John 12:37-41

Wycliffe(i) 37 And whanne he hadde don so many myraclis bifor hem, thei bileueden not `in to hym; 38 that the word of Ysaie, the prophete, schulde be fulfillid, which he seide, Lord, who bileuede to oure heryng, and to whom is the arm of the Lord schewid? 39 Therfor thei myyten not bileue, for eft Ysaye seide, 40 He hath blyndid her iyen, and he hath maad hard the herte of hem, that thei se not with iyen, and vndurstonde with herte; and that thei be conuertid, and Y heele hem. 41 Ysaye seide these thingis, whanne he say the glorie of hym, and spak of hym.