Acts 1:3 Cross References - Bishops

3 To whom also he shewed hym selfe alyue after his passion, and that by manye tokens, appearyng vnto them fourtie dayes, and speaking of the kingdome of God

Deuteronomy 9:9

9 When I was gone vp into the mount, to receaue the tables of stone, the tables of the couenaunt which the Lord made with you, and I abode in the mount fourtie dayes & fourtie nightes, whe I neither did eate bread nor drinke water

Deuteronomy 9:18

18 And I fell downe flat before the Lord euen as at the first time, & fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes I did neither eate bread nor drinke water, because of all your sinnes which ye sinned, in doyng wyckedly in the sight of the Lorde in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrath

1 Kings 19:8

8 And he arose, and dyd eate and drinke, & walked in the strength of that meate fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, euen vnto Horeb the mount of God

Daniel 2:44-45

44 And in the dayes of these kinges, shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed, and this kingdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: but it shall breake and destroy al these kingdomes, and it shal stand for euer 45 Like as thou sawest that without any handes there was cut out of the mount a stone, whiche brake the iron, the brasse, the clay, the siluer and gold in peeces: so the great God hath shewed the king what shall come to passe after this: This is a true dreame, & the interpretation of it is sure

Matthew 3:2

2 Repent, for the kingdome of heauen is at hande

Matthew 4:2

2 And when he had fasted fourtie dayes, and fourtie nightes, he was afterwarde an hungred

Matthew 21:43

43 Therefore saye I vnto you, the kyngdome of God shalbe taken from you, & geuen to a nation bryngyng foorth the fruites therof

Matthew 28:9

9 And as they went to tell his disciples, beholde, Iesus met them, saying: All hayle. And they came and helde him by the feete, and worshypped hym

Matthew 28:16-17

16 Then the eleuen disciples went awaye into Galilee, into a mountayne, where Iesus had appoynted them 17 And when they sawe hym, they worshypped hym: But some doubted

Mark 16:10-14

10 And she went & tolde them that were with hym, as they mourned & wept 11 And they, when they hearde that he was alyue, and had ben seene of her, beleued it not 12 After that, appeared he vnto two of them in another fourme, as they walked and went into the countrey 13 And they went and tolde it vnto the residue: and [they] beleued not these also 14 Afterwarde, he appeared vnto the eleuen, as they sate at meate, and cast in their teeth their vnbeliefe and hardnes of heart, because they beleued not them whiche had seene that he was rysen agayne from the dead

Luke 17:20-21

20 When he was demaunded of the pharisees, when the kyngdome of God shoulde come: he aunswered them, and sayde, The kyngdome of God shall not come with obseruation 21 Neither shall they say, lo here, or lo there: For beholde, the kyngdome of God is within you

