Psalms 92:1-119:176

Wycliffe(i) 1 The two and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, he is clothid with fairnesse; the Lord is clothid with strengthe, and hath gird hym silf. 2 For he made stidefast the world; that schal not be moued. 3 God, thi seete was maad redi fro that tyme; thou art fro the world. Lord, the flodis han reisid; the flodis han reisid her vois. Flodis reisiden her wawis; of the voicis of many watris. 4 The reisyngis of the see ben wondurful; the Lord is wondurful in hiye thingis. 5 Thi witnessingis ben maad able to be bileued greetli; Lord, holynesse bicometh thin hous, in to the lengthe of daies. 93 1 The thre and nyntithe salm. God is Lord of veniauncis; God of veniauncis dide freli. 2 Be thou enhaunsid that demest the erthe; yelde thou yeldinge to proude men. 3 Lord, hou longe synneris; hou longe schulen synneris haue glorie? 4 Thei schulen telle out, and schulen speke wickidnesse; alle men schulen speke that worchen vnriytfulnesse. 5 Lord, thei han maad lowe thi puple; and thei han disesid thin eritage. 6 Thei killiden a widowe and a comelyng; and thei han slayn fadirles children and modirles. 7 And thei seiden, The Lord schal not se; and God of Jacob schal not vndurstonde. 8 Ye vnwise men in the puple, vndirstonde; and, ye foolis, lerne sum tyme. 9 Schal not he here, that plauntide the eere; ethere biholdith not he, that made the iye? 10 Schal not he repreue, that chastisith folkis; which techith man kunnyng? 11 The Lord knowith the thouytis of men; that tho ben veyne. 12 Blessid is the man, whom thou, Lord, hast lerned; and hast tauyt him of thi lawe. 13 That thou aswage hym fro yuele daies; til a diche be diggid to the synner. 14 For the Lord schal not putte awei his puple; and he schal not forsake his eritage. 15 Til riytfulnesse be turned in to dom; and who ben niy it, alle that ben of riytful herte. 16 Who schal rise with me ayens mysdoeris; ether who schal stonde with me ayens hem that worchen wickidnesse? 17 No but for the Lord helpide me; almest my soule hadde dwellid in helle. 18 If Y seide, My foot was stirid; Lord, thi merci helpide me. 19 Aftir the multitude of my sorewis in myn herte; thi coumfortis maden glad my soule. 20 Whether the seete of wickidnesse cleueth to thee; that makist trauel in comaundement? 21 Thei schulen take ayens the soule of a iust man; and thei schulen condempne innocent blood. 22 And the Lord was maad to me in to refuyt; and my God was maad in to the help of myn hope. 23 And he schal yelde to hem the wickidnesse of hem; and in the malice of hem he schal lese hem, oure Lord God schal lese hem. 94 1 The foure and nyntithe salm. Come ye, make we ful out ioie to the Lord; hertli synge we to God, oure heelthe. 2 Bifore ocupie we his face in knowleching; and hertli synge we to him in salmes. 3 For God is a greet Lord, and a greet king aboue alle goddis; for the Lord schal not putte awei his puple. 4 For alle the endis of erthe ben in his hond; and the hiynesses of hillis ben hise. 5 For the see is his, and he made it; and hise hondis formeden the drie lond. 6 Come ye, herie we, and falle we doun bifore God, wepe we bifore the Lord that made vs; 7 for he is oure Lord God. And we ben the puple of his lesewe; and the scheep of his hond. 8 If ye han herd his vois to dai; nyle ye make hard youre hertis. 9 As in the terryng to wraththe; bi the dai of temptacioun in desert. Where youre fadris temptiden me; thei preueden and sien my werkis. 10 Fourti yeer I was offendid to this generacioun; and Y seide, Euere thei erren in herte. 11 And these men knewen not my weies; to whiche Y swoor in myn ire, thei schulen not entre in to my reste. 95 1 The fyue and nyntithe salm hath no title. Singe ye a newe song to the Lord; al erthe, synge ye to the Lord. 2 Synge ye to the Lord, and blesse ye his name; telle ye his heelthe fro dai in to dai. 3 Telle ye his glorie among hethene men; hise merueilis among alle puplis. 4 For the Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; he is ferdful aboue alle goddis. 5 For alle the goddis of hethene men ben feendis; but the Lord made heuenes. 6 Knouleching and fairnesse is in his siyt; hoolynesse and worthi doyng is in his halewing. 7 Ye cuntrees of hethene men, brynge to the Lord, bringe ye glorye and onour to the Lord; 8 bringe ye to the Lord glorie to hys name. Take ye sacrificis, and entre ye in to the hallis of hym; 9 herie ye the Lord in his hooli halle. Al erthe be moued of his face; 10 seie ye among hethene men, that the Lord hath regned. And he hath amendid the world, that schal not be moued; he schal deme puplis in equite. 11 Heuenes be glad, and the erthe make ful out ioye, the see and the fulnesse therof be moued togidere; feeldis schulen make ioye, 12 and alle thingis that ben in tho. Thanne alle the trees of wodis schulen make ful out ioye, for the face of the Lord, for he cometh; 13 for he cometh to deme the erthe. He schal deme the world in equite; and puplis in his treuthe. 96 1 The sixe and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, the erthe make ful out ioye; many ilis be glad. 2 Cloude and derknesse in his cumpas; riytfulnesse and doom is amending of his seete. 3 Fier schal go bifore him; and schal enflawme hise enemyes in cumpas. 4 Hise leitis schyneden to the world; the erthe siy, and was moued. 5 Hillis as wax fletiden doun fro the face of the Lord; al erthe fro the face of the Lord. 6 Heuenes telden his riytfulnesse; and alle puplis sien his glorie. 7 Alle that worschipen sculptilis be schent, and thei that han glorie in her symelacris; alle ye aungels of the Lord, worschipe him. 8 Sion herde, and was glad, and the douytris of Juda maden ful out ioye; for `thi domes, Lord. 9 For thou, Lord, art the hiyeste on al erthe; thou art greetli enhaunsid ouere alle goddis. 10 Ye that louen the Lord, hate yuel; the Lord kepith the soulis of hise seyntis; he schal delyuer hem fro the hond of the synner. 11 Liyt is risun to the riytful man; and gladnesse to riytful men of herte. 12 Juste men, be ye glad in the Lord; and knouleche ye to the mynde of his halewyng. 97 1 The seuen and nyntithe salm hath no title. Singe ye a newe song to the Lord; for he hath do merueils. His riyt hond and his hooli arm; hath maad heelthe to hym. 2 The Lord hath maad knowun his heelthe; in the siyt of hethene men he hath schewid his riytfulnesse. 3 He bithouyte on his merci; and on his treuthe, to the hous of Israel. Alle the endis of erthe; sien the heelthe of oure God. 4 Al erthe, make ye hertli ioye to God; synge ye, and make ye ful out ioye, and seie ye salm. 5 Singe ye to the Lord in an harpe, in harpe and vois of salm; 6 in trumpis betun out with hamer, and in vois of a trumpe of horn. Hertli synge ye in the siyt of the Lord, the king; the see and the fulnesse therof be moued; 7 the world, and thei that dwellen therynne. 8 Flodis schulen make ioie with hond, togidere hillis schulen make ful out ioye, for siyt of the Lord; 9 for he cometh to deme the erthe. He schal deme the world in riytfulnesse; and puplis in equite. 98 1 The eiyte and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, puplis ben wrooth; thou that sittist on cherubyn, the erthe be moued. 2 The Lord is greet in Sion; and hiy aboue alle puplis. 3 Knouleche thei to thi greet name, for it is ferdful and hooli; 4 and the onour of the king loueth doom. Thou hast maad redi dressyngis; thou hast maad doom and riytfulnesse in Jacob. 