Hebrews 12:7-10

  7 G1487 If G3809 [2discipline G5278 1you endure], G5613 [4as G5207 5sons G1473 3to you G4374 2brings discipline G3588   G2316 1God]; G5100 for who G1063   G1510.2.3 is G5207 the son G3739 whom G3756 [2does not G3811 3correct G3962 1a father]?
  8 G1487 And if G1161   G5565 you are without the help of G1510.2.5   G3809 instruction, G3739 of which G3353 [3partakers G1096 2have become G3956 1all], G686 then G3541 you are illegitimate G1510.2.5   G2532 and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 So then G3588 indeed, G3303   G3588 of the G4561 [3flesh G1473 2of our G3962 1fathers] G2192 we have G3810 correctors, G2532 and G1788 we show respect; G3756 [2not G4183 4much G3123 5more G5293 1shall we 3be] submitted G3588 to the G3962 father G3588 of the G4151 spirits, G2532 and G2198 we shall live?
  10 G3588 [2they G3303 3indeed G1063 1For] G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days, G2596 as G3588   G1380 it seemed good G1473 to them, G3811 corrected; G3588 but he does so G1161   G1909 for G3588 the G4851 advantage, G1519 for us G3588   G3335 to share in G3588   G41 his sanctity. G1473  
  7 G1487 ει G3809 παιδείαν G5278 υπομένετε G5613 ως G5207 υιοίς G1473 υμίν G4374 προσφέρεται G3588 ο G2316 θεός G5100 τις γαρ G1063   G1510.2.3 εστιν G5207 υιός G3739 ον G3756 ου G3811 παιδεύει G3962 πατήρ
  8 G1487 ει δε G1161   G5565 χωρίς εστε G1510.2.5   G3809 παιδείας G3739 ης G3353 μέτοχοι G1096 γεγόνασι G3956 πάντες G686 άρα G3541 νόθοι εστέ G1510.2.5   G2532 και G3756 ουχ G5207 υιοί
  9 G1534 είτα G3588 τους μεν G3303   G3588 της G4561 σαρκός G1473 ημών G3962 πατέρας G2192 είχομεν G3810 παιδευτάς G2532 και G1788 ενετρεπόμεθα G3756 ου G4183 πολλώ G3123 μάλλον G5293 υποταγησόμεθα G3588 τω G3962 πατρί G3588 των G4151 πνευμάτων G2532 και G2198 ζήσομεν
  10 G3588 οι G3303 μεν G1063 γαρ G4314 προς G3641 ολίγας G2250 ημέρας G2596 κατά G3588 το G1380 δοκούν G1473 αυτοίς G3811 επαίδευον G3588 ο δε G1161   G1909 επί G3588 το G4851 συμφέρον G1519 εις G3588 το G3335 μεταλαβείν G3588 της G41 αγιότητος αυτού G1473  
Stephanus(i) 7 ει παιδειαν υπομενετε ως υιοις υμιν προσφερεται ο θεος τις γαρ εστιν υιος ον ου παιδευει πατηρ 8 ει δε χωρις εστε παιδειας ης μετοχοι γεγονασιν παντες αρα νοθοι εστε και ουχ υιοι 9 ειτα τους μεν της σαρκος ημων πατερας ειχομεν παιδευτας και ενετρεπομεθα ου πολλω μαλλον υποταγησομεθα τω πατρι των πνευματων και ζησομεν 10 οι μεν γαρ προς ολιγας ημερας κατα το δοκουν αυτοις επαιδευον ο δε επι το συμφερον εις το μεταλαβειν της αγιοτητος αυτου
    7 G1519 PREP εις G3809 N-ASF παιδειαν G5278 [G5719] V-PAI-2P υπομενετε G5613 ADV ως G5207 N-DPM υιοις G5213 P-2DP υμιν G4374 [G5743] V-PPI-3S προσφερεται G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G5101 I-NSM τις G1063 CONJ γαρ G5207 N-NSM υιος G3739 R-ASM ον G3756 PRT-N ου G3811 [G5719] V-PAI-3S παιδευει G3962 N-NSM πατηρ
    8 G1487 COND ει G1161 CONJ δε G5565 ADV χωρις G2075 [G5748] V-PXI-2P εστε G3809 N-GSF παιδειας G3739 R-GSF ης G3353 A-NPM μετοχοι G1096 [G5754] V-2RAI-3P γεγονασιν G3956 A-NPM παντες G686 PRT αρα G3541 A-NPM νοθοι G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ουχ G5207 N-NPM υιοι G2075 [G5748] V-PXI-2P εστε
    9 G1534 ADV ειτα G3588 T-APM τους G3303 PRT μεν G3588 T-GSF της G4561 N-GSF σαρκος G2257 P-1GP ημων G3962 N-APM πατερας G2192 [G5707] V-IAI-1P ειχομεν G3810 N-APM παιδευτας G2532 CONJ και G1788 [G5710] V-IMI-1P ενετρεπομεθα G3756 PRT-N ου G4183 A-ASN πολυ G1161 CONJ | | " δε " G3123 ADV | μαλλον G5293 [G5691] V-2FPI-1P υποταγησομεθα G3588 T-DSM τω G3962 N-DSM πατρι G3588 T-GPN των G4151 N-GPN πνευματων G2532 CONJ και G2198 [G5692] V-FAI-1P ζησομεν
    10 G3588 T-NPM οι G3303 PRT μεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G4314 PREP προς G3641 A-APF ολιγας G2250 N-APF ημερας G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-ASN το G1380 [G5723] V-PAP-ASN δοκουν G846 P-DPM αυτοις G3811 [G5707] V-IAI-3P επαιδευον G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 CONJ δε G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G4851 [G5723] V-PAP-ASN συμφερον G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G3335 [G5629] V-2AAN μεταλαβειν G3588 T-GSF της G41 N-GSF αγιοτητος G846 P-GSM αυτου
  7 G1519 PREP εἰς G3809 N-ASF παιδίαν G5278 V-PAI-2P ὑπομένετε· G5613 ADV ὡς G5207 N-DPM υἱοῖς G5210 P-2DP ὑμῖν G4374 V-PPI-3S προσφέρεται G3588 T-NSM G2316 N-NSM θεός· G5101 I-NSM τίς G1063 CONJ γὰρ G5207 N-NSM υἱὸς G3739 R-ASM ὃν G3756 PRT-N οὐ G3811 V-PAI-3S παιδεύει G3962 N-NSM πατήρ;
  8 G1487 COND εἰ G1161 CONJ δὲ G5565 ADV χωρίς G1510 V-PAI-2P ἐστε G3809 N-GSF παιδίας, G3739 R-GSF ἧς G3353 A-NPM μέτοχοι G1096 V-2RAI-3P γεγόνασιν G3956 A-NPM πάντες, G686 PRT ἄρα G3541 A-NPM νόθοι G2532 CONJ καὶ G3756 PRT-N οὐχ G5207 N-NPM υἱοί G1510 V-PAI-2P ἐστε.
  9 G1534 ADV εἶτα G3588 T-APM τοὺς G3303 PRT μὲν G3588 T-GSF τῆς G4561 N-GSF σαρκὸς G2248 P-1GP ἡμῶν G3962 N-APM πατέρας G2192 V-IAI-1P εἴχομεν G3810 N-APM παιδευτὰς G2532 CONJ καὶ G1788 V-IMI-1P ἐνετρεπόμεθα· G3756 PRT-N οὐ G4183 A-ASN πολὺ G3123 ADV μᾶλλον G5293 V-2FPI-1P ὑποταγησόμεθα G3588 T-DSM τῷ G3962 N-DSM πατρὶ G3588 T-GPN τῶν G4151 N-GPN πνευμάτων G2532 CONJ καὶ G2198 V-FAI-1P ζήσομεν;
  10 G3588 T-NPM οἱ G3303 PRT μὲν G1063 CONJ γὰρ G4314 PREP πρὸς G3641 A-APF ὀλίγας G2250 N-APF ἡμέρας G2596 PREP κατὰ G3588 T-ASN τὸ G1380 V-PAP-ASN δοκοῦν G846 P-DPM αὐτοῖς G3811 V-IAI-3P ἐπαίδευον, G3588 T-NSM G1161 CONJ δὲ G1909 PREP ἐπὶ G3588 T-ASN τὸ G4851 V-PAP-ASN συμφέρον G1519 PREP εἰς G3588 T-ASN τὸ G3335 V-2AAN μεταλαβεῖν G3588 T-GSF τῆς G41 N-GSF ἁγιότητος G846 P-GSM αὐτοῦ.
Tregelles(i) 7 εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε, ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ θεός· τίς γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ; 8 εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας, ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε. 9 εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτάς, καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ πολὺ μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν; 10 οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον, ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.
  7 G1487 COND ει G3809 N-ASF παιδειαν G5278 (G5719) V-PAI-2P υπομενετε G5613 ADV ως G5207 N-DPM υιοις G5213 P-2DP υμιν G4374 (G5743) V-PPI-3S προσφερεται G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G5101 I-NSM τις G1063 CONJ γαρ G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G5207 N-NSM υιος G3739 R-ASM ον G3756 PRT-N ου G3811 (G5719) V-PAI-3S παιδευει G3962 N-NSM πατηρ
  8 G1487 COND ει G1161 CONJ δε G5565 ADV χωρις G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-2P εστε G3809 N-GSF παιδειας G3739 R-GSF ης G3353 A-NPM μετοχοι G1096 (G5754) V-2RAI-3P γεγονασιν G3956 A-NPM παντες G686 PRT αρα G3541 A-NPM νοθοι G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-2P εστε G2532 CONJ και G3756 PRT-N ουχ G5207 N-NPM υιοι
  9 G1534 ADV ειτα G3588 T-APM τους G3303 PRT μεν G3588 T-GSF της G4561 N-GSF σαρκος G2257 P-1GP ημων G3962 N-APM πατερας G2192 (G5707) V-IAI-1P ειχομεν G3810 N-APM παιδευτας G2532 CONJ και G1788 (G5710) V-IMI-1P ενετρεπομεθα G3756 PRT-N ου G4183 A-DSN πολλω G3123 ADV μαλλον G5293 (G5691) V-2FPI-1P υποταγησομεθα G3588 T-DSM τω G3962 N-DSM πατρι G3588 T-GPN των G4151 N-GPN πνευματων G2532 CONJ και G2198 (G5692) V-FAI-1P ζησομεν
  10 G3588 T-NPM οι G3303 PRT μεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G4314 PREP προς G3641 A-APF ολιγας G2250 N-APF ημερας G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-ASN το G1380 (G5723) V-PAP-ASN δοκουν G846 P-DPM αυτοις G3811 (G5707) V-IAI-3P επαιδευον G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 CONJ δε G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASN το G4851 (G5723) V-PAP-ASN συμφερον G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G3335 (G5629) V-2AAN μεταλαβειν G3588 T-GSF της G41 N-GSF αγιοτητος G846 P-GSM αυτου
Nestle(i) 7 εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε· ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ Θεός· τίς γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ; 8 εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας, ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε. 9 εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ πολὺ μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ Πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν; 10 οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον, ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.