Luke 24:1-53

1 But vpon the first day of the Sabbathes, [very] early in the mornyng, they came vnto the sepulchre, & brought ye sweete odours which they had prepared, and other women with them 2 And they founde the stone rolled away from the sepulchre 3 And they went in: but founde not the body of the Lorde Iesu 4 And it came to passe, as they were amased therat: Beholde, two men stoode by them in shinyng garmentes 5 And as they were afrayde, and bowed downe their faces to the earth, they said vnto them: Why seeke ye the lyuyng among the dead 6 He is not here, but is risen: Remember howe he spake vnto you, when he was yet in Galilee 7 Saying: that the sonne of man must be deliuered into the handes of sinfull men, and be crucified, and the thirde day rise agayne 8 And they remembred his wordes 9 And returned from the sepulchre, and tolde all these thinges vnto those eleuen, and to all the remnaunt 10 It was Marie Magdalene, and Ioanna, and Marie Iacobi, and other that were with them, which tolde these thinges vnto the Apostles 11 And their wordes seemed vnto them fayned thynges, neither beleued they them 12 Then arose Peter, and ran vnto the sepulchre, and loked in, and sawe the linnen clothes layde by them selues, and departed, wondryng in him selfe at that which was come to passe 13 And beholde, two of them went that same day to a towne called Emaus, which was from Hierusalem about threescore furlonges 14 And they talked together of all these thynges that were done 15 And it came to passe, that whyle they communed together & reasoned, Iesus him selfe drewe neare, and went with them 16 But their eyes were holden, that they shoulde not knowe him 17 And he sayde vnto them: What maner of communications are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke, and are sad 18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleophas, aunswered, and sayde to him: Art thou only a straunger in Hierusalem, & hast not knowen the thinges which are come to passe there, in these dayes 19 He sayde vnto them: what thynges? And they sayde vnto him: Of Iesus of Nazareth, whiche was a prophete, mightie in deede and worde before God and all the people 20 And howe the hye priestes, and our rulers deliuered him to be condempned to death, and haue crucified him 21 But we trusted that it had ben he which shoulde haue redeemed Israel: And as touchyng all these thynges, to day is euen the thirde day, that they were done 22 Yea, and certayne women also of our companie made vs astonied, which came early vnto the sepulchre 23 And founde not his body, and came, saying that they had seene a vision of angels, which sayde that he was alyue 24 And certayne of them which were with vs, went to the sepulchre, & founde it euen so as the women had sayde: but hym they sawe not 25 And he sayde vnto them: O fooles and slowe of heart, to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoken 26 Ought not Christe to haue suffered these thinges, & to enter into his glory 27 And he began at Moyses, and all the prophetes, and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were writen of hym 28 And they drewe nye vnto the towne which they went vnto, and he made as though he would haue gone further 29 And they constrayned hym, saying: abyde with vs, for it draweth towarde nyght, and the day is farre passed. And he went in to tary with them 30 And it came to passe, as he sate at meate with them, he toke bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gaue to them 31 And their eyes were opened, and they knewe him: and he vanished out of their syght 32 And they sayde betweene them selues: Dyd not our heartes burne within vs, whyle he talked with vs by the way, and opened vnto vs the scriptures 33 And they rose vp the same houre, and returned [agayne] to Hierusalem, and founde the eleuen gathered together, and them that were with them 34 Saying: The Lorde is rysen in deede, and hath appeared to Simon 35 And they tolde what thynges were done in the way, and howe they knewe him in breakyng of bread 36 And as they thus spake, Iesus him selfe stoode in the middes of them, and saith vnto them: Peace be vnto you 37 But they were abasshed and afrayde, & supposed that they had seene a spirite 38 And he sayde vnto them: Why are ye troubled, and why do thoughtes arise in your heartes 39 Beholde my handes and my feete, that it is euen I my selfe: Handle me and see, for a spirite hath not fleshe and bones, as ye see me haue 40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his handes and his feete 41 And whyle they yet beleued not for ioy, and wondred, he sayde vnto them: Haue ye heare any meate 42 And they offered him a peece of a broyled fishe, and of an hony combe 43 And he toke it, and dyd eate before them 44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you, that all must [needes] be fulfylled, which were written of me in the law of Moyses, and in the prophetes, and in the psalmes 45 Then opened he their wittes, that they myght vnderstande the scriptures 46 And sayde vnto them: Thus is it written, and thus it behoued Christe to suffer, and to rise agayne from death the thirde day 47 And that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name among all nations, and must begyn at Hierusalem 48 And ye are witnesses of these thynges 49 And beholde I wyll sende the promise of my father vpon you: But tary ye in the citie of Hierusalem, vntyll ye be endued with power from an hye 50 And he led them out into Bethanie, and lift vp his handes, & blessed them 51 And it came to passe, as he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caryed vp into heauen 52 And they worshipped him, and returned to Hierusalem with great ioy 53 And were continually in the temple, praysyng and laudyng God. Amen

