1 Chronicles 9:33

HOT(i) 33 ואלה המשׁררים ראשׁי אבות ללוים בלשׁכת פטירים כי יומם ולילה עליהם במלאכה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  33 H428 ואלה And these H7891 המשׁררים the singers, H7218 ראשׁי chief H1 אבות of the fathers H3881 ללוים of the Levites, H3957 בלשׁכת in the chambers H6358 פטירים   H3588 כי for H3119 יומם day H3915 ולילה and night. H5921 עליהם they were employed H4399 במלאכה׃ in work
Vulgate(i) 33 hii sunt principes cantorum per familias Levitarum qui in exedris morabantur ita ut die et nocte iugiter suo ministerio deservirent
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 33 Hi sunt principes cantorum per familias Levitarum, qui in exedris morabantur, ut die ac nocte jugiter suo ministerio deservirent.
Wycliffe(i) 33 These ben the princis of chauntouris bi the meynees of Leuytis, that dwelliden in chaumbris, so that thei schulden serue contynueli dai and nyyt in her seruyce.
Coverdale(i) 33 These are the heades of the singers amoge the fathers of the Leuites chosen out ouer the chestes: for daye and night were they in worke withall.
MSTC(i) 33 These are the singers — ancient heads among the Levites divided by chambers, for they had to do both day and night.
Matthew(i) 33 These are the syngers auncient heades amonge the Leuites deuyded by chambres: for they had to do bothe daye & nyght.
Great(i) 33 These are the syngers: euen auncient fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in separate chambres: & were fre, for they had to do in the temple bothe daye and nyght.
Geneva(i) 33 And these are the singers, the chiefe fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in the chambers, and had none other charge: for they had to do in that busines day and night:
Bishops(i) 33 These are the singers, euen auncient fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in seperate chambers and were free: for they had to doe in the temple both day and nyght
DouayRheims(i) 33 These are the chief of the singing men of the families of the Levites, who dwelt in the chambers, by the temple, that they might serve continually day and night in their ministry.
KJV(i) 33 And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 33 And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
Thomson(i) 33 and the singers, the chiefs of those families of the Levites, who were distributed into daily classes; because the chiefs of these families of the Levites were employed in this service day and night,
Webster(i) 33 And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
Brenton(i) 33 And these were the singers, heads of families of the Levites, to whom were established daily courses, for they were employed in the services day and night.
Brenton_Greek(i) 33 Καὶ οὗτοι ψαλτῳδοὶ ἄρχοντες τῶν πατριῶν τῶν Λευιτῶν διατεταγμέναι ἐφημερίαι, ὅτι ἡμέρα καὶ νὺξ ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς ἐν τοῖς ἔργοις.
Leeser(i) 33 But these the singers, the chiefs of the divisions of the Levites, remained in the chambers free of service; for day and night were they obliged to engage in that work.
YLT(i) 33 And these who sing, heads of fathers of the Levites, in the chambers, are free, for by day and by night they are over them in the work.
JuliaSmith(i) 33 And these singing, heads of the fathers to the Levites in the cells being free: for their day and night upon them in work
Darby(i) 33 And these were the singers, chief fathers of the Levites, [who were] in the chambers free from service; for they were employed day and night.
ERV(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers’ [houses] of the Levites, [who dwelt] in the chambers [and were] free [from other service]: for they were employed in their work day and night.
ASV(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers' [houses] of the Levites, [who dwelt] in the chambers [and were] free [from other service]; for they were employed in their work day and night.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers' houses of the Levites, who dwelt in the chambers and were free from other service; for they were employed in their work day and night.
Rotherham(i) 33 These, also were the singers, ancestral chiefs of the Levites, in the chambers, free,––for, by day and by night, was there [a charge] upon them, in the business.
CLV(i) 33 And these who sing, heads of fathers of the Levites, in the chambers, [are] free, for by day and by night [they are] over them in the work.
BBE(i) 33 And these were those who had the ordering of the music and songs, heads of families of the Levites, who were living in the rooms, and were free from other work, for their work went on day and night.
MKJV(i) 33 And these were the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites in the chambers, they were free of duty, for they were employed in that work day and night.
LITV(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers to the Levites in the chambers; they were free for they were employed day and night in the work.
ECB(i) 33 And the singers - head of the fathers of the Leviym, in the chambers are liberated: for by day and night they are employed in that work.
ACV(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers of the Levites, who dwelt in the chambers and were free from other service, for they were employed in their work day and night.
WEB(i) 33 These are the singers, heads of fathers’ households of the Levites, who lived in the rooms and were free from other service; for they were employed in their work day and night.