5 Enhaunse ye oure Lord God; and worschipe ye the stool of hise feet, for it is hooli. 6 Moises and Aaron weren among hise preestis; and Samuel was among hem that inwardli clepen his name. Thei inwardli clepiden the Lord, and he herde hem; 7 in a piler of cloude he spak to hem. Thei kepten hise witnessyngis; and the comaundement which he yaf to hem. 8 Oure Lord God, thou herdist hem; God, thou were merciful to hem, and thou tokist veniaunce on al her fyndyngis. 9 Enhaunse ye oure Lord God, and worschipe ye in his hooli hil; for oure Lord God is hooli. 99 1 The titil of the nyne and nyntithe salm. `A salm to knouleche; `in Ebrew `thus, A salm for knouleching. 2 Al erthe, singe ye hertli to God; serue ye the Lord in gladnesse. Entre ye in his siyt; in ful out ioiyng. 3 Wite ye, that the Lord hym silf is God; he made vs, and not we maden vs. His puple, and the scheep of his lesewe, 4 entre ye in to hise yatis in knoulechyng; entre ye in to hise porchis, `knouleche ye to him in ympnes. 5 Herye ye his name, for the Lord is swete, his merci is with outen ende; and his treuthe is in generacioun and in to generacioun. 100 1 The titil of the hundrid salm. `The salm of Dauid. Lord, Y schal synge to thee; merci and doom. 2 I schal synge, and Y schal vndurstonde in a weie with out wem; whanne thou schalt come to me. I yede perfitli in the innocence of myn herte; in the myddil of myn hous. 3 I settide not forth bifore myn iyen an vniust thing; Y hatide hem that maden trespassyngis. 4 A schrewide herte cleuede not to me; Y knewe not a wickid man bowynge awei fro me. 5 I pursuede hym; that bacbitide priueli his neiybore. With the proude iye and an herte vnable to be fillid; Y eet not with this. 6 Myn iyen weren to the feithful men of erthe, that thei sitte with me; he that yede in a weie with out wem, mynystride to me. 7 He that doith pride, schal not dwelle in the myddil of myn hous; he that spekith wickid thingis, seruede not in the siyt of myn iyen. 8 In the morutid Y killide alle the synners of erthe; that Y schulde leese fro the citee of the Lord alle men worchynge wickidnesse. 101 1 The title of the `hundrid and o salm. The preier of a pore man, whanne he was angwishid, and schedde out his speche bifore the Lord. 2 Lord, here thou my preier; and my crie come to thee. 3 Turne not awei thi face fro me; in what euere dai Y am troblid, bowe doun thin eere to me. In what euere day Y schal inwardli clepe thee; here thou me swiftli. 4 For my daies han failid as smoke; and my boonus han dried vp as critouns. 5 I am smytun as hei, and myn herte dried vp; for Y haue foryete to eete my breed. 6 Of the vois of my weilyng; my boon cleuede to my fleische. 7 I am maad lijk a pellican of wildirnesse; Y am maad as a niyt crowe in an hous. 8 I wakide; and Y am maad as a solitarie sparowe in the roof. 9 Al dai myn enemyes dispisiden me; and thei that preisiden me sworen ayens me. 10 For Y eet aschis as breed; and Y meddlide my drinke with weping. 11 Fro the face of the ire of thin indignacioun; for thou reisinge me hast hurtlid me doun. 12 Mi daies boweden awei as a schadewe; and Y wexede drie as hei. 13 But, Lord, thou dwellist with outen ende; and thi memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun. 14 Lord, thou risinge vp schalt haue merci on Sion; for the tyme `to haue merci therof cometh, for the tyme cometh. 15 For the stones therof plesiden thi seruauntis; and thei schulen haue merci on the lond therof. 16 And, Lord, hethen men schulen drede thi name; and alle kingis of erthe schulen drede thi glori. 17 For the Lord hath bildid Sion; and he schal be seen in his glorie. 18 He bihelde on the preier of meke men; and he dispiside not the preier of hem. 19 Be these thingis writun in an othere generacioun; and the puple that schal be maad schal preise the Lord. 20 For he bihelde fro his hiye hooli place; the Lord lokide fro heuene in to erthe. 21 For to here the weilingis of feterid men; and for to vnbynde the sones of slayn men. 22 That thei telle in Sion the name of the Lord; and his preising in Jerusalem. 23 In gaderinge togidere puplis in to oon; and kingis, that thei serue the Lord. 24 It answeride to hym in the weie of his vertu; Telle thou to me the fewnesse of my daies. 25 Ayenclepe thou not me in the myddil of my daies; thi yeris ben in generacioun and in to generacioun. 26 Lord, thou foundidist the erthe in the bigynnyng; and heuenes ben the werkis of thin hondis. 27 Tho schulen perische, but thou dwellist perfitli; and alle schulen wexe eelde as a clooth. And thou schalt chaunge hem as an hiling, and tho schulen be chaungid; 28 but thou art the same thi silf, and thi yeeris schulen not faile. 29 The sones of thi seruauntis schulen dwelle; and the seed of hem schal be dressid in to the world. 102 1 The title of `hundred and secounde salm. `Of Dauid. Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; and alle thingis that ben with ynne me, blesse his hooli name. 2 Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; and nyle thou foryete alle the yeldyngis of him. 3 Which doith merci to alle thi wickidnessis; which heelith alle thi sijknessis. 4 Which ayenbieth thi lijf fro deth; which corowneth thee in merci and merciful doyngis. 5 Which fillith thi desijr in goodis; thi yongthe schal be renulid as the yongthe of an egle. 6 The Lord doynge mercies; and doom to alle men suffringe wrong. 7 He made hise weies knowun to Moises; hise willis to the sones of Israel. 8 The Lord is merciful doer, and merciful in wille; longe abidinge, and myche merciful. 9 He schal not be wrooth with outen ende; and he schal not thretne with outen ende. 10 He dide not to vs aftir oure synnes; nether he yeldide to vs aftir oure wickidnessis. 11 For bi the hiynesse of heuene fro erthe; he made strong his merci on men dredynge hym. 12 As myche as the eest is fer fro the west; he made fer oure wickidnessis fro vs. 13 As a fadir hath merci on sones, the Lord hadde merci on men dredynge him; 14 for he knewe oure makyng. 15 He bithouyte that we ben dust, a man is as hey; his dai schal flowre out so as a flour of the feeld. 16 For the spirit schal passe in hym, and schal not abide; and schal no more knowe his place. 17 But the merci of the Lord is fro with out bigynnyng, and til in to with outen ende; on men dredinge hym. And his riytfulnesse is in to the sones of sones; 18 to hem that kepen his testament. And ben myndeful of hise comaundementis; to do tho. 19 The Lord hath maad redi his seete in heuene; and his rewme schal be lord of alle. 20 Aungels of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord; ye myyti in vertu, doynge his word, to here the vois of hise wordis. 21 Alle vertues of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord; ye mynystris of hym that doen his wille. 22 Alle werkis of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord, in ech place of his lordschipe; my soule, blesse thou the Lord. 103 1 The hundrid and thridde salm. Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; my Lord God, thou art magnyfied greetli. Thou hast clothid knouleching and fairnesse; and thou art clothid with liyt, 2 as with a cloth. And thou stretchist forth heuene as a skyn; 3 and thou hilist with watris the hiyer partis therof. Which settist a cloude thi stiyng; which goest on the fetheris of wyndis. 