Isaiah 1:2-5

  2 G191 Hear, G3772 O heaven, G2532 and G1801 give ear G1093 O earth! G3754 For G2962 the lord G2980 spoke, saying, G5207 [2sons G1080 1I have engendered], G2532 and G5312 raised them, G1473 but they G1161   G1473 disregarded me. G114  
  3 G1097 [2knows G1016 1 The ox] G3588 the G2932 one acquiring it, G2532 and G3688 the donkey G3588 knows the G5336 stable G3588   G2962 of its master; G1473   G* but Israel G1161   G1473 [3me G3756 1does not G1097 2know], G2532 and G3588   G2992 my people G1473   G3756 perceived not. G4920  
  4 G3759 Woe, G1484 [2nation G268 1O sinful], G2992 people G4134 full G266 of sins, G4690 [2seed G4190 1an evil], G5207 [2sons G459 1lawless]. G1459 You abandoned G3588 the G2962 lord, G2532 and G3949 provoked to anger G3588 the G39 holy one G3588   G* of Israel; G526 they were separated G1519 into G3588 the G3694 rear.
  5 G5100 Why G2089 still G4141 should you be struck, G4369 proceeding G458 in lawlessness? G3956 The whole G2776 head G1519 is in G4192 misery, G2532 and G3956 the whole G2588 heart G1519 is in G3077 distress.
  2 G191 άκουε G3772 ουρανέ G2532 και G1801 ενωτίζου G1093 γη G3754 ότι G2962 κύριος G2980 ελάλησεν G5207 υιούς G1080 εγέννησα G2532 και G5312 ύψωσα G1473 αυτοί δε G1161   G1473 με ηθέτησαν G114  
  3 G1097 έγνω G1016 βους G3588 τον G2932 κτησάμενον G2532 και G3688 όνος G3588 την G5336 φάτνην G3588 του G2962 κυρίου αυτού G1473   G* Ισραήλ δε G1161   G1473 με G3756 ουκ G1097 έγνω G2532 και G3588 ο G2992 λαός με G1473   G3756 ου συνήκεν G4920  
  4 G3759 ουαί G1484 έθνος G268 αμαρτωλόν G2992 λαός G4134 πλήρης G266 αμαρτιών G4690 σπέρμα G4190 πονηρόν G5207 υιοί G459 άνομοι G1459 εγκατελίπατε G3588 τον G2962 κύριον G2532 και G3949 παρωργίσατε G3588 τον G39 άγιον G3588 του G* Ισραήλ G526 απηλλοτριώθησαν G1519 εις G3588 τα G3694 οπίσω
  5 G5100 τι G2089 έτι G4141 πληγήτε G4369 προστιθέντες G458 ανομίαν G3956 πάσα G2776 κεφαλή G1519 εις G4192 πόνον G2532 και G3956 πάσα G2588 καρδία G1519 εις G3077 λύπην
    2 G191 V-PAD-2S ακουε G3772 N-VSM ουρανε G2532 CONJ και G1801 V-PMD-2S ενωτιζου G1065 N-VSF γη G3754 CONJ οτι G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2980 V-AAI-3S ελαλησεν G5207 N-APM υιους G1080 V-AAI-1S εγεννησα G2532 CONJ και G5312 V-AAI-1S υψωσα G846 D-NPM αυτοι G1161 PRT δε G1473 P-AS με G114 V-AAI-3P ηθετησαν
    3 G1097 V-AAI-3S εγνω G1016 N-NSM βους G3588 T-ASM τον G2932 V-AMPAS κτησαμενον G2532 CONJ και G3688 N-NSM ονος G3588 T-ASF την G5336 N-ASF φατνην G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G846 D-GSM αυτου G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G1161 PRT δε G1473 P-AS με G3364 ADV ουκ G1097 V-AAI-3S εγνω G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSM ο G2992 N-NSM λαος G1473 P-AS με G3364 ADV ου G4920 V-AAI-3S συνηκεν
    4 G3759 INJ ουαι G1484 N-NSN εθνος G268 A-NSN αμαρτωλον G2992 N-NSM λαος G4134 A-NSM πληρης G266 N-GPF αμαρτιων G4690 N-NSN σπερμα G4190 A-NSN πονηρον G5207 N-NPM υιοι G459 A-NPM ανομοι G1459 V-AAI-2P εγκατελιπατε G3588 T-ASM τον G2962 N-ASM κυριον G2532 CONJ και G3949 V-AAI-2P παρωργισατε G3588 T-ASM τον G40 A-ASM αγιον G3588 T-GSM του G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ
    5 G5100 I-ASN τι G2089 ADV ετι G4141 V-APS-2P πληγητε G4369 V-PAPNP προστιθεντες G458 N-ASF ανομιαν G3956 A-NSF πασα G2776 N-NSF κεφαλη G1519 PREP εις G4192 N-ASM πονον G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSF πασα G2588 N-NSF καρδια G1519 PREP εις G3077 N-ASF λυπην
HOT(i) 2 שׁמעו שׁמים והאזיני ארץ כי יהוה דבר בנים גדלתי ורוממתי והם פשׁעו׃ 3 ידע שׁור קנהו וחמור אבוס בעליו ישׂראל לא ידע עמי לא התבונן׃ 4 הוי גוי חטא עם כבד עון זרע מרעים בנים משׁחיתים עזבו את יהוה נאצו את קדושׁ ישׂראל נזרו אחור׃ 5 על מה תכו עוד תוסיפו סרה כל ראשׁ לחלי וכל לבב דוי׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  2 H8085 שׁמעו Hear, H8064 שׁמים O heavens, H238 והאזיני and give ear, H776 ארץ O earth: H3588 כי for H3068 יהוה the LORD H1696 דבר hath spoken, H1121 בנים children, H1431 גדלתי I have nourished H7311 ורוממתי and brought up H1992 והם and they H6586 פשׁעו׃ have rebelled
  3 H3045 ידע knoweth H7794 שׁור The ox H7069 קנהו his owner, H2543 וחמור and the ass H18 אבוס crib: H1167 בעליו his master's H3478 ישׂראל Israel H3808 לא doth not H3045 ידע know, H5971 עמי my people H3808 לא doth not H995 התבונן׃ consider.
  4 H1945 הוי Ah H1471 גוי nation, H2398 חטא sinful H5971 עם a people H3515 כבד laden H5771 עון with iniquity, H2233 זרע a seed H7489 מרעים of evildoers, H1121 בנים children H7843 משׁחיתים that are corrupters: H5800 עזבו they have forsaken H853 את   H3068 יהוה the LORD, H5006 נאצו they have provoked H853 את   H6918 קדושׁ the Holy One H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H2114 נזרו unto anger, they are gone away H268 אחור׃ backward.
  5 H5921 על   H4100 מה   H5221 תכו should ye be stricken H5750 עוד any more? H3254 תוסיפו more and more: H5627 סרה ye will revolt H3605 כל the whole H7218 ראשׁ head H2483 לחלי is sick, H3605 וכל and the whole H3824 לבב heart H1742 דוי׃ faint.
  2 H8085 [H8798] Hear, H8064 O heavens, H238 [H8685] and give ear, H776 O earth: H3068 for the LORD H1696 [H8765] hath spoken, H1431 [H8765] I have nourished H7311 [H8790] and brought up H1121 sons, H6586 [H8804] and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 [H8804] knoweth H7069 [H8802] his owner, H2543 and the donkey H1167 his master's H18 crib: H3478 but Israel H3045 [H8804] doth not know, H5971 my people H995 [H8712] doth not consider.
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 [H8802] sinful H1471 nation, H5971 a people H3515 laden H5771 with perversity, H2233 a seed H7489 [H8688] of evildoers, H1121 sons H7843 [H8688] that are decayers: H5800 H853 [H8804] they have forsaken H3068 the LORD, H5006 H853 [H8765] they have scorned H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel, H2114 [H8738] they are estranged H268 backward.
  5 H5221 [H8714] Why should ye be stricken H5627 any more? ye will revolt H3254 [H8686] more and more: H7218 the whole head H2483 is sick, H3824 and the whole heart H1742 faint.