NHEB(i) 33 These are the singers, heads of ancestral houses of the Levites, who lived in the chambers and were free from other service; for they were employed in their work day and night.
AKJV(i) 33 And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
KJ2000(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free from other service: for they were employed in that work day and night.
UKJV(i) 33 And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.
EJ2000(i) 33 And of these there were singers, princes of the fathers of the Levites, who remained in the chambers free from other work; for they were employed in that work day and night.
CAB(i) 33 And these were the singers, heads of families of the Levites, to whom were established daily courses, for they were employed in the services day and night.
LXX2012(i) 33 And these [were] the singers, heads of families of the Levites, [to whom were] established daily courses, for they were employed in the services day and night.
NSB(i) 33 Those who were musicians, heads of Levite families, stayed in the rooms of the temple and were exempt from other duties because they were responsible for the work day and night.
ISV(i) 33 These singers, leaders of ancestral households of the descendants of Levi, were living in the chambers of the Temple. Freed from other service responsibilities, they were on duty day and night.
LEB(i) 33 Now these were the singers; the heads of the families* of the Levites were in the chambers free from other service, for day and night they were over them on the service.
BSB(i) 33 Those who were musicians, the heads of Levite families, stayed in the temple chambers and were exempt from other duties because they were on duty day and night.
MSB(i) 33 Those who were musicians, the heads of Levite families, stayed in the temple chambers and were exempt from other duties because they were on duty day and night.
MLV(i) 33 And these are the singers, heads of fathers of the Levites, who dwelt in the chambers and were free from other service, for they were employed in their work day and night.
VIN(i) 33 Those who were musicians, heads of Levite families, stayed in the rooms of the temple and were exempt from other duties because they were responsible for the work day and night.
Luther1545(i) 33 Das sind die Sänger, die Häupter unter den Vätern der Leviten, über die Kasten ausgesondert; denn Tag und Nacht waren sie drob im Geschäfte.
Luther1912(i) 33 Jene aber sind die Sänger, die Häupter der Vaterhäuser der Leviten, die in den Kammern keinen Dienst hatten; denn Tag und Nacht waren sie in ihrem Geschäft.
ELB1871(i) 33 Und das waren die Sänger, die Häupter der Väter der Leviten, welche von anderen Diensten befreit in den Zelten wohnten; denn Tag und Nacht waren sie beschäftigt.
ELB1905(i) 33 Und das waren die Sänger, die Häupter der Väter der Leviten, welche von anderen Diensten befreit in den Zelten wohnten; denn Tag und Nacht waren sie beschäftigt.
DSV(i) 33 Uit dezen zijn ook de zangers, hoofden der vaderen onder de Levieten in de kameren, dienstvrij; want dag en nacht was het op hen, in dat werk te zijn.
Giguet(i) 33 Et les chefs des chantres-harpistes, de la famille des lévites, étaient désignés chaque jour, car jour et nuit ils étaient employés;
DarbyFR(i) 33 Et ce sont là les chantres, chefs des pères des Lévites, qui étaient dans les chambres, étant exempts d'autres fonctions, parce que, jour et nuit, ils étaient à l'oeuvre.
Martin(i) 33 Et d'entr'eux il y avait aussi des chantres, chefs des pères des Lévites, qui demeuraient dans les chambres, sans avoir autre charge, parce qu'ils devaient être en fonction le jour et la nuit.
Segond(i) 33 Ce sont là les chantres, chefs de famille des Lévites, demeurant dans les chambres, exempts des autres fonctions parce qu'ils étaient à l'oeuvre jour et nuit.
SE(i) 33 Y de estos había cantores, príncipes de familias de los levitas, los cuales estaban en sus cámaras libres de otros cargos; porque de día y de noche estaban en aquella obra.
ReinaValera(i) 33 Y de estos había cantores, principales de familias de los Levitas, los cuales estaban en sus cámaras exentos; porque de día y de noche estaban en aquella obra.
JBS(i) 33 Y de éstos había cantores, príncipes de familias de los levitas, los cuales estaban en sus cámaras libres de otros cargos; porque de día y de noche estaban en aquella obra.
Albanian(i) 33 Këta ishin këngëtarë, të parë të shtëpive atërore të Levitëve, që banonin në dhomat e tempullit; ata ishin të përjashtuar nga çdo shërbim tjetër, sepse ishin të zënë ditë e natë me punën e tyre.
RST(i) 33 Певцы же, главные в поколениях левитских, в комнатах храма свободны были от занятий, потому что день и ночь они обязаны были заниматься искусством своим .
Arabic(i) 33 فهؤلاء هم المغنون رؤوس آباء اللاويين في المخادع وهم معفون لانه نهارا وليلا عليهم العمل.