4 Which makist spiritis thin aungels; and thi mynystris brennynge fier. 5 Which hast foundid the erthe on his stablenesse; it schal not be bowid in to the world of world. 6 The depthe of watris as a cloth is the clothing therof; watris schulen stonde on hillis. 7 Tho schulen fle fro thi blamyng; men schulen be aferd of the vois of thi thundur. 8 Hillis stien vp, and feeldis goen doun; in to the place which thou hast foundid to tho. 9 Thou hast set a terme, which tho schulen not passe; nether tho schulen be turned, for to hile the erthe. 10 And thou sendist out wellis in grete valeis; watris schulen passe bitwix the myddil of hillis. 11 Alle the beestis of the feeld schulen drynke; wielde assis schulen abide in her thirst. 12 Briddis of the eir schulen dwelle on tho; fro the myddis of stoonys thei schulen yyue voices. 13 And thou moistist hillis of her hiyer thingis; the erthe schal be fillid of the fruyt of thi werkis. 14 And thou bringist forth hei to beestis; and eerbe to the seruyce of men. That thou bringe forth breed of the erthe; 15 and that wiyn make glad the herte of men. That he make glad the face with oile; and that breed make stidefast the herte of man. 16 The trees of the feeld schulen be fillid, and the cedris of the Liban, whiche he plauntide; 17 sparewis schulen make nest there. The hous of the gerfaukun is the leeder of tho; 18 hiye hillis ben refute to hertis; a stoon is refutt to irchouns. 19 He made the moone in to tymes; the sunne knewe his goyng doun. 20 Thou hast set derknessis, and nyyt is maad; alle beestis of the wode schulen go ther ynne. 21 Liouns whelpis rorynge for to rauysche; and to seke of God meete to hem silf. 22 The sunne is risun, and tho ben gaderid togidere; and tho schulen be set in her couchis. 23 A man schal go out to his werk; and to his worching, til to the euentid. 24 Lord, thi werkis ben magnefiede ful myche, thou hast maad alle thingis in wisdom; the erthe is fillid with thi possessioun. 25 This see is greet and large to hondis; there ben crepinge beestis, of which is noon noumbre. Litil beestis with grete; 26 schippis schulen passe there. This dragoun which thou hast formyd; for to scorne hym. 27 Alle thingis abiden of thee; that thou yyue to hem meete in tyme. 28 Whanne thou schalt yyue to hem, thei schulen gadere; whanne thou schalt opene thin hond, alle thingis schulen be fillid with goodnesse. 29 But whanne thou schalt turne awey the face, thei schulen be disturblid; thou schalt take awei the spirit of them, and thei schulen faile; and thei schulen turne ayen in to her dust. 30 Sende out thi spirit, and thei schulen be formed of the newe; and thou schalt renule the face of the erthe. 31 The glorie of the Lord be in to the world; the Lord schal be glad in hise werkis. 32 Which biholdith the erthe, and makith it to tremble; which touchith hillis, and tho smoken. 33 I schal singe to the Lord in my lijf; Y schal seie salm to my God, as longe as Y am. 34 Mi speche be myrie to him; forsothe Y schal delite in the Lord. 35 Synneris faile fro the erthe, and wickid men faile, so that thei be not; my soule, blesse thou the Lord. 104 1 The title of the hundrid and fourthe salm. Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, and inwardli clepe ye his name; telle ye hise werkis among hethen men. 2 Synge ye to hym, and seie ye salm to him, and telle ye alle hise merueylis; 3 be ye preisid in his hooli name. The herte of men sekynge the Lord be glad; 4 seke ye the Lord, and be ye confermed; seke ye euere his face. 5 Haue ye mynde on hise merueilis, whiche he dide; on his grete wondris, and domes of his mouth. 6 The seed of Abraham, his seruaunt; the sones of Jacob, his chosun man. 7 He is oure Lord God; hise domes ben in al the erthe. 8 He was myndeful of his testament in to the world; of the word which he comaundide in to a thousynde generaciouns. 9 Which he disposide to Abraham; and of his ooth to Isaac. 10 And he ordeynede it to Jacob in to a comaundement; and to Israel in to euerlastinge testament. 11 And he seide, I shal yiue to thee the lond of Canaan; the cord of youre eritage. 12 Whanne thei weren in a litil noumbre; and the comelingis of hem weren ful fewe. 13 And thei passiden fro folk in to folk; and fro a rewme in to another puple. 14 He lefte not a man to anoye hem; and he chastiside kyngis for hem. 15 Nile ye touche my cristis; and nyle ye do wickidli among my prophetis. 16 And God clepide hungir on erthe; and he wastide al the stidefastnesse of breed. 17 He sente a man bifore hem; Joseph was seeld in to a seruaunt. 18 Thei maden lowe hise feet in stockis, irun passide by his soule; til the word of him cam. 19 The speche of the Lord enflawmede him; 20 the king sente and vnbond hym; the prince of puplis sente and delyuerede him. 21 He ordeynede him the lord of his hous; and the prince of al his possessioun. 22 That he schulde lerne hise princis as him silf; and that he schulde teche hise elde men prudence. 23 And Israel entride in to Egipt; and Jacob was a comeling in the lond of Cham. 24 And God encreesside his puple greetli; and made hym stidefast on hise enemyes. 25 He turnede the herte of hem, that thei hatiden his puple; and diden gile ayens hise seruauntis. 26 He sent Moises, his seruaunt; thilke Aaron, whom he chees. 27 He puttide in hem the wordis of hise myraclis; and of hise grete wondris in the lond of Cham. 28 He sente derknessis, and made derk; and he made not bitter hise wordis. 29 He turnede the watris of hem in to blood; and he killide the fischis of hem. 30 And the lond of hem yaf paddoks; in the priue places of the kyngis of hem. 31 God seide, and a fleische flie cam; and gnattis in alle the coostis of hem. 32 He settide her reynes hail; fier brennynge in the lond of hem. 33 And he smoot the vynes of hem, and the fige trees of hem; and al to-brak the tree of the coostis of hem. 34 He seide, and a locuste cam; and a bruk of which was noon noumbre. 35 And it eet al the hey in the lond of hem; and it eet al the fruyt of the lond of hem. 36 And he killide ech the firste gendrid thing in the lond of hem; the firste fruitis of alle the trauel of hem. 37 And he ledde out hem with siluer and gold; and noon was sijk in the lynagis of hem. 38 Egipt was glad in the goyng forth of hem; for the drede of hem lai on Egipcians. 39 He spredde abrood a cloude, in to the hiling of hem; and fier, that it schynede to hem bi nyyt. 40 Thei axiden, and a curlew cam; and he fillide hem with the breed of heuene. 41 He brak a stoon, and watris flowiden; floodis yeden forth in the drye place. 42 For he was myndeful of his hooli word; which he hadde to Abraham, his child. 43 And he ledde out his puple in ful out ioiyng; and hise chosun men in gladnesse. 44 And he yaf to hem the cuntreis of hethen men; and thei hadden in possessioun the trauels of puplis. 45 That thei kepe hise iustifiyngis; and seke his lawe. 105 1 The `title of the hundrid and fifthe salm. Alleluya. Kouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is with outen ende. 2 Who schal speke the powers of the Lord; schal make knowun alle hise preisyngis? 3 Blessid ben thei that kepen dom; and doon riytfulnesse in al tyme. 4 Lord, haue thou mynde on vs in the good plesaunce of thi puple; visite thou vs in thin heelthe. 