   7 G1519PREP| ειvG1519PREP| <ειv>G1487CONDVAR: ει :ENDG3809N-ASF| παιδειανG5278 [G5719]V-PAI-2PυπομενετεG5613ADVωvG5207N-DPMυιοιvG4771P-2DPυμινG4374 [G5743]V-PPI-3SπροσφερεταιG3588T-NSMοG2316N-NSMθεοvG5101I-NSMτιvG1063CONJγαρG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-3SεστινG5207N-NSMυιοvG3739R-ASMονG3756PRT-NουG3811 [G5719]V-PAI-3SπαιδευειG3962N-NSMπατηρ
   8 G1487CONDειG1161CONJδεG5565ADVχωριvG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-2PεστεG3809N-GSFπαιδειαvG3739R-GSFηvG3353A-NPMμετοχοιG1096 [G5754]V-2RAI-3PγεγονασινG3956A-NPMπαντεvG686PRTαραG3541A-NPMνοθοιG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-2PεστεG2532CONJκαιG3756PRT-NουχG5207N-NPMυιοι
   9 G1534ADVειταG3588T-APMτουvG3303PRTμενG3588T-GSFτηvG4561N-GSFσαρκοvG1473P-1GPημωνG3962N-APMπατεραvG2192 [G5707]V-IAI-1PειχομενG3810N-APMπαιδευταvG2532CONJκαιG1788 [G5712]V-IPI-1PενετρεπομεθαG3756PRT-NουG4183A-DSNπολλωG3123ADVμαλλονG5293 [G5691]V-2FPI-1PυποταγησομεθαG3588T-DSMτωG3962N-DSMπατριG3588T-GPNτωνG4151N-GPNπνευματωνG2532CONJκαιG2198 [G5692]V-FAI-1Pζησομεν
   10 G3588T-NPMοιG3303PRTμενG1063CONJγαρG4314PREPπροvG3641A-APFολιγαvG2250N-APFημεραvG2596PREPκαταG3588T-ASNτοG1380 [G5723]V-PAP-ASNδοκουνG846P-DPMαυτοιvG3811 [G5707]V-IAI-3PεπαιδευονG3588T-NSMοG1161CONJδεG1909PREPεπιG3588T-ASNτοG4851 [G5723]V-PAP-ASNσυμφερονG1519PREPειvG3588T-ASNτοG3335 [G5629]V-2AANμεταλαβεινG3588T-GSFτηvG41N-GSFαγιοτητοvG846P-GSMαυτου
SBLGNT(i) 7 εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε· ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ θεός· τίς ⸀γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ; 8 εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασι πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι ⸂καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε⸃. 9 εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ ⸀πολὺ μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν; 10 οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον, ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.
f35(i) 7 ει παιδειαν υπομενετε ως υιοις υμιν προσφερεται ο θεος τις γαρ εστιν υιος ον ου παιδευει πατηρ 8 ει δε χωρις εστε παιδειας ης μετοχοι γεγονασιν παντες αρα νοθοι εστε και ουχ υιοι 9 ειτα τους μεν της σαρκος ημων πατερας ειχομεν παιδευτας και ενετρεπομεθα ου πολλω μαλλον υποταγησομεθα τω πατρι των πνευματων και ζησομεν 10 οι μεν γαρ προς ολιγας ημερας κατα το δοκουν αυτοις επαιδευον ο δε επι το συμφερον εις το μεταλαβειν της αγιοτητος αυτου
  7 G1487 ει If G3809 παιδειαν Discipline G5278 (G5719) υπομενετε Ye Endure, G5613 ως As G5207 υιοις With Sons G5213 υμιν With You G4374 (G5743) προσφερεται   G3588 ο Is Dealing G2316 θεος God; G5101 τις   G1063 γαρ For Who G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G5207 υιος "the" Son G3739 ον Whom G3756 ου   G3811 (G5719) παιδευει Disciplines Not "the" G3962 πατηρ Father?
  8 G1487 ει   G1161 δε But If G5565 χωρις Without G2075 (G5748) εστε Ye Are G3809 παιδειας Discipline, G3739 ης Of Which G3353 μετοχοι Partakers G1096 (G5754) γεγονασιν Have Become G3956 παντες All, G686 αρα Then G3541 νοθοι Bastards G2075 (G5748) εστε Ye Are G2532 και And G3756 ουχ Not G5207 υιοι Sons.
  9 G1534 ειτα Moreover G3588 τους   G3303 μεν   G3588 της The G4561 σαρκος Flesh G2257 ημων Of Our G3962 πατερας Fathers G2192 (G5707) ειχομεν We Have Had "as" G3810 παιδευτας Those Who Discipline " Us ", G2532 και And G1788 (G5710) ενετρεπομεθα We Respected "them"; G3756 ου Not G4183 πολλω Much G3123 μαλλον Rather G5293 (G5691) υποταγησομεθα Shall We Be In Subjection G3588 τω To The G3962 πατρι   G3588 των Father G4151 πνευματων Of Spirits, G2532 και And G2198 (G5692) ζησομεν Shall Live?
  10 G3588 οι   G3303 μεν   G1063 γαρ For They Indeed G4314 προς For G3641 ολιγας A Few G2250 ημερας Days G2596 κατα According To G3588 το That Which G1380 (G5723) δοκουν Seemed Good G846 αυτοις To Them G3811 (G5707) επαιδευον Disciplined; G3588 ο   G1161 δε But He G1909 επι   G3588 το For G4851 (G5723) συμφερον Profit, G1519 εις   G3588 το For " Us " G3335 (G5629) μεταλαβειν To Partake G3588 της   G41 αγιοτητος   G846 αυτου Of His Holiness.
   7 G1519 PREP εις For G3809 N-ASF παιδειαν Chastening G5278 V-PAI-2P υπομενετε Ye Endure G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G2316 N-NSM θεος God G4374 V-PPI-3S προσφερεται Is Treating G5213 P-2DP υμιν You G5613 ADV ως As G5207 N-DPM υιοις With Sons G1063 CONJ γαρ For G5101 I-NSM τις What? G5207 N-NSM υιος Son G2076 V-PXI-3S εστιν Is There G3739 R-ASM ον Whom G3962 N-NSM πατηρ Father G3811 V-PAI-3S παιδευει Chastens G3756 PRT-N ου Not
   8 G1161 CONJ δε And G1487 COND ει If G2075 V-PXI-2P εστε Ye Are G5565 ADV χωρις Without G3809 N-GSF παιδειας Chastening G3739 R-GSF ης Of Which G3956 A-NPM παντες All G1096 V-2RAI-3P γεγονασιν Have Become G3353 A-NPM μετοχοι Participating G686 PRT αρα Then G2075 V-PXI-2P εστε Ye Are G3541 A-NPM νοθοι Bastard G2532 CONJ και And G3756 PRT-N ουχ Not G5207 N-NPM υιοι Sons
   9 G1534 ADV ειτα Besides G3303 PRT μεν Indeed G2192 V-IAI-1P ειχομεν We Have Had G3810 N-APM παιδευτας Chastisers G3588 T-APM τους Thos G3962 N-APM πατερας Fathers G3588 T-GSF της Of Tha G4561 N-GSF σαρκος Flesh G2257 P-1GP ημων Of Us G2532 CONJ και And G1788 V-IMI-1P ενετρεπομεθα We Were Turned Around G5293 V-2FPI-1P υποταγησομεθα Shall We Be Subordinate G3756 PRT-N ου Not G4183 A-DSN πολλω Much G3123 ADV μαλλον More G3588 T-DSM τω To Tho G3962 N-DSM πατρι Father G3588 T-GPN των Of Thes G4151 N-GPN πνευματων Spirits G2532 CONJ και And G2198 V-FAI-1P ζησομεν We Will Live
   10 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G3588 T-NPM οι Thos G3303 PRT μεν Indeed G4314 PREP προς For G3641 A-APF ολιγας Few G2250 N-APF ημερας Days G3811 V-IAI-3P επαιδευον Chastened G2596 PREP κατα According To G3588 T-ASN το The G1380 V-PAP-ASN δοκουν Which Seemed G846 P-DPM αυτοις To Them G1161 CONJ δε But G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G1909 PREP επι For G3588 T-ASN το The G4851 V-PAP-ASN συμφερον Which Is Advantageous G1519 PREP εις In Order G3588 T-ASN το The G3335 V-2AAN μεταλαβειν To Be Partakers G3588 T-GSF της Of Tha G41 N-GSF αγιοτητος Holiness G846 P-GSM αυτου Of Him
  7 G1487 If G5278 [G5719] ye endure G3809 chastening, G2316 God G4374 [G5743] dealeth G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with sons; G1063 for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 [G5748] is he G3739 whom G3962 the father G3811 [G5719] chasteneth G3756 not?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G2075 [G5748] ye are G5565 without G3809 chastisement, G3739 of which G3956 all G1096 [G5754] are G3353 partakers, G686 then G2075 [G5748] are ye G3541 bastards, G2532 and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 G3303 Furthermore G2192 [G5707] we have had G3962 fathers G2257 of our G4561 flesh G3810 who corrected G2532 us, and G1788 [G5710] we gave them reverence: G5293 0 shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 [G5691] be in subjection G3962 to the Father G4151 of spirits, G2532 and G2198 [G5692] live?
  10 G1063 For G3303 they verily G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days G3811 [G5707] chastened G2596 us after G846 their own G1380 [G5723] pleasure; G1161 but G1909 he for G4851 [G5723] our profit, G1519 that G3335 [G5629] we might be partakers G846 of his G41 holiness.
Vulgate(i) 7 in disciplina perseverate tamquam filiis vobis offert Deus quis enim filius quem non corripit pater 8 quod si extra disciplinam estis cuius participes facti sunt omnes ergo adulteri et non filii estis 9 deinde patres quidem carnis nostrae habuimus eruditores et reverebamur non multo magis obtemperabimus Patri spirituum et vivemus 10 et illi quidem in tempore paucorum dierum secundum voluntatem suam erudiebant nos hic autem ad id quod utile est in recipiendo sanctificationem eius
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 7 In disciplina perseverate. Tamquam filiis vobis offert se Deus: quis enim filius, quem non corripit pater? 8 quod si extra disciplinam estis, cujus participes facti sunt omnes: ergo adulteri, et non filii estis. 9 Deinde patres quidem carnis nostræ, eruditores habuimus, et reverebamur eos, non multo magis obtemperabimus Patri spirituum, et vivemus? 10 Et illi quidem in tempore paucorum dierum, secundum voluntatem suam erudiebant nos: hic autem ad id quod utile est in recipiendo sanctificationem ejus.
Wycliffe(i) 7 Abide ye stille in chastising; God proferith hym to you as to sones. For what sone is it, whom the fadir chastisith not? 8 That if ye `ben out of chastising, whos parteneris ben ye alle maad, thanne ye ben auowtreris, and not sones. 9 And aftirward we hadden fadris of oure fleisch, techeris, and we with reuerence dredden hem. Whethir not myche more we schulen obeische to the fadir of spiritis, and we schulen lyue? 10 And thei in tyme of fewe dayes tauyten vs bi her wille; but this fadir techith to that thing that is profitable, in resseyuynge the halewing of hym.
Tyndale(i) 7 Yf ye endure chastninge God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If ye be not vnder correccio (where of all are part takers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Moreover seynge we had fathers of oure flesshe which corrected vs and we gave them reverence: shuld we not moche rather be in subieccion vnto the father of spretuall gyftes that we myght live? 10 And they verely for a feaue dayes nurtred vs after their awne pleasure: but he learneth vs vnto that which is proffitable that we myght receave of his holines.
Coverdale(i) 7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that, whom the father chasteneth not? 8 Yf ye be not vnder correccion (wherof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Morouer seyenge we haue had fathers off oure flesh which corrected vs, & we gaue them reuerence, shulde we not then moch rather be in subieccion vnto ye father of spirituall giftes, yt we mighte lyue? 10 And they verely for a few dayes nurtred vs after their awne pleasure: but he lerneth vs vnto yt which is profitable, that we mighte receaue of his holynes.