Vulgate(i) 2 audite caeli et auribus percipe terra quoniam Dominus locutus est filios enutrivi et exaltavi ipsi autem spreverunt me 3 cognovit bos possessorem suum et asinus praesepe domini sui Israhel non cognovit populus meus non intellexit 4 vae genti peccatrici populo gravi iniquitate semini nequam filiis sceleratis dereliquerunt Dominum blasphemaverunt Sanctum Israhel abalienati sunt retrorsum 5 super quo percutiam vos ultra addentes praevaricationem omne caput languidum et omne cor maerens
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 2 [Audite, cæli, et auribus percipe, terra, quoniam Dominus locutus est. Filios enutrivi, et exaltavi; ipsi autem spreverunt me. 3 Cognovit bos possessorem suum, et asinus præsepe domini sui; Israël autem me non cognovit, et populus meus non intellexit. 4 Væ genti peccatrici, populo gravi iniquitate, semini nequam, filiis sceleratis! dereliquerunt Dominum; blasphemaverunt Sanctum Israël; abalienati sunt retrorsum. 5 Super quo percutiam vos ultra, addentes prævaricationem? omne caput languidum, et omne cor mœrens.
Wycliffe(i) 2 Ye heuenes, here, and thou erthe, perseyue with eeris, for the Lord spak. Y haue nurschid and Y haue enhaunsid sones; sotheli thei han dispisid me. 3 An oxe knew his lord, and an asse knew the cratche of his lord; but Israel knewe not me, and my puple vndurstood not. 4 Wo to the synful folk, to the puple heuy in wickidnesse, to the weiward seed, to the cursid sones; thei han forsake the Lord, thei han blasfemyd the hooli of Israel, thei ben aliened bacward. 5 On what thing schal Y smyte you more, that encreessen trespassyng? Ech heed is sijk, and ech herte is morenynge.
Coverdale(i) 2 Heare o heauen, herken o earth, for the LORDE speaketh: I haue norished & brought vp children, and they are fallen awaye fro me. 3 An oxe knoweth his LORDE, and an Asse his masters stall, but Israel knoweth nothinge, my people hath no vnderstondinge. 4 Alas for this synful people, which are experte in blasphemies, a frawerde generacion, vnnatural children. They haue forsaken the LORDE, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone bacward. 5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy.
MSTC(i) 2 Hear O heaven, and hearken O earth, for the LORD hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they are fallen away from me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass his master's crib; but Israel knoweth nothing. My people hath no understanding. 4 Alas for this sinful nation, which are expert in blasphemies; a seed of ungracious people, corrupt in their ways. They have forsaken the LORD; they have provoked the holy one of Israel unto anger, and are gone backward. 5 Wherefore should ye be plagued any more? For ye are ever falling away. The whole head is sick, and the heart is very heavy.
Matthew(i) 2 Heare O heauen, herken O earth, for the Lord speaketh: I haue norysshed & brought vp chyldren, and they are fallen awaye from me. 3 An oxe knoweth hys Lorde, & an Asse his masters stall: but Israel knoweth nothynge, my people hath no vnderstanding. 4 Alas for thys synfull people, whiche are ouerladen with blasphemyes, a frowarde generacyon, wicked chyldren. They haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell vnto anger, and are gone backwarde. 5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged any more? For ye are euer fallyng away. The whole head is sick, & the herte is very heauy.
Great(i) 2 Heare, O heauen, & Herken O earth: For the Lorde hath spoken: I haue norished and promoted children, but they haue done wyckedly against me. 3 The oxe hath knowne his owner & the asse his masters cribb: but Israel hath receaued no knowledge, my people hath no vnderstandyng. 4 Alas for thys synfull nacion, a people of great iniquitie: a seed of vngracious people corruptinge ther wayes. They haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone backward. 5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy.
Geneva(i) 2 Heare, O heauens, and hearken, O earth: for the Lord hath sayde, I haue nourished and brought vp children, but they haue rebelled against me. 3 The oxe knoweth his owner, and the asse his masters crib: but Israel hath not knowen: my people hath not vnderstand. 4 Ah, sinfull nation, a people laden with iniquitie: a seede of the wicked, corrupt children: they haue forsaken the Lord: they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel to anger: they are gone backewarde. 5 Wherefore shoulde ye be smitten any more? for ye fall away more and more: the whole head is sicke, and the whole heart is heauie.
Bishops(i) 2 Heare O heauens, and hearken O earth: for the Lorde hath spoken, I haue norished and brought vp children, and they haue done vnfaithfully against me 3 The oxe hath knowen his owner, and the asse his maisters cribbe: [but] Israel hath not knowen, my people hath geuen no heede 4 Ah sinnefull nation, a people laden with iniquitie, a seede of the wicked, corrupt children: they haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, they are gone backwarde 5 Why shoulde ye be stricken any more? [for] ye are euer fallyng away: euery head is diseased, and euery heart heauy
DouayRheims(i) 2 Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken. I have brought up children, and exalted them: but they have despised me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel hath not known me, and my people hath not understood. 4 Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children: they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards. 5 For what shall I strike you any more, you that increase transgression? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is sad.
KJV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 Hear [H8798]   H8064 , O heavens H238 , and give ear [H8685]   H776 , O earth H3068 : for the LORD H1696 hath spoken [H8765]   H1431 , I have nourished [H8765]   H7311 and brought up [H8790]   H1121 children H6586 , and they have rebelled [H8804]   against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 knoweth [H8804]   H7069 his owner [H8802]   H2543 , and the ass H1167 his master's H18 crib H3478 : but Israel H3045 doth not know [H8804]   H5971 , my people H995 doth not consider [H8712]  .
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 sinful [H8802]   H1471 nation H5971 , a people H3515 laden H5771 with iniquity H2233 , a seed H7489 of evildoers [H8688]   H1121 , children H7843 that are corrupters [H8688]   H5800 : they have forsaken [H8804]   H853   H3068 the LORD H5006 , they have provoked H853   H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel H5006 unto anger [H8765]   H2114 , they are gone away [H8738]   H268 backward.
  5 H5221 Why should ye be stricken [H8714]   H5627 any more? ye will revolt H3254 more and more [H8686]   H7218 : the whole head H2483 is sick H3824 , and the whole heart H1742 faint.
Thomson(i) 2 Hearken, heaven! and hear earth! what the Lord hath spoken. "I have begotten children and brought them up; and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel did not know me. And this people have not regarded me." 4 Ah! sinful nation; people full of sins! vile race! iniquitous children! you have utterly forsaken the Lord; and provoked to wrath the Holy One of Israel. 5 What! must you persisting in iniquity be smitten still more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint:
Webster(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 [H8798] Hear H8064 , O heavens H238 [H8685] , and give ear H776 , O earth H3068 : for the LORD H1696 [H8765] hath spoken H1431 [H8765] , I have nourished H7311 [H8790] and brought up H1121 children H6586 [H8804] , and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 [H8804] knoweth H7069 [H8802] his owner H2543 , and the donkey H1167 his master's H18 crib H3478 : but Israel H3045 [H8804] doth not know H5971 , my people H995 [H8712] doth not consider.
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 [H8802] sinful H1471 nation H5971 , a people H3515 laden H5771 with iniquity H2233 , a seed H7489 [H8688] of evildoers H1121 , children H7843 [H8688] that are corrupters H5800 H853 [H8804] : they have forsaken H3068 the LORD H5006 0 H853 , they have provoked H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel H5006 [H8765] to anger H2114 [H8738] , they are gone away H268 backward.
  5 H5221 [H8714] Why should ye be stricken H5627 any more? ye will revolt H3254 [H8686] more and more H7218 : the whole head H2483 is sick H3824 , and the whole heart H1742 faint.
Brenton(i) 2 Hear, O heaven, and hearken, O earth: for the Lord has spoken, saying, I have begotten and reared up children, but they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know me, and the people has not regarded me. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people full of sins, an evil seed, lawless children: ye have forsaken the Lord, and provoked the Holy One of Israel. 5 Why should ye be smitten any more, transgressing more and more? the whole head is pained, and the whole heart sad.
