Exodus 20:13 Cross References - Bishops

13 Thou shalt not kyll

Genesis 4:8-23

8 And Cain talked with Habel his brother: and it came to passe when they were in the fielde, Cain rose vp agaynst Habel his brother, & slewe him 9 And the Lorde said vnto Cain: where is Habel thy brother? Which sayde I wote not: Am I my brothers keper 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers blood cryeth vnto me out of the grounde 11 And nowe art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receaue thy brothers blood from thy hande 12 If thou tyll the grounde, she shall not yeelde vnto thee her strength. A fugitiue and a vacabound shalt thou be in the earth 13 And Cain sayde vnto the Lord: My iniquitie is more then that it may be forgeuen 14 Beholde, thou hast cast me out this day from the vpper face of the earth, & from thy face shall I be hyd, fugitiue also and a vacabounde shall I be in the earth: and it shall come to passe, that euery one that fyndeth me shal slay me 15 And the Lorde said vnto him: Uerely whosoeuer slayeth Cain, he shalbe punished seuen folde. And the Lorde set a marke vpon Cain, lest any man fyndyng hym shoulde kyll hym 16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lorde, & dwelt in the lande of Nod, eastwarde from Eden 17 Cain also knewe his wyfe, whiche conceaued and bare Henoch, and buyldyng a citie, he called the name of the same citie after the name of his sonne Henoch 18 Unto ye same Henoch was borne Irad: Irad begat Mehuiael, Mehuiael begat Methusael, Methusael begat Lamech 19 And Lamech toke vnto hym two wyues, the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other was Sella 20 And Ada bare Iabel, which was the father of such as dwel in the tentes, and of such as haue cattell 21 His brothers name was Iubal, which was the father of such as handle Harpe and Organ 22 And Sella also bare Thubalcain, which wrought cunnyngly euery craft of brasse and of iron, the sister of Thubalcain was Noema 23 And Lamech saide vnto his wiues Ada and Sella: Heare my voyce ye wyues of Lamech, hearken vnto my speache: for I haue slayne a man to the woundyng of my selfe, & a young man to myne owne punishment

Genesis 9:5-6

5 And surely your blood of your lyues wyl I require: at the hande of euery beast wyll I require it, and at the hand of man, at the hande of mans brother wyll I require the life of man 6 Who so sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man

Exodus 21:14

14 If a man come presumpteously vpon his neyghbour to slay hym with guyle, thou shalt take him from myne aulter that he dye

Exodus 21:20

20 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde with a rod, & they dye vnder his hande, he shalbe greeuously punished

Exodus 21:29

29 If the oxe were wont to pushe with his horne in time past, and it hath ben tolde his maister, and he hath not kept him, but that he hath killed a man or a woman: then the oxe shalbe stoned, and his owner shall dye also

Leviticus 24:21

21 And he that kylleth a beast, let hym restore it: and he that kylleth a man, let hym dye

Numbers 35:16-34

16 And if any man smyte another with an instrument of iron that he dye, then is he a murtherer, and the murtherer shall dye for it 17 If he smyte hym with throwyng a stone, that a man may dye with, and if he dye, he that smote hym is a murtherer: let the same murtherer be slayne therefore 18 Or if he smyte hym with a handweapon of wood that a man may dye with, then if he dye, he is a murtherer: let the same murtherer be slaine therfore 19 The reuenger of blood him selfe shal slay the murtherer: when he meeteth hym, he shall slay hym 20 But if he thrust hym of hate, or hurle at hym by laying of wayte, that he dye 21 Or smyte hym with his hande of enmitie that he dye: he that smote hym shall dye the death, for he is a murtherer: the reuenger of the blood shall slay the murtherer when he meeteth hym 22 But if he pusshed hym vnaduisedly, and not of hate, or cast vpon hym any thing, and not in laying of wayte 23 Or any maner of stone that a man may dye with, and saw him not, and he caused it to fall vpon hym, and he dye, and was not his enemie, neither sought hym any harme 24 Then the congregation shal iudge betweene the slayer and the reuenger of blood, according to these lawes 25 And the congregation shall deliuer the slayer out of the hande of the reuenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore hym to the citie of his refuge, whyther he was fled: and he shal abide there vnto the death of the hye priest, whiche was annoynted with the holy oyle 26 But if the slayer come without the borders of his citie of refuge, whyther he was fled 27 And the reuenger of blood finde hym without the borders of the citie of his refuge, and the reuenger of blood kyll the slayer, he shalbe gyltlesse 28 Because he shoulde haue bydden in the towne of his refuge vntill the death of the hye priest; and after the death of the hye priest, the slayer should returne vnto the lande of his possession 29 So these thynges shalbe a lawe of iudgement vnto you, throughout your generations, in al your dwellinges 30 Whoso kylleth any person, the [Iudge] shall put the murtherer to death thorowe wytnesses: but one wytnesse shall not testifie agaynst any person, to cause hym to dye 31 Moreouer, ye shal take no recompence for the lyfe of the murtherer whiche is worthy to dye: but he shalbe put to death 32 And ye shall take no recompence for him that is fled to the citie of his refuge, that he shoulde come againe and dwell in the lande before the death of the hye priest 33 So ye shall not pollute the lande whiche ye shall dwell in, for blood defileth the lande: and the lande can not be clensed of the blood that is shed therin, but by the blood of hym that shed blood 34 Defile not therefore the lande whiche ye shal inhabite, for I am in the middes therof: [euen] I the Lord dwell among the chyldren of Israel