MSTC(i) 7 If ye shall endure chastening, God offereth himself unto you, as unto sons. What son is that whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If ye be not under correction — whereof all are partakers — then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Moreover, seeing we had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: should we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spiritual gifts that we might live? 10 And they verily for a few days nurtured us after their own pleasure; but he learneth us unto that which is profitable, that we might receive of his holiness.
Matthew(i) 7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not? 8 Yf ye be not vnder correccyon (whereof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue? 10 And they verely for a few dayes, nurtered vs after their owne pleasure, but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we myght receyue of hys holynes.
Great(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If ye be not vnder correccion (where of all are part takers) then are ye bastardes, and not sonnes. 9 Therfore seyng we haue had fathers of our flesshe which corrected vs, & we gaue them reuerence: shall we not moch rather be in subieccion vnto the father of spirites, & lyue? 10 And they verely for a feaw dayes, nurtred vs after theyr awne pleasure: but he nurteth vs for our profit, to the intent that he maye mynister of his holynes vnto vs.
Geneva(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If therefore ye be without correction, whereof al are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sonnes. 9 Moreouer we haue had the fathers of our bodies which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: should we not much rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirites, that we might liue? 10 For they verely for a few dayes chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but he chasteneth vs for our profite, that we might be partakers of his holinesse.
Bishops(i) 7 If ye endure chastenyng, God offereth him selfe as vnto sonnes: For what sonne is he whom the father chasteneth not 8 But yf ye be without chastisment, wherof all are partakers, then are ye bastardes, and not sonnes 9 Furthermore, we haue had fathers of our fleshe, which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: Shall we not then much rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirites, and lyue 10 For they veryly, for a fewe dayes, chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but he, for our profite, that we myght be partakers of his holynesse
DouayRheims(i) 7 Persevere under discipline. God dealeth with you as with his sons. For what son is there whom the father doth not correct? 8 But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are made partakers, then are you bastards and not sons. 9 Moreover, we have had fathers of our flesh for instructors, and we reverenced them. Shall we not much more obey the Father of spirits and live? 10 And they indeed for a few days, according to their own pleasure, instructed us: but he, for our profit, that we might receive his sanctification.
KJV(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?
  7 G1487 If G5278 ye endure [G5719]   G3809 chastening G2316 , God G4374 dealeth [G5743]   G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with sons G1063 ; for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 is he [G5748]   G3739 whom G3962 the father G3811 chasteneth [G5719]   G3756 not?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G2075 ye be [G5748]   G5565 without G3809 chastisement G3739 , whereof G3956 all G1096 are [G5754]   G3353 partakers G686 , then G2075 are ye [G5748]   G3541 bastards G2532 , and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 Furthermore G3303   G2192 we have had [G5707]   G3962 fathers G2257 of our G4561 flesh G3810 which corrected G2532 us, and G1788 we gave them reverence [G5710]   G5293 : shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 be in subjection [G5691]   G3962 unto the Father G4151 of spirits G2532 , and G2198 live [G5692]  ?
  10 G1063 For G3303 they verily G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days G3811 chastened [G5707]   G2596 us after G846 their own G1380 pleasure [G5723]   G1161 ; but G1909 he for G4851 our profit [G5723]   G1519 , that G3335 we might be partakers [G5629]   G846 of his G41 holiness.
Mace(i) 7 if you are to endure chastisement, God treats you as his children: for where's the son whom his father does not chastise? 8 but if you were exempted from that discipline which others are subject to, then are you bastards, and not sons. 9 when our natural parents corrected us, we gave them reverence: is it not much more reasonable to be in subjection to the father of spirits, in order to have life? 10 their discipline was temporary, and the effect of humour; whereas God chastises us for our advantage, to make us partakers of his holiness.
Whiston(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons: for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, who corrected us, and we gave [them] reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastned us, after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Wesley(i) 7 If ye endure chastning, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he, whom his father chastneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastning, of which all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Moreover we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we reverenced them: Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they, verily, for a few days chastned us as they thought good: but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
Worsley(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God treateth you as sons; for what son is there, whom the father doth not chastise? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Now if we had fathers of our flesh, who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed corrected us for a while, as seemed good to them; but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
Haweis(i) 7 If ye patiently endure correction, God carries himself towards you as his children: for who is the son whom the father doth not correct? 8 If then ye are without correction, of which all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not children. 9 If then we have had the fathers of our flesh for correctors, and reverenced them; shall we not much more be under subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days as seemed proper to themselves corrected us; but he for our own advantage, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Thomson(i) 7 If you endure correction God dealeth with you as sons. For what son is there whom a father doth not correct? 8 Now if you are without correction, of which all are partakers, you are indeed bastards and not sons. 9 Well then: we have had fathers of our flesh who have corrected us, and we have reverenced them; shall we not much more submit ourselves to the father of our spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days corrected us as they thought fit; but he for our advantage, that we may partake of his holiness.
Webster(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons: for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
  7 G1487 If G5278 [G5719] ye endure G3809 chastening G2316 , God G4374 [G5743] dealeth G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with sons G1063 ; for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 [G5748] is he G3739 whom G3962 the father G3811 [G5719] chasteneth G3756 not?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G2075 [G5748] ye are G5565 without G3809 chastisement G3739 , of which G3956 all G1096 [G5754] are G3353 partakers G686 , then G2075 [G5748] are ye G3541 bastards G2532 , and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 G3303 Furthermore G2192 [G5707] we have had G3962 fathers G2257 of our G4561 flesh G3810 who corrected G2532 us, and G1788 [G5710] we gave them reverence G5293 0 : shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 [G5691] be in subjection G3962 to the Father G4151 of spirits G2532 , and G2198 [G5692] live?
  10 G1063 For G3303 they verily G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days G3811 [G5707] chastened G2596 us after G846 their own G1380 [G5723] pleasure G1161 ; but G1909 he for G4851 [G5723] our profit G1519 , that G3335 [G5629] we might be partakers G846 of his G41 holiness.
Living_Oracles(i) 7 If you endure chastisement, God deals with you as his children. For what son is there whom his father does not chastise? 8 But if you be without chastisement, of which all sons are partakers, certainly you are bastards, and not sons. 9 Farther, we have had fathers of our flesh, who chastised us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of our spirits, and live? 10 For they, indeed, during a very few days, chastised us according to their pleasure; but he, for our advantage, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Etheridge(i) 7 Endure, therefore, correction, because Aloha acteth towards you as with children: for who is a son whom his father doth not correct? 8 And if ye be without the correction with which every one is corrected, ye are aliens, and not children. 9 And if (when) the fathers of the flesh have chastised us we have revered them, how much more are we bound to be subject to our spiritual fathers,* that we may live?[* Abothain däruchotho, a very questionable reading.] 10 For they, during a little time, as they willed, chastised us; but Aloha for our advantage, that we might partake of his holiness.
Murdock(i) 7 Therefore endure ye the chastisement; because God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there, whom his father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without that chastisement, with which every one is chastened, ye are become strangers and not sons. 9 And if our fathers of the flesh chastened us, and we revered them, how much more ought we to be submissive to our spiritual fathers, and live? 10 For they chastened us for a short time, according to their pleasure; but God, for our advantage, that we may become partakers of his holiness.
Sawyer(i) 7 If you endure correction, God deals with you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not correct? 8 But if you are without correction of which all are partakers, then you are of foreign birth, and not sons. 9 Moreover, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us and we respected them; shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they for a few days corrected us as seemed good to them, but he for the best, that we may partake of his holiness.
Diaglott(i) 7 If discipline you endure, as with sons with you deals the God; any for is son, whom not disciplines a father? 8 If but without you are discipline, of which partakes have become all, certainly bastards you are and not sons. 9 Then those indeed of the flesh of us fathers we have disciplinarians, and we reverenced; not by much more shall we be submissive to the Father of the spirits, and we shall live? 10 They indeed for for a few days, according to that seeming right to them, disciplined; he but for that being profitable, in order that to partake of the holiness of him.
ABU(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father chastens not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, of which all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we had fathers of our flesh, who chastened us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Anderson(i) 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons: for what son is there whose father chastens him not? 8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are par takers, then are you bastards, and not sons. 9 So, then, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we reverenced them; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of our spirits, and live? 10 For they, indeed, for a few days, chastened us as they thought it good; but he chastens us for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
Noyes(i) 7 It is for chastening that ye endure; God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he, whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, of which all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we were chastened by the fathers of our flesh, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us, according as it seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
YLT(i) 7 if chastening ye endure, as to sons God beareth Himself to you, for who is a son whom a father doth not chasten? 8 and if ye are apart from chastening, of which all have become partakers, then bastards are ye, and not sons. 9 Then, indeed, fathers of our flesh we have had, chastising us, and we were reverencing them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of the spirits, and live? 10 for they, indeed, for a few days, according to what seemed good to them, were chastening, but He for profit, to be partakers of His separation;
JuliaSmith(i) 7 If ye endure correction, God treats you as sons; for who is the son which the father corrects not? 8 And if ye are without correction, of which all are partakers, then are ye spurious, not sons. 9 Since we truly have fathers of our flesh instructors, and we were influenced: shall we not rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and we shall live? 10 For they truly for a few days, according as it seemed to them, corrected; but he for profit, in order to partake in his holiness.
Darby(i) 7 Ye endure for chastening, God conducts himself towards you as towards sons; for who is the son that the father chastens not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, of which all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Moreover we have had the fathers of our flesh as chasteners, and we reverenced [them]; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed chastened for a few days, as seemed good to them; but he for profit, in order to the partaking of his holiness.
ERV(i) 7 It is for chastening that ye endure; God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is there whom [his] father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, whereof all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened [us] as seemed good to them; but he for [our] profit, that [we] may be partakers of his holiness.
ASV(i) 7 It is for chastening that ye endure; God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is there whom [his] father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, whereof all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened [us] as seemed good to them; but he for [our] profit, that [we] may be partakers of his holiness.
  7 G3809 It is for chastening G1487 that G5278 ye endure; G2316 God G4374 dealeth G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with sons; G1063 for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 is there G3739 whom G3962 his father G3811 chasteneth G3756 not?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G1096 ye are G5565 without G3809 chastening, G3739 whereof G3956 all G1096 have been G3353 made partakers, G686 then G2075 are ye G3541 bastards, G2532 and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 Furthermore, G3303   G2192 we had G3962 the fathers G4561 of G2257 our G4561 flesh G3810 to chasten G2532 us, and G1788 we gave G1788 them reverence: G5293 shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 be in subjection unto G3962 the Father G4151 of spirits, G2532 and G2198 live?
  10 G1063 For G3811 they G3303 indeed G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days G3811 chastened G2596 us as seemed G1380 good G846 to them; G1161 but G3588 he G1909 for G4851 our profit, G1519 that G3335 we may be partakers G41 of G846 his G41 holiness.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 7 It is for chastening that ye endure, God dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is there whom his father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye are without chastening, whereof all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed good to them, but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
Rotherham(i) 7 For the sake of discipline, persevere! As towards sons, God, beareth himself, towards you; for who is a son whom a father doth not discipline? 8 If however ye are without discipline, whereof, all, have received a share, then, are ye, bastards, and, not sons. 9 Furthermore, indeed, the fathers of our flesh, we used to have, as administrators of discipline, and we used to pay deference: shall we not, much rather, submit ourselves to the Father of our spirits and, live? 10 For, they, indeed, for a few days, according to that which seemed good to them, were administering discipline; but, he, unto that which is profitable, with view to our partaking of his holiness:
Twentieth_Century(i) 7 It is for your discipline that you have to endure all this. God is dealing with you as his Children. For where is there a child whom his father does not discipline? 8 If you are left without that discipline, in which all children share, it shows that you are bastards, and not true Children. 9 Further, when our earthly fathers disciplined us, we respected them. Shall we not, then, much rather yield submission to the Father of souls, and live? 10 Our fathers disciplined us for only a short time and as seemed best to them; but God disciplines us for our true good, to enable us to share his holiness.