5 To se in the goodnesse of thi chosun men, to be glad in the gladnes of thi folk; that thou be heried with thin eritage. 6 We han synned with oure fadris; we han do vniustli, we han do wickidnesse. 7 Oure fadris in Egipt vndirstoden not thi merueils; thei weren not myndeful of the multitude of thi merci. And thei stiynge in to the see, in to the reed see, terreden to wraththe; 8 and he sauede hem for his name, that `he schulde make knowun his power. 9 And he departide the reed see, and it was dried; and he lede forth hem in the depthis of watris as in deseert. 10 And he sauede hem fro the hond of hateris; and he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the enemye. 11 And the watir hilide men troublynge hem; oon of hem abood not. 12 And thei bileueden to hise wordis; and thei preisiden the heriynge of hym. 13 Thei hadden `soone do, thei foryaten hise werkis; and thei abididen not his councel. 14 And thei coueitiden coueitise in deseert; and temptiden God in a place with out watir. 15 And he yaf to hem the axyng of hem; and he sente fulnesse in to the soulis of hem. 16 And thei wraththiden Moyses in the castels; Aaron, the hooli of the Lord. 17 The erthe was opened, and swolewid Datan; and hilide on the congregacioun of Abiron. 18 And fier brente an hiye in the synagoge of hem; flawme brente synneris. 19 And thei maden a calf in Oreb; and worschipiden a yotun ymage. 20 And thei chaungiden her glorie; in to the liknesse of a calf etynge hei. 21 Thei foryaten God, that sauede hem, that dide grete werkis in Egipt, 22 merueils in the lond of Cham; feerdful thingis in the reed see. 23 And God seide, that he wolde leese hem; if Moises, his chosun man, hadde not stonde in the brekyng of his siyt. That he schulde turne awei his ire; lest he loste hem. 24 And thei hadden the desirable lond for nouyt, thei bileueden not to his word, and thei grutchiden in her tabernaclis; 25 thei herden not the vois of the Lord. 26 And he reiside his hond on hem; to caste doun hem in desert. 27 And to caste awei her seed in naciouns; and to leese hem in cuntreis. 28 And thei maden sacrifice to Belfagor; and thei eeten the sacrificis of deed beestis. 29 And thei wraththiden God in her fyndyngis; and fallyng was multiplied in hem. 30 And Fynees stood, and pleeside God; and the veniaunce ceesside. 31 And it was arrettid to hym to riytfulnesse; in generacioun and in to generacioun, til in to with outen ende. 32 And thei wraththiden God at the watris of ayenseiyng; and Moises was trauelid for hem, for thei maden bittere his spirit, 33 and he departide in his lippis. 34 Thei losten not hethen men; whiche the Lord seide to hem. 35 And thei weren meddlid among hethene men, and lerneden the werkis of hem, 36 and serueden the grauen ymagis of hem; and it was maad to hem in to sclaundre. 37 And thei offriden her sones; and her douytris to feendis. 38 And thei schedden out innocent blood, the blood of her sones and of her douytris; whiche thei sacrificiden to the grauun ymagis of Chanaan. 39 And the erthe was slayn in bloodis, and was defoulid in the werkis of hem; and thei diden fornicacioun in her fyndyngis. 40 And the Lord was wrooth bi strong veniaunce ayens his puple; and hadde abhominacioun of his eritage. 41 And he bitook hem in to the hondis of hethene men; and thei that hatiden hem, weren lordis of hem. 42 And her enemyes diden tribulacioun to hem, and thei weren mekid vndir the hondis of enemyes; 43 ofte he delyuerede hem. But thei wraththiden hym in her counsel; and thei weren maad low in her wickidnessis. 44 And he siye, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he herde the preyer of hem. 45 And he was myndeful of his testament; and it repentide hym bi the multitude of his merci. 46 And he yaf hem in to mercies; in the siyt of alle men, that hadden take hem. 47 Oure Lord God, make thou vs saaf; and gadere togidere vs fro naciouns. That we knouleche to thin hooli name; and haue glorie in thi preisyng. 48 Blessid be the Lord God of Israel fro the world and til in to the world; and al the puple schal seye, Be it don, be it don. 106 1 The `title of the hundrid and sixte salm. Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is in to the world. 2 Sei thei, that ben ayen bouyt of the Lord; whiche he ayen bouyte fro the hond of the enemye, fro cuntreis he gaderide hem togidere. 3 Fro the risyng of the sunne, and fro the goyng doun; fro the north, and fro the see. 4 Thei erriden in wildirnesse, in a place with out watir; thei founden not weie of the citee of dwellyng place. 5 Thei weren hungri and thirsti; her soule failide in hem. 6 And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynesses. 7 And he ledde forth hem in to the riyt weie; that thei schulden go in to the citee of dwelling. 8 The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis knouleche to the sones of men. 9 For he fillide a voide man; and he fillide with goodis an hungry man. 10 God delyuerede men sittynge in derknessis, and in the schadowe of deth; and men prisoned in beggerye and in yrun. 11 For thei maden bitter the spechis of God; and wraththiden the councel of the hiyeste. 12 And the herte of hem was maad meke in trauelis; and thei weren sijk, and noon was that helpide. 13 And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem from her nedynessis. 14 And he ledde hem out of derknessis, and schadowe of deth; and brak the boondis of hem. 15 The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils knouleche to the sones of men. 16 For he al to-brak brasun yatis; and he brak yrun barris. 17 He vptook hem fro the weie of her wickidnesse; for thei weren maad lowe for her vnriytfulnesses. 18 The soule of hem wlatide al mete; and thei neiyeden `til to the yatis of deth. 19 And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynessis. 20 He sente his word, and heelide hem; and delyuerede hem fro the perischingis of hem. 21 The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils to the sones of men. 22 And offre thei the sacrifice of heriyng; and telle thei hise werkis in ful out ioiyng. 23 Thei that gon doun in to the see in schippis; and maken worching in many watris. 24 Thei sien the werkis of the Lord; and hise merueilis in the depthe. 25 He seide, and the spirit of tempest stood; and the wawis therof weren arerid. 26 Thei stien til to heuenes, and goen doun `til to the depthis; the soule of hem failide in yuelis. 27 Thei weren troblid, and thei weren moued as a drunkun man; and al the wisdom of hem was deuourid. 28 And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he ledde hem out of her nedynessis. 29 And he ordeynede the tempest therof in to a soft wynde; and the wawis therof weren stille. 30 And thei weren glad, for tho weren stille; and he ladde hem forth in to the hauene of her wille. 31 The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis to the sones of men. 32 And enhaunse thei him in the chirche of the puple; and preise thei him in the chaier of eldre men. 33 He hath set floodis in to deseert; and the out goingis of watris in to thirst. 34 He hath set fruytful lond in to saltnesse; for the malice of men dwellyng ther ynne. 35 He hath set deseert in to pondis of watris; and erthe with out watir in to outgoyngis of watris. 36 And he settide there hungri men; and thei maden a citee of dwelling. 