Brenton_Greek(i) 2 Ἄκουε οὐρανὲ, καὶ ἐνωτίζου γῆ, ὅτι Κύριος ἐλάλησεν, υἱοὺς ἐγέννησα καὶ ὕψωσα, αὐτοὶ δέ με ἠθέτησαν. 3 Ἔγνω βοῦς τὸν κτησάμενον, καὶ ὄνος τὴν φάτνην τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ· Ἰσραὴλ δέ με οὐκ ἔγνω, καὶ ὁ λαός με οὐ συνῆκεν.
4 Οὐαὶ ἔθνος ἁμαρτωλὸν, λαὸς πλήρης ἁμαρτιῶν, σπέρμα πονηρόν, υἱοὶ ἄνομοι· ἐγκατελίπατε τὸν Κύριον, καὶ παρωργίσατε τὸν ἅγιον τοῦ Ἰσραήλ. 5 Τί ἔτι πληγῆτε προστιθέντες ἀνομίαν; πᾶσα κεφαλὴ εἰς πόνον, καὶ πᾶσα καρδία εἰς λύπην.
Leeser(i) 2 Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth; for the Lord hath spoken: Children have I nourished and brought up, but they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Woe! sinful nation, people laden with iniquity, seed of evil-doers, children that are corrupt: they have forsaken the Lord, they have incensed the Holy One of Israel, they are departed backward. 5 Why will ye be stricken yet more? that ye increase the revolt? every head is sick, and every heart is faint.
YLT(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, For Jehovah hath spoken: Sons I have nourished and brought up, And they—they transgressed against Me. 3 An ox hath known its owner, And an ass the crib of its master, Israel hath not known, My people hath not understood. 4 Ah, sinning nation, a people heavy with iniquity, A seed of evil doers, sons—corrupters! They have forsaken Jehovah, They have despised the Holy One of Israel, They have gone away backward. 5 Wherefore are ye stricken any more? Ye do add apostasy! Every head is become diseased, and every heart is sick.
JuliaSmith(i) 2 Hear, ye heavens, and give ear thou earth, for Jehovah spake: for I caused to grow and lifted up sons, and they rebelled against me. 3 . The ox knew his possessor, and the ass his lord's stall: Israel knew not; my people understood not 4 Wo! sinful nation, a people heavy with sin, a seed doing evil, sons acting wickedly; they forsook Jehovah; they despised the holy one of Israel; they separated themselves backward. 5 For what shall ye be yet struck? will ye add apostasy? every head for sickness, and every heart sick
Darby(i) 2 Hear, [ye] heavens, and give ear, [thou] earth! for Jehovah hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children; and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master`s crib; Israel doth not know, my people hath no intelligence. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that corrupt themselves! They have forsaken Jehovah; they have despised the Holy One of Israel; they are turned away backward. 5 Why should ye be smitten any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
ERV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: [but] Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly: they have forsaken the LORD, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they are estranged [and gone] backward. 5 Why will ye be still stricken, that ye revolt more and more? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
ASV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth; for Jehovah hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; [but] Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly! they have forsaken Jehovah, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they are estranged [and gone] backward. 5 Why will ye be still stricken, that ye revolt more and more? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 Hear, H8064 O heavens, H238 and give ear, H776 O earth; H3068 for Jehovah H1696 hath spoken: H1431 I have nourished H7311 and brought up H1121 children, H6586 and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 knoweth H7069 his owner, H2543 and the ass H1167 his master's H18 crib; H3478 but Israel H3045 doth not know, H5971 my people H995 doth not consider.
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 sinful H1471 nation, H5971 a people H3515 laden H5771 with iniquity, H2233 a seed H7489 of evil-doers, H1121 children H7843 that deal corruptly! H5800 they have forsaken H3068 Jehovah, H5006 they have despised H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel, H2114 they are estranged H268 and gone backward.
  5 H5221 Why will ye be still stricken, H5627 that ye revolt H3254 more and more? H7218 the whole head H2483 is sick, H3824 and the whole heart H2483 faint.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD hath spoken: Children I have reared, and brought up, and they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly; they have forsaken the LORD, they have contemned the Holy One of Israel, they are turned away backward. 5 On what part will ye yet be stricken, seeing ye stray away more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint;
Rotherham(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, And give ear, O earth, for, Yahweh, hath spoken:––Sons, have I brought up, and advanced, And, they, have rebelled against me. 3 An ox, knoweth, his owner, And an ass, his masters crib,––Israel, doth not know, My people, doth not consider. 4 Alas! a nation––committing sin, a people––burdened with iniquity, a seed––practising wickedness, sons––acting corruptly. They have, forsaken Yahweh, despised the Holy One of Israel,––Are estranged and gone back. 5 Why should ye be smitten any more? Ye would again, turn aside! The whole head is sick, And the whole heart faint:
CLV(i) 2 Hark, you heavens! And give ear, O earth! For Yahweh speaks! Sons I bring up and exalt, yet they, they transgress against Me." 3 The bull knows his owner, and the ass the crib of his possessors, yet Israel does not know Me, and My people do not consider Me." 4 Woe, nation of sin! People heavy with depravity! Seed of evil doers! Sons of ruiners! They forsake Yahweh. They spurn the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged, going back." 5 For what are you being smitten still? You are continuing in stubbornness. All of the head is ill, and all of the heart languishes."
BBE(i) 2 Give ear, O heavens, and you, O earth, to the word which the Lord has said: I have taken care of my children till they became men, but their hearts have been turned away from me. 3 Even the ox has knowledge of its owner, and the ass of the place where its master puts its food: but Israel has no knowledge, my people give no thought to me. 4 O nation full of sin, a people weighted down with crime, a generation of evil-doers, false-hearted children: they have gone away from the Lord, they have no respect for the Holy One of Israel, their hearts are turned back from him. 5 Why will you have more and more punishment? why keep on in your evil ways? Every head is tired and every heart is feeble.
MKJV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth; for Jehovah has spoken, I have nursed and brought up sons, and they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel does not know; My people do not understand. 4 Woe, sinful nation, a people heavy with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, sons who corrupt! They have forsaken Jehovah; they have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger; they have gone away backward. 5 Why should you be stricken any more? You will revolt more and more; the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
LITV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth! For Jehovah has spoken: I have nursed and brought up sons, but they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's manger, but Israel does not know; My people have not understood. 4 Woe, sinful nation, a people heavy with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, sons who corrupt! They have forsaken Jehovah; they have scorned the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged backward. 5 Why will you be stricken any more? Will you continue the revolt? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint.
ECB(i) 2 Hear, O heavens; and hearken, O earth: for Yah Veh words, I nourished and raised sons, and they - they rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his chatteler and the burro the manger of his master: Yisra El knows not; my people discern not. 4 Ho sinful goyim; a people heavy with perversity; a seed of vilifiers; sons - ruiners: they forsake Yah Veh; they scorn the Holy One of Yisra El; they estrange backward. 5 Why be smitten any more? You increase revolt; the whole head is sick; and the whole heart bleeds:
ACV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for LORD has spoken. I have nourished and brought up sons, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib, but Israel does not know; my people does not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, sons who deal corruptly! They have forsaken LORD. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They have gone away backward. 5 Why will ye still be stricken, that ye revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
WEB(i) 2 Hear, heavens, and listen, earth; for Yahweh has spoken: “I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master’s crib; but Israel doesn’t know. My people don’t consider.” 4 Ah sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly! They have forsaken Yahweh. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged and backward. 5 Why should you be beaten more, that you revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 Hear, H8064 heavens, H238 and listen, H776 earth; H3068 for Yahweh H1696 has spoken: H1431 "I have nourished H7311 and brought up H1121 children, H6586 and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 knows H7069 his owner, H2543 and the donkey H1167 his master's H18 crib; H3478 but Israel H3045 doesn't know, H5971 my people H995 don't consider."
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 sinful H1471 nation, H5971 a people H3515 loaded H5771 with iniquity, H2233 a seed H7489 of evildoers, H2233 children H7843 who deal corruptly! H5800 They have forsaken H3068 Yahweh. H5006 They have despised H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel. H2114 They are estranged H268 and backward.
  5 H5221 Why should you be beaten H5627 more, that you revolt H3254 more and more? H7218 The whole head H2483 is sick, H3824 and the whole heart H1742 faint.