Godbey(i) 7 Endure unto chastisement; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom the father does not chastise? 8 And if you are without chastisement, of which all have been partakers, then are you bastards, and not sons. 9 Then indeed, we had fathers of our flesh who chastised us, and we endured: how much more then shall we submit to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days were accustomed to chastise us according to that which seemed right to them; but he made unto our profit, in order that we might partake his holiness.
WNT(i) 7 The sufferings that you are enduring are for your discipline. God is dealing with you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 And if you are left without discipline, of which every true son has had a share, that shows that you are bastards, and not true sons. 9 Besides this, our earthly fathers used to discipline us and we treated them with respect, and shall we not be still more submissive to the Father of our spirits, and live? 10 It is true that they disciplined us for a few years according as they thought fit; but He does it for our certain good, in order that we may become sharers in His own holy character.
Worrell(i) 7 For chastening endure ye: God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father chastens not? 8 But, if ye are without chastisement, of which all have become partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we used to have the fathers of our flesh as chasteners, and we reverenced them: shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of our spirits, and live? 10 For they, indeed, for a few days were chastening us, according to what seemed good to them; but He for our profit, that we may partake of His holiness.
Moffatt(i) 7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for where is the son who is not disciplined by his father? 8 Discipline is the portion of all; if you get no discipline, then you are not sons but bastards. 9 Why, we had fathers of our flesh to discipline us, and we yielded to them! Shall we not far more submit to the Father of our spirits, and so live? 10 For while their discipline was only for a time, and inflicted at their pleasure, he disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his own holiness.
Goodspeed(i) 7 You must submit to it as discipline. God is dealing with you as his sons. For where is there a son whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you have none of that discipline which all sons undergo, you are illegitimate children, and not true sons. 9 When our earthly fathers disciplined us we treated them with respect; should we not far more submit to the Father of our spirits, and so have life? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time and as they thought proper, but he does it for our good, to make us share his holiness.
Riverside(i) 7 It is for discipline that you are enduring. God is laying it upon you as upon sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, in which all share, then you are bastards and not sons. 9 Besides, we had fathers of our flesh who disciplined us and we used to reverence them. Shall we not much more be submissive to the Father of our spirits and live? 10 For they for a few days disciplined us as seemed good to them, but he for our profit, that we may share his holiness.
MNT(i) 7 It is for discipline that you are enduring these sufferings. God is dealing with you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 If you are left without discipline, in which all children share, then are you bastards and not sons. 9 Furthermore, our earthly fathers used to discipline us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they only disciplined us for a few days, as seemed good to them; but he does it for our profit, that we may share his holiness.
Lamsa(i) 7 Now, therefore, endure discipline, because God acts toward you as towards sons; for where is the son whom the father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, that very discipline by which every man is trained, then you are strangers and not sons. 9 Furthermore if our fathers of the flesh corrected us and we respected them, how much more then should we willingly be under subjection to our Spiritual Father, and live? 10 For they only for a short while, disciplined us as seemed good to them; but God corrects us for our advantage, that we might become partakers of his holiness.
CLV(i) 7 For discipline are you enduring. As to sons is God bringing it to you, for what son is there whom the father is not disciplining? 8 Now if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, consequently you are bastards and not sons." 9 Thereafter, indeed, we had the fathers of our flesh as discipliners, and we respected them. Yet shall we not much rather be subjected to the Father of spirits and be living." 10 For these, indeed, disciplined for a few days as it seemed best to them, yet that One for our expedience, for us to be partaking of His holiness."
Williams(i) 7 You must submit to discipline. God is dealing with you as His sons. For who is the son that his father never disciplines? 8 Now if you are without any discipline, in which all true sons share, you are only illegitimate children and not true sons. 9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we used to treat them with respect; how much more cheerfully should we submit to the Father of our spirits, and live! 10 For they disciplined us only a short time, as it seemed proper to them, but He does it for our good, in order that we may share His holy character.
BBE(i) 7 It is for your training that you undergo these things; God is acting to you as a father does to his sons; for what son does not have punishment from his father? 8 But if you have not that punishment of which we all have our part, then you are not true sons, but children of shame. 9 And again, if the fathers of our flesh gave us punishment and had our respect, how much more will we be under the authority of the Father of spirits, and have life? 10 For they truly gave us punishment for a short time, as it seemed good to them; but he does it for our profit, so that we may become holy as he is.
MKJV(i) 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For truly they chastened us for a few days according to their own pleasure, but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness.
LITV(i) 7 If you endure discipline, God is dealing with you as with sons; for who is the son whom a father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become sharers, then you are bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, indeed we have had fathers of our flesh as correctors, and we respected them . Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits, and we shall live? 10 For they truly disciplined us for a few days according to the thing seeming good to them; but He for our profit, in order for us to partake of His holiness.
ECB(i) 7 If you endure discipline, Elohim offers you as with sons; for what son is there whom the father disciplines not? 8 And if you are apart from discipline, whereof all become partakers, then you are bastards and not sons. 9 So indeed we have fathers of our flesh who discipline us and we respect them: and not much rather subjugate to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed, for a few days, discipline after their well-thinking; but he for our benefit that we partake of his holiness.
AUV(i) 7 [For the suffering] you are enduring [is] for your discipline. God is dealing with you as He does with [His] children, for what child is not disciplined by his father? 8 But if you do not receive [such] discipline, like all of us do, then you are illegitimate children and not true children. 9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them [for it]; should we not much rather submit to the Father of our spirits [i.e., God], so we can live [spiritually]? 10 For our human fathers disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them; but God disciplines us for our [spiritual] good, so that we may share in His holiness.
ACV(i) 7 Because of chastening ye endure; God is treating you as with sons, for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 And if ye are without chastening, of which all have become participants, then ye are bastards, and not sons. 9 Besides, we indeed have had chastisers-the fathers of our flesh-and we were turned around. Shall we not much more be subordinate to the Father of the spirits, and we will live? 10 For those men indeed for a few days chastened us according to that which seemed good to them, but he for that which is advantageous, in order to be partakers of his holiness.
Common(i) 7 It is for discipline that you endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 If you are left without discipline, in which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9 Besides this, we have had fathers of our flesh to discipline us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness.
WEB(i) 7 It is for discipline that you endure. God deals with you as with children, for what son is there whom his father doesn’t discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have been made partakers, then you are illegitimate, and not children. 9 Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed, for a few days, punished us as seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
  7 G3809 It is for discipline G1487 that G5278 you endure. G2316 God G4374 deals G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with children, G1063 for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 is there G3739 whom G3962 his father G3756 doesn't G3811 discipline?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G1096 you are G5565 without G3809 discipline, G3956 of which all G1096 have been G3353 made partakers, G686 then G1096 are G2075 you G3541 illegitimate, G2532 and G3756 not G5207 children.
  9 G1534 Furthermore, G3303   G2192 we had G3962 the fathers G4561 of G2257 our G4561 flesh G3810 to chasten G2532 us, and G1788 we paid G1788 them respect. G5293 Shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 be in subjection to G3962 the Father G4151 of spirits, G2532 and G2198 live?
  10 G1063 For G3811 they G3303 indeed, G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days, G3811 punished G2596 us as seemed G1380 good G846 to them; G1161 but G3588 he G1909 for G4851 our profit, G1519 that G3335 we may be partakers G41 of G846 his G41 holiness.
NHEB(i) 7 If you are enduring discipline, God is dealing with you as children. For what child is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have been made partakers, then you are illegitimate, and not children. 9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we paid them respect. Should we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed, for a few days, disciplined us as seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.
AKJV(i) 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? 8 But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are you bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they truly for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
  7 G1487 If G5278 you endure G3809 chastening, G2316 God G4374 deals G5207 with you as with sons; G5101 for what G5207 son G3739 is he whom G3962 the father G3811 chastens not?
  8 G1487 But if G5565 you be without G3809 chastisement, G3739 whereof G3956 all G3353 are partakers, G686 then G3541 are you bastards, G5207 and not sons.
  9 G1534 Furthermore G2192 we have G2192 had G3962 fathers G4561 of our flesh G3810 which corrected G1788 us, and we gave G1788 them reverence: G4183 shall we not much G3123 rather G5293 be in subjection G3962 to the Father G4151 of spirits, G2198 and live?
  10 G3303 For they truly G3641 for a few G2250 days G3811 chastened G2596 us after G848 their own G3588 pleasure; G1380 G4851 but he for our profit, G3335 that we might be partakers G41 of his holiness.
KJC(i) 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? 8 But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are you bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them respect: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they truthfully for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
KJ2000(i) 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? 8 But if you be without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then are you illegitimate children, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
UKJV(i) 7 If all of you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? 8 But if all of you be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are all of you bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, (o. pneuma) and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
RKJNT(i) 7 You must endure for discipline. God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you are left without discipline, of which all are partakers, then are you are illegitimate children, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had earthly fathers who corrected us, and we gave them respect: shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them; but he disciplines us for our good, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
  7 G1487 If G5278 you endure G3809 chastening, G2316 God G4374 deals G5213 with you G5613 as G5207 with sons; G1063 for G5101 what G5207 son G2076 is he G3739 whom G3962 the father G3811 chastens G3756 not?
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G2075 you are G5565 without G3809 chastisement, G3739 of which G3956 all G1096 are G3353 partakers, G686 then G2075 are you G3541 bastards, G2532 and G3756 not G5207 sons.
  9 G1534 Furthermore G3303   G2192 we have had G3962 fathers G4561 of G2257 our G4561 flesh G3810 which corrected G2532 us, and G1788 we gave G1788 them reverence: G5293 shall we G3756 not G4183 much G3123 rather G5293 be in subjection unto G3962 the Father G4151 of spirits, G2532 and G2198 live?
  10 G1063 For G3811 they G3303 truly G4314 for G3641 a few G2250 days G3811 chastened G2596 us after G846 their own G1380 pleasure; G1161 but G3588 he G1909 for G4851 our profit, G1519 that G3335 we might be partakers G41 of G846 his G41 holiness.
RYLT(i) 7 if chastening you endure, as to sons God bears Himself to you, for who is a son whom a father does not chasten? 8 and if you are apart from chastening, of which all have become partakers, then bastards are you, and not sons. 9 Then, indeed, fathers of our flesh we have had, chastising us, and we were reverencing them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of the spirits, and live? 10 for they, indeed, for a few days, according to what seemed good to them, were chastening, but He for profit, to be partakers of His separation;
EJ2000(i) 7 If ye endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father does not chasten? 8 But if ye are without chastisement, of which all the sons are partakers, then ye are bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; is it not much better to be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and we shall live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us as it seemed good unto them, but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
CAB(i) 7 It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we respected them. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days were disciplining us, as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, in order to partake of His holiness.
WPNT(i) 7 If you are enduring discipline, God is dealing with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline (something everyone undergoes), then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had our human fathers as correctors and respected them. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 Now they indeed disciplined us during a short period as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, so that we may partake of His holiness.