Deuteronomy 5:17

17 Thou shalt not slay

Deuteronomy 19:11-13

11 But and if any man hate his neyghbour, and lay awayte for hym, and ryse agaynst hym, and smyte hym that he die, & then fleeth vnto any of these cities 12 The elders of his citie shall sende and fetch hym thence, and deliuer hym into the handes of the auenger of blood, that he may dye 13 Thine eye shall not spare hym, but thou shalt put away [the crye of] innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee

2 Samuel 12:9-10

9 Wherefore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde to do euill in his sight? Thou hast kild Urias the Hethite with the sword, & hast taken his wyfe to thy wyfe, and hast slaine him with the sword of the children of Ammon 10 Now therefore, the sword shall neuer depart from thyne house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wyfe of Urias the Hethite to be thy wyfe

2 Kings 21:16

16 And Manasse shed innocent blood exceeding much, till he replenished Hierusalem from corner to corner, besyde his sinne wherwith he made Iuda to sinne and to do euyll in the sight of the Lorde

2 Chronicles 24:22

22 And so Ioas the king remembred not ye kindnesse whiche Iehoiada his father had done to him, but slue his sonne: And when he died, he sayde, The Lorde loke vpon it, and require it

Psalms 10:8-11

8 He sitteth lurkyng in theeuishe corners of the streates: and priuily in lurking dennes he doth murther the innocent, he eyeth diligently hym that is weake 9 He lieth in wayte lurking as a Lion in his denne: he lyeth in wayte lurkyng, that he may violently carry away the afflicted, he doth carry away violentlye the afflicted, in halyng hym into his net 10 He croucheth and humbleth him selfe: so that a number of the that be weake, fall by his myght 11 He sayeth in his heart, tushe, the Lord hath forgotten: he hydeth away his face, and he wyll neuer see it

Proverbs 1:11

11 If they say, come with vs, let vs lay wayte for blood, and lurke priuily for the innocent without a cause

Proverbs 1:18

18 So these lay wayte for the blood of them, and lye priuily for their liues

Isaiah 26:21

21 For beholde, the Lorde is comming out of his place, to visite the wickednesse of suche as dwell vpon earth: the earth also shall disclose her bloods, and shall no more hide them that are slayne in her

Jeremiah 26:15

15 But this shall ye knowe yf ye put me to death, ye shall make your selues, this citie, and all the inhabitours therof giltie of innocent blood: For this is of a trueth, that the Lorde hath sent me vnto you, to speake all these wordes in your eares

Matthew 5:21-22

21 Ye haue hearde, that it was sayde to them of the olde tyme, thou shalt not kyll: who so euer kylleth, shalbe in daunger of iudgement 22 But I say vnto you, that who so euer is angry with his brother, vnaduisedly, shalbe in daunger of iudgement. And who so euer shall say vnto his brother, racha, shalbe in daunger of a councell: But, whosoeuer shall saye (thou) foole, shalbe in daunger of hell fire

Matthew 19:18

18 He sayth vnto hym: Which? Iesus sayde: Thou shalt do no murther, Thou shalt not commit adulterie, Thou shalt not steale, Thou shalt not beare false witnesse

Acts 28:4

4 And when the straungers sawe the beast hang on his hande, they sayde among them selues, No doubt this man is a murtherer: Whom though he haue escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffreth not to lyue

Romans 13:9

9 For this: Thou shalt not commit adultrie, thou shalt not kyll, thou shalt not steale, thou shalt not beare false witnesse, thou shalt not lust: and yf there be any other commaundement, it is comprehended in this saying: Namelye, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe

Galatians 5:21

21 Enuyinges, murthers, drunkennesse, gluttonies, and such lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which do suche thinges, shall not inherite the kingdome of God

1 Timothy 1:9

9 Knowyng this, that the lawe is not geuen vnto a ryghteous man, but vnto the lawlesse and disobedient, to the vngodly and to sinners, to vnholy and vncleane, to murtherers of fathers & murtherers of mothers, to manslears

James 2:11

11 For he that sayde, thou shalt not commit adulterie: sayde also, thou shalt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie, yet yf thou kyll, thou art become a transgressour of the lawe

James 2:13

13 For he shall haue iudgement without mercie, that sheweth no mercie: And mercie reioyceth agaynst iudgement

1 John 3:12-15

12 Not as Cain, which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother: And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his owne workes were euyll, and his brothers good 13 Maruayle not my brethren though the worlde hate you 14 We knowe, that we are translated from death vnto lyfe, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not his brother, abideth in death 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother, is a manslear: And ye knowe that no manslear, hath eternall life abidyng in hym

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