NHEB(i) 2 Hear, heavens, and listen, earth; for the LORD has spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib; but Israel doesn't know, my people do not understand. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly. They have forsaken the LORD. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged and backward. 5 Why should you be beaten more, that you revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
AKJV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD has spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know, my people does not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should you be stricken any more? you will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 Hear, H8064 O heavens, H238 and give ear, H776 O earth: H3068 for the LORD H1696 has spoken, H1431 I have nourished H7311 and brought H1121 up children, H6586 and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 knows H7069 his owner, H2543 and the ass H1167 his master’s H18 crib: H3478 but Israel H3045 does not know, H5971 my people H995 does not consider.
  4 H1945 Ah H2398 sinful H1471 nation, H5971 a people H3515 laden H5771 with iniquity, H2233 a seed H7489 of evildoers, H1121 children H7843 that are corrupters: H5800 they have forsaken H3068 the LORD, H5006 they have provoked H6918 the Holy H3478 One of Israel H5006 to anger, H2114 they are gone H268 away backward.
  5 H5921 Why H4100 H5221 should you be stricken H5750 any more? H5627 you will revolt H3605 more and more: the whole H7218 head H2483 is sick, H3605 and the whole H3824 heart H1742 faint.
KJ2000(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD has spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib: but Israel does not know, my people do not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a descendant of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they have turned away backward. 5 Why should you be stricken any more? you will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
UKJV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD has spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know, my people does not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should all of you be stricken any more? all of you will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
  2 H8085 Hear, H8064 O heavens, H238 and give ear, H776 O earth: H3068 for the Lord H1696 has spoken, H1431 I have nourished H7311 and brought up H1121 sons, H6586 and they have rebelled against me.
  3 H7794 The ox H3045 knows H7069 his owner, H2543 and the donkey H1167 his master's H18 crib: H3478 but Israel H3045 does not know, H5971 my people H995 do not consider.
  4 H1945 O H2398 sinful H1471 nation, H5971 a people H3515 loaded H5771 with iniquity, H2233 a seed H7489 of evildoers, H1121 sons H7843 that are corrupters: H5800 they have forsaken H3068 the Lord, H6918 they have provoked the Holy One H3478 of Israel H5006 unto anger, H2114 they are gone away H268 backward.
  5 H5221 Why should you be stricken H5627 any more? you will revolt H3254 more and more: H7218 the whole head H2483 is sick, H3824 and the whole heart H1742 faint.
EJ2000(i) 2 ¶ Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD speaks, I have nourished and brought up sons, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master’s crib; but Israel does not know, my people do not have understanding. 4 O sinful nation, people laden with iniquity, generation of evildoers, corrupt sons! They have forsaken the LORD; they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger; they have turned back. 5 Why should I chastise you any more? Ye will revolt more and more; every head is sick, and every heart faint.
CAB(i) 2 Hear, O heaven, and hearken, O earth! For the Lord has spoken, saying, I have begotten and reared up children, but they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib; but Israel does not know Me, and the people have not regarded Me. 4 Alas, sinful nation, a people full of sins, an evil seed, lawless children; you have forsaken the Lord, and provoked the Holy One of Israel. 5 Why should you be smitten anymore, transgressing more and more? The whole head is pained, and the whole heart sad.
LXX2012(i) 2 Hear, O heaven, and listen, O earth: for the Lord has spoken, [saying], I have begotten and reared up children, but they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know me, and the people has not regarded me. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people full of sins, an evil seed, lawless children: you⌃ have forsaken the Lord, and provoked the Holy One of Israel. 5 Why should you⌃ be struck [any] more, transgressing more and more? the whole head is pained, and the whole heart sad.
NSB(i) 2 Listen, heaven, and pay attention, earth! Jehovah (YHWH) has spoken: »I raised my children and helped them grow, but they have rebelled against me. 3 »The bull knows its owner, and donkey knows where its master feeds it. But Israel does not know. My people do not understand!« 4 Woe to the sinful nation, people heavy with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, sons who are corrupt! They have forsaken Jehovah! They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They have turned away from him. 5 Why do you still want to be beaten? Why do you continue to rebel? Your whole head is infected. Your whole heart is sick.
ISV(i) 2 Rebellious JudahListen, you heavens, and let the earth pay attention, because the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought them to adulthood, but then they rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding trough, but Israel doesn’t know, and my people don’t understand. 4 “Oh, you sinful nation! You people burdened down by iniquity! You offspring of those who keep practicing what is evil! You corrupt children! “They’ve abandoned the LORD; they’ve despised the Holy One of Israel; in their estrangement, they’ve walked away from me. 5 “Why will you still be struck down? Why will you continue to rebel? Your whole head is sick, and your whole heart is faint.
LEB(i) 2 Hear, heavens, and listen, earth, for Yahweh has spoken: "I reared children and I brought them up, but they rebelled against me. 3 An ox knows its owner and a donkey the manger of its master. Israel does not know; my people do not understand. 4 Ah, sinful nation, a people heavy with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly. They have forsaken Yahweh; they have despised the holy one of Israel. They are estranged and gone backward. 5 Why do you want to be beaten again? You continue in rebellion. The whole of the head is sick, and the whole of the heart is faint.
BSB(i) 2 Listen, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s manger, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” 4 Alas, O sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children of depravity! They have forsaken the LORD; they have despised the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on Him. 5 Why do you want more beatings? Why do you keep rebelling? Your head has a massive wound, and your whole heart is afflicted.
MSB(i) 2 Listen, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD has spoken: “I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s manger, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” 4 Alas, O sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children of depravity! They have forsaken the LORD; they have despised the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on Him. 5 Why do you want more beatings? Why do you keep rebelling? Your head has a massive wound, and your whole heart is afflicted.
MLV(i) 2 Hear, O heavens and listen, O earth, for Jehovah has spoken. I have nourished and brought up sons and they have rebelled against me.
3 The ox knows his owner and the donkey his master's crib, but Israel does not know; my people does not consider.
4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, sons who deal corruptly! They have forsaken Jehovah. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They have gone away backward.
5 Why will you* still be stricken, that you* revolt more and more? The whole head is sick and the whole heart faint.
VIN(i) 2 Hear, heavens, and listen, earth, for the LORD has spoken: "I reared children and I brought them up, but they rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib; but Israel doesn't know, my people do not understand. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly; they have forsaken the LORD, they have contemned the Holy One of Israel, they are turned away backward. 5 Why should you be beaten more, that you revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
Luther1545(i) 2 Höret, ihr Himmel, und Erde, nimm zu Ohren! Denn der HERR redet: Ich habe Kinder auferzogen und erhöhet, und sie sind von mir abgefallen. 3 Ein Ochse kennet seinen HERRN und ein Esel die Krippe seines HERRN; aber Israel kennet es nicht, und mein Volk vernimmt es nicht. 4 O wehe des sündigen Volks, des Volks von großer Missetat, des boshaftigen Samens, der schädlichen Kinder, die den HERRN verlassen, den Heiligen in Israel lästern, weichen zurück! 5 Was soll man weiter an euch schlagen, so ihr des Abweichens nur desto mehr machet? Das ganze Haupt ist krank, das ganze Herz ist matt.
  2 H8064 Höret, ihr Himmel H776 , und Erde H8085 , nimm zu H238 Ohren H3068 ! Denn der HErr H1696 redet: Ich habe H1121 Kinder H1431 auferzogen H6586 und erhöhet, und sie sind von mir abgefallen .
  3 H7794 Ein Ochse H7069 kennet seinen Herrn H2543 und ein Esel H18 die Krippe H1167 seines Herrn H3478 ; aber Israel H3045 kennet es nicht H5971 , und mein Volk H3045 vernimmt es nicht .
  4 H1945 O wehe H2398 des sündigen H1471 Volks H5971 , des Volks H3515 von großer H5771 Missetat H2233 , des boshaftigen Samens H1121 , der schädlichen Kinder H853 , die den H3068 HErrn H5800 verlassen H853 , den H6918 Heiligen H3478 in Israel H5006 lästern H268 , weichen zurück!