37 And thei sowiden feeldis, and plauntiden vynes; and maden fruyt of birthe. 38 And he blesside hem, and thei weren multiplied greetli; and he made not lesse her werk beestis. 39 And thei weren maad fewe; and thei weren trauelid of tribulacioun of yuelis and of sorewis. 40 Strijf was sched out on princes; and he made hem for to erre without the weie, and not in the weie. 41 And he helpide the pore man fro pouert; and settide meynees as a scheep bringynge forth lambren. 42 Riytful men schulen se, and schulen be glad; and al wickidnesse schal stoppe his mouth. 43 Who is wijs, and schal kepe these thingis; and schal vndirstonde the mercies of the Lord? 107 1 The `title of the hundrid and seuenthe salm. The song of `the salm of Dauid. 2 Min herte is redi, God, myn herte is redi; Y schal singe, and Y schal seie salm in my glorie. 3 My glorie, ryse thou vp, sautrie and harp, rise thou vp; Y schal rise vp eerli. 4 Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among puplis; and Y schal seie salm to thee among naciouns. 5 For whi, God, thi merci is greet on heuenes; and thi treuthe is til to the cloudis. 6 God, be thou enhaunsid aboue heuenes; and thi glorie ouer al erthe. 7 That thi derlingis be delyuerid, make thou saaf with thi riythond, and here me; God spak in his hooli. 8 I schal make ful out ioye, and Y schal departe Siccimam; and Y schal mete the grete valei of tabernaclis. 9 Galaad is myn, and Manasses is myn; and Effraym is the vptaking of myn heed. Juda is my king; Moab is the caudron of myn hope. 10 In to Ydume Y schal stretche forth my scho; aliens ben maad frendis to me. 11 Who schal lede me forth in to a stronge citee; who schal lede me forth til in to Idume? 12 Whether not thou, God, that hast put vs awei; and, God, schalt thou not go out in oure vertues? 13 Yyue thou help to vs of tribulacioun; for the heelthe of man is veyn. 14 We schulen make vertu in God; and he schal bringe oure enemyes to nouyt. 108 1 The title of the hundrid and eiytthe salm. To victorye, the salm of Dauid. 2 God, holde thou not stille my preisyng; for the mouth of the synner, and the mouth of the gileful man is openyd on me. 3 Thei spaken ayens me with a gileful tunge, and thei cumpassiden me with wordis of hatrede; and fouyten ayens me with out cause. 4 For that thing that thei schulden loue me, thei bacbitiden me; but Y preiede. 5 And thei settiden ayens me yuelis for goodis; and hatrede for my loue. 6 Ordeyne thou a synner on him; and the deuel stonde on his riyt half. 7 Whanne he is demed, go he out condempned; and his preier `be maad in to synne. 8 Hise daies be maad fewe; and another take his bischopriche. 9 Hise sones be maad faderles; and his wijf a widewe. 10 Hise sones tremblinge be born ouer, and begge; and be cast out of her habitaciouns. 11 An vsurere seke al his catel; and aliens rauysche hise trauelis. 12 Noon helpere be to him; nether ony be that haue mercy on hise modirles children. 13 Hise sones be maad in to perisching; the name of him be don awei in oon generacioun. 14 The wickidnesse of hise fadris come ayen in to mynde in the siyt of the Lord; and the synne of his modir be not don awei. 15 Be thei maad euere ayens the Lord; and the mynde of hem perische fro erthe. 16 For that thing that he thouyte not to do merci, 17 and he pursuede a pore man and beggere; and to slee a man compunct in herte. 18 And he louede cursing, and it schal come to hym; and he nolde blessing, and it schal be maad fer fro him. And he clothide cursing as a cloth, and it entride as water in to hise ynnere thingis; and as oile in hise boonus. 19 Be it maad to him as a cloth, with which he is hilyd; and as a girdil, with which he is euere gird. 20 This is the werk of hem that bacbiten me anentis the Lord; and that speke yuels ayens my lijf. 21 And thou, Lord, Lord, do with me for thi name; for thi merci is swete. 22 Delyuere thou me, for Y am nedi and pore; and myn herte is disturblid with ynne me. 23 I am takun awei as a schadowe, whanne it bowith awei; and Y am schakun awei as locustis. 24 Mi knees ben maad feble of fasting; and my fleische was chaungid for oile. 25 And Y am maad schenschipe to hem; thei sien me, and moueden her heedis. 26 Mi Lord God, helpe thou me; make thou me saaf bi thi merci. 27 And thei schulen wite, that this is thin hond; and thou, Lord, hast do it. 28 Thei schulen curse, and thou schalt blesse, thei that risen ayens me, be schent; but thi seruaunt schal be glad. 29 Thei that bacbiten me, be clothid with schame; and be thei hilid with her schenschipe as with a double cloth. 30 I schal knouleche to the Lord greetli with my mouth; and Y schal herie hym in the myddil of many men. 31 Which stood nyy on the riyt half of a pore man; to make saaf my soule fro pursueris. 109 1 The `title of the hundrid and nynthe salm. `The salm of Dauith. The Lord seide to my Lord; Sitte thou on my riyt side. Til Y putte thin enemyes; a stool of thi feet. 2 The Lord schal sende out fro Syon the yerde of thi vertu; be thou lord in the myddis of thin enemyes. 3 The bigynnyng is with thee in the dai of thi vertu, in the briytnessis of seyntis; Y gendride thee of the wombe before the dai sterre. 4 The Lord swoor, and it schal not repente him; Thou art a preest with outen ende, bi the ordre of Melchisedech. 5 The Lord on thi riyt side; hath broke kyngis in the dai of his veniaunce. 6 He schal deme among naciouns, he schal fille fallyngis; he schal schake heedis in the lond of many men. 7 He dranke of the stronde in the weie; therfor he enhaunside the heed. 110 1 The `title of the hundrid and tenthe salm. Alleluya. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; in the counsel and congregacioun of iust men. 2 The werkis of the Lord ben greete; souyt out in to alle hise willis. 3 His werk is knoulechyng and grete doyng; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world. 4 The Lord merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, hath maad a mynde of hise merueilis; 5 he hath youe meete to men dredynge hym. He schal be myndeful of his testament in to the world; 6 he schal telle to his puple the vertu of hise werkis. 7 That he yyue to hem the eritage of folkis; the werkis of hise hondis ben treuthe and doom. 8 Alle hise comaundementis ben feithful, confermed in to the world of world; maad in treuthe and equite. 9 The Lord sente redempcioun to hys puple; he comaundide his testament with outen ende. His name is hooli and dreedful; 10 the bigynnyng of wisdom is the drede of the Lord. Good vndirstondyng is to alle that doen it; his preising dwellith in to the world of world. 111 1 The `title of the hundrid and enleuenthe salm. Alleluya. Blissid is the man that dredith the Lord; he schal wilne ful myche in hise comaundementis. 2 His seed schal be myyti in erthe; the generacioun of riytful men schal be blessid. 3 Glorie and richessis ben in his hous; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world. 4 Liyt is risun vp in derknessis to riytful men; the Lord is merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, and riytful. 5 The man is merye, that doith merci, and leeneth; he disposith hise wordis in dom; 6 for he schal not be moued with outen ende. 7 A iust man schal be in euerlastinge mynde; he schal not drede of an yuel heryng. His herte is redi for to hope in the Lord; 8 his herte is confermed, he schal not be moued, til he dispise hise enemyes. 