JMNT(i) 7 [So] be constantly enduring (or: You folks are continuing to remain supportively under) with a view to education, discipline and child-training: as to sons is God Himself continuously bringing [it] to you. For who is a son (or: what son is there) whom a father is not disciplining, educating and training? 8 But if you are without education, discipline and training, of which all have become partakers (common participants; partners), accordingly you are really illegitimates (= rabbinic term mamzer: child of a prohibited marriage [Lev. 18], or of uncertain fatherhood) and not sons. 9 Then again, we indeed used to have instructors (educators; teachers of boys; discipliners) – the fathers of our flesh (= human parents) – and we continued being repeatedly turned among [them] (or: turned within and caused to reflect; = we listened to them and obeyed). To a much greater extent, shall we not be continually placed under and humbly arranged and aligned by the Father of the spirits (or: the Progenitor of breath-effects and Mentor of attitudes)? And then we shall proceed living (or: progressively live)! 10 You see, on the one hand, they were instructing (educating; disciplining; child-training) and continued thus toward a few days (= for a little while), according to and in line with that [which] normally was seeming [right] to them (or: was being in line with the opinion [held] by them). Yet on the other hand, upon this [instruction, arrangement and alignment] He is continuously bringing [things; situations] together (progressively collecting unto profitability) – unto this: to mutually partake of His set-apartness (or: to take by the hands together, share and mutually receive from the holiness and sacredness which is Him).
NSB(i) 7 God deals with you like children. Endure discipline (instruction) (training). Who is the child whom a father does not discipline? 8 If you are without discipline, you are illegitimate children, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh that corrected us, and we gave them respect. Shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 They disciplined us for a few days for their own pleasure. He disciplines for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
ISV(i) 7 What you endure disciplines you: God is treating you as sons. Is there a son whom his father does not discipline? 8 Now if you are without any discipline, in which all sons share, then you are illegitimate and not God’s sons. 9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them for it. We should submit even more to the Father of our spirits and live, shouldn’t we? 10 For a short time they disciplined us as they thought best, but God does it for our good, so that we may share in his holiness.
LEB(i) 7 Endure it for discipline. God is dealing with you as sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, in which all legitimate sons* have become participants, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had our earthly fathers* who disciplined us, and we respected them. Will we not much rather subject ourselves to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a few days according to what seemed appropriate to them, but he does so for our benefit, in order that we can have a share in his holiness.
BGB(i) 7 Εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε· ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ Θεός· τίς γὰρ υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ; 8 εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας, ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε. 9 εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ πολὺ [δὲ] μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ Πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ ζήσομεν; 10 Οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον, ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.
BIB(i) 7 Εἰς (As) παιδείαν (discipline) ὑπομένετε (endure), ὡς (as) υἱοῖς (sons) ὑμῖν (you) προσφέρεται (is treating) ὁ (-) Θεός (God); τίς (what) γὰρ (for) υἱὸς (son is there) ὃν (whom) οὐ (not) παιδεύει (disciplines) πατήρ (his father)? 8 εἰ (If) δὲ (however) χωρίς (without) ἐστε (you are) παιδείας (of discipline), ἧς (of which) μέτοχοι (partakers) γεγόνασιν (they have become) πάντες (all), ἄρα (then) νόθοι (illegitimate children) καὶ (and) οὐχ (not) υἱοί (sons) ἐστε (you are). 9 εἶτα (Furthermore) τοὺς (-) μὲν (indeed) τῆς (of the) σαρκὸς (flesh) ἡμῶν (of us) πατέρας (fathers) εἴχομεν (we have had) παιδευτὰς (correctors), καὶ (and) ἐνετρεπόμεθα (we respected them); οὐ (not) πολὺ (much) [δὲ] (and) μᾶλλον (more) ὑποταγησόμεθα (shall we be in subjection) τῷ (to the) Πατρὶ (Father) τῶν (-) πνευμάτων (of spirits), καὶ (and) ζήσομεν (shall live)? 10 Οἱ (-) μὲν (Truly) γὰρ (indeed) πρὸς (for) ὀλίγας (a few) ἡμέρας (days), κατὰ (according to) τὸ (that) δοκοῦν (seeming good) αὐτοῖς (to them), ἐπαίδευον (they were disciplining us); ὁ (-) δὲ (but He) ἐπὶ (for) τὸ (our) συμφέρον (benefitting), εἰς (in order) τὸ (-) μεταλαβεῖν (to share) τῆς (of the) ἁγιότητος (holiness) αὐτοῦ (of Him).
BLB(i) 7 If you endure discipline, God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which they have all become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9 Furthermore indeed, we have had fathers of our flesh, correctors, and we respected them; and shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits and shall live? 10 For truly they were disciplining us for a few days, according to that seeming good to them; but He for our benefitting, in order to share His holiness.
BSB(i) 7 Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9 Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live? 10 Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness.
MSB(i) 7 Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9 Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live? 10 Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness.
MLV(i) 7 It is for disciplining that you endure; God is dealing with you as with sons; for what is the son whom his father is not disciplining? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, consequently, you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Thereafter, we have indeed had the fathers of our flesh as correctors of us, and we were revering them. Will we not much rather be made subject to the Father of spirits and we will live? 10 For they indeed were disciplining us for a few days according to what did seem right to them, but he does it upon what is advantageous for us, that we may receive of his holiness.
VIN(i) 7 Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9 Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live? 10 Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness.
Luther1545(i) 7 So ihr die Züchtigung erduldet, so erbeut sich euch Gott als Kindern; denn wo ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtiget? 8 Seid ihr aber ohne Züchtigung, welcher sie alle sind teilhaftig worden, so seid ihr Bastarde und nicht Kinder. 9 Auch so wir haben unsere leiblichen Väter zu Züchtigern gehabt und sie gescheuet, sollten wir denn nicht viel mehr untertan sein dem geistlichen Vater, daß wir leben? 10 Und jene zwar haben uns gezüchtiget wenige Tage nach ihrem Dünken, dieser aber zu Nutz, auf daß wir seine Heiligung erlangen.
  7 G3739 So ihr die G3809 Züchtigung G5278 erduldet G4374 , so erbeut sich G5213 euch G2316 GOtt G5613 als G1487 Kindern; denn G2076 wo ist G5101 ein Sohn, den G3962 der Vater G3756 nicht züchtiget?
  8 G1096 Seid G2075 ihr G1161 aber G5565 ohne G3809 Züchtigung G3739 , welcher G3956 sie alle G3353 sind teilhaftig G1487 worden, so G2075 seid ihr G3541 Bastarde G2532 und G3756 nicht Kinder.
  9 G2532 Auch G2532 so G2192 wir haben G2257 unsere G4561 leiblichen G3962 Väter G3810 zu Züchtigern G3303 gehabt und G3756 sie gescheuet, sollten wir denn nicht G4183 viel G3123 mehr G5293 untertan G5293 sein G4151 dem geistlichen G3962 Vater G2198 , daß wir leben ?
  10 G1063 Und G3303 jene zwar G3641 haben uns gezüchtiget wenige G2250 Tage G2596 nach G1380 ihrem Dünken G1161 , dieser aber G4314 zu G4851 Nutz G1909 , auf G1519 daß G846 wir seine G41 Heiligung G3335 erlangen .
Luther1912(i) 7 So ihr die Züchtigung erduldet, so erbietet sich euch Gott als Kindern; denn wo ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtigt? 8 Seid ihr aber ohne Züchtigung, welcher sind alle teilhaftig geworden, so seid ihr Bastarde und nicht Kinder. 9 Und so wir haben unsre leiblichen Väter zu Züchtigern gehabt und sie gescheut, sollten wir denn nicht viel mehr untertan sein dem Vater der Geister, daß wir leben? 10 Denn jene haben uns gezüchtigt wenig Tage nach ihrem Dünken, dieser aber zu Nutz, auf daß wir seine Heiligung erlangen.
  7 G1487 So G5278 ihr G3809 die Züchtigung G5278 erduldet G4374 , so erbietet G5213 sich euch G2316 Gott G5613 als G5207 Kindern G1063 ; denn G5101 wo G2076 ist G5207 ein Sohn G3739 , den G3962 der Vater G3756 nicht G3811 züchtigt ?
  8 G1487 Seid G2075 ihr G1161 aber G5565 ohne G3809 Züchtigung G3739 , welcher G3956 sie alle G1096 sind G3353 teilhaftig G686 geworden, so G2075 seid ihr G3541 Bastarde G2532 und G3756 nicht G5207 Kinder .
  9 G1534 G3303 Und G2192 so wir haben G2257 unsre G4561 leiblichen G3962 Väter G3810 zu Züchtigern G2532 gehabt und G1788 sie gescheut G5293 , sollten G3756 wir denn nicht G4183 viel G3123 mehr G5293 untertan G3962 sein dem Vater G4151 der Geister G2532 , daß G2198 wir leben ?
  10 G1063 Denn G3303 jene G3811 haben uns gezüchtigt G3641 G4314 wenig G2250 Tage G2596 nach G846 ihrem G1380 Dünken G1161 , dieser aber G1909 zu G4851 Nutz G1519 , auf daß G3335 wir G846 seine G41 Heiligung G3335 erlangen .
ELB1871(i) 7 Was ihr erduldet, ist zur Züchtigung: Gott handelt mit euch als mit Söhnen; denn wer ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtigt? 8 Wenn ihr aber ohne Züchtigung seid, welcher alle teilhaftig geworden sind, so seid ihr denn Bastarde und nicht Söhne. 9 Zudem hatten wir auch unsere Väter nach dem Fleische zu Züchtigern und scheuten sie; sollen wir nicht viel mehr dem Vater der Geister unterwürfig sein und leben? 10 Denn jene freilich züchtigten uns für wenige Tage nach ihrem Gutdünken, er aber zum Nutzen, damit wir seiner Heiligkeit teilhaftig werden.
  7 G1487 Was G5278 ihr erduldet, G3809 ist zur Züchtigung: G2316 Gott G4374 handelt G5213 mit euch G5613 als G5207 mit Söhnen; G1063 denn G5101 wer G2076 ist G5207 ein Sohn, G3739 den G3962 der Vater G3756 nicht G3811 züchtigt?
  8 G1487 Wenn G1161 ihr aber G5565 ohne G3809 Züchtigung G2075 seid, G3739 welcher G3956 alle G3353 teilhaftig G1096 geworden G2075 sind, so seid G686 ihr denn G3541 Bastarde G2532 und G3756 nicht G5207 Söhne.
  9 G1534 Zudem G2192 hatten G3303 wir auch G2257 unsere G3962 Väter G4561 nach dem Fleische G3810 zu Züchtigern G2532 und G1788 scheuten G5293 sie; sollen G3756 wir nicht G4183 viel G3123 mehr G3962 dem Vater G4151 der Geister G5293 unterwürfig G2532 sein und G2198 leben?
  10 G1063 Denn G3303 jene freilich G3811 züchtigten G4314 uns für G3641 wenige G2250 Tage G2596 nach G846 ihrem G1380 Gutdünken, G1161 er aber G1909 zum G4851 Nutzen, G1519 damit G846 wir seiner G41 Heiligkeit G3335 teilhaftig werden.
ELB1905(i) 7 Was ihr erduldet, ist zur Züchtigung: dh. geht nicht aus Zorn von seiten Gottes hervor Gott handelt mit euch als mit Söhnen; denn wer ist ein Sohn, den der Vater nicht züchtigt? 8 Wenn ihr aber ohne Züchtigung seid, welcher alle teilhaftig geworden sind, so seid ihr denn Bastarde und nicht Söhne. 9 Zudem hatten wir auch unsere Väter nach dem Fleische W. die Väter unseres Fleisches zu Züchtigern und scheuten sie; sollen wir nicht viel mehr dem Vater der Geister unterwürfig sein und leben? 10 Denn jene freilich züchtigten uns für wenige Tage nach ihrem Gutdünken, er aber zum Nutzen, damit wir seiner Heiligkeit teilhaftig werden.
