3 πρεσβυτιδας ωσαυτως εν καταστηματι ιεροπρεπεις μη διαβολους μη οινω πολλω δεδουλωμενας καλοδιδασκαλους
3 πρεσβύτιδας ὡσαύτως ἐν καταστήματι ἱεροπρεπεῖς, μὴ διαβόλους, μηδὲ οἴνῳ πολλῷ δεδουλωμένας, καλοδιδασκάλους,
3 πρεσβύτιδας ὡσαύτως ἐν καταστήματι ἱεροπρεπεῖς, μὴ διαβόλους μηδὲ οἴνῳ πολλῷ δεδουλωμένας, καλοδιδασκάλους,
3 Πρεσβύτιδας ὡσαύτως ἐν καταστήματι ἱεροπρεπεῖς, μὴ διαβόλους ⸀μηδὲ οἴνῳ πολλῷ δεδουλωμένας, καλοδιδασκάλους,
3 πρεσβυτιδας ωσαυτως εν καταστηματι ιεροπρεπεις μη διαβολους μη οινω πολλω δεδουλωμενας καλοδιδασκαλουv
3 anus similiter in habitu sancto non criminatrices non vino multo servientes bene docentes
3 anus similiter in habitu sancto, non criminatrices, non multo vino servientes, bene docentes:
3 also olde wymmen in hooli abite, not sclaundereris, not seruynge myche to wyn, wel techynge, that thei teche prudence.
3 And ye elder weme lykewyse that they be in soche rayment as becommeth holynes not falce accusars not geven to moche drinkynge but teachers of honest thynges
3 And the elder wemen likewyse that they shewe them selues as it becommeth holynes, that they be no false accusers, not geuen to moch wyne, that they teach honest thinges,
3 And the elder women likewise that they be in such raiment as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much drinking, but teachers of honest things,
3 And the elder women lykewyse, that they be in such rayment as becommeth holynes, not false accusars, not geuen to muche drynkynge, but teachers of honest thinges
3 the elder wemen lykewyse, that they be in soche rayment as be commeth holynes, not beynge false accusars, not geuen to moch wyne, but that they teache honest thynges,
3 The elder women likewise, that they be in such behauiour as becommeth holinesse, not false accusers, not subiect to much wine, but teachers of honest things,
3 The elder women lykewyse, that they be in such behauiour as becometh holynesse, not false accusers, not geuen to much wine, teachers of good thinges
3 The aged women, in like manner, in holy attire, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teaching well:
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 The aged women likewise, that
they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 in charity, in patience: the aged women likewise, to behave with sanctity of manners, not false accusers, not given to tipling,
3 The aged women likewise, that [they be] in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 That the aged women in like manner, be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things:
3 the aged women likewise in behaviour as becometh saints, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 That the elder women also be sacredly becoming in their behaviour, not slanderers, not enslaved by much wine, teachers of propriety;
3 that aged women, in like manner, be in behaviour as becometh saints, not addicted to slander, not enslaved to wine, good instructors, that they may
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 That aged women, in like manner, be in deportment as becomes sacred persons-not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, good teachers;
3 And so also the aged women, that they be in behaviour what becometh the fear of Aloha, and not slanderers, nor enslaved to much wine, and that they teach good things;
3 And so also the elder women, that they be in behavior as becometh the fear of God; and not to be slanderers; and not to be addicted to much wine; and to be inculcators of good things,
3 that the aged women, in like manner, be of behavior becoming holiness, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good,
3 aged-women in like manner in deportment becoming what is sacred, not accusers, not to wine much enslaved, good teachers.
3 that aged women likewise be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 that the aged women likewise be, in deportment, as it becomes holy women, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of good things,
3 that aged women likewise be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good,
3 aged women, in like manner, in deportment as doth become sacred persons, not false accusers, to much wine not enslaved, of good things teachers,
3 The aged women likewise, becoming holy in a serene state of mind, not accusers, not slaves to much wine, teachers of good;
3 that the elder women in like manner be in deportment as becoming those who have to say to sacred things, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is right;
3 that aged women likewise be reverent in demeanour, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 that aged women likewise be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 that aged women likewise be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good,
3 Aged women, in the same way, in deportment, as becometh sacred persons, not given to intrigue, nor yet, to much wine, enslaved, teachers of virtue,––
3 So, too, that the older women should be reverent in their demeanor, and that they should avoid scandal, and beware of becoming slaves to drink;
3 likewise that the elderly women be reverent in demeanor, not tattlers, not given to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 In the same way exhort aged women to let their conduct be such as becomes consecrated persons. They must not be slanderers nor enslaved to wine-drinking. They must be teachers of what is right.
