Esther 4:16 Cross References - Bishops

16 Go thou thy way, and gather together all the Iewes that are founde at Susan, and fast ye for me, that ye eate not and drinke not in three dayes neither day nor night, I and my maydens wyll fast likewyse: and so wyll I go in to the king, which thing yet is contrary to the commaundement: and if I perishe, I perishe

Genesis 18:19

19 I knowe this also, that he wyll commaunde his chyldren and his householde after him, that they kepe the way of the Lord, and to do iustice and iudgement, that the Lorde may bryng vppon Abraha that he hath spoken vnto him

Genesis 43:14

14 And God almightie geue you mercye in the sight of the man, that he may deliuer you your other brother, & [this] Beniamin: and thus I am as one that is quite robbed of his chyldren

Joshua 24:15

15 And yf it seeme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you this day who you wil serue, whether ye goddes which your fathers serued (that were on the other side of the fludde) either ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: As for me and my house, we wil serue the Lorde

1 Samuel 19:5

5 For he dyd put his life in his hande, and slue the Philistine, and the Lorde brought to passe a great health for all Israel: Thou sawest it, and thou reioycedst: Wherfore then wilt thou sinne against innocent blood, and slay Dauid without a cause

2 Samuel 10:12

12 Therefore quite thee lyke a man, and let vs be valiaunt for our people and for the cities of our God: And the Lorde do that which is good in his owne eyes

2 Chronicles 20:3

3 And Iehosaphat feared, & set him selfe to seke the Lorde: and proclaymed fasting throughout all Iuda

Esther 5:1

1 { And on the third day it came to passe, that Esther put on her royall apparell, and stoode in the court of the kinges palace within, ouer against ye kinges house: and the king sat vpon his royall seate in the kinges palace ouer against the gate of the house}

Isaiah 22:12

12 And in that day dyd the Lorde God of hoastes call men vnto weepyng and mournyng, to baldnesse and girdyng about with sackcloth

Joel 1:14-15

14 Proclayme a fast, call a congregation, gather the elders together, [with] all the inhabitauntes of the lande vnto the house of the Lorde your God, and crye vnto the Lorde 15 Alas for this day, for the day of the Lorde is at hande, euen as a destruction from the almightie shall it come

Joel 2:12-17

12 But nowe saith ye Lord, turne you vnto me with all your heartes, with fasting, with weepyng, and with mournyng 13 And rent your heartes and not your garmentes, & turne you vnto the Lorde your God, for he is gratious & mercifull, slowe to anger, and of great goodnesse, and he wyll repent him of the euyll 14 Who knoweth whether the Lorde wyll returne and take compassion, and wyll leaue behinde him a blessing, [euen] meate offeryng and drynke offeryng vnto the Lorde your God 15 Blowe vp a trumpet in Sion, proclayme a fast, call an assemblye, sanctifie the congregation 16 Gather the people, gather the elders, assemble the children & suckyng babes: let the bridegrome come foorth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet 17 Let the priestes the Lordes ministers weepe betwixt the porche & the aulter, and let them say, Spare thy people O Lord, and geue not ouer thine heritage to reproche, that the heathen shoulde rule ouer them: Wherfore shoulde they say amongst the heathen, Where is their God

Jonah 3:4-9

4 And Ionas began to enter into the citie a dayes iourney, and he cryed & saide: Yet fourtie dayes, & Niniue shalbe destroyed 5 And the men of Niniue beleued God, and proclaymed a fast, and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them to the leaste of them 6 And worde came vnto the king of Niniue: which arose from his throne, and put of his robe, and couered him selfe with sackcloth, & sate downe in asshes 7 And he caused a cryer to crye, and say through the citie by the counsell of the king & his nobles, Let neither man nor beast, bullocke nor sheepe, taste ought at all, neither feede, nor drinke water 8 And let both man & beast put on sackcloth, and crye mightyly vnto God: yea let euery man turne from his euill way, and from the wickednesse that is in his handes 9 Who can tel whether God wyl turne and be moued with repentaunce, and turne from his fierce wrath, that we perishe not

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was three dayes, and three nyghtes, in the Whales belly: so shall the sonne of man be three dayes, and three nyghtes, in the heart of the earth

Luke 9:24

24 For whosoeuer wyl saue his lyfe, shal lose it: But whosoeuer shal lose his lyfe for my sake, the same shall saue it

Acts 9:9

9 And he was three dayes without syght, and neither dyd eate nor drynke

Acts 10:7

7 And when the Angell whiche spake vnto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household seruauntes, and a deuout souldier of them that wayted on hym

Acts 20:24

24 But none of these thynges moue me, neither is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, so that I myght fulfyll my course with ioy, and the ministerie whiche I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifie the Gospell of the grace of God

Acts 21:13

13 Then Paule aunswered: What do ye weepyng and vexyng myne heart? For I am redy, not to be bounde only, but also to dye at Hierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu

Acts 27:33

33 And when the day began to appeare, Paul besought them all to take meate, saying: This is the foureteenth day, that ye haue taryed & continued fasting, receauyng nothyng at all

Romans 16:4

4 (Which haue for my lyfe layde downe their owne neckes: Unto whom, not onlye I geue thankes, but also all the Churches of the gentiles

Philippians 2:30

30 Because, for the worke of Christe, he was nye vnto death, not regardyng his lyfe, to fulfyll your lacke of seruice towarde me

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.