Genesis 30:5-24

Wycliffe(i) 5 and whanne the hosebonde hadde entrid to hir, sche conseyuede, and childide a sone. 6 And Rachel seide, the Lord demede to me, and herde my preier, and yaf a sone to me; and therfor sche clepide his name Dan. 7 And eft Bala conseyuede, and childide anothir sone, 8 for whom Rachel seide, The Lord hath maad me lijk to my sistir, and Y wexide strong; and sche clepide hym Neptalym. 9 Lya feelide that sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to the hosebonde. 10 And whanne Selfa aftir conseyuyng childide a sone, Lya seide, Blessidly; 11 and therfor sche clepide his name Gad. 12 Also Selfa childide anothir sone, 13 and Lia seide, This is for my blis, for alle wymmen schulen seie me blessid; therfor sche clepide hym Aser. 14 Forsothe Ruben yede out in to the feeld in the tyme of wheete heruest, and foond mandragis, whiche he brouyte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel seide, Yyue thou to me a part of the mandragis of thi sone. 15 Lya answeride, Whether it semeth litil to thee, that thou hast rauyschid the hosebonde fro me, no but thou take also the mandragis of my sone? Rachel seide, The hosebonde sleepe with thee in this nyyt for the mandragis of thi sone. 16 And whanne Jacob cam ayen fro the feeld at euentid, Lya yede out in to his comyng, and seide, Thou shalt entre to me, for Y haue hired thee with hire for the mandragis of my sone. He slepte with hir in that nyyt; 17 and God herde hir preiers, and sche conseyuede, and childide the fyuethe sone; 18 and seide, God yaf meede to me, for Y yaf myn handmayde to myn hosebond; and sche clepide his name Isacar. 19 Eft Lia conseyuede, and childide the sixte sone, 20 and seide, The Lord hath maad me riche with a good dower, also in this tyme myn hosebonde schal be with me, for Y childide sixe sones to hym; and therfore sche clepide his name Sabulon. 21 Aftir whom sche childide a douyter, Dyna bi name. 22 Also the Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, and openyde hir wombe. 23 And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, God hath take a wey my schenschipe; and sche clepid his name Joseph, 24 and seide, The Lord yyue to me another sone.