3 that aged women, in like manner, be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 Tell the older women also to be reverent in their demeanour and not to be slanderers or slaves to drink;
3 Teach the older women, too, to be reverent in their behavior, and not to gossip or be slaves of drink, but to be teachers of what is right,
3 Tell the older women, in the same way, to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is noble,
3 that older women likewise be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers or slaves to much wine, but teachers of what is right.
3 Teach the older women likewise, to behave as becomes the worship of God, not false accusers, not enslaved to much wine, but to become teachers of good things;
3 the aged women, similarly, in demeanor as becomes the sacred, not adversaries, nor enslaved by much wine, teachers of the ideal,
3 the older women, too, to be reverent in their deportment, and not to be slanderers or slaves to heavy drinking, but to be teachers of what is right,
3 That old women are to be self-respecting in behaviour, not saying evil of others, not given to taking much wine, teachers of that which is good,
3 Let the aged women likewise
be in reverent behavior, not slanderers, not enslaved by much wine, teachers of good;
3 aged women likewise in reverent behavior, not slanderers, not having been enslaved by much wine, teachers of good,
3 Likewise the elders
**: in priestly demeanor, not diabolic, not subservient to much wine, doctrinating good.
*masculine; **feminine
3 Older women, likewise, should be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to much wine, teachers of what is good.
3 Aged women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good,
3 The older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not to be slanderers or slaves to much wine, but they are to teach what is good,
3 and that older women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good,
3 and that older women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
3 Urge the older women likewise, to be reverent in behaviour, not malicious gossips, not slaves to much wine, but teaching good things;
3 aged women, in like manner, in deportment
\'7bbehavior\'7d as does become sacred persons, not false accusers, to much wine not enslaved, of good things teachers,
3 The aged women likewise, that
they be in behaviour as becomes holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of honesty;
3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teaching what is good,
3 similarly older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good
3 Old (or: Aged; Older)
women, similarly (or: likewise),
are to be]
women in a state and resultant condition proper and fitting for being engaged in the sacred (suitable in demeanor for serving the temple; or: = living a life appropriate [for] a person [being] a temple),
not folks who thrust-through or hurl [
a weapon, or something hurtful]
through [
(or: not devils nor slanderous adversaries which bring division and hurt),
nor women having been enslaved by (or: to)
much wine. [
They are to be]
teachers of beauty and of what is fine, excellent and ideal,
3 Aged women likewise should be reverent in behavior and teachers of that which is good. They should not be slanderers nor enslaved to too much wine.
3 Likewise, older women are to show their reverence for God by their behavior. They are not to be gossips or addicted to alcohol, but to be examples of goodness.
3 Older women likewise
are to be reverent in
their behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good,
3 πρεσβύτιδας ὡσαύτως ἐν καταστήματι ἱεροπρεπεῖς, μὴ διαβόλους μηδὲ οἴνῳ πολλῷ δεδουλωμένας, καλοδιδασκάλους,
3 πρεσβύτιδας (
the aged
women) ὡσαύτως (likewise), ἐν (in) καταστήματι (behavior) ἱεροπρεπεῖς (reverent), μὴ (not) διαβόλους (slanderers), μηδὲ (not) οἴνῳ (to wine) πολλῷ (much) δεδουλωμένας (being enslaved), καλοδιδασκάλους (teachers of what is good),
3 the aged
women likewise reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not being enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good,
3 Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers or addicted to much wine, but teachers of good.
3 Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers or addicted to much wine, but teachers of good.
3 Likewise,
teach elderly-women
to be reverent in demeanor, not slanderers, not having been enslaved to much wine,
but teachers of what is good,
3 Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers or addicted to much wine, but teachers of good.