Bulgarian(i) 33 А тези бяха певците, началниците на бащините домове на левитите, които живееха в стаите свободни от друга служба, защото бяха заети в работата си денем и нощем.
Croatian(i) 33 Oni su bili i pjevači, glavari levitskih obitelji. Kad su bili slobodni, živjeli su u hramskih sobama, jer su dan i noć bili na dužnosti.
BKR(i) 33 Z těch také byli zpěváci, přednější z čeledí otcovských mezi Levíty bydlíce, nejsouce zaměstknaní něčím jiným; nebo ve dne i v noci k své povinnosti státi musili.
Danish(i) 33 Af disse vare og Sangerne, Øverster for deres Fædrenehuse iblandt Leviterne, frie for anden Tjeneste i Kamrene; thi det paalaa dem Dag og Nat at være ved denne Gerning.
CUV(i) 33 歌 唱 的 有 利 未 人 的 族 長 , 住 在 屬 殿 的 房 屋 , 晝 夜 供 職 , 不 做 別 樣 的 工 。
CUVS(i) 33 歌 唱 的 冇 利 未 人 的 族 长 , 住 在 属 殿 的 房 屋 , 昼 夜 供 职 , 不 做 别 样 的 工 。
Esperanto(i) 33 La kantistoj, cxefoj de patrodomoj inter la Levidoj, estis liberaj de servado en la cxambroj, cxar tage kaj nokte ili devis sin okupadi per sia arto.
Finnish(i) 33 Nämät ovat veisaajat, Leviläisten isäin päämiehet vapaat heidän kammioissansa; sillä he olivat siellä askareissansa päivää ja yötä.
FinnishPR(i) 33 Mutta veisaajat, leeviläisten perhekuntain päämiehet, oleskelivat kammioissa, muusta palveluksesta vapaina, sillä he olivat toimessa sekä päivällä että yöllä.
Haitian(i) 33 Genyen nan fanmi Levi yo ki te sanba. Chèf fanmi sa yo te viv nan pyès chanm ki te nan Tanp lan. Yo pa t' gen lòt okipasyon pase lajounen kou lannwit yo t'ap fè travay yo.
Hungarian(i) 33 Ezek közül valók valának az éneklõk is, a Léviták közül a családfõk, a kik szabadosok valának [egyéb tiszttõl] az õ kamarájokban; mert éjjel és nappal szolgálattal tartoznak vala.
Indonesian(i) 33 Sebagian orang Lewi yang lain bertugas menjadi penyanyi di Rumah TUHAN. Kepala-kepala keluarga mereka tinggal di beberapa gedung di Rumah TUHAN. Mereka tidak diberi tugas lain, karena mereka dinas siang dan malam.
Italian(i) 33 Altri eziandio erano cantori, capi di famiglie paterne de’ Leviti, i quali stavano nelle camere, esenti d’altra cura; perciocchè l’ufficio loro richiedeva che fossero giorno e notte in opera.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 33 Tali sono i cantori, capi delle famiglie levitiche che dimoravano nelle camere del tempio ed erano esenti da ogni altro servizio, perché l’ufficio loro li teneva occupati giorno e notte.
Korean(i) 33 또 찬송하는 자가 있으니 곧 레위 족장이라 저희가 골방에 거하여 주야로 자기 직분에 골몰하므로 다른 일은 하지 아니하였더라
Lithuanian(i) 33 Kai kurie giesmininkai, levitų šeimų vadai, buvo laisvi nuo kitų pareigų. Jie gyveno prie šventyklos, nes dieną ir naktį jie turėjo tarnauti.
PBG(i) 33 A z tych byli śpiewacy, przedniejsi z domów ojcowskich, między Lewitami mieszkający w gmachach, od inszych prac wolni; bo we dnie i w nocy powinności swej pilnować musieli.
Portuguese(i) 33 Estes são os cantores, chefes de casas paternas dos levitas, que moravam nas câmaras e estavam isentos de outros serviços, porque de dia e de noite se ocupavam naquele serviço.
Norwegian(i) 33 Dette* var sangerne, familiehoder blandt levittene; de holdt til i kammerne og var fri for annen tjeneste; for de var dag og natt optatt med sitt eget arbeid. / {* de 1KR 9, 14-16 nevnte.}
Romanian(i) 33 Aceştia sînt cîntăreţii, capii de familie ai Leviţilor, cari locuiau în odăi, scutiţi de alte slujbe, pentru că lucrau zi şi noapte.
Ukrainian(i) 33 А оце співаки, голови батьківських домів Левитів, по кімнатах, були вільні від іншої праці, бо вдень та вночі були вони при своїй роботі.