertayne riches: but in ye lyuyng God, which geueth vs aboundauntly all thinges to enioy

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.