  7 G1487 Was G5278 ihr erduldet G3809 , ist zur Züchtigung G2316 : Gott G4374 handelt G5213 mit euch G5613 als G5207 mit Söhnen G1063 ; denn G5101 wer G2076 ist G5207 ein Sohn G3739 , den G3962 der Vater G3756 nicht G3811 züchtigt ?
  8 G1487 Wenn G1161 ihr aber G5565 ohne G3809 Züchtigung G2075 seid G3739 , welcher G3956 alle G3353 teilhaftig G1096 geworden G2075 sind, so seid G686 ihr denn G3541 Bastarde G2532 und G3756 nicht G5207 Söhne .
  9 G1534 Zudem G2192 hatten G3303 wir auch G2257 unsere G3962 Väter G4561 nach dem Fleische G3810 zu Züchtigern G2532 und G1788 scheuten G5293 sie; sollen G3756 wir nicht G4183 viel G3123 mehr G3962 dem Vater G4151 der Geister G5293 unterwürfig G2532 sein und G2198 leben ?
  10 G1063 Denn G3303 jene freilich G3811 züchtigten G4314 uns für G3641 wenige G2250 Tage G2596 nach G846 ihrem G1380 Gutdünken G1161 , er aber G1909 zum G4851 Nutzen G1519 , damit G846 wir seiner G41 Heiligkeit G3335 teilhaftig werden.
DSV(i) 7 Indien gij de kastijding verdraagt, zo gedraagt Zich God jegens u als zonen; (want wat zoon is er, dien de vader niet kastijdt?) 8 Maar indien gij zonder kastijding zijt, welke allen deelachtig zijn geworden, zo zijt gij dan bastaarden, en niet zonen. 9 Voorts, wij hebben de vaders onzes vleses wel tot kastijders gehad, en wij ontzagen hen; zullen wij dan niet veel meer den Vader der geesten onderworpen zijn, en leven? 10 Want genen hebben ons wel voor een korten tijd, naar dat het hun goed dacht, gekastijd; maar Deze kastijdt ons tot ons nut, opdat wij Zijner heiligheid zouden deelachtig worden.
  7 G1487 Indien G3809 gij de kastijding G5278 G5719 verdraagt G4374 G5743 , zo gedraagt Zich G2316 God G5213 jegens u G5613 als G5207 zonen G1063 ; (want G5101 wat G5207 zoon G2076 G5748 is er G3739 , dien G3962 de vader G3756 niet G3811 G5719 kastijdt?)
  8 G1161 Maar G1487 indien G5565 gij zonder G3809 kastijding G2075 G5748 zijt G3739 , welke G3956 allen G3353 deelachtig G1096 G5754 zijn geworden G686 , zo G2075 G5748 zijt gij G3541 dan bastaarden G2532 , en G3756 niet G5207 zonen.
  9 G1534 Voorts G3962 , wij hebben de vaders G2257 onzes G4561 vleses G3303 wel G3810 tot kastijders G2192 G5707 gehad G2532 , en G1788 G5710 wij ontzagen G3756 hen; zullen wij [dan] niet G4183 veel G3123 meer G3962 den Vader G4151 der geesten G5293 G5691 onderworpen zijn G2532 , en G2198 G5692 leven?
  10 G1063 Want G3303 genen hebben [ons] wel G4314 voor G3641 een korten G2250 tijd G2596 , naar G846 dat het hun G1380 G5723 goed dacht G3811 G5707 , gekastijd G1161 ; maar G4851 G Deze kastijdt G1909 [ons] tot G4851 G5723 [ons] nut G1519 , opdat G846 wij Zijner G41 heiligheid G3335 G5629 zouden deelachtig worden.
DarbyFR(i) 7 Vous endurez des peines comme discipline: Dieu agit envers vous comme envers des fils, car qui est le fils que le père ne discipline pas? 8 Mais si vous êtes sans la discipline à laquelle tous participent, alors vous êtes des bâtards et non pas des fils. 9 De plus, nous avons eu les pères de notre chair pour nous discipliner, et nous les avons respectés; ne serons-nous pas beaucoup plutôt soumis au Père des esprits, et nous vivrons? 10 Car ceux-là disciplinaient pendant peu de jours, selon qu'ils le trouvaient bon; mais celui-ci nous discipline pour notre profit, afin que nous participions à sa sainteté.
Martin(i) 7 Si vous endurez le châtiment, Dieu se présente à vous comme à ses enfants : car qui est l'enfant que le père ne châtie point ? 8 Mais si vous êtes sans châtiment auquel tous participent, vous êtes donc des enfants supposés, et non pas légitimes. 9 Et puisque nos pères selon la chair nous ont châtiés et que malgré cela nous les avons respectés; ne serons-nous pas beaucoup plus soumis au Père des esprits ? et nous vivrons. 10 Car par rapport à ceux-là, ils nous châtiaient pour un peu de temps, suivant leur volonté; mais celui-ci nous châtie pour notre profit, afin que nous soyons participants de sa sainteté.
Segond(i) 7 Supportez le châtiment: c'est comme des fils que Dieu vous traite; car quel est le fils qu'un père ne châtie pas? 8 Mais si vous êtes exempts du châtiment auquel tous ont part, vous êtes donc des enfants illégitimes, et non des fils. 9 D'ailleurs, puisque nos pères selon la chair nous ont châtiés, et que nous les avons respectés, ne devons-nous pas à bien plus forte raison nous soumettre au Père des esprits, pour avoir la vie? 10 Nos pères nous châtiaient pour peu de jours, comme ils le trouvaient bon; mais Dieu nous châtie pour notre bien, afin que nous participions à sa sainteté.
  7 G1487   G5278 Supportez G5719   G3809 le châtiment G5613  : c’est comme G5207 des fils G2316 que Dieu G5213 vous G4374 traite G5743   G1063  ; car G5101 quel G2076 est G5748   G5207 le fils G3739 qu’un G3962 père G3811 ne châtie G5719   G3756 pas ?
  8 G1161 Mais G1487 si G2075 vous êtes G5748   G5565 exempts G3809 du châtiment G3739 auquel G3956 tous G1096 ont G5754   G3353 part G2075 , vous êtes G5748   G686 donc G3541 des enfants illégitimes G2532 , et G3756 non G5207 des fils.
  9 G1534 D’ailleurs G3303 , puisque G2192   G5707   G3962 nos pères G2257 selon la G4561 chair G3810 nous ont châtiés G2532 , et G1788 que nous les avons respectés G5710   G3756 , ne devons-nous pas G4183 à bien G3123 plus forte raison G5293 nous soumettre G5691   G3962 au Père G4151 des esprits G2532 , G2198 pour avoir la vie G5692   ?
  10 G1063   G3303 Nos pères G3811 nous châtiaient G5707   G4314 pour G3641 peu G2250 de jours G2596 , comme G846 ils le trouvaient bon G1380   G5723   G1161  ; mais G1909 Dieu nous châtie pour G4851 notre bien G5723   G1519 , afin que G3335 nous participions G5629   G846 à sa G41 sainteté.
SE(i) 7 Si sufrís el castigo, Dios se os presenta como a hijos, porque ¿qué hijo es aquel a quien el padre no castiga? 8 Mas si estáis fuera del castigo, del cual todos los hijos han sido hechos participantes, luego adulterinos sois y no hijos. 9 Además, tuvimos por castigadores a los padres de nuestra carne, y los reverenciábamos: ¿por qué no obedeceremos mucho mejor al Padre de los espíritus, y viviremos? 10 Y aquellos, a la verdad, por pocos días nos castigaban como a ellos les parecía; mas éste para lo que nos es provechoso, es a saber, para que recibamos su santificación.
ReinaValera(i) 7 Si sufrís el castigo, Dios se os presenta como á hijos; porque ¿qué hijo es aquel á quien el padre no castiga? 8 Mas si estáis fuera del castigo, del cual todos han sido hechos participantes, luego sois bastardos, y no hijos. 9 Por otra parte, tuvimos por castigadores á los padres de nuestra carne, y los reverenciábamos, ¿por qué no obedeceremos mucho mejor al Padre de los espíritus, y viviremos? 10 Y aquéllos, á la verdad, por pocos días nos castigaban como á ellos les parecía, mas éste para lo que nos es provechoso, para que recibamos su santificación.
JBS(i) 7 Si sufrís el castigo, Dios se os presenta como a hijos, porque ¿qué hijo es aquel a quien el padre no castiga? 8 Mas si estáis fuera del castigo, del cual todos los hijos han sido hechos participantes, luego adulterinos sois y no hijos. 9 Además, tuvimos por castigadores a los padres de nuestra carne, y los reverenciábamos: ¿por qué no seamos sujetos mucho mejor al Padre de los espíritus, y viviremos? 10 Y aquellos, a la verdad, por pocos días nos castigaban como a ellos les parecía; mas éste para lo que nos es provechoso, es a saber, para que recibamos su santificación.
Albanian(i) 7 Pastaj etërit tanë sipas mishit i patëm për të na ndrequr dhe i nderonim ata; a nuk do t'i nënshtrohemi edhe më tepër Atit të shpirtrave, për të jetuar? 8 Sepse ata na ndreqën për pak ditë, ashtu siç u dukej më mirë, kurse ai na ndreq për të mirën tonë që të bëhemi pjestarë të shenjtërisë së tij. 9 Çdo ndreqje, pra, aty për aty, nuk duket se sjell gëzim, po hidhërim; por më pas u jep një fryt drejtësie atyre që janë ushtruar me anë të tij. 10 Prandaj forconi duart e kapitura dhe gjunjët e këputur,
RST(i) 7 Если вы терпите наказание, то Бог поступает с вами, как с сынами. Ибо есть ли какой сын, которого бы не наказывал отец? 8 Если же остаетесь без наказания, которое всем обще,то вы незаконные дети, а не сыны. 9 Притом, если мы, будучи наказываемы плотскими родителями нашими, боялись их, то не гораздо ли более должны покориться Отцу духов, чтобы жить? 10 Те наказывали нас по своему произволу для немногихдней; а Сей – для пользы, чтобы нам иметь участие в святости Его.
Peshitta(i) 7 ܤܝܒܪܘ ܗܟܝܠ ܡܪܕܘܬܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܝܟ ܕܠܘܬ ܒܢܝܐ ܤܥܪ ܨܐܕܝܟܘܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܐܝܢܘ ܓܝܪ ܒܪܐ ܕܠܐ ܪܕܐ ܠܗ ܐܒܘܗܝ ܀ 8 ܘܐܢ ܕܠܐ ܡܪܕܘܬܐ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܗܝ ܕܒܗ ܡܬܪܕܐ ܟܠܢܫ ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܢܘܟܪܝܐ ܘܠܐ ܒܢܝܐ ܀ 9 ܘܐܢ ܐܒܗܝܢ ܕܒܤܪܐ ܪܕܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܢ ܘܒܗܬܝܢ ܗܘܝܢ ܡܢܗܘܢ ܟܡܐ ܗܟܝܠ ܚܝܒܝܢܢ ܕܢܫܬܥܒܕ ܠܐܒܘܗܝܢ ܕܪܘܚܬܐ ܘܢܚܐ ܀ 10 ܗܢܘܢ ܓܝܪ ܠܙܒܢ ܗܘ ܙܥܘܪ ܐܝܟ ܕܨܒܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܪܕܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܠܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܥܘܕܪܢܢ ܕܢܫܬܘܬܦ ܠܩܕܝܫܘܬܗ ܀
Arabic(i) 7 ان كنتم تحتملون التأديب يعاملكم الله كالبنين. فاي ابن لا يؤدبه ابوه. 8 ولكن ان كنتم بلا تأديب قد صار الجميع شركاء فيه فانتم نغول لا بنون. 9 ثم قد كان لنا آباء اجسادنا مؤدبين وكنا نهابهم. أفلا نخضع بالأولى جدا لأبي الارواح فنحيا. 10 لان اولئك أدبونا اياما قليلة حسب استحسانهم. واما هذا فلاجل المنفعة لكي نشترك في قداسته.
