John 9:25-38

Wycliffe(i) 25 Thanne he seide, If he is a synnere, Y woot neuer; o thing Y woot, that whanne Y was blynd, now Y se. 26 Therfor thei seiden to hym, What dide he to thee? hou openyde he thin iyen? 27 He answerde to hem, Y seide to you now, and ye herden; what wolen ye eftsoone here? whether ye wolen be maad hise discyplis? 28 Therfor thei cursiden hym, and seiden, Be thou his disciple; we ben disciplis of Moises. 29 We witen, that God spak to Moises; but we knowen not this, of whennus he is. 30 Thilke man answeride, and seide to hem, For in this is a wondurful thing, that ye witen not, of whennus he is, and he hath openyd myn iyen. 31 And we witen, that God herith not synful men, but if ony `man is worschypere of God, and doith his wille, he herith hym. 32 Fro the world it is not herd, that ony man openyde the iyen of a blynd borun man; but this were of God, 33 he myyt not do ony thing. 34 Thei answeriden, and seiden to hym, Thou art al borun in synnes, and techist thou vs? And thei putten hym out. 35 Jhesus herd, that thei hadden putte hym out; and whanne he hadde founde hym, he seide to hym, Bileuest thou in the sone of God? 36 He answerde, and seide, Lord, who is he, that Y bileue in hym? 37 And Jhesus seide to hym, And thou hast seyn him, and he it is, that spekith with thee. 38 And he seide, Lord, Y byleue. And he felle doun, and worschipide hym.