3 den alten Weibern desselbigengleichen, daß sie sich stellen, wie den Heiligen ziemet, nicht Lästerinnen seien, nicht Weinsäuferinnen, gute Lehrerinnen, 4. daß sie die jungen Weiber lehren züchtig sein, ihre Männer lieben, Kinder lieben,
3 den alten Weibern desgleichen, daß sie sich halten wie den Heiligen ziemt, nicht Lästerinnen seien, nicht Weinsäuferinnen, gute Lehrerinnen;
3 die alten Frauen desgleichen in ihrem Betragen, wie es dem heiligen Stande geziemt, nicht verleumderisch, nicht Sklavinnen von vielem Wein, Lehrerinnen des Guten;
3 die alten Frauen desgleichen in ihrem Betragen, wie es dem heiligen Stande O. dem Heiligtum geziemt, nicht verleumderisch, nicht Sklavinnen von vielem Wein, Lehrerinnen des Guten;
3 De oude vrouwen insgelijks, dat zij in haar dracht zijn, gelijk den heiligen betaamt, dat zij geen lasteressen zijn, zich niet tot veel wijns begevende, maar leraressen zijn van het goede;
3 De même, que les femmes âgées soient, dans toute leur manière d'être, comme il convient à de saintes femmes, -ni médisantes, ni asservies à beaucoup de vin, enseignant de bonnes choses,
3 De même, que les femmes âgées règlent leur extérieur d'une manière convenable à la sainteté; qu'elles ne soient ni médisantes, ni sujettes à beaucoup de vin, mais qu'elles enseignent de bonnes choses;
3 Dis que les femmes âgées doivent aussi avoir l'extérieur qui convient à la sainteté, n'être ni médisantes, ni adonnées au vin; qu'elles doivent donner de bonnes instructions,
3 Las ancianas, asimismo, se distingan en un porte santo; no calumniadoras, no dadas al mucho vino, maestras de honestidad;
3 Las viejas, asimismo, se distingan en un porte santo; no calumniadoras, no dadas á mucho vino, maestras de honestidad:
3 Las ancianas, asimismo,
se distingan en un porte santo; no calumniadoras, no dadas al mucho vino, maestras de honestidad;
3 që t'i mësojnë të rejat të duan burrat e tyre, të duan bijtë e tyre,
3 чтобы старицы также одевались прилично святым, не быликлеветницы, не порабощались пьянству, учили добру;
3 ܘܐܦ ܩܫܝܫܬܐ ܗܟܢܐ ܕܢܗܘܝܢ ܒܐܤܟܡܐ ܕܝܐܐ ܠܕܚܠܬ ܐܠܗܐ ܘܠܐ ܢܗܘܝܢ ܐܟܠܢ ܩܪܨܐ ܘܠܐ ܢܗܘܝܢ ܡܫܥܒܕܢ ܠܚܡܪܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܘܢܗܘܝܢ ܡܠܦܢ ܫܦܝܪܬܐ ܀
3 كذلك العجائز في سيرة تليق بالقداسة غير ثالبات غير مستعبدات للخمر الكثير معلمات الصلاح
3 እንዲሁም አሮጊቶች ሴቶች አካሄዳቸው ለቅዱስ አገልግሎት የሚገባ፥ የማያሙ፥ ለብዙ ወይን ጠጅ የማይገዙ፥ በጎ የሆነውን ነገር የሚያስተምሩ ይሁኑ፤
3 Տարեց կիներն ալ թող վարուին այնպէս՝ ինչպէս կը վայլէ սրբութեան, եւ ըլլան ո՛չ չարախօս, ո՛չ գինեմոլ, հապա՝ բարի բաներ սորվեցնող.