9 He spredde abrood, he yaf to pore men; his riytwisnesse dwellith in to the world of world; his horn schal be reisid in glorie. 10 A synner schal se, and schal be wrooth; he schal gnaste with hise teeth, and schal faile; the desijr of synneris schal perische. 112 1 The `title of the hundrid and twelfthe salm. Alleluya. Children, preise ye the Lord; preise ye the name of the Lord. 2 The name of the Lord be blessid; fro this tyme now and til in to the world. 3 Fro the risyng of the sunne til to the goyng doun; the name of the Lord is worthi to be preisid. 4 The Lord is hiy aboue alle folkis; and his glorie is aboue heuenes. 5 Who is as oure Lord God, that dwellith in hiye thingis; 6 and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe? 7 Reisynge a nedi man fro the erthe; and enhaunsinge a pore man fro drit. 8 That he sette hym with princes; with the princes of his puple. 9 Which makith a bareyn womman dwelle in the hous; a glad modir of sones. 113 1 The titil of the hundrid and thrittenthe salm. Alleluya. In the goyng out of Israel fro Egipt; of the hous of Jacob fro the hethene puple. 2 Judee was maad the halewyng of hym; Israel the power of hym. 3 The see siy, and fledde; Jordan was turned abac. 4 Munteyns ful out ioyeden as rammes; and litle hillis as the lambren of scheep. 5 Thou see, what was to thee, for thou fleddist; and thou, Jordan, for thou were turned abak? 6 Munteyns, ye maden ful out ioye as rammes; and litle hillis, as the lambren of scheep. 7 The erthe was moued fro the face of `the Lord; fro the face of God of Jacob. 8 Which turnede a stoon in to pondis of watris; and an hard rooch in to wellis of watris. 9 Lord, not to vs, not to vs; but yyue thou glorie to thi name. 10 On thi merci and thi treuthe; lest ony tyme hethene men seien, Where is the God of hem? 11 Forsothe oure God in heuene; dide alle thingis, whiche euere he wolde. 12 The symulacris of hethene men ben siluer and gold; the werkis of mennus hondis. 13 Tho han mouth, and schulen not speke; tho han iyen, and schulen not se. 14 Tho han eeris, and schulen not here; tho han nose thurls, and schulen not smelle. 15 Tho han hondis, and schulen not grope; tho han feet, and schulen not go; tho schulen not crye in her throte. 16 Thei that maken tho ben maad lijk tho; and alle that triste in tho. 17 The hous of Israel hopide in the Lord; he is the helpere `of hem, and the defendere of hem. 18 The hous of Aaron hopide in the Lord; he is the helpere of hem, and the defendere of hem. 19 Thei that dreden the Lord, hopiden in the Lord; he is the helpere of hem, and the defendere of hem. 20 The Lord was myndeful of vs; and blesside vs. He blesside the hous of Israel; he blesside the hous of Aaron. 21 He blesside alle men that dreden the Lord; `he blesside litle `men with the grettere. 22 The Lord encreesse on you; on you and on youre sones. 23 Blessid be ye of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe. 24 Heuene of `heuene is to the Lord; but he yaf erthe to the sones of men. 25 Lord, not deed men schulen herie thee; nether alle men that goen doun in to helle. 26 But we that lyuen, blessen the Lord; fro this tyme now and til in to the world. 114 1 The titil of the hundrid and fourtenthe salm. Alleluia. I louede `the Lord; for the Lord schal here the vois of my preier. 2 For he bowide doun his eere to me; and Y schal inwardli clepe in my daies. 3 The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the perelis of helle founden me. 4 I foond tribulacioun and sorewe; and Y clepide inwardli the name of the Lord. Thou, Lord, delyuere my soule; 5 the Lord is merciful, and iust; and oure God doith merci. 6 And the Lord kepith litle children; Y was mekid, and he delyuerede me. 7 Mi soule, turne thou in to thi reste; for the Lord hath do wel to thee. 8 For he hath delyuered my soule fro deth; myn iyen fro wepingis, my feet fro fallyng doun. 9 I schal plese the Lord; in the cuntrei of hem that lyuen. 115 1 I bileuede, for which thing Y spak; forsoth Y was maad low ful myche. 2 I seide in my passing; Ech man is a lier. 3 What schal Y yelde to the Lord; for alle thingis which he yeldide to me? 4 I schal take the cuppe of heelthe; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord. 5 I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord bifor al his puple; 6 the deth of seyntis of the Lord is precious in his siyt. 7 O! Lord, for Y am thi seruant; Y am thi seruaunt, and the sone of thi handmaide. Thou hast broke my bondys, 8 to thee Y schal offre a sacrifice of heriyng; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord. 9 I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord, in the siyt of al his puple; 10 in the porchis of the hous of the Lord, in the myddil of thee, Jerusalem. 116 1 The title of the hundrid and sixtenthe salm. Alleluya. Alle hethen men, herie ye the Lord; alle puplis, herie ye hym. 2 For his merci is confermyd on vs; and the treuthe of the Lord dwellith with outen ende. 117 1 The titil of the hundrid and seuententhe salm. Alleluia. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 2 Israel seie now, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 3 The hous of Aaron seie now; for his merci is with outen ende. 4 Thei that dreden the Lord, seie now; for his merci is withouten ende. 5 Of tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide the Lord; and the Lord herde me in largenesse. 6 The Lord is an helpere to me; Y schal not drede what a man schal do to me. 7 The Lord is an helpere to me; and Y schal dispise myn enemyes. 8 It is betere for to trist in the Lord; than for to triste in man. 9 It is betere for to hope in the Lord; than for to hope in princes. 10 Alle folkis cumpassiden me; and in the name of the Lord it bifelde, for Y am auengide on hem. 11 Thei cumpassinge cumpassiden me; and in the name of the Lord, for Y am auengid on hem. 12 Thei cumpassiden me as been, and thei brenten out as fier doith among thornes; and in the name of the Lord, for Y am avengid on hem. 13 I was hurlid, and turnede vpsedoun, that Y schulde falle doun; and the Lord took me vp. 14 The Lord is my strengthe, and my heryyng; and he is maad to me in to heelthe. 15 The vois of ful out ioiyng and of heelthe; be in the tabernaclis of iust men. 16 The riyt hond of the Lord hath do vertu, the riyt hond of the Lord enhaunside me; the riyt hond of the Lord hath do vertu. 17 I schal not die, but Y schal lyue; and Y schal telle the werkis of the Lord. 18 The Lord chastisinge hath chastisid me; and he yaf not me to deth. 19 Opene ye to me the yatis of riytfulnesse, and Y schal entre bi tho, and Y schal knouleche to the Lord; 20 this yate is of the Lord, and iust men schulen entre bi it. 21 I schal knouleche to thee, for thou herdist me; and art maad to me in to heelthe. 22 The stoon which the bilderis repreueden; this is maad in to the heed of the corner. 23 This thing is maad of the Lord; and it is wonderful bifore oure iyen. 24 This is the dai which the Lord made; make we ful out ioye, and be we glad ther ynne. 25 O! Lord, make thou me saaf, O! Lord, make thou wel prosperite; 26 blessid is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. We blesseden you of the hous of the Lord; 27 God is Lord, and hath youe liyt to vs. Ordeyne ye a solempne dai in thicke puplis; til to the horn of the auter. 