Amharic(i) 7 ለመቀጣት ታገሡ፤ እግዚአብሔር እንደ ልጆች ያደርግላችኋልና፤ አባቱ የማይቀጣው ልጅ ማን ነው? 8 ነገር ግን ሁሉ የቅጣት ተካፋይ ሆኖአልና ያለ ቅጣት ብትኖሩ ዲቃላዎች እንጂ ልጆች አይደላችሁም። 9 ከዚህም በላይ የቀጡን የሥጋችን አባቶች ነበሩን እናፍራቸውም ነበር፤ እንዴትስ ይልቅ ለመናፍስት አባት አብልጠን ልንገዛና በሕይወት ልንኖር በተገባን? 10 እነርሱ መልካም ሆኖ እንደ ታያቸው ለጥቂት ቀን ይቀጡን ነበርና፥ እርሱ ግን ከቅድስናው እንድንካፈል ለጥቅማችን ይቀጣናል።
Armenian(i) 7 Եթէ տոկաք պատիժի, Աստուած կը վերաբերի ձեզի հետ՝ իբր որդիներ. քանի որ ո՞վ է այն որդին՝ որուն հայրը չի պատժեր զինք: 8 Իսկ եթէ ըլլաք առանց պատիժի՝ որուն բոլորը բաժնեկից են, ուրեմն ապօրինի զաւակ էք, եւ ո՛չ թէ հարազատ որդի: 9 Յետոյ՝ երբ մեր մարմնաւոր հայրերը կը պատժէին մեզ, կը պատկառէինք անոնցմէ. շա՛տ աւելի պիտի չհպատակի՞նք հոգիներուն Հօր՝ որ ապրինք: 10 Արդարեւ անոնք քիչ օրեր կը պատժէին մեզ՝ իրենց դատումին համաձայն. բայց Աստուած՝ մեր օգուտին համար, որպէսզի բաժին ստանանք իր սրբութենէն:
Basque(i) 7 Baldin gaztigamenduric suffritzen baduçue, Iaincoa bere haourrey anço presentatzen çaiçue: ecen cein da haourra aitác gaztigatzen eztuena? 8 Bada baldin gaztigamendu gabe baçarete, ceinetan participant baitirade guciac, beraz bastard çarete eta ez seme. 9 Eta gure gorputzén aitác gaztigari vkan ditugu, eta reuerentiatan eduqui ditugu: ezgaitzaitza spirituén Aitari vnguiz suietago içanen, eta vicico baicara? 10 Ecen hec egun gutitacotz, berey irudi çayen beçala, gaztigatzen guentuztén: baina hunec gure probetchutan, haren saindutassunean participant garençát.
Bulgarian(i) 7 Ако търпите наказание, Бог постъпва с вас като със синове, защото кой е този син, когото баща му не наказва? 8 Но ако сте без наказание, в което всички участват, тогава сте незаконородени деца, а не синове. 9 Освен това, имали сме бащи по плът, които са ни наказвали, и ние сме ги почитали; не трябва ли много повече да се покоряваме на Отца на духовете и да живеем? 10 Защото те са ни наказвали за кратко време, както са смятали за добре; а Той – за наша полза, за да бъдем участници в Неговата святост.
Croatian(i) 7 Poradi vašega odgajanja trpite. Bog s vama postupa kao sa sinovima: a ima li koji sin kojega otac stegom ne odgaja? 8 Pa ako niste pod stegom, na kojoj su svi imali udjela, onda ste kopilad, a ne djeca. 9 Zatim, tjelesne smo oce imali odgojiteljima i poštovali ih. Pa nećemo li se kudikamo više podlagati Ocu duhova te živjeti? 10 Oni su nas doista nešto malo dana stegom odgajali kako se njima činilo, a On - nama na korist, da postanemo sudionici njegove svetosti.
BKR(i) 7 Jestliže kázeň snášíte, Bůh se vám podává jakožto synům. Nebo který jest syn, jehož by netrestal otec? 8 Pakli jste bez kázně, kteréžto všickni synové účastni jsou, tedy jste cizoložňata, a ne synové. 9 Ano tělesné otce naše měli jsme, kteříž nás trestali, a měli jsme je u vážnosti; i zdaliž nemáme mnohem více poddáni býti Otci duchů, abychom živi byli? 10 A onino zajisté po nemnohé dny, jakž se jim vidělo, trestali, ale tento v věcech přeužitečných, totiž k tomu, abychom došli účastnosti svatosti jeho.
Danish(i) 7 Dersom I lider Revselse, handler Gud med Eder, som med Børn; thi hvo er den Søn, som Faderen ikke revser? 8 Men dersom I ere uden Revselse, i hvilken Alle ere blevne deelagtige, da ere I uægte og ikke Børn. 9 Have vi tilmed havt vore kjødelige Fædre til Optugtere og bevaret Frygt for dem, skulde vi da ikke meget mere være Aandernes Fader underdanige og leve? 10 Thi hine revsede os for faa Dage efter deres Tykke, men han revser os til Nytte, paa det vi skulle blive deelagtige i hans Hellighed.
CUV(i) 7 你 們 所 忍 受 的 , 是 神 管 教 你 們 , 待 你 們 如 同 待 兒 子 。 焉 有 兒 子 不 被 父 親 管 教 的 呢 ? 8 管 教 原 是 眾 子 所 共 受 的 , 你 們 若 不 受 管 教 , 就 是 私 子 , 不 是 兒 子 了 。 9 再 者 , 我 們 曾 有 生 身 的 父 管 教 我 們 , 我 們 尚 且 敬 重 他 , 何 況 萬 靈 的 父 , 我 們 豈 不 更 當 順 服 他 得 生 麼 ? 10 生 身 的 父 都 是 暫 隨 己 意 管 教 我 們 ; 唯 有 萬 靈 的 父 管 教 我 們 , 是 要 我 們 得 益 處 , 使 我 們 在 他 的 聖 潔 上 有 分 。
  7 G1487 你們所 G5278 忍受的 G2316 ,是神 G3809 管教 G4374 你們,待 G5213 你們 G5613 如同 G5207 待兒子 G5101 。焉 G1063 G5207 兒子 G3756 G2076 G3962 父親 G3811 管教的呢?
  8 G3739 管教原是 G3956 眾子 G3353 所共 G1096 受的 G1487 ,你們若 G5565 G2075 G3809 管教 G686 ,就 G2075 G3541 私子 G3756 ,不 G5207 是兒子了。
  9 G1534 G3303 再者 G2257 ,我們 G2192 曾有 G4561 生身 G3962 的父 G3810 管教 G2532 我們,我們尚且 G1788 敬重 G4151 他,何況萬靈 G3962 的父 G3756 ,我們豈不 G4183 G3123 G5293 順服 G2532 他得 G2198 生麼?
  10 G3303 生身的父都 G4314 G3641 G2250 G2596 G846 G1380 G3811 管教 G1161 我們;唯有萬靈的父管教我們,是 G1909 G4851 我們得益處 G1519 ,使 G846 我們在他的 G41 聖潔 G3335 上有分。
CUVS(i) 7 你 们 所 忍 受 的 , 是 神 管 教 你 们 , 待 你 们 如 同 待 儿 子 。 焉 冇 儿 子 不 被 父 亲 管 教 的 呢 ? 8 管 教 原 是 众 子 所 共 受 的 , 你 们 若 不 受 管 教 , 就 是 私 子 , 不 是 儿 子 了 。 9 再 者 , 我 们 曾 冇 生 身 的 父 管 教 我 们 , 我 们 尚 且 敬 重 他 , 何 况 万 灵 的 父 , 我 们 岂 不 更 当 顺 服 他 得 生 么 ? 10 生 身 的 父 都 是 暂 随 己 意 管 教 我 们 ; 唯 冇 万 灵 的 父 管 教 我 们 , 是 要 我 们 得 益 处 , 使 我 们 在 他 的 圣 洁 上 冇 分 。
  7 G1487 你们所 G5278 忍受的 G2316 ,是神 G3809 管教 G4374 你们,待 G5213 你们 G5613 如同 G5207 待儿子 G5101 。焉 G1063 G5207 儿子 G3756 G2076 G3962 父亲 G3811 管教的呢?
  8 G3739 管教原是 G3956 众子 G3353 所共 G1096 受的 G1487 ,你们若 G5565 G2075 G3809 管教 G686 ,就 G2075 G3541 私子 G3756 ,不 G5207 是儿子了。
  9 G1534 G3303 再者 G2257 ,我们 G2192 曾有 G4561 生身 G3962 的父 G3810 管教 G2532 我们,我们尚且 G1788 敬重 G4151 他,何况万灵 G3962 的父 G3756 ,我们岂不 G4183 G3123 G5293 顺服 G2532 他得 G2198 生么?
  10 G3303 生身的父都 G4314 G3641 G2250 G2596 G846 G1380 G3811 管教 G1161 我们;唯有万灵的父管教我们,是 G1909 G4851 我们得益处 G1519 ,使 G846 我们在他的 G41 圣洁 G3335 上有分。
Esperanto(i) 7 Se vi suferas punon, kiel al filoj Dio rilatigxas al vi; cxar kia filo estas, kiun la patro ne punas? 8 Sed se vi estas sen puno, en kiu cxiuj farigxas partoprenantoj, tiuokaze vi estas bastardoj, kaj ne filoj. 9 Cetere ni havis patrojn de nia karno, kiuj nin punis, kaj ni respektis ilin; cxu ni ne multe pli submetigxu al la Patro de la spiritoj, kaj vivu? 10 CXar ili ja dum kelke da tagoj laux sia volo punis; sed Li, por utilo, por ke ni partoprenu en Lia sankteco.
Estonian(i) 7 Taluge karistust kasvatuseks: Jumal kohtleb teid kui poegi; sest milline poeg on see, keda isa ei karista? 8 Ent kui te olete ilma karistuseta, millest kõik on osa saanud, siis te olete värdjad ja mitte pojad. 9 Pealegi on meile meie lihased isad olnud karistajaiks ja me oleme neid kartnud; kas me palju enam ei tahaks alistuda vaimude Isale ning elada? 10 Sest nemad on küll meid mõnd päeva oma heaksarvamist mööda karistanud, aga Tema karistab meid tõesti selle hea otstarbega, et me saaksime osa Tema pühadusest.
Finnish(i) 7 Jos te kurituksen kärsitte, niin Jumala taritsee itsensä teille niinkuin lapsillensa; sillä kuka on se poika, jota ei isä kurita? 8 Mutta jos te olette ilman kuritusta, josta kaikki ovat osalliset olleet, niin te olette äpärät ja ette lapset. 9 Ja kuin meillä ovat lihalliset isät olleet kurittajana, niin me olemme niitä kavahtaneet: eikö meidän siis paljoa enemmin pidä hengelliselle Isälle alamaiset oleman, että me eläisimme? 10 Sillä ne tosin ovat meitä kurittaneet harvoina päivinä luulonsa jälkeen; mutta tämä meidän tarpeeksemme, että me hänen pyhyytensä saisimme.
FinnishPR(i) 7 Kuritukseksenne te kärsitte; Jumala kohtelee teitä niinkuin lapsia. Sillä mikä on se lapsi, jota isä ei kurita? 8 Mutta jos te olette ilman kuritusta, josta kaikki ovat osallisiksi tulleet, silloinhan te olette äpäriä ettekä lapsia. 9 Ja vielä: meillä oli ruumiilliset isämme kurittajina, ja heitä me kavahdimme; emmekö paljoa ennemmin olisi alamaiset henkien Isälle, että eläisimme? 10 Sillä nuo kurittivat meitä vain muutamia päiviä varten, oman ymmärryksensä mukaan, mutta tämä kurittaa meitä tosi parhaaksemme, että me pääsisimme osallisiksi hänen pyhyydestään.