  5 H5221 Was soll man weiter an euch schlagen H5627 , so ihr des Abweichens H3254 nur desto mehr H7218 machet? Das ganze Haupt H2483 ist krank H3824 , das ganze Herz H1742 ist matt .
Luther1912(i) 2 Höret, ihr Himmel! und Erde, nimm zu Ohren! denn der HERR redet: Ich habe Kinder auferzogen und erhöht, und sie sind von mir abgefallen. 3 Ein Ochse kennt seinen Herrn und ein Esel die Krippe seines Herrn; aber Israel kennt's nicht, und mein Volk vernimmt's nicht. 4 O weh des sündigen Volks, des Volks von großer Missetat, des boshaften Samens, der verderbten Kinder, die den HERRN verlassen, den Heiligen in Israel lästern, zurückweichen! 5 Was soll man weiter euch schlagen, so ihr des Abweichens nur desto mehr macht? Das ganze Haupt ist krank, das ganze Herz ist matt.
  2 H8085 Höret H8064 , ihr Himmel H776 ! und Erde H238 , nimm zu Ohren H3068 ! denn der HERR H1696 redet H1121 : Ich habe Kinder H7311 auferzogen H1431 und erhöht H6586 , und sie sind von mir abgefallen .
  3 H7794 Ein Ochse H3045 kennt H7069 seinen Herrn H2543 und ein Esel H18 die Krippe H1167 seines Herrn H3478 ; aber Israel H3045 kennt’s H5971 nicht, und mein Volk H995 vernimmt’s nicht.
  4 H1945 O weh H2398 des sündigen H1471 Volks H5971 , des Volks H3515 von H5771 großer Missetat H7489 , des boshaften H2233 Samens H7843 , der verderbten H1121 Kinder H3068 , die den HERRN H853 H5800 verlassen H6918 , den Heiligen H3478 in Israel H853 H5006 lästern H268 H2114 , zurückweichen!
  5 H5221 Was soll man weiter an euch schlagen H5627 , so ihr des Abweichens H3254 nur desto mehr H7218 macht? Das ganze Haupt H2483 ist krank H3824 , das ganze Herz H1742 ist matt .
ELB1871(i) 2 Höret, ihr Himmel, und horche auf, du Erde! Denn Jehova hat geredet: Ich habe Kinder großgezogen und auferzogen, und sie sind von mir abgefallen. 3 Ein Ochse kennt seinen Besitzer, und ein Esel die Krippe seines Herrn; Israel hat keine Erkenntnis, mein Volk hat kein Verständnis. 4 Wehe der sündigen Nation, dem Volke, belastet mit Ungerechtigkeit, dem Samen der Übeltäter, den verderbt handelnden Kindern! Sie haben Jehova verlassen, haben den Heiligen Israels verschmäht, sind rückwärts gewichen. - 5 Warum solltet ihr weiter geschlagen werden, da ihr nur den Abfall mehren würdet? Das ganze Haupt ist krank, und das ganze Herz ist siech.
ELB1905(i) 2 Höret, ihr Himmel, und horche auf, du Erde! Denn Jahwe hat geredet: Ich habe Kinder großgezogen und auferzogen, und sie sind von mir abgefallen. 3 Ein Ochse kennt seinen Besitzer, und ein Esel die Krippe seines Herrn; Israel hat keine Erkenntnis, mein Volk hat kein Verständnis. 4 Wehe der sündigen Nation, dem Volke, belastet mit Ungerechtigkeit, O. Schuld, Missetat dem Samen der Übeltäter, den verderbt handelnden Kindern! Sie haben Jahwe verlassen, haben den Heiligen Israels verschmäht, sind rückwärts gewichen. 5 Warum solltet ihr weiter geschlagen werden, da ihr nur den Abfall mehren würdet? Das ganze Haupt ist krank, und das ganze Herz ist siech.
  2 H8064 Höret, ihr Himmel H238 , und horche auf H776 , du Erde H3068 ! Denn Jehova H8085 hat H1696 geredet: Ich habe H1121 Kinder H1431 großgezogen und auferzogen H6586 , undsie sind von mir abgefallen .
  3 H7794 Ein Ochse H3045 kennt H2543 seinen Besitzer, und ein Esel H18 die Krippe H7069 seines Herrn H3478 ; Israel H3045 hat H5971 keine Erkenntnis, mein Volk H1167 hat kein Verständnis.
  4 H1945 Wehe H2398 der sündigen H5971 Nation, dem Volke H5771 , belastet mit Ungerechtigkeit H2233 , dem Samen H853 der Übeltäter, den H7489 verderbt H1121 handelnden Kindern H5006 ! Sie haben H3068 Jehova H5800 verlassen H5006 , haben H853 den H6918 Heiligen H3478 Israels verschmäht, sind rückwärts gewichen. -
  5 H5221 Warum solltet ihr weiter geschlagen H7218 werden, da ihr nur den Abfall mehren würdet? Das ganze Haupt H2483 ist krank H3824 , und das ganze Herz ist siech.
DSV(i) 2 Hoort, gij hemelen! en neem ter ore, gij aarde! want de HEERE spreekt: Ik heb kinderen groot gemaakt en verhoogd; maar zij hebben tegen Mij overtreden. 3 Een os kent zijn bezitter, en een ezel de krib zijns heren; maar Israël heeft geen kennis, Mijn volk verstaat niet. 4 Wee het zondige volk, het volk van zware ongerechtigheid, het zaad der boosdoeners, de verdervende kinderen! Zij hebben den HEERE verlaten, zij hebben den Heilige Israëls gelasterd, zij hebben zich vervreemd, wijkende achterwaarts. 5 Waartoe zoudt gij meer geslagen worden? Gij zoudt des afvals des te meer maken; het ganse hoofd is krank, en het ganse hart is mat.
  2 H8085 H8798 Hoort H8064 , gij hemelen H238 H8685 ! en neem ter ore H776 , gij aarde H3068 ! want de HEERE H1696 H8765 spreekt H1121 : Ik heb kinderen H1431 H8765 groot gemaakt H7311 H8790 en verhoogd H6586 H8804 ; maar zij hebben tegen Mij overtreden.
  3 H7794 Een os H3045 H8804 kent H7069 H8802 zijn bezitter H2543 , en een ezel H18 de krib H1167 zijns heren H3478 ; [maar] Israel H3045 H8804 heeft geen kennis H5971 , Mijn volk H995 H8712 verstaat niet.
  4 H1945 Wee H2398 H8802 het zondige H1471 volk H5971 , het volk H3515 van zware H5771 ongerechtigheid H2233 , het zaad H7489 H8688 der boosdoeners H7843 H8688 , de verdervende H1121 kinderen H853 ! Zij hebben den H3068 HEERE H5800 H8804 verlaten H853 , zij hebben den H6918 Heilige H3478 Israels H5006 H8765 gelasterd H2114 H8738 , zij hebben zich vervreemd H268 , [wijkende] achterwaarts.
  5 H5221 H8714 Waartoe zoudt gij meer geslagen worden H5627 ? Gij zoudt des afvals H3254 H8686 des te meer maken H7218 ; het ganse hoofd H2483 is krank H3824 , en het ganse hart H1742 is mat.
Giguet(i) 2 ¶ Écoute, ciel; prête l’oreille, terre, parce que le Seigneur a parlé, disant: J’ai engendré des fils, et je les ai élevés en gloire; mais eux, ils m’ont méprisé. 3 Le boeuf connaît son possesseur, et l’âne, la crèche de son maître; pour Israël, il m’a méconnu, et son peuple ne m’a pas compris. 4 Malheur à toi, peuple pécheur, nation pleine de péchés, race de méchants, fils pervertis! vous avez abandonné le Seigneur, et irrité le Saint d’Israël. 5 A quoi bon vous frapper encore, en ajoutant à votre iniquité? Toute tête est en souffrance, et tout coeur en tristesse.
DarbyFR(i) 2
Écoutez, cieux, et prête l'oreille, terre! car l'Éternel a parlé: J'ai nourri et élevé des fils, et ils se sont rebellés contre moi. 3 Le boeuf connaît son possesseur, et l'âne la crèche de son maître; Israël ne connaît pas, mon peuple n'a point d'intelligence. 4 Ha! nation pécheresse, peuple chargé d'iniquité, race de gens qui font le mal, fils qui se corrompent! Ils ont abandonné l'Éternel, ils ont méprisé le Saint d'Israël; ils se sont retirés en arrière. 5 Pourquoi seriez-vous encore frappés? vous ajouterez des révoltes! Toute la tête est malade et tout le coeur défaut.