28 Thou art my God, and Y schal knouleche to thee; thou art my God, and Y schal enhaunse thee. I schal knouleche to thee, for thou herdist me; and thou art maad to me in to heelthe. 29 Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 118 1 `The titil of the hundrid and eiytenthe salm. Alleluia. Blessid ben men with out wem in the weie; that gon in the lawe of the Lord. 2 Blessid ben thei, that seken hise witnessingis; seken him in al the herte. 3 For thei that worchen wickidnesse; yeden not in hise weies. 4 Thou hast comaundid; that thin heestis be kept greetly. 5 I wolde that my weies be dressid; to kepe thi iustifiyngis. 6 Thanne Y schal not be schent; whanne Y schal biholde perfitli in alle thin heestis. 7 I schal knouleche to thee in the dressing of herte; in that that Y lernyde the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 8 I schal kepe thi iustifiyngis; forsake thou not me on ech side. 9 In what thing amendith a yong waxinge man his weie? in keping thi wordis. 10 In al myn herte Y souyte thee; putte thou me not awei fro thin heestis. 11 In myn herte Y hidde thi spechis; that Y do not synne ayens thee. 12 Lord, thou art blessid; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 13 In my lippis Y haue pronounsid; alle the domes of thi mouth. 14 I delitide in the weie of thi witnessingis; as in alle richessis. 15 I schal be ocupied in thin heestis; and Y schal biholde thi weies. 16 I schal bithenke in thi iustifiyngis; Y schal not foryete thi wordis. 17 Yelde to thi seruaunt; quiken thou me, and Y schal kepe thi wordis. 18 Liytne thou myn iyen; and Y schal biholde the merueils of thi lawe. 19 I am a comeling in erthe; hide thou not thin heestis fro me. 20 Mi soule coueitide to desire thi iustifiyngis; in al tyme. 21 Thou blamedist the proude; thei ben cursid, that bowen awei fro thin heestis. 22 Do thou awei `fro me schenschipe and dispising; for Y souyte thi witnessingis. 23 For whi princis saten, and spaken ayens me; but thi seruaunt was exercisid in thi iustifiyngis. 24 For whi and thi witnessyngis is my thenkyng; and my counsel is thi iustifiyngis. 25 Mi soule cleuede to the pawment; quykine thou me bi thi word. 26 I telde out my weies, and thou herdist me; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 27 Lerne thou me the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal be exercisid in thi merueils. 28 Mi soule nappide for anoye; conferme thou me in thi wordis. 29 Remoue thou fro me the weie of wickidnesse; and in thi lawe haue thou merci on me. 30 I chees the weie of treuthe; Y foryat not thi domes. 31 Lord, Y cleuede to thi witnessyngis; nyle thou schende me. 32 I ran the weie of thi comaundementis; whanne thou alargidist myn herte. 33 Lord, sette thou to me a lawe, the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal seke it euere. 34 Yyue thou vndurstonding to me, and Y schal seke thi lawe; and Y schal kepe it in al myn herte. 35 Lede me forth in the path of thin heestis; for Y wolde it. 36 `Bowe thou myn herte in to thi witnessingus; and not in to aueryce. 37 Turne thou awei myn iyen, that `tho seen not vanyte; quykene thou me in thi weie. 38 Ordeyne thi speche to thi seruaunt; in thi drede. 39 Kitte awey my schenschip, which Y supposide; for thi domes ben myrie. 40 Lo! Y coueitide thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thin equite. 41 And, Lord, thi merci come on me; thin heelthe come bi thi speche. 42 And Y schal answere a word to men seiynge schenschipe to me; for Y hopide in thi wordis. 43 And take thou not awei fro my mouth the word of treuthe outerli; for Y hopide aboue in thi domes. 44 And Y schal kepe thi lawe euere; in to the world, and in to the world of world. 45 And Y yede in largenesse; for Y souyte thi comaundementis. 46 And Y spak of thi witnessyngis in the siyt of kingis; and Y was not schent. 47 And Y bithouyte in thin heestis; whiche Y louede. 48 And Y reiside myn hondis to thi comaundementis, whiche Y louede; and Y schal be excercisid in thi iustifiyngis. 49 Lord, haue thou mynde on thi word to thi seruaunt; in which word thou hast youe hope to me. 50 This coumfortide me in my lownesse; for thi word quikenede me. 51 Proude men diden wickidli bi alle thingis; but Y bowide not awei fro thi lawe. 52 Lord, Y was myndeful on thi domes fro the world; and Y was coumfortid. 53 Failing helde me; for synneris forsakinge thi lawe. 54 Thi iustifiyngis weren delitable to me to be sungun; in the place of my pilgrimage. 55 Lord, Y hadde mynde of thi name bi niyt; and Y kepte thi lawe. 56 This thing was maad to me; for Y souyte thi iustifiyngis. 57 Lord, my part; Y seide to kepe thi lawe. 58 I bisouyte thi face in al myn herte; haue thou merci on me bi thi speche. 59 I bithouyte my weies; and Y turnede my feet in to thi witnessyngis. 60 I am redi, and Y am not disturblid; to kepe thi comaundementis. 61 The coordis of synneris han biclippid me; and Y haue not foryete thi lawe. 62 At mydnyyt Y roos to knouleche to thee; on the domes of thi iustifiyngis. 63 I am parcener of alle that dreden thee; and kepen thin heestis. 64 Lord, the erthe is ful of thi merci; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 65 Lord, thou hast do goodnesse with thi seruaunt; bi thi word. 66 Teche thou me goodnesse, and loore, and kunnyng; for Y bileuede to thin heestis. 67 Bifor that Y was maad meke, Y trespasside; therfor Y kepte thi speche. 68 Thou art good; and in thi goodnesse teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 69 The wickidnesse of hem that ben proude, is multiplied on me; but in al myn herte Y schal seke thin heestis. 70 The herte of hem is cruddid as mylk; but Y bithouyte thi lawe. 71 It is good to me, that thou hast maad me meke; that Y lerne thi iustifiyngis. 72 The lawe of thi mouth is betere to me; than thousyndis of gold and of siluer. 73 Thin hondis maden me, and fourmeden me; yyue thou vndurstondyng to me, that Y lerne thin heestis. 74 Thei that dreden thee schulen se me, and schulen be glad; for Y hopide more on thi wordis. 75 Lord, Y knewe, that thi domes ben equite; and in thi treuth thou hast maad me meke. 76 Thi merci be maad, that it coumforte me; bi thi speche to thi seruaunt. 77 Thi merciful doyngis come to me, and Y schal lyue; for thi lawe is my thenkyng. 78 Thei that ben proude be schent, for vniustli thei diden wickidnesse ayens me; but Y schal be exercisid in thin heestis. 79 Thei that dreden thee be turned to me; and thei that knowen thi witnessyngis. 80 Myn herte be maad vnwemmed in thi iustifiyngis; that Y be not schent. 81 Mi soule failide in to thin helthe; and Y hopide more on thi word. 82 Myn iyen failiden in to thi speche; seiynge, Whanne schalt thou coumforte me? 83 For Y am maad as a bowge in frost; Y haue not foryete thi iustifiyngis. 84 Hou many ben the daies of thi seruaunt; whanne thou schalt make doom of hem that pursuen me? 85 Wickid men telden to me ianglyngis; but not as thi lawe. 86 Alle thi comaundementis ben treuthe; wickid men han pursued me, helpe thou me. 87 Almeest thei endiden me in erthe; but I forsook not thi comaundementis. 88 Bi thi mersi quikene thou me; and Y schal kepe the witnessingis of thi mouth. 89 Lord, thi word dwellith in heuene; with outen ende. 90 Thi treuthe dwellith in generacioun, and in to generacioun; thou hast foundid the erthe, and it dwellith. 