Revelation 11:3-7

Wycliffe(i) 3 And Y schal yyue `to my twey witnessis, and thei schulen prophesie a thousynde daies two hundrid and sixti, and schulen be clothid with sackis. 4 These ben tweyne olyues, and twei candilstikis, and thei stonden in the siyt of the Lord of the erthe. 5 And if ony man wole anoye hem, fier schal go out of the mouth of hem, and schal deuoure her enemyes. And if ony wole hirte hem, thus it bihoueth hym to be slayn. 6 These han power to close heuene, that it reyne not in the daies of her prophesie; and thei han power on watris, to turne hem in to blood; and to smyte the erthe with euery plage, and as ofte as thei wolen. 7 And whanne thei schulen ende her witnessing, the beeste that stieth vp fro depnesse, schal make batel ayens hem, and schal ouercome hem, and schal sle hem.