3 Emazte çaharrac halaber diraden saindutassunari dagocan continentiataco, ez gaitzerraile, ez mahatsarno anhitzari emanac, gauça honestén iracatsle:
3 Така също и старите жени да имат поведение съответно на светостта, да не са клеветници, нито отдадени много на вино, да поучават това, което е добро,
3 starice isto tako - vladanja kakvo dolikuje svetima: ne klevetnice, ne ropkinje mnogog vina, nego učiteljice dobra
3 Tak také i staré ženy ať chodí zbožně, v oděvu příslušném a ať nejsou převrhlé, ani mnoho vína pijící, dobrým věcem učící,
3 desligeste, at de gamle Kvinder skulle holde sig i Klæder, som det sømmer de Hellige, ikke være Bagtalersker, ikke hengivne til megen Viin, men give god Lærdom;
3 又 勸 老 年 婦 人 , 舉 止 行 動 要 恭 敬 , 不 說 讒 言 , 不 給 酒 作 奴 僕 , 用 善 道 教 訓 人 ,
3 又 劝 老 年 妇 人 , 举 止 行 动 要 恭 敬 , 不 说 谗 言 , 不 给 酒 作 奴 仆 , 用 善 道 教 训 人 ,
3 ke la maljunulinoj tiel same estu je sintenado respektemaj, ne kalumniantoj, nek sklavigitaj de troa vino, sed instruantaj la bonon;
3 Samuti käitugu elatanud naised nõnda, nagu on kohane pühadele; nad ärgu olgu keelekandjad ega suured viinavõtjad, vaid õpetagu head,
3 Vanhat vaimot myös käyttäisivät itsensä niin kuin pyhäin sopii, ei panetteliat, eikä juomarit, mutta hyvin opettavaiset:
3 niin myös vanhat naiset olkoot käytöksessään niinkuin pyhien sopii, ei panettelijoita, ei paljon viinin orjia, vaan hyvään neuvojia,
3 Pale ak granmoun fanm yo tou pou yo viv tankou moun k'ap viv pou Bondye tout bon vre. Yo pa dwe nan fè tripotaj, ni nan twò renmen gwòg. Okontrè, se pou yo bay bon egzanp.
3 Hasonlóképen a vén asszonyok szentekhez illõ magaviseletûek legyenek, nem patvarkodók, sem sok borivás rabjai, jóra oktatók;
3 Begitu juga hendaklah engkau menasihati wanita-wanita yang tua supaya kelakuan mereka sesuai dengan apa yang patut bagi orang yang hidup khusus bagi Allah. Mereka tidak boleh memfitnah orang lain, dan tidak boleh ketagihan minuman keras. Mereka harus mengajarkan hal-hal yang baik,
3 Parimente, che le donne attempate abbiano un portamento convenevole a santità; non sieno calunniatrici, non serve di molto vino, ma maestre d’onestà.
3 che le donne attempate abbiano parimente un portamento convenevole a santità, non siano maldicenti né dedite a molto vino, siano maestre di ciò che è buono;
3 老いたる女にも同じく、清潔にかなふ行爲をなし、人を謗らず、大酒の奴隷とならず、善き事を教ふる者とならんことを勸めよ。
3 Ini daɣen i temɣarin ad sɛunt tikli yeṣfan, ur ilaq ara ad ilint ț-țiqeṛṛaḍin, ur ilaq ara ad țḥawalent tissit n ccṛab meɛna ilaq ad nehhunt ɣer wayen yelhan,
3 늙은 여자로는 이와 같이 행실이 거룩하며 참소치 말며 많은 술의 종이 되지 말며 선한 것을 가르치는 자들이 되고
3 Tāpat vecākām sievietēm jāizturas, kā svētām pieklājas, lai nenodotos ļaunām valodām, pārmērīgai vīna dzeršanai un lai māca labu:
3 Taip pat, kad pagyvenusios moterys elgtųsi garbingai, nebūtų apkalbinėtojos, besaikės vyno gėrėjos, mokytų gero,
3 Także i stare niewiasty niech chodzą w ubiorze przystojnym, jako przystoi świętym; niech nie będą potwarliwe, nie kochające się w wielu wina, poczciwych rzeczy nauczające;
3 as mulheres idosas, semelhantemente, que sejam reverentes no seu viver, não caluniadoras, não dadas a muito vinho, mestras do bem,
3 likeså at gamle kvinner i sin ferd skal te sig som det sømmer sig for hellige, ikke fare med baktalelse, ikke være træler av drikk, men veiledere i det gode,
3 Spune că femeile în vîrstă trebuie să aibă o purtare cuvincioasă, să nu fie nici clevetitoare, nici dedate la vin; să înveţe pe alţii ce este bine,
3 Щоб старі жінки в своїм стані так само були, як належить святим, не обмовниці, не віддані п'янству, навчали добра,
3 старі жінки так само щоб убирались як годить ся сьвятнм, (були) не осудливі, не підневолені великому і пянству і навчали добра,
SBL Greek NT Apparatus
3 μηδὲ WH Treg ] μὴ NIV RP