Martin(i) 2 Cieux écoutez, et toi Terre prête l'oreille, car l'Eternel a parlé, disant; j'ai nourri des enfants, je les ai élevés, mais ils se sont rebellés contre moi. 3 Le boeuf connaît son possesseur, et l'âne la crèche de son maître; mais Israël n'a point de connaissance, mon peuple n'a point d'intelligence. 4 Ha! nation pécheresse, peuple chargé d'iniquité, race de gens malins, enfants qui ne font que se corrompre; ils ont abandonné l'Eternel, ils ont irrité par leur mépris le Saint d'Israël, ils se sont retirés en arrière. 5 Pourquoi seriez-vous encore battus ? vous ajouterez la révolte; toute tête est en douleur, et tout coeur est languissant.
Segond(i) 2 Cieux, écoutez! terre, prête l'oreille! Car l'Eternel parle. J'ai nourri et élevé des enfants, Mais ils se sont révoltés contre moi. 3 Le boeuf connaît son possesseur, Et l'âne la crèche de son maître: Israël ne connaît rien, Mon peuple n'a point d'intelligence. 4 Malheur à la nation pécheresse, au peuple chargé d'iniquités, A la race des méchants, aux enfants corrompus! Ils ont abandonné l'Eternel, ils ont méprisé le Saint d'Israël. Ils se sont retirés en arrière... 5 Quels châtiments nouveaux vous infliger, Quand vous multipliez vos révoltes? La tête entière est malade, Et tout le coeur est souffrant.
  2 H8064 ¶ Cieux H8085 , écoutez H8798   H776  ! terre H238 , prête l’oreille H8685   H3068  ! Car l’Eternel H1696 parle H8765   H1431 . J’ai nourri H8765   H7311 et élevé H8790   H1121 des enfants H6586 , Mais ils se sont révoltés H8804   contre moi.
  3 H7794 Le bœuf H3045 connaît H8804   H7069 son possesseur H8802   H2543 , Et l’âne H18 la crèche H1167 de son maître H3478  : Israël H3045 ne connaît H8804   H5971 rien, Mon peuple H995 n’a point d’intelligence H8712  .
  4 H1945 Malheur H1471 à la nation H2398 pécheresse H8802   H5971 , au peuple H3515 chargé H5771 d’iniquités H2233 , A la race H7489 des méchants H8688   H1121 , aux enfants H7843 corrompus H8688   H5800  ! Ils ont abandonné H8804   H853   H3068 l’Eternel H853 , ils ont méprisé H5006   H8765   H6918 le Saint H3478 d’Israël H2114 . Ils se sont retirés H8738   H268 en arrière …
  5 H5221 Quels châtiments nouveaux vous infliger H8714   H3254 , Quand vous multipliez H8686   H5627 vos révoltes H7218  ? La tête H2483 entière est malade H3824 , Et tout le cœur H1742 est souffrant.
SE(i) 2 Oíd, cielos, y escucha tú, tierra; porque habla el SEÑOR: Crié hijos, y los engrandecí, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí. 3 El buey conoce a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de sus señores; Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no tiene entendimiento. 4 Oh gente pecadora, pueblo cargado de maldad, generación de malignos, hijos corruptos! Dejaron al SEÑOR, provocaron a ira al Santo de Israel; se tornaron atrás. 5 ¿Para qué os castigaré aún? Todavía os rebelaréis. Toda cabeza está enferma, y todo corazón doliente.
ReinaValera(i) 2 Oid, cielos, y escucha tú, tierra; porque habla Jehová: Crié hijos, y engrandecílos, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí. 3 El buey conoce á su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de su señor: Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no tiene entendimiento. 4 Oh gente pecadora, pueblo cargado de maldad, generación de malignos, hijos depravados! Dejaron á Jehová, provocaron á ira al Santo de Israel, tornáronse atrás. 5 ¿Para qué habéis de ser castigados aún? todavía os rebelaréis. Toda cabeza está enferma, y todo corazón doliente.
JBS(i) 2 Oíd, cielos, y escucha tú, tierra; porque habla el SEÑOR: Crié hijos, y los engrandecí, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí. 3 El buey conoce a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de sus señores; Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no tiene entendimiento. 4 ¡Oh gente que ofende, pueblo cargado de iniquidad, generación de malignos, hijos corruptos! Dejaron al SEÑOR, provocaron a ira al Santo de Israel; se tornaron atrás. 5 ¿Para qué os castigaré aún? Todavía os rebelaréis. Toda cabeza está enferma, y todo corazón doliente.
Albanian(i) 2 Dëgjoni; o qiej; dhe dëgjo, o tokë, sepse Zoti ka folur: "Kam edukuar fëmijë dhe i rrita, ata u rebeluan kundër meje. 3 Kau e njeh të zotin e tij dhe gomari grazhdin e zotërisë së tij, por Izraeli nuk ka dije dhe populli im nuk ka mend". 4 Mjerë, komb mëkatar, popull i ngarkuar me paudhësi, racë keqbërësish, bij që veprojnë në mënyrë të çoroditur! Kanë braktisur Zotin, kanë përçmuar të Shenjtin e Izraelit, kanë devijuar dhe janë kthyer prapa. 5 Pse doni që të goditeni edhe më? Do të ngrinit krye edhe më tepër. Gjithë koka është e sëmurë, gjithë zemra lëngon.
RST(i) 2 Слушайте, небеса, и внимай, земля, потому что Господь говорит: Я воспитал и возвысил сыновей, а они возмутились против Меня. 3 Вол знает владетеля своего, и осел – ясли господина своего; а Израиль не знает Меня , народ Мой не разумеет. 4 Увы, народ грешный, народ обремененный беззакониями, племя злодеев, сыны погибельные! Оставили Господа, презрели Святаго Израилева, – повернулись назад. 5 Во что вас бить еще, продолжающие свое упорство? Вся голова в язвах, и все сердце исчахло.
Arabic(i) 2 اسمعي ايتها السموات واصغي ايتها الارض لان الرب يتكلم. ربيت بنين ونشأتهم. اما هم فعصوا عليّ. 3 الثور يعرف قانيه والحمار معلف صاحبه. اما اسرائيل فلا يعرف. شعبي لا يفهم. 4 ويل للامّة الخاطئة الشعب الثقيل الاثم نسل فاعلي الشر اولاد مفسدين. تركوا الرب استهانوا بقدوس اسرائيل ارتدوا الى وراء. 5 على م تضربون بعد. تزدادون زيغانا. كل الراس مريض وكل القلب سقيم.
Bulgarian(i) 2 Чуйте, небеса, и слушай земьо, защото ГОСПОД говори: Синове отгледах и възпитах, но те отстъпиха от Мен. 3 Волът познава стопанина си и магарето — яслите на господаря си. Израил не знае, народът Ми не разсъждава. 4 Уви, грешен народ, народ натоварен с беззаконие, род на злодеи, синове, постъпващи покварено! Оставиха ГОСПОДА, презряха Светия Израилев, върнаха се назад. 5 Защо да бъдете още бити, че се бунтувате повече и повече? Цялата глава е болна и цялото сърце — изнемощяло.
Croatian(i) 2 Čujte, nebesa, poslušaj, zemljo, jer Jahve govori: "Sinove sam ti odgojio, podigao, al' se oni od mene odvrgoše. 3 Vo poznaje svog vlasnika, a magarac jasle gospodareve - Izrael ne poznaje, narod moj ne razumije." 4 Jao, grešna li naroda, puka u zlu ogrezla, roda zlikovačkog, pokvarenih sinova! Jahvu ostaviše, prezreše Sveca Izraelova, njemu su okrenuli leđa. 5 TÓa gdje da vas još udarim, odmetnici tvrdokorni? Sva je glava bolna, srce iznemoglo;
BKR(i) 2 Slyšte nebesa, a ušima pozoruj země, nebo Hospodin mluví: Syny jsem vychoval a vyvýšil, oni pak strhli se mne. 3 Vůl zná hospodáře svého, a osel jesle pánů svých; Izrael nezná, lid můj nesrozumívá. 4 Ach, národe hříšný, lide obtížený nepravostí, símě zlostníků, synové nešlechetní, opustili Hospodina, pohrdli svatým Izraelským, odvrátili se zpět. 5 Proč, čím více biti býváte, tím více se odvracujete? Všecka hlava jest neduživá, a všecko srdce zemdlené.
