3 And I turned my face vnto the Lord God, and sought by prayer and supplication, with fasting, sackcloth, and asshes
Daniel 9:3 Cross References - Bishops
Ezra 8:21
21 And euen there at the water beside Ahaua I proclaymed a fast, that we might humble our selues before our God, and seke of hym a right way for vs, and for our children, and for all our substaunce
Ezra 9:5
5 And about the euening sacrifice I arose vp from my heauinesse, and rent my clothes and my rayment, and fell vpon my knees, and spread out my handes vnto the Lorde my God
Ezra 10:6
6 And Esdras rose vp from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Iohanan the sonne of Eliasib: and when he came thyther, he dyd eate no bread, nor dronke water: for he mourned, because of the transgression of the people that had ben in captiuitie
Nehemiah 1:4-11
4 And when I hearde these wordes, I sat downe and wept, and mourned certayne dayes, and fasted and prayed before the God of heauen
5 And sayde: O Lorde God of heauen, thou great and terrible God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercie for them that loue thee & obserue thy commaundementes
6 Let thyne eares hearken I beseche thee, and let thyne eyes be open, that thou mayest heare the prayer of thy seruaunt, whiche I pray nowe before thee day and night for the children of Israel thy seruauntes, and knowledge the sinnes of the children of Israel which we haue sinned against thee: I and my fathers house haue sinned
7 We haue greeuously sinned against thee, and haue not kept thy commaundementes, statutes, and iudgementes, whiche thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moyses
8 I beseche thee call to remembraunce the worde that thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moyses, and saydest, Ye will transgresse, and I will scatter you abrode among the nations
9 But if ye turne vnto me, and kepe my commaundementes, & do them: though ye were cast out vnto the vttermost part of heauen, yet wil I gather you from thence, and will bring you vnto the place that I haue chosen, to set my name there
10 They are thy seruauntes and thy people, whom thou hast deliuered through thy great power, and in thy mightie hande
11 O Lorde I besech thee, let thyne eare hearken to the prayer of thy seruaunt, and to the prayer of thy seruauntes, whose desire is to feare thy name: and let thy seruaunt prosper this day, and graunt him mercie in the sight of this man. For I was the kinges butler
Nehemiah 9:1
1 In the twentie and fourth day of this moneth, came the children of Israel together againe, with fasting, and sackeclothes, and earth vpon them
Esther 4:1-3
1 When Mardocheus perceaued all that was done, he rent his clothes, and put on sackecloth with asshes, and went out into the middest of the citie, and cryed loude and lamentably
2 And came before the kinges gate: but he might not enter within the kinges gate, because he had sackcloth on
3 And in all prouinces, countries, and places, as farre as the kinges worde & commaundement extented, there was great lamentatio among the Iewes, fasting, weeping, and mourning, and many lay in sackeclothes and in asshes
Esther 4:16
16 Go thou thy way, and gather together all the Iewes that are founde at Susan, and fast ye for me, that ye eate not and drinke not in three dayes neither day nor night, I and my maydens wyll fast likewyse: and so wyll I go in to the king, which thing yet is contrary to the commaundement: and if I perishe, I perishe
Psalms 35:13
13 Neuerthelesse, when they were sicke I did put on sackcloth: I afflicted my soule with fasting, and my prayer returned into myne owne bosome
Psalms 69:10-11
Psalms 102:13-17
13 (102:11) Thou wylt aryse vp, thou wylt haue compassion vpon Sion: for it is tyme that thou haue mercie vpon her, for the tyme appoynted is come
14 (102:12) For thy seruauntes be well affected towarde her stones: and it pitieth them to see her in the dust
15 (102:13) And the heathen wyll feare thy name O God: and all the kynges of the earth thy glorious maiestie
16 (102:14) For God wyll buylde vp Sion: to be seene in his glorious maiestie
17 (102:15) He wyll regarde the prayer of the humble destitute of all helpe: and he wyll not dispise their prayer
Isaiah 22:12
12 And in that day dyd the Lorde God of hoastes call men vnto weepyng and mournyng, to baldnesse and girdyng about with sackcloth
Jeremiah 29:10-13
10 But thus saith the Lorde, When ye haue fulfylled seuentie yeres at Babylon, I will bring you home, and of mine owne goodnesse I wyll cary you hither agayne into this place
11 For I knowe what I haue deuised for you, saith the Lorde: My thoughtes are to geue you peace, and not trouble, and to geue you an ende as you wishe and hope to haue
12 Ye shall crye vnto me, ye shall go and call vpon me, and I wyll heare you
13 Ye shall seke me and fynde me, yea yf so be that you seke me with your whole heart
Jeremiah 33:3
3 Crye vnto me, and I wyll aunswere, and shewe thee great and hye thinges whiche were vnknowen vnto thee
Ezekiel 36:37
37 Thus saith the Lorde God: I wyll yet for this be sought of the house of Israel, to do it for them, I wyll multiplie them as a flocke of men
Daniel 6:10
10 Now when Daniel vnderstoode that he had sealed the writing, he went into his house, and the windowes of his chamber towarde Hierusalem stoode open, there kneeled he downe vpon his knees three times a day, he made his petition, and praysed his God, as he dyd afore time
Daniel 10:2-3
Joel 1:13
13 Girde your selues and lament O ye priestes, howle ye out ye ministers of the aulter, come and lye all night in sackcloth ye seruauntes of my God: for the meate and drynke offerynges are taken away from the house of your God
Joel 2:12
12 But nowe saith ye Lord, turne you vnto me with all your heartes, with fasting, with weepyng, and with mournyng
Jonah 3:6-9
6 And worde came vnto the king of Niniue: which arose from his throne, and put of his robe, and couered him selfe with sackcloth, & sate downe in asshes
7 And he caused a cryer to crye, and say through the citie by the counsell of the king & his nobles, Let neither man nor beast, bullocke nor sheepe, taste ought at all, neither feede, nor drinke water
8 And let both man & beast put on sackcloth, and crye mightyly vnto God: yea let euery man turne from his euill way, and from the wickednesse that is in his handes
9 Who can tel whether God wyl turne and be moued with repentaunce, and turne from his fierce wrath, that we perishe not
Luke 2:37
37 And she had ben a wydowe about fourescore and foure yeres, whiche departed not from the temple, but serued God with fastynges and prayers nyght and day
Acts 10:30
30 And Cornelius sayde: This day nowe foure dayes, about this houre, I sate fasting, and at the ninth houre, I prayed in my house: And beholde, a man stoode before me in bryght clothyng
James 4:8-10
8 Drawe nye to God, and he wyll drawe nye to you. Clense your handes ye sinners, and purifie your heartes ye double mynded
9 Suffer afflictions, and mourne, and weepe: Let your laughter be turned to mournyng, and your ioy to heauinesse
10 Humble your selues in the sight of the Lorde, and he shall lyft you vp
James 5:16-18
16 Knowledge your faultes one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed: For ye feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth much
17 Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes
18 And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, & the earth brought foorth her fruite