91 The dai lastith contynueli bi thi ordynaunce; for alle thingis seruen to thee. 92 No but that thi lawe was my thenking; thanne perauenture Y hadde perischid in my lownesse. 93 With outen ende Y schal not foryete thi iustifiyngis; for in tho thou hast quikened me. 94 I am thin, make thou me saaf; for Y haue souyt thi iustifiyngis. 95 Synneris aboden me, for to leese me; Y vndurstood thi witnessingis. 96 I siy the ende of al ende; thi comaundement is ful large. 97 Lord, hou louede Y thi lawe; al dai it is my thenking. 98 Aboue myn enemyes thou madist me prudent bi thi comaundement; for it is to me with outen ende. 99 I vndurstood aboue alle men techinge me; for thi witnessingis is my thenking. 100 I vndirstood aboue eelde men; for Y souyte thi comaundementis. 101 I forbeed my feet fro al euel weie; that Y kepe thi wordis. 102 I bowide not fro thi domes; for thou hast set lawe to me. 103 Thi spechis ben ful swete to my cheekis; aboue hony to my mouth. 104 I vnderstood of thin heestis; therfor Y hatide al the weie of wickidnesse. 105 Thi word is a lanterne to my feet; and liyt to my pathis. 106 I swoor, and purposide stidefastli; to kepe the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 107 I am maad low bi alle thingis; Lord, quykene thou me bi thi word. 108 Lord, make thou wel plesinge the wilful thingis of my mouth; and teche thou me thi domes. 109 Mi soule is euere in myn hondis; and Y foryat not thi lawe. 110 Synneris settiden a snare to me; and Y erride not fro thi comaundementis. 111 I purchasside thi witnessyngis bi eritage with outen ende; for tho ben the ful ioiyng of myn herte. 112 I bowide myn herte to do thi iustifiyngis with outen ende; for reward. 113 I hatide wickid men; and Y louede thi lawe. 114 Thou art myn helpere, and my `taker vp; and Y hopide more on thi word. 115 Ye wickide men, bowe awei fro me; and Y schal seke the comaundementis of my God. 116 Vp take thou me bi thi word, and Y schal lyue; and schende thou not me fro myn abydyng. 117 Helpe thou me, and Y schal be saaf; and Y schal bithenke euere in thi iustifiyngis. 118 Thou hast forsake alle men goynge awey fro thi domes; for the thouyt of hem is vniust. 119 I arettide alle the synneris of erthe brekeris of the lawe; therfor Y louede thi witnessyngis. 120 Naile thou my fleischis with thi drede; for Y dredde of thi domes. 121 I dide doom and riytwisnesse; bitake thou not me to hem that falsli chalengen me. 122 Take vp thi seruaunt in to goodnesse; thei that ben proude chalenge not me. 123 Myn iyen failiden in to thin helthe; and in to the speche of thi riytfulnesse. 124 Do thou with thi seruaunt bi thi merci; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 125 I am thi seruaunt, yyue thou vndurstondyng to me; that Y kunne thi witnessingis. 126 Lord, it is tyme to do; thei han distried thi lawe. 127 Therfor Y louede thi comaundementis; more than gold and topazion. 128 Therfor Y was dressid to alle thin heestis; Y hatide al wickid weie. 129 Lord, thi witnessingis ben wondirful; therfor my soule souyte tho. 130 Declaring of thi wordis liytneth; and yyueth vnderstonding to meke men. 131 I openede my mouth, and drouy the spirit; for Y desiride thi comaundementis. 132 Biholde thou on me, and haue merci on me; bi the dom of hem that louen thi name. 133 Dresse thou my goyingis bi thi speche; that al vnriytfulnesse haue not lordschip on me. 134 Ayeyn bie thou me fro the false chalengis of men; that Y kepe thin heestis. 135 Liytne thi face on thi seruaunt; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 136 Myn iyen ledden forth the outgoynges of watris; for thei kepten not thi lawe. 137 Lord, thou art iust; and thi dom is riytful. 138 Thou hast comaundid riytfulnesse, thi witnessingis; and thi treuthe greetli to be kept. 139 Mi feruent loue made me to be meltid; for myn enemys foryaten thi wordis. 140 Thi speche is greetli enflawmed; and thi seruaunt louede it. 141 I am yong, and dispisid; Y foryat not thi iustifiyngis. 142 Lord, thi riytfulnesse is riytfulnesse with outen ende; and thi lawe is treuthe. 143 Tribulacioun and angwische founden me; thin heestis is my thenking. 144 Thi witnessyngis is equite with outen ende; yyue thou vndirstondyng to me, and Y schal lyue. 145 I criede in al myn herte, Lord, here thou me; and Y schal seke thi iustifiyngis. 146 I criede to thee, make thou me saaf; that Y kepe thi comaundementis. 147 I bifor cam in ripenesse, and Y criede; Y hopide aboue on thi wordis. 148 Myn iyen bifor camen to thee ful eerli; that Y schulde bithenke thi speches. 149 Lord, here thou my vois bi thi merci; and quykene thou me bi thi doom. 150 Thei that pursuen me neiyden to wickidnesse; forsothe thei ben maad fer fro thi lawe. 151 Lord, thou art nyy; and alle thi weies ben treuthe. 152 In the bigynnyng Y knewe of thi witnessingis; for thou hast foundid tho with outen ende. 153 Se thou my mekenesse, and delyuere thou me; for Y foryat not thi lawe. 154 Deme thou my dom, and ayenbie thou me; quikene thou me for thi speche. 155 Heelthe is fer fro synners; for thei souyten not thi iustifiyngis. 156 Lord, thi mercies ben manye; quykene thou me bi thi dom. 157 Thei ben manye that pursuen me, and doen tribulacioun to me; Y bowide not awei fro thi witnessingis. 158 I siy brekers of the lawe, and Y was meltid; for thei kepten not thi spechis. 159 Lord, se thou, for Y louede thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thi merci. 160 The bigynnyng of thi wordis is treuthe; alle the domes of thi riytwisnesse ben withouten ende. 161 Princes pursueden me with outen cause; and my herte dredde of thi wordis. 162 I schal be glad on thi spechis; as he that fyndith many spuylis. 163 I hatide and wlatide wickidnesse; forsothe Y louede thi lawe. 164 I seide heriyngis to thee seuene sithis in the dai; on the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 165 Miche pees is to hem that louen thi lawe; and no sclaundir is to hem. 166 Lord, Y abood thin heelthe; and Y louede thin heestis. 167 Mi soule kepte thi witnessyngis; and louede tho greetli. 168 I kepte thi `comaundementis, and thi witnessingis; for alle my weies ben in thi siyt. 169 Lord, my biseching come niy in thi siyt; bi thi speche yyue thou vndurstonding to me. 170 Myn axing entre in thi siyt; bi thi speche delyuere thou me. 171 Mi lippis schulen telle out an ympne; whanne thou hast tauyte me thi iustifiyngis. 172 Mi tunge schal pronounce thi speche; for whi alle thi comaundementis ben equite. 173 Thin hond be maad, that it saue me; for Y haue chose thin heestis. 174 Lord, Y coueitide thin heelthe; and thi lawe is my thenking. 175 Mi soule schal lyue, and schal herie thee; and thi domes schulen helpe me. 176 I erride as a scheep that perischide; Lord, seke thi seruaunt, for Y foryat not thi comaundementis. 119 1 The `title of the hundrid and nyntenthe salm. The song of greces. Whanne Y was set in tribulacioun, Y criede to the Lord; and he herde me. 2 Lord, delyuere thou my soule fro wickid lippis; and fro a gileful tunge. 3 What schal be youun to thee, ether what schal be leid to thee; to a gileful tunge? 4 Scharpe arowis of the myyti; with colis that maken desolat. 5 Allas to me! for my dwelling in an alien lond is maad long, Y dwellide with men dwellinge in Cedar; my soule was myche a comelyng. 6 I was pesible with hem that hatiden pees; 7 whanne Y spak to hem, thei ayenseiden me with outen cause.