Danish(i) 2 Hører, I Himle! og du Jord! mærk, thi HERREN har talt; jeg har opdraget Børn og opfostret dem, men de have gjort Overtrædelse imod mig. 3 En Okse kender sin Ejermand og et Asen sin Herres Krybbe; Israel kender intet, mit Folk forstaar intet. 4 Ve et syndigt Folk, et Folk med svar Misgerning, en Slægt af onde, vanartede Børn! De forlode HERREN, de opirrede den Hellige i Israel, de ere vegne tilbage. 5 Hvorfor ville I lade eder slaa ydermere? hvorfor ville I forøge eders Afvigelse? hvert Hoved er sygt, og hvert Hjerte er mat.
CUV(i) 2 天 哪 , 要 聽 ! 地 啊 , 側 耳 而 聽 ! 因 為 耶 和 華 說 : 我 養 育 兒 女 , 將 他 們 養 大 , 他 們 竟 悖 逆 我 。 3 牛 認 識 主 人 , 驢 認 識 主 人 的 槽 , 以 色 列 卻 不 認 識 ; 我 的 民 卻 不 留 意 。 4 嗐 ! 犯 罪 的 國 民 , 擔 著 罪 孽 的 百 姓 ; 行 惡 的 種 類 , 敗 壞 的 兒 女 ! 他 們 離 棄 耶 和 華 , 藐 視 以 色 列 的 聖 者 , 與 他 生 疏 , 往 後 退 步 。 5 你 們 為 甚 麼 屢 次 悖 逆 , 還 要 受 責 打 嗎 ? 你 們 已 經 滿 頭 疼 痛 , 全 心 發 昏 。
  2 H8064 天哪 H8085 ,要聽 H776 !地啊 H238 ,側耳而聽 H3068 !因為耶和華 H1696 H1431 :我養育 H1121 兒女 H7311 ,將他們養大 H6586 ,他們竟悖逆我。
  3 H7794 H3045 認識 H7069 主人 H2543 ,驢 H1167 認識主人 H18 的槽 H3478 ,以色列 H3045 卻不認識 H5971 ;我的民 H995 卻不留意。
  4 H1945 H2398 !犯罪的 H1471 國民 H3515 ,擔著 H5771 罪孽 H5971 的百姓 H7489 ;行惡的 H2233 種類 H7843 ,敗壞的 H1121 兒女 H5800 !他們離棄 H3068 耶和華 H5006 H ,藐視 H3478 以色列 H6918 的聖者 H2114 ,與他生疏 H268 ,往後退步。
  5 H3254 你們為甚麼屢次 H5627 悖逆 H5221 ,還要受責打 H7218 嗎?你們已經滿頭 H2483 疼痛 H3824 ,全心 H1742 發昏。
CUVS(i) 2 天 哪 , 要 听 ! 地 啊 , 侧 耳 而 听 ! 因 为 耶 和 华 说 : 我 养 育 儿 女 , 将 他 们 养 大 , 他 们 竟 悖 逆 我 。 3 牛 认 识 主 人 , 驴 认 识 主 人 的 槽 , 以 色 列 却 不 认 识 ; 我 的 民 却 不 留 意 。 4 嗐 ! 犯 罪 的 国 民 , 担 着 罪 孽 的 百 姓 ; 行 恶 的 种 类 , 败 坏 的 儿 女 ! 他 们 离 弃 耶 和 华 , 藐 视 以 色 列 的 圣 者 , 与 他 生 疏 , 往 后 退 步 。 5 你 们 为 甚 么 屡 次 悖 逆 , 还 要 受 责 打 吗 ? 你 们 已 经 满 头 疼 痛 , 全 心 发 昏 。
  2 H8064 天哪 H8085 ,要听 H776 !地啊 H238 ,侧耳而听 H3068 !因为耶和华 H1696 H1431 :我养育 H1121 儿女 H7311 ,将他们养大 H6586 ,他们竟悖逆我。
  3 H7794 H3045 认识 H7069 主人 H2543 ,驴 H1167 认识主人 H18 的槽 H3478 ,以色列 H3045 却不认识 H5971 ;我的民 H995 却不留意。
  4 H1945 H2398 !犯罪的 H1471 国民 H3515 ,担着 H5771 罪孽 H5971 的百姓 H7489 ;行恶的 H2233 种类 H7843 ,败坏的 H1121 儿女 H5800 !他们离弃 H3068 耶和华 H5006 H ,藐视 H3478 以色列 H6918 的圣者 H2114 ,与他生疏 H268 ,往后退步。
  5 H3254 你们为甚么屡次 H5627 悖逆 H5221 ,还要受责打 H7218 吗?你们已经满头 H2483 疼痛 H3824 ,全心 H1742 发昏。
Esperanto(i) 2 Auxskultu, ho cxielo, kaj atentu, ho tero, cxar parolas la Eternulo:Filojn Mi edukis kaj altigis, kaj ili perfidis Min. 3 Bovo konas sian acxetinton, kaj azeno la mangxujon de sia mastro; sed Izrael ne konas, Mia popolo ne komprenas. 4 Ve al la popolo peka, al la gento sxargxita de malbonagoj, al la idaro krima, al la filoj pereuloj! ili forlasis la Eternulon, ili malsxatis la Sanktulon de Izrael, ili forturnigxis malantauxen. 5 Kion oni ankoraux batu en vi, kiuj dauxrigas sian defaladon? la tuta kapo estas malsana, kaj la tuta koro estas senforta.
Finnish(i) 2 Kuulkaat taivaat,ja maa ota korviis, sillä Herra puhuu: minä olen lapsia kasvattanut ja korottanut, ja he ovat minusta luopuneet. 3 Härkä tuntee omistajansa ja aasi isäntänsä seimen; mutta Israel ei tunne, ja minun kansani ei ymmärrä. 4 Voi syntistä kansaa, kansaa suuresta pahasta teosta, pahanilkistä siementä, vahingollisia lapsia, jotka Herran hylkäsivät ja Israelin Pyhää pilkkasivat, he poikkesivat takaperin. 5 Mitä varten teitä enempi lyödään, koska te aina harhailette? Koko pää on sairas, ja koko sydän on väsynyt.
FinnishPR(i) 2 Kuulkaa, taivaat, ota korviisi, maa, sillä Herra puhuu: Minä kasvatin lapsia, sain heidät suuriksi, mutta he luopuivat minusta. 3 Härkä tuntee omistajansa ja aasi isäntänsä seimen; mutta Israel ei tunne, minun kansani ei ymmärrä. 4 Voi syntistä sukua, raskaasti rikkonutta kansaa, pahantekijäin siementä, kelvottomia lapsia! He ovat hyljänneet Herran, pitäneet Israelin Pyhää pilkkanansa, he ovat kääntyneet pois. 5 Mihin pitäisi teitä vielä lyödä, kun yhä jatkatte luopumustanne? Koko pää on kipeä, koko sydän sairas.
Haitian(i) 2 Seyè a di konsa: -Ou menm syèl la, koute! Ou menm latè, pare zòrèy ou! Paske mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen pral pale! Pitit mwen te okipe yo, pitit mwen te elve yo, men yo vire do ban mwen. 3 Bèf ki bèf konnen mèt li. Bourik ki bourik konnen kote mèt li ba l' manje. Men, pèp Izrayèl la menm pa konn bagay konsa. Pèp mwen an pa konprann anyen. 4 Malè pou peyi nou an, kote tout moun ap viv nan peche! Malè pou pèp ki plen krim sou konsyans yo, pou ras moun sa yo k'ap fè sa ki mal, pou bann pitit sa yo ki fin pèvèti! Yo lage pye Bondye Seyè a! Yo pa okipe Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki yon Bondye apa. Yo vire do ba li. 5 Poukisa n'ap plede fè tèt di konsa? Pa gen kote ankò pou yo frape nou. Tout tèt la malad. Pa gen kò ankò pou sipòte.
