Acts 2:35 Cross References - Bishops

35 Untill I make thy foes thy footstoole

Genesis 3:15

15 I wyll also put enmitie betweene thee & the woman, betweene thy seede and her seede: and it shall treade downe thy head, and thou shalt treade vpon his heele

Joshua 10:24-25

24 And when they brought out those kinges vnto Iosuah: Iosuah called for all the men of Israel, and saide vnto the chiefe of the men of warre which went with him: Come neare, & put your feete vpo the neckes of these kinges. And they came neare, and put their feete vpon the neckes of them 25 And Iosuah sayd vnto them, Ye shall not feare, nor be faynt hearted: but be strong, and plucke vp your heartes, for thus shall the Lorde do to al your enemies against whom ye fight

Psalms 2:8-12

8 Desire of me, and I wyll geue thee the heathen for thyne inheritaunce: and the vttermost partes of the earth for thy possession 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron: and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell 10 Wherfore be you nowe wel aduised O ye kinges: be you learned ye [that are] iudges of the earth 11 Serue ye God in feare: and reioyce ye with a trembling 12 Kisse ye the sonne lest that he be angrye, and [so] ye perishe [from] the way, if his wrath be neuer so litle kindled: blessed are all they that put their trust in hym

Psalms 18:40-42

40 (18:39) Thou hast geuen me myne enemies neckes: and I haue destroyed them that hated me 41 (18:40) They cryed, but there was none to saue them: they cryed vnto God, but he dyd not heare them 42 (18:41) I dyd beat them to powder, like vnto dust in a wynde: I haue brought them as lowe as durt in the streates

Psalms 21:8-12

8 Thine hande wyll finde out all thine enemies: thy right hande wyll finde out them that hate thee 9 Thou wilt make them like a burnyng furnace in tyme of thy furie: God wyll destroy them in his wrath, and fire shall consume them 10 Thou wilt roote their fruite out of the earth: and their seede from among the children of men 11 For they intended mischiefe agaynst thee, and imagined a craftie deuice: [but] they coulde not [bring it to passe. 12 Therfore thou wilt put them to flight: [and] direct thine arrowes agaynst their faces

Psalms 72:9

9 They that dwell in the wildernesse shal kneele before him: his enemies shal licke the dust

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kynges shalbe thy nursyng fathers, and queenes shalbe thy nursyng mothers: They shall fall before thee with their faces flat vpon the earth, & lick vp the dust of thy feete: that thou mayest knowe howe that I am the Lorde, and that who so putteth their trust in me shall not be confounded

Isaiah 59:18

18 Euen as when a man goeth foorth wrathfully to recompence his enemies, and to be auenged of his aduersaries, he wyll recompence and rewarde the Ilandes

Isaiah 60:14

14 Moreouer, those shall come kneeling vnto thee that haue vexed thee, and all they that despised thee shall fall downe at thy foote: Thou shalt be called the citie of the Lorde, Sion [the citie] of the holy one of Israel

Isaiah 63:4-6

4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart, and the yere when my people shalbe deliuered is come 5 I loked about me, and there was no man to shewe me any helpe, I marueyled that no man helde me vp: Then I helde me by myne owne arme, and my feruentnesse sustayned me 6 And thus wyll I treade downe the people in my wrath, and bathe them in my displeasure, and vpon the earth will I lay their strength

Luke 19:27

27 Moreouer, those mine enemies, which woulde not that I shoulde raigne ouer the, bring hyther, & slea them before me

Luke 20:16-18

16 He shall come and destroye these husbande men, & shall let out his vineyarde to other. When they hearde this, they sayde, God forbyd 17 And he behelde them, & sayde: What is this then that is written, The stone that the buylders refused, the same is become the head of the corner 18 Whosoeuer doth stumble vppon that stone, shalbe broken: but on whosoeuer it falleth, it wyll grinde hym to powder

Romans 16:20

20 The God of peace shall treade Satan vnder your feete shortly. The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe be with you

Revelation 19:19-20:3

19 And I sawe the beast, and the kinges of the earth, and their warryers gathered together, to make battayle agaynst hym that sate on the horse, and agaynst his souldyers

Revelation 20:8-15

8 And shall go out to deceaue the people which are in the foure quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battayle, whose number is as the sande of the sea 9 And they went vp in the playne of the earth, and compassed the tentes of the saintes about, and the beloued citie: and fire came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them 10 And the deuyll that deceaued them, was cast into a lake of fire & brymstone, where the beast and the false prophete shalbe tormented day & nyght for euermore 11 And I sawe a great whyte throne, and him that sate on it, fro whose face fledde away both the earth and heauen, and their place was no more founde 12 And I sawe the dead both great and small stand before God, and the bookes were opened: and another booke was opened, which is [the booke] of lyfe, and the dead were iudged of those thynges whiche were written in the bookes, accordyng to their deedes 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead whiche were in her, and death and hell delyuered vp the dead whiche were in them: and they were iudged euery man accordyng to his deedes 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fyre. This is the seconde death 15 And whosoeuer was not founde written in the booke of lyfe, was cast into the lake of fire

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.