Micah 4:10-13

Wycliffe(i) 10 Thou douyter of Sion, make sorewe, and haaste, as a womman trauelynge of child; for now thou schalt go out of the citee, and schalt dwelle in cuntree, and schalt come `til to Babiloyne; there thou schalt be delyuered, there the Lord schal ayen bie thee, fro the hond of thin enemyes. 11 And now many folkis ben gaderid on thee, whiche seien, Be it stonyd, and oure iye biholde in to Sion. 12 Forsothe thei knewen not the thouytis of the Lord, and vndurstoden not the councel of hym, for he gaderide hem as the hei of feeld. 13 Rise thou, douyter of Sion, and threische, for Y schal putte thin horn of irun, and Y schal putte thi nailis brasun; and thou schalt make lesse, ether waste, many puplis, and schalt sle to the Lord the raueyns of hem, and the strengthe of hem to the Lord of al erthe.