Hungarian(i) 2 Halljátok egek, és vedd füleidbe föld! mert az Úr szól: Fiakat neveltem, s méltóságra emeltem, és õk elpártolának tõlem. 3 Az ökör ismeri gazdáját, és a szamár az õ urának jászlát; Izráel nem ismeri, az én népem nem figyel reá! 4 Oh gonosz nemzetség, hamissággal megterheltetett nép, gonosz mag, nemtelen fiak! elhagyták az Urat, megútálták az Izráel Szentjét, [és] elfordultak tõle. 5 Miért ostorozzalak tovább, holott a bûnt növelitek? Minden fej beteg, és minden szív erõtelen.
Indonesian(i) 2 Dengarlah hai langit, perhatikanlah hai bumi! TUHAN berkata, "Anak-anak yang telah Kuasuh memberontak terhadap Aku. 3 Sapi mengenal pemiliknya, keledai mengenal tempat makanan yang disediakan tuannya. Tetapi umat-Ku Israel tidak; mereka tidak memahaminya." 4 Celakalah kamu bangsa yang berdosa, orang-orang yang bejat dan jahat! Kamu telah terjerumus oleh dosa-dosamu. Kamu telah menolak TUHAN dan membelakangi Allah Mahasuci yang harus kamu sembah. 5 Mengapa kamu terus saja membantah? Maukah kamu dihukum lebih berat lagi? Kepalamu sudah penuh dengan borok-borok, hati dan pikiranmu sakit.
Italian(i) 2 ASCOLTATE, cieli; e tu, terra, porgi gli orecchi; percicocchè il Signore ha parlato, dicendo: Io ho allevati de’ figiuoli, e li ho cresciuti; ma essi si son ribellati contro a me. 3 Il bue conosce il suo possessore, e l’asino la mangiatoia del suo padrone; ma Israele non ha conoscimento, il mio popolo non ha intelletto. 4 Guai alla nazione peccatrice, al popolo carico d’iniquità, alla schiatta de’ maligni, a’ figliuoli perduti! Hanno abbandonato il Signore; hanno dispettato il Santo d’Israele; si sono alienati e rivolti indietro. 5 A che sareste ancora percossi? voi aggiungereste rivolta a rivolta; ogni capo è infermo, e ogni cuore è languido.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 2 Udite, o cieli! e tu, terra, presta orecchio! poiché l’Eterno parla: Io, dic’egli, ho nutrito de’ figliuoli e li ho allevati, ma essi si son ribellati a me. 3 Il bue conosce il suo possessore, e l’asino la greppia del suo padrone; ma Israele non ha conoscenza, il mio popolo non ha discernimento. 4 Ahi, nazione peccatrice, popolo carico d’iniquità, razza di malvagi, figliuoli corrotti! Hanno abbandonato l’Eterno, hanno sprezzato il Santo d’Israele, si son vòlti e ritratti indietro. 5 A che pro colpirvi ancora? Aggiungereste altre rivolte. Tutto il capo è malato, tutto il cuore è languente.
Korean(i) 2 하늘이여 ! 들으라 땅이여 ! 귀를 기울이라 여호와께서 말씀하시기를 내가 자식을 양육하였거늘 그들이 나를 거역하였도다 3 소는 그 임자를 알고 나귀는 주인의 구유를 알건마는 이스라엘은 알지 못하고 나의 백성은 깨닫지 못하는도다 하셨도다 4 슬프다, 범죄한 나라요 허물진 백성이요 행악의 종자요 행위가 부패한 자식이로다 그들이 여호와를 버리며 이스라엘의 거룩한 자를 만홀히 여겨 멀리하고 물러갔도다 5 너희가 어찌하여 매를 더 맞으려고 더욱 더욱 패역하느냐 ? 온 머리는 병들었고 온 마음은 피곤하였으며
Lithuanian(i) 2 Dangūs, klausykite, žeme, išgirsk! Viešpats kalba: “Aš užauginau ir išaukštinau vaikus, bet jie sukilo prieš mane. 3 Jautis pažįsta savo savininką ir asilas­savo šeimininko ėdžias, bet Izraelis nepažįsta, mano tauta nesupranta”. 4 Vargas nuodėmingai giminei, nuo nedorybių apsunkusiai tautai, piktadarių palikuonims, nepaklusniems vaikams! Jie paliko Viešpatį, supykdė Izraelio Šventąjį, nusigręžė nuo Jo. 5 Ar verta jus dar daugiau bausti, kurie ir toliau maištaujate? Jau visa galva nesveika, širdis alpsta.
PBG(i) 2 Słuchajcie niebiosa, a ty ziemio przyjmij w uszy swe! Albowiem Pan mówi: Synówem wychował i wywyższył; ale oni odstąpili odemnie. 3 Zna wół gospodarza swego, i osieł żłób pana swego; ale Izrael mię nie zna, lud mój nie zrozumiewa. 4 Biada narodowi grzesznemu, ludowi obciążonemu nieprawością, nasieniu złośliwych; synom skażonym! Opuścili Pana, do gniewu pobudzili świętego Izraelskiego, odwrócili się nazad. 5 Przeczże tem więcej przyczyniacie przestępstwa, im więcej was biją? Wszystka głowa chora, i wszystko serce mdłe.
Portuguese(i) 2 Ouvi, ó céus, e dá ouvidos, ó terra, porque falou o Senhor: Criei filhos, e os engrandeci, mas eles se rebelaram contra mim. 3 O boi conhece o seu possuidor, e o jumento a manjedoura do seu dono; mas Israel não tem conhecimento, o meu povo não entende. 4 Ah, nação pecadora, povo carregado de iniquidade, descendência de malfeitores, filhos que praticam a corrupção! Deixaram o Senhor, desprezaram o Santo de Israel, voltaram para trás. 5 Por que seríeis ainda castigados, que persistis na rebeldia? Toda a cabeça está enferma e todo o coração fraco.
Norwegian(i) 2 Hør, I himler, og lytt til, du jord! For Herren taler: Barn har jeg opfødd og fostret; men de er falt fra mig. 3 En okse kjenner sin eiermann, og et asen sin herres krybbe; Israel kjenner intet, mitt folk forstår intet. 4 Ve det syndige folk, det folk med tung misgjerning, den yngel av ugjerningsmenn, de vanartede barn! De har forlatt Herren, har foraktet Israels Hellige, er veket fra ham. 5 Hvorfor vil I la eder slå fremdeles? Hvorfor øker I eders frafall? Hvert hode er sykt, og hvert hjerte er svakt.
Romanian(i) 2 Ascultaţi, ceruri, şi ia aminte, pămîntule, căci Domnul vorbeşte:,,Am hrănit şi am crescut nişte copii, dar ei s'au răsculat împotriva Mea. 3 Boul îşi cunoaşte stăpînul, şi măgarul cunoaşte ieslea stăpînului său: dar Israel nu Mă cunoaşte, poporul Meu nu ia aminte la Mine.`` 4 Vai, neam păcătos, popor încărcat de fărădelegi, sămînţă de nelegiuiţi, copii stricaţi! Au părăsit pe Domnul, au dispreţuit pe Sfîntul lui Israel. I-au întors spatele... 5 Ce pedepse noi să vă mai dea, cînd voi vă răzvrătiţi din ce în ce mai rău? Tot capul este bolnav, şi toată inima sufere de moarte!
Ukrainian(i) 2 Послухайте ви, небеса, і ти, земле, почуй, бо говорить Господь: Синів Собі виховав й викохав Я, а вони зняли бунт проти Мене!... 3 Віл знає свого власника, а осел ясла пана свого, а Ізраїль не знає Мене, не звертає уваги народ Мій на Мене... 4 О люду ти грішний, народе тяжкої провини, лиходійське насіння, сини-шкідники, ви покинули Господа, ви Святого Ізраїлевого понехтували, обернулись назад! 5 У що будете биті ще, коли неслухняними далі ви будете? Хвора ваша вся голова, і все серце боляще...