Haitian(i) 7 Enben, sipòte soufrans sa yo tankou si se papa nou k'ap peni nou. Paske soufrans sa yo se prèv Bondye konsidere nou pou pitit li. Nou janm tande yon papa ki pa janm peni pitit li? 8 Si Bondye pa peni nou tankou tout papa peni pitit yo, sa vle di nou pa pitit lejitim Bondye tout bon, nou se pitit deyò. 9 Chonje sa papa nou sou latè a konn fè. Yo peni nou. Malgre sa, nou toujou respekte yo. Nou pa bezwen mande jan nou dwe soumèt devan Papa nou ki nan syèl la, si nou bezwen viv. 10 Papa nou sou latè a te konn peni nou pou yon ti tan, dapre sa yo te kwè ki te bon. Men, Bondye peni nou pou byen pa nou menm, pou nou ka rive viv menm jan l'ap viv la.
Hungarian(i) 7 Ha a fenyítést elszenveditek, akkor veletek úgy bánik az Isten, mint fiaival; mert melyik fiú az, a kit meg nem fenyít az apa? 8 Ha pedig fenyítés nélkül valók vagytok, melyben mindenek részesültek, korcsok vagytok és nem fiak. 9 Aztán, a mi testi apáink fenyítettek minket és becsültük õket; avagy nem sokkal inkább engedelmeskedünk-é a lelkek Atyjának, és élünk! 10 Mert ám azok kevés ideig, tetszésök szerint fenyítettek; õ pedig javunkra, hogy szentségében részesüljünk.
Indonesian(i) 7 Hendaklah kalian menerima cambukan dari Allah sebagai suatu hajaran dari seorang bapak. Sebab apakah pernah seorang anak tidak dihukum oleh bapaknya? 8 Kalau kalian tidak turut dihukum seperti semua anaknya yang lain ini berarti kalian bukan anak sah, melainkan anak yang tidak sah. 9 Kita mempunyai bapak di dunia. Ia mengajar kita, dan kita menghormatinya. Nah, apalagi terhadap Bapa rohani kita yang di surga, tentu kita harus lebih lagi tunduk kepada-Nya supaya kita hidup. 10 Orang tua kita yang di dunia mengajar kita hanya dalam waktu yang terbatas, menurut apa yang mereka merasa baik. Tetapi Allah mengajar kita untuk kebaikan kita sendiri, supaya kita dapat menjadi suci bersama-sama dengan Dia.
Italian(i) 7 Se voi sostenete il castigamento, Iddio si presenta a voi come a figliuoli; perciocchè, quale è il figliuolo, che il padre non castighi? 8 Che se siete senza castigamento, del qual tutti hanno avuta la parte loro, voi siete dunque bastardi, e non figliuoli. 9 Oltre a ciò, ben abbiamo avuti per castigatori i padri della nostra carne, e pur li abbiam riveriti; non ci sottoporremo noi molto più al Padre degli spiriti, e viveremo? 10 Poichè quelli, per pochi giorni, come parea loro, ci castigavano; ma questo ci castiga per util nostro, acciocchè siamo partecipi della sua santità.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 7 E’ a scopo di disciplina che avete a sopportar queste cose. Iddio vi tratta come figliuoli; poiché qual è il figliuolo che il padre non corregga? 8 Che se siete senza quella disciplina della quale tutti hanno avuto la loro parte, siete dunque bastardi, e non figliuoli. 9 Inoltre, abbiamo avuto per correttori i padri della nostra carne, eppur li abbiamo riveriti; non ci sottoporremo noi molto più al Padre degli spiriti per aver vita? 10 Quelli, infatti, per pochi giorni, come parea loro, ci correggevano; ma Egli lo fa per l’util nostro, affinché siamo partecipi della sua santità.
Japanese(i) 7 汝らの忍ぶは懲戒の爲なり、神は汝らを子のごとく待ひたまふ、誰か父の懲しめぬ子あらんや。 8 凡ての人の受くる懲戒、もし汝らに無くば、それは私生兒にして眞の子にあらず、 9 また我らの肉體の父は、我らを懲しめし者なるに尚これを敬へり、況して靈魂の父に服ひて生くることを爲ざらんや。 10 そは肉體の父は暫くの間その心のままに懲しむることを爲しが、靈魂の父は我らを益するために、その聖潔に與らせんとて懲しめ給へばなり。
Kabyle(i) 7 Qeblet leɛtab, imi Sidi Ṛebbi iḥseb-ikkun d arraw-is; axaṭeṛ ulac argaz ur nețqassa ara mmi-s; 8 lameɛna ma yella tmenɛem i tiyita-agi i gețḥazen imdanen meṛṛa, atan ihi ur tellim ara d dderya n leḥlal, meɛna tețțusemmam d arraw n leḥṛam. 9 Imi ibabaten-nneɣ i ɣ-d-isɛan țțaken-aɣ tiyita yerna nqudeṛ-iten, amek ur nețqadaṛ ara Ṛebbi yellan d Baba-tneɣ s Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen, iwakken a nesɛu tudert ? 10 Imawlan-nneɣ țṛebbin-aɣ dagi di ddunit akken i sen yehwa, lameɛna Baba-tneɣ n igenwan yețțak-aɣ tiɣṛit di nnfeɛ-nneɣ iwakken a nuɣal d izedganen am nețța.
Korean(i) 7 너희가 참음은 징계를 받기 위함이라 하나님이 아들과 같이 너희를 대우하시나니 어찌 아비가 징계하지 않는 아들이 있으리요 8 징계는 다 받는 것이거늘 너희에게 없으면 사생자요 참 아들이 아니니라 9 또 우리 육체의 아버지가 우리를 징계하여도 공경하였거늘 하물며 모든 영의 아버지께 더욱 복종하여 살려 하지 않겠느냐 10 저희는 잠시 자기의 뜻대로 우리를 징계하였거니와 오직 하나님은 우리의 유익을 위하여 그의 거룩하심에 참예케 하시느니라
Latvian(i) 7 Esiet pacietīgi pārmācībā! Dievs izturas pret jums kā pret bērniem; jo kur būtu tāds bērns, ko tēvs nepārmācītu? 8 Ja jūs esat bez pārmācības, kuru visi saņēmuši, tad jūs neesat īsti bērni, bet nelikumīgi. 9 Tālāk, ja mūsu miesīgie tēvi mūs pārmāca un mēs tiem parādām godbijību, tad jo vairāk paklausīsim gara Tēvam un mēs dzīvosim. 10 Tie pēc sava prāta mūs pārmācīja dažu dienu laikam, bet Viņš pārmāca mūsu labā, Viņa svētlaimības iegūšanai.
Lithuanian(i) 7 Jeigu jūs pakenčiat drausmę, Dievas elgiasi su jumis kaip su sūnumis. O kurio gi sūnaus tėvas griežtai neauklėja? 8 Bet jeigu jūs be drausmės, kuri visiems privaloma, vadinasi, jūs ne sūnūs, o pavainikiai. 9 Jau mūsų kūno tėvai mus bausdavo, ir mes juos gerbėme. Tad argi nebūsime dar klusnesni dvasių Tėvui, kad gyventume? 10 Juk anie savo nuožiūra mus drausmino neilgą laiką, o šis tai daro mūsų labui, kad taptume Jo šventumo dalininkais.
PBG(i) 7 Jeźli znosicie karanie, Bóg się wam ofiaruje jako synom; albowiem któryż jest syn, którego by ojciec nie karał? 8 A jeźli jesteście bez karania, którego wszyscy są uczestnikami, tedy jesteście bękartami, a nie synami. 9 A nadto cielesnych ojców naszych mieliśmy, którzy nas karali, a baliśmy się ich; zaż daleko więcej nie mamy być poddani Ojcu duchów, abyśmy żyli? 10 Albowiem oni na mało dni, jako się im zdało, nas karali; ale ten ku pożytkowi naszemu na to, abyśmy byli uczestnikami świętobliwości jego.
Portuguese(i) 7 É para disciplina que sofreis; Deus vos trata como a filhos; pois qual é o filho a quem o pai não corrija? 8 Mas, se estais sem disciplina, da qual todos se têm tornado participantes, sois então bastardos, e não filhos. 9 Além disto, tivemos nossos pais segundo a carne, para nos corrigirem, e os olhávamos com respeito; não nos sujeitaremos muito mais ao Pai dos espíritos, e viveremos? 10 Pois aqueles por pouco tempo nos corrigiam como bem lhes parecia, mas este, para nosso proveito, para sermos participantes da sua santidade.
Norwegian(i) 7 Det er for tuktens skyld at I tåler lidelser; Gud gjør med eder som med sønner. For hvem er den sønn som hans far ikke tukter? 8 Men er I uten tukt, som alle har fått sin del av, da er I uekte barn, og ikke sønner. 9 Dessuten: våre kjødelige fedre hadde vi til optuktere, og vi hadde ærefrykt for dem; skal vi da ikke meget mere være lydige mot åndenes Fader, så vi får leve? 10 For hine tuktet oss for nogen få dager efter sitt tykke, men han tukter til vårt gagn, forat vi skal få del i hans hellighet.
Romanian(i) 7 Suferiţi pedeapsa: Dumnezeu Se poartă cu voi ca şi cu nişte fii. Căci care este fiul pe care nu -l pedepseşte tatăl? 8 Dar dacă sînteţi scutiţi de pedeapsă, de care toţi au parte, sînteţi nişte feciori din curvie, iar nu fii. 9 Şi apoi, dacă părinţii noştri trupeşti ne-au pedepsit, şi tot le-am dat cinstea cuvenită, nu trebuie oare cu atît mai mult să ne supunem Tatălui duhurilor, şi să trăim? 10 Căci ei în adevăr ne pedepseau pentru puţine zile, cum credeau ei că e bine; dar Dumnezeu ne pedepseşte pentru binele nostru, ca să ne facă părtaşi sfinţeniei Lui.
Ukrainian(i) 7 Коли терпите кару, то робить Бог вам, як синам. Хіба є такий син, що батько його не карає? 8 А коли ви без кари, що спільна для всіх, то ви діти з перелюбу, а не сини. 9 А до того, ми мали батьків, що карали наше тіло, і боялися їх, то чи ж не далеко більше повинні коритися ми Отцеві духів, щоб жити? 10 Ті нас за короткого часу карали, як їм до вподоби було, Цей же на користь, щоб ми стали учасниками Його святости.
UkrainianNT(i) 7 Коли караннє терпите, Бог до вас такий, як до синів: чи єсть бо такий син, котрого не карав батько? 8 Коли ж ви пробуваєте без карання, котрого спільниками стались усї, то ви неправого ложа дїти, а не си ни. 9 Ще ж, мали ми батьків, тїла нашого карателїв, та й поважали їх, то чи не геть більше коритись нам Отцю духів, і жити мемо? 10 Ті бо на мало днів, як самі знали, карали нас; а Сей на користь (нашу), щоб ми були спільниками сьвятости Його.
SBL Greek NT Apparatus

7 γὰρ WH Treg NIV ] + ἐστιν RP
8 καὶ οὐχ υἱοί ἐστε WH Treg NIV ] ἐστε καὶ οὐχ υἱοί RP
9 πολὺ WH Treg] πολὺ δὲ NIV; πολλῷ RP
Robinson-Pierpont Greek NT Apparatus
   7 <ειv> ει