John 20:1-21

1 The first day of ye Sabbothes, came Marie Magdalene early, whe it was yet darke, vnto the sepulchre, and sawe the stone taken awaye from the graue 2 Then she ranne, & came to Simo Peter, & to the other disciple who Iesus loued, & saith vnto the: They haue take away the Lorde out of the graue, & we can not tell where they haue layde him 3 Peter therfore went foorth, and that other disciple, & came to the sepulchre 4 They ran both together, & the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre 5 And when he had stowped downe, he sawe the linnen clothes lying, yet went he not in 6 Then came Simon Peter folowyng hym, and went into the sepulchre, and sawe the lynnen clothes lye 7 And the napkin yt was about his head not lying with the linnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it selfe 8 Then went in also that other disciple, whiche came first to the sepulchre, and he sawe, and beleued 9 For as yet they knew not ye scripture, that he should rise agayne from death 10 Then the disciples wet away agayne vnto their owne house 11 Marie stoode without at the sepulchre weepyng: So, as she wepte, she bowed her selfe into the sepulchre 12 And seeth two angels clothed in white, sittyng, the one at the head, & the other at the feete, where the body of Iesus was layde 13 They saye vnto her: Woman, why weepest thou? She saith vnto the: For they haue taken away my Lorde, & I wote not where they haue layde him 14 When she had thus sayde, she turned her selfe backe, and sawe Iesus standyng, and knewe not that it was Iesus 15 Iesus saith vnto her: Woman, why weepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposing that he had ben the gardener, saith vnto him: Sir, if thou haue borne him hence, tel me where thou hast layde hym, and I wyll fet hym 16 Iesus sayth vnto her, Marie. She turned her selfe, and sayde vnto hym: Rabboni, which is to say, Maister 17 Iesus saith vnto her: Touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father: But go to my brethren, and saye vnto them, I ascende vnto my father and your father, and to my God & your God 18 Marie Magdalene came and tolde the disciples that she had seene ye Lorde, and that he had spoken suche thynges vnto her 19 The same day at nyght, whiche was the first day of the Sabbothes, when the doores were shut, where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes, came Iesus and stoode in the myddes, and sayth vnto them, peace be vnto you 20 And when he had so sayde, he shewed vnto them his handes & his syde. Then were the disciples glad, when they sawe the Lorde 21 Then sayde Iesus to them agayne, peace be vnto you: As my father sent me, euen so sende I you also

John 20:26

26 And after eyght dayes, againe his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: Then came Iesus, when the doores were shutte, and stoode in the myddes, and sayde, peace be vnto you

John 21:1

1 Afterward dyd Iesus shew him selfe againe to his disciples, at the sea of Tiberias. And on this wyse shewed he hym selfe

John 21:14

14 This is nowe the thirde tyme that Iesus appeared to his disciples, after that he was risen agayne from death

Acts 13:31

31 And he was seene many dayes of them which came vp with hym from Galilee to Hierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people

Acts 28:31

31 Preachyng the kyngdome of God, and teachyng those thynges which concerne the Lorde Iesus Christe, with all confidence, no man forbyddyng hym

Romans 14:17

17 For the kyngdome of God, is not meat and drinke: but righteousnesse, & peace, and ioy in the holy ghost

1 Corinthians 15:5-7

5 And that he was seene of Cephas, then of the twelue 6 After that, he was seene of mo then fiue hundred brethren at once: of which, many remayne vnto this day, & some are fallen a slepe 7 After that, he was seene of Iames, then of all the Apostles

Colossians 1:13

13 Who hath delyuered vs from the power of darcknesse, and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare sonne

1 Thessalonians 2:12

12 That ye woulde walke worthie of God, who hath called you vnto his kyngdome and glorie

1 John 1:1

1 That whiche was fro the beginning, whiche we haue heard, which we haue seene with our eyes, whiche we haue loked vpo, & our handes haue